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synced 2024-12-28 22:13:08 +00:00
switch to ahash for HashMaps and HashSets via a new bevy_utils crate
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208 lines
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mod convert;
use crate::{CalculatedSize, Node, Style};
use bevy_ecs::{Changed, Entity, Query, Res, ResMut, With, Without};
use bevy_math::Vec2;
use bevy_transform::prelude::{Children, LocalTransform, Parent};
use bevy_utils::HashMap;
use bevy_window::{Window, WindowId, Windows};
use stretch::{number::Number, Stretch};
pub struct FlexSurface {
entity_to_stretch: HashMap<Entity, stretch::node::Node>,
window_nodes: HashMap<WindowId, stretch::node::Node>,
stretch: Stretch,
impl Default for FlexSurface {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
entity_to_stretch: Default::default(),
window_nodes: Default::default(),
stretch: Stretch::new(),
impl FlexSurface {
pub fn upsert_node(&mut self, entity: Entity, style: &Style) {
let mut added = false;
let stretch = &mut self.stretch;
let stretch_style = style.into();
let stretch_node = self.entity_to_stretch.entry(entity).or_insert_with(|| {
added = true;
stretch.new_node(stretch_style, Vec::new()).unwrap()
if !added {
.set_style(*stretch_node, stretch_style)
pub fn upsert_leaf(&mut self, entity: Entity, style: &Style, calculated_size: CalculatedSize) {
let stretch = &mut self.stretch;
let stretch_style = style.into();
let measure = Box::new(move |constraints: stretch::geometry::Size<Number>| {
let mut size = stretch::geometry::Size {
width: calculated_size.size.width,
height: calculated_size.size.height,
match (constraints.width, constraints.height) {
(Number::Undefined, Number::Undefined) => {}
(Number::Defined(width), Number::Undefined) => {
size.height = width * size.height / size.width;
size.width = width;
(Number::Undefined, Number::Defined(height)) => {
size.width = height * size.width / size.height;
size.height = height;
(Number::Defined(width), Number::Defined(height)) => {
size.width = width;
size.height = height;
if let Some(stretch_node) = self.entity_to_stretch.get(&entity) {
.set_style(*stretch_node, stretch_style)
.set_measure(*stretch_node, Some(measure))
} else {
let stretch_node = stretch.new_leaf(stretch_style, measure).unwrap();
self.entity_to_stretch.insert(entity, stretch_node);
pub fn update_children(&mut self, entity: Entity, children: &Children) {
let mut stretch_children = Vec::with_capacity(children.len());
for child in children.iter() {
let stretch_node = self.entity_to_stretch.get(child).unwrap();
let stretch_node = self.entity_to_stretch.get(&entity).unwrap();
.set_children(*stretch_node, stretch_children)
pub fn update_window(&mut self, window: &Window) {
let stretch = &mut self.stretch;
let node = self.window_nodes.entry(window.id).or_insert_with(|| {
.new_node(stretch::style::Style::default(), Vec::new())
stretch::style::Style {
size: stretch::geometry::Size {
width: stretch::style::Dimension::Points(window.width as f32),
height: stretch::style::Dimension::Points(window.height as f32),
pub fn set_window_children(
&mut self,
window_id: WindowId,
children: impl Iterator<Item = Entity>,
) {
let stretch_node = self.window_nodes.get(&window_id).unwrap();
let child_nodes = children
.map(|e| *self.entity_to_stretch.get(&e).unwrap())
.set_children(*stretch_node, child_nodes)
pub fn compute_window_layouts(&mut self) {
for window_node in self.window_nodes.values() {
.compute_layout(*window_node, stretch::geometry::Size::undefined())
pub fn get_layout(&self, entity: Entity) -> Result<&stretch::result::Layout, stretch::Error> {
let stretch_node = self.entity_to_stretch.get(&entity).unwrap();
// SAFE: as long as MeasureFunc is Send + Sync. https://github.com/vislyhq/stretch/issues/69
unsafe impl Send for FlexSurface {}
unsafe impl Sync for FlexSurface {}
pub fn flex_node_system(
windows: Res<Windows>,
mut flex_surface: ResMut<FlexSurface>,
mut root_node_query: Query<With<Node, Without<Parent, Entity>>>,
mut node_query: Query<With<Node, (Entity, Changed<Style>, Option<&CalculatedSize>)>>,
mut changed_size_query: Query<With<Node, (Entity, &Style, Changed<CalculatedSize>)>>,
mut children_query: Query<With<Node, (Entity, Changed<Children>)>>,
mut node_transform_query: Query<(Entity, &mut Node, &mut LocalTransform, Option<&Parent>)>,
) {
// update window root nodes
for window in windows.iter() {
// update changed nodes
for (entity, style, calculated_size) in &mut node_query.iter() {
// TODO: remove node from old hierarchy if its root has changed
if let Some(calculated_size) = calculated_size {
flex_surface.upsert_leaf(entity, &style, *calculated_size);
} else {
flex_surface.upsert_node(entity, &style);
for (entity, style, calculated_size) in &mut changed_size_query.iter() {
flex_surface.upsert_leaf(entity, &style, *calculated_size);
// TODO: handle removed nodes
// update window children (for now assuming all Nodes live in the primary window)
if let Some(primary_window) = windows.get_primary() {
flex_surface.set_window_children(primary_window.id, root_node_query.iter().iter());
// update children
for (entity, children) in &mut children_query.iter() {
flex_surface.update_children(entity, &children);
// compute layouts
for (entity, mut node, mut local, parent) in &mut node_transform_query.iter() {
let layout = flex_surface.get_layout(entity).unwrap();
node.size = Vec2::new(layout.size.width, layout.size.height);
let mut position = local.w_axis();
position.set_x(layout.location.x + layout.size.width / 2.0);
position.set_y(layout.location.y + layout.size.height / 2.0);
if let Some(parent) = parent {
if let Ok(parent_layout) = flex_surface.get_layout(parent.0) {
*position.x_mut() -= parent_layout.size.width / 2.0;
*position.y_mut() -= parent_layout.size.height / 2.0;