ickshonpe 9eefd7c022 Remove VerticalAlign from TextAlignment (#6807)
# Objective

Remove the `VerticalAlign` enum.

Text's alignment field should only affect the text's internal text alignment, not its position. The only way to control a `TextBundle`'s position and bounds should be through the manipulation of the constraints in the `Style` components of the nodes in the Bevy UI's layout tree.

 `Text2dBundle` should have a separate `Anchor` component that sets its position relative to its transform.

Related issues: #676, #1490, #5502, #5513, #5834, #6717, #6724, #6741, #6748

## Changelog
* Changed `TextAlignment` into an enum with `Left`, `Center`, and `Right` variants.
* Removed the `HorizontalAlign` and `VerticalAlign` types.
* Added an `Anchor` component to `Text2dBundle`
* Added `Component` derive to `Anchor`
* Use `f32::INFINITY` instead of `f32::MAX` to represent unbounded text in Text2dBounds

## Migration Guide
The `alignment` field of `Text` now only affects the text's internal alignment.

### Change `TextAlignment` to TextAlignment` which is now an enum. Replace:
  * `TextAlignment::TOP_LEFT`, `TextAlignment::CENTER_LEFT`, `TextAlignment::BOTTOM_LEFT` with `TextAlignment::Left`
  * `TextAlignment::TOP_CENTER`, `TextAlignment::CENTER_LEFT`, `TextAlignment::BOTTOM_CENTER` with `TextAlignment::Center`
  * `TextAlignment::TOP_RIGHT`, `TextAlignment::CENTER_RIGHT`, `TextAlignment::BOTTOM_RIGHT` with `TextAlignment::Right`

### Changes for `Text2dBundle`
`Text2dBundle` has a new field 'text_anchor' that takes an `Anchor` component that controls its position relative to its transform.
2023-01-18 02:19:17 +00:00

91 lines
2.7 KiB

//! How to use an external thread to run an infinite task and communicate with a channel.
use bevy::prelude::*;
// Using crossbeam_channel instead of std as std `Receiver` is `!Sync`
use crossbeam_channel::{bounded, Receiver};
use rand::Rng;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
fn main() {
#[derive(Resource, Deref)]
struct StreamReceiver(Receiver<u32>);
struct StreamEvent(u32);
#[derive(Resource, Deref)]
struct LoadedFont(Handle<Font>);
fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
let (tx, rx) = bounded::<u32>(10);
std::thread::spawn(move || loop {
// Everything here happens in another thread
// This is where you could connect to an external data source
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let start_time = Instant::now();
let duration = Duration::from_secs_f32(rng.gen_range(0.0..0.2));
while start_time.elapsed() < duration {
// Spinning for 'duration', simulating doing hard work!
// This system reads from the receiver and sends events to Bevy
fn read_stream(receiver: Res<StreamReceiver>, mut events: EventWriter<StreamEvent>) {
for from_stream in receiver.try_iter() {
fn spawn_text(
mut commands: Commands,
mut reader: EventReader<StreamEvent>,
loaded_font: Res<LoadedFont>,
) {
let text_style = TextStyle {
font: loaded_font.clone(),
font_size: 20.0,
color: Color::WHITE,
for (per_frame, event) in reader.iter().enumerate() {
commands.spawn(Text2dBundle {
text: Text::from_section(event.0.to_string(), text_style.clone())
transform: Transform::from_xyz(
per_frame as f32 * 100.0 + rand::thread_rng().gen_range(-40.0..40.0),
fn move_text(
mut commands: Commands,
mut texts: Query<(Entity, &mut Transform), With<Text>>,
time: Res<Time>,
) {
for (entity, mut position) in &mut texts {
position.translation -= Vec3::new(0.0, 100.0 * time.delta_seconds(), 0.0);
if position.translation.y < -300.0 {