ickshonpe 100767560f Make clipped areas of UI nodes non-interactive (#10454)
# Objective


* The clipped, non-visible regions of UI nodes are interactive.
* `RelativeCursorPostion` is set relative to the visible part of the
node. It should be relative to the whole node.
* The `RelativeCursorPostion::mouse_over` method returns `true` when the
mouse is over a clipped part of a node.

fixes #10470

## Solution

Intersect a node's bounding rect with its clipping rect before checking
if it contains the cursor.

Added the field `normalized_visible_node_rect` to
`RelativeCursorPosition`. This is set to the bounds of the unclipped
area of the node rect by `ui_focus_system` expressed in normalized
coordinates relative to the entire node.

Instead of checking if the normalized cursor position lies within a unit
square, it instead checks if it is contained by

Added outlines to the `overflow` example that appear when the cursor is
over the visible part of the images, but not the clipped area.


## Changelog

* `ui_focus_system` intersects a node's bounding rect with its clipping
rect before checking if mouse over.
* Added the field `normalized_visible_node_rect` to
`RelativeCursorPosition`. This is set to the bounds of the unclipped
area of the node rect by `ui_focus_system` expressed in normalized
coordinates relative to the entire node.
* `RelativeCursorPostion` is calculated relative to the whole node's
position and size, not only the visible part.
* `RelativeCursorPosition::mouse_over` only returns true when the mouse
is over an unclipped region of the UI node.
* Removed the `Deref` and `DerefMut` derives from
`RelativeCursorPosition` as it is no longer a single field struct.
* Added some outlines to the `overflow` example that respond to
`Interaction` changes.

## Migration Guide

The clipped areas of UI nodes are no longer interactive.

`RelativeCursorPostion` is now calculated relative to the whole node's
position and size, not only the visible part. Its `mouse_over` method
only returns true when the cursor is over an unclipped part of the node.

`RelativeCursorPosition` no longer implements `Deref` and `DerefMut`.
2023-11-29 16:53:01 -08:00

125 lines
5 KiB

//! Simple example demonstrating overflow behavior.
use bevy::{prelude::*, winit::WinitSettings};
fn main() {
// Only run the app when there is user input. This will significantly reduce CPU/GPU use.
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
.add_systems(Update, update_outlines)
fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
let text_style = TextStyle {
font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraMono-Medium.ttf"),
font_size: 20.0,
let image = asset_server.load("branding/icon.png");
.spawn(NodeBundle {
style: Style {
width: Val::Percent(100.),
height: Val::Percent(100.),
align_items: AlignItems::Center,
justify_content: JustifyContent::Center,
background_color: Color::ANTIQUE_WHITE.into(),
.with_children(|parent| {
for overflow in [
] {
.spawn(NodeBundle {
style: Style {
flex_direction: FlexDirection::Column,
align_items: AlignItems::Center,
margin: UiRect::horizontal(Val::Px(25.)),
.with_children(|parent| {
let label = format!("{overflow:#?}");
.spawn(NodeBundle {
style: Style {
padding: UiRect::all(Val::Px(10.)),
margin: UiRect::bottom(Val::Px(25.)),
background_color: Color::DARK_GRAY.into(),
.with_children(|parent| {
parent.spawn(TextBundle {
text: Text::from_section(label, text_style.clone()),
.spawn(NodeBundle {
style: Style {
width: Val::Px(100.),
height: Val::Px(100.),
padding: UiRect {
left: Val::Px(25.),
top: Val::Px(25.),
background_color: Color::GRAY.into(),
.with_children(|parent| {
ImageBundle {
image: UiImage::new(image.clone()),
style: Style {
min_width: Val::Px(100.),
min_height: Val::Px(100.),
background_color: Color::WHITE.into(),
Outline {
width: Val::Px(2.),
offset: Val::Px(2.),
color: Color::NONE,
fn update_outlines(mut outlines_query: Query<(&mut Outline, Ref<Interaction>)>) {
for (mut outline, interaction) in outlines_query.iter_mut() {
if interaction.is_changed() {
outline.color = match *interaction {
Interaction::Pressed => Color::RED,
Interaction::Hovered => Color::WHITE,
Interaction::None => Color::NONE,