Félix Lescaudey de Maneville e0c296ee14
Optional ImageScaleMode (#11780)
> Follow up to #11600 and #10588 

@mockersf expressed some [valid
about the current system this PR attempts to fix:

The `ComputedTextureSlices` reacts to asset change in both `bevy_sprite`
and `bevy_ui`, meaning that if the `ImageScaleMode` is inserted by
default in the bundles, we will iterate through most 2d items every time
an asset is updated.

# Solution

- `ImageScaleMode` only has two variants: `Sliced` and `Tiled`. I
removed the `Stretched` default
- `ImageScaleMode` is no longer part of any bundle, but the relevant
bundles explain that this additional component can be inserted

This way, the *absence* of `ImageScaleMode` means the image will be
stretched, and its *presence* will include the entity to the various
slicing systems

Optional components in bundles would make this more straigthfoward

# Additional work

Should I add new bundles with the `ImageScaleMode` component ?
2024-02-09 20:36:32 +00:00

50 lines
1.3 KiB

//! Displays a single [`Sprite`] tiled in a grid, with a scaling animation
use bevy::prelude::*;
fn main() {
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
.add_systems(Update, animate)
struct AnimationState {
min: f32,
max: f32,
current: f32,
speed: f32,
fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
commands.insert_resource(AnimationState {
min: 128.0,
max: 512.0,
current: 128.0,
speed: 50.0,
SpriteBundle {
texture: asset_server.load("branding/icon.png"),
ImageScaleMode::Tiled {
tile_x: true,
tile_y: true,
stretch_value: 0.5, // The image will tile every 128px
fn animate(mut sprites: Query<&mut Sprite>, mut state: ResMut<AnimationState>, time: Res<Time>) {
if state.current >= state.max || state.current <= state.min {
state.speed = -state.speed;
state.current += state.speed * time.delta_seconds();
for mut sprite in &mut sprites {
sprite.custom_size = Some(Vec2::splat(state.current));