Jakob Hellermann e71c4d2802 fix nightly clippy warnings (#6395)
# Objective

- fix new clippy lints before they get stable and break CI

## Solution

- run `clippy --fix` to auto-fix machine-applicable lints
- silence `clippy::should_implement_trait` for `fn HandleId::default<T: Asset>`

## Changes
- always prefer `format!("{inline}")` over `format!("{}", not_inline)`
- prefer `Box::default` (or `Box::<T>::default` if necessary) over `Box::new(T::default())`
2022-10-28 21:03:01 +00:00

273 lines
7.9 KiB

//! Loads animations from a skinned glTF, spawns many of them, and plays the
//! animation to stress test skinned meshes.
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use bevy::{
diagnostic::{FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin, LogDiagnosticsPlugin},
struct Foxes {
count: usize,
speed: f32,
moving: bool,
fn main() {
.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin {
window: WindowDescriptor {
title: "🦊🦊🦊 Many Foxes! 🦊🦊🦊".to_string(),
present_mode: PresentMode::AutoNoVsync,
.insert_resource(Foxes {
count: std::env::args()
.map_or(1000, |s| s.parse::<usize>().unwrap()),
speed: 2.0,
moving: true,
.insert_resource(AmbientLight {
color: Color::WHITE,
brightness: 1.0,
struct Animations(Vec<Handle<AnimationClip>>);
const RING_SPACING: f32 = 2.0;
const FOX_SPACING: f32 = 2.0;
#[derive(Component, Clone, Copy)]
enum RotationDirection {
impl RotationDirection {
fn sign(&self) -> f32 {
match self {
RotationDirection::CounterClockwise => 1.0,
RotationDirection::Clockwise => -1.0,
struct Ring {
radius: f32,
fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
foxes: Res<Foxes>,
) {
// Insert a resource with the current scene information
// Foxes
// Concentric rings of foxes, running in opposite directions. The rings are spaced at 2m radius intervals.
// The foxes in each ring are spaced at least 2m apart around its circumference.'
// NOTE: This fox model faces +z
let fox_handle = asset_server.load("models/animated/Fox.glb#Scene0");
let ring_directions = [
(Quat::IDENTITY, RotationDirection::Clockwise),
let mut ring_index = 0;
let mut radius = RING_SPACING;
let mut foxes_remaining = foxes.count;
info!("Spawning {} foxes...", foxes.count);
while foxes_remaining > 0 {
let (base_rotation, ring_direction) = ring_directions[ring_index % 2];
let ring_parent = commands
Ring { radius },
let circumference = PI * 2. * radius;
let foxes_in_ring = ((circumference / FOX_SPACING) as usize).min(foxes_remaining);
let fox_spacing_angle = circumference / (foxes_in_ring as f32 * radius);
for fox_i in 0..foxes_in_ring {
let fox_angle = fox_i as f32 * fox_spacing_angle;
let (s, c) = fox_angle.sin_cos();
let (x, z) = (radius * c, radius * s);
commands.entity(ring_parent).with_children(|builder| {
builder.spawn(SceneBundle {
scene: fox_handle.clone(),
transform: Transform::from_xyz(x, 0.0, z)
.with_rotation(base_rotation * Quat::from_rotation_y(-fox_angle)),
foxes_remaining -= foxes_in_ring;
radius += RING_SPACING;
ring_index += 1;
// Camera
let zoom = 0.8;
let translation = Vec3::new(
radius * 1.25 * zoom,
radius * 0.5 * zoom,
radius * 1.5 * zoom,
commands.spawn(Camera3dBundle {
transform: Transform::from_translation(translation)
.looking_at(0.2 * Vec3::new(translation.x, 0.0, translation.z), Vec3::Y),
// Plane
commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Mesh::from(shape::Plane { size: 500000.0 })),
material: materials.add(Color::rgb(0.3, 0.5, 0.3).into()),
// Light
commands.spawn(DirectionalLightBundle {
transform: Transform::from_rotation(Quat::from_euler(EulerRot::ZYX, 0.0, 1.0, -PI / 4.)),
directional_light: DirectionalLight {
shadows_enabled: true,
println!("Animation controls:");
println!(" - spacebar: play / pause");
println!(" - arrow up / down: speed up / slow down animation playback");
println!(" - arrow left / right: seek backward / forward");
println!(" - return: change animation");
// Once the scene is loaded, start the animation
fn setup_scene_once_loaded(
animations: Res<Animations>,
foxes: Res<Foxes>,
mut player: Query<&mut AnimationPlayer>,
mut done: Local<bool>,
) {
if !*done && player.iter().len() == foxes.count {
for mut player in &mut player {[0].clone_weak()).repeat();
*done = true;
fn update_fox_rings(
time: Res<Time>,
foxes: Res<Foxes>,
mut rings: Query<(&Ring, &RotationDirection, &mut Transform)>,
) {
if !foxes.moving {
let dt = time.delta_seconds();
for (ring, rotation_direction, mut transform) in &mut rings {
let angular_velocity = foxes.speed / ring.radius;
transform.rotate_y(rotation_direction.sign() * angular_velocity * dt);
fn keyboard_animation_control(
keyboard_input: Res<Input<KeyCode>>,
mut animation_player: Query<&mut AnimationPlayer>,
animations: Res<Animations>,
mut current_animation: Local<usize>,
mut foxes: ResMut<Foxes>,
) {
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
foxes.moving = !foxes.moving;
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Up) {
foxes.speed *= 1.25;
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Down) {
foxes.speed *= 0.8;
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Return) {
*current_animation = (*current_animation + 1) % animations.0.len();
for mut player in &mut animation_player {
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
if player.is_paused() {
} else {
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Up) {
let speed = player.speed();
player.set_speed(speed * 1.25);
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Down) {
let speed = player.speed();
player.set_speed(speed * 0.8);
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Left) {
let elapsed = player.elapsed();
player.set_elapsed(elapsed - 0.1);
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Right) {
let elapsed = player.elapsed();
player.set_elapsed(elapsed + 0.1);
if keyboard_input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Return) {