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synced 2025-02-18 15:08:36 +00:00
# Objective operate on naga IR directly to improve handling of shader modules. - give codespan reporting into imported modules - allow glsl to be used from wgsl and vice-versa the ultimate objective is to make it possible to - provide user hooks for core shader functions (to modify light behaviour within the standard pbr pipeline, for example) - make automatic binding slot allocation possible but ... since this is already big, adds some value and (i think) is at feature parity with the existing code, i wanted to push this now. ## Solution i made a crate called naga_oil (https://github.com/robtfm/naga_oil - unpublished for now, could be part of bevy) which manages modules by - building each module independantly to naga IR - creating "header" files for each supported language, which are used to build dependent modules/shaders - make final shaders by combining the shader IR with the IR for imported modules then integrated this into bevy, replacing some of the existing shader processing stuff. also reworked examples to reflect this. ## Migration Guide shaders that don't use `#import` directives should work without changes. the most notable user-facing difference is that imported functions/variables/etc need to be qualified at point of use, and there's no "leakage" of visible stuff into your shader scope from the imports of your imports, so if you used things imported by your imports, you now need to import them directly and qualify them. the current strategy of including/'spreading' `mesh_vertex_output` directly into a struct doesn't work any more, so these need to be modified as per the examples (e.g. color_material.wgsl, or many others). mesh data is assumed to be in bindgroup 2 by default, if mesh data is bound into bindgroup 1 instead then the shader def `MESH_BINDGROUP_1` needs to be added to the pipeline shader_defs.
365 lines
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365 lines
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//! This example shows how to manually render 2d items using "mid level render apis" with a custom
//! pipeline for 2d meshes.
//! It doesn't use the [`Material2d`] abstraction, but changes the vertex buffer to include vertex color.
//! Check out the "mesh2d" example for simpler / higher level 2d meshes.
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use bevy::{
mesh::{Indices, MeshVertexAttribute},
render_phase::{AddRenderCommand, DrawFunctions, RenderPhase, SetItemPipeline},
BlendState, ColorTargetState, ColorWrites, Face, FragmentState, FrontFace,
MultisampleState, PipelineCache, PolygonMode, PrimitiveState, PrimitiveTopology,
RenderPipelineDescriptor, SpecializedRenderPipeline, SpecializedRenderPipelines,
TextureFormat, VertexBufferLayout, VertexFormat, VertexState, VertexStepMode,
view::{ExtractedView, ViewTarget, VisibleEntities},
Extract, Render, RenderApp, RenderSet,
DrawMesh2d, Mesh2dHandle, Mesh2dPipeline, Mesh2dPipelineKey, Mesh2dUniform,
SetMesh2dBindGroup, SetMesh2dViewBindGroup,
fn main() {
.add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, ColoredMesh2dPlugin))
.add_systems(Startup, star)
fn star(
mut commands: Commands,
// We will add a new Mesh for the star being created
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
) {
// Let's define the mesh for the object we want to draw: a nice star.
// We will specify here what kind of topology is used to define the mesh,
// that is, how triangles are built from the vertices. We will use a
// triangle list, meaning that each vertex of the triangle has to be
// specified.
let mut star = Mesh::new(PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList);
// Vertices need to have a position attribute. We will use the following
// vertices (I hope you can spot the star in the schema).
// 1
// 10 2
// 9 0 3
// 8 4
// 6
// 7 5
// These vertices are specified in 3D space.
let mut v_pos = vec![[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]];
for i in 0..10 {
// The angle between each vertex is 1/10 of a full rotation.
let a = i as f32 * PI / 5.0;
// The radius of inner vertices (even indices) is 100. For outer vertices (odd indices) it's 200.
let r = (1 - i % 2) as f32 * 100.0 + 100.0;
// Add the vertex position.
v_pos.push([r * a.sin(), r * a.cos(), 0.0]);
// Set the position attribute
star.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, v_pos);
// And a RGB color attribute as well
let mut v_color: Vec<u32> = vec![Color::BLACK.as_linear_rgba_u32()];
v_color.extend_from_slice(&[Color::YELLOW.as_linear_rgba_u32(); 10]);
MeshVertexAttribute::new("Vertex_Color", 1, VertexFormat::Uint32),
// Now, we specify the indices of the vertex that are going to compose the
// triangles in our star. Vertices in triangles have to be specified in CCW
// winding (that will be the front face, colored). Since we are using
// triangle list, we will specify each triangle as 3 vertices
// First triangle: 0, 2, 1
// Second triangle: 0, 3, 2
// Third triangle: 0, 4, 3
// etc
// Last triangle: 0, 1, 10
let mut indices = vec![0, 1, 10];
for i in 2..=10 {
indices.extend_from_slice(&[0, i, i - 1]);
// We can now spawn the entities for the star and the camera
// We use a marker component to identify the custom colored meshes
// The `Handle<Mesh>` needs to be wrapped in a `Mesh2dHandle` to use 2d rendering instead of 3d
// This bundle's components are needed for something to be rendered
// Spawn the camera
/// A marker component for colored 2d meshes
#[derive(Component, Default)]
pub struct ColoredMesh2d;
/// Custom pipeline for 2d meshes with vertex colors
pub struct ColoredMesh2dPipeline {
/// this pipeline wraps the standard [`Mesh2dPipeline`]
mesh2d_pipeline: Mesh2dPipeline,
impl FromWorld for ColoredMesh2dPipeline {
fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self {
Self {
mesh2d_pipeline: Mesh2dPipeline::from_world(world),
// We implement `SpecializedPipeline` to customize the default rendering from `Mesh2dPipeline`
impl SpecializedRenderPipeline for ColoredMesh2dPipeline {
type Key = Mesh2dPipelineKey;
fn specialize(&self, key: Self::Key) -> RenderPipelineDescriptor {
// Customize how to store the meshes' vertex attributes in the vertex buffer
// Our meshes only have position and color
let formats = vec![
// Position
// Color
let vertex_layout =
VertexBufferLayout::from_vertex_formats(VertexStepMode::Vertex, formats);
let format = match key.contains(Mesh2dPipelineKey::HDR) {
true => ViewTarget::TEXTURE_FORMAT_HDR,
false => TextureFormat::bevy_default(),
RenderPipelineDescriptor {
vertex: VertexState {
// Use our custom shader
shader: COLORED_MESH2D_SHADER_HANDLE.typed::<Shader>(),
entry_point: "vertex".into(),
shader_defs: Vec::new(),
// Use our custom vertex buffer
buffers: vec![vertex_layout],
fragment: Some(FragmentState {
// Use our custom shader
shader: COLORED_MESH2D_SHADER_HANDLE.typed::<Shader>(),
shader_defs: Vec::new(),
entry_point: "fragment".into(),
targets: vec![Some(ColorTargetState {
blend: Some(BlendState::ALPHA_BLENDING),
write_mask: ColorWrites::ALL,
// Use the two standard uniforms for 2d meshes
layout: vec![
// Bind group 0 is the view uniform
// Bind group 1 is the mesh uniform
push_constant_ranges: Vec::new(),
primitive: PrimitiveState {
front_face: FrontFace::Ccw,
cull_mode: Some(Face::Back),
unclipped_depth: false,
polygon_mode: PolygonMode::Fill,
conservative: false,
topology: key.primitive_topology(),
strip_index_format: None,
depth_stencil: None,
multisample: MultisampleState {
count: key.msaa_samples(),
mask: !0,
alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false,
label: Some("colored_mesh2d_pipeline".into()),
// This specifies how to render a colored 2d mesh
type DrawColoredMesh2d = (
// Set the pipeline
// Set the view uniform as bind group 0
// Set the mesh uniform as bind group 1
// Draw the mesh
// The custom shader can be inline like here, included from another file at build time
// using `include_str!()`, or loaded like any other asset with `asset_server.load()`.
const COLORED_MESH2D_SHADER: &str = r"
// Import the standard 2d mesh uniforms and set their bind groups
#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_types as MeshTypes
#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_functions as MeshFunctions
@group(1) @binding(0)
var<uniform> mesh: MeshTypes::Mesh2d;
// The structure of the vertex buffer is as specified in `specialize()`
struct Vertex {
@location(0) position: vec3<f32>,
@location(1) color: u32,
struct VertexOutput {
// The vertex shader must set the on-screen position of the vertex
@builtin(position) clip_position: vec4<f32>,
// We pass the vertex color to the fragment shader in location 0
@location(0) color: vec4<f32>,
/// Entry point for the vertex shader
fn vertex(vertex: Vertex) -> VertexOutput {
var out: VertexOutput;
// Project the world position of the mesh into screen position
out.clip_position = MeshFunctions::mesh2d_position_local_to_clip(mesh.model, vec4<f32>(vertex.position, 1.0));
// Unpack the `u32` from the vertex buffer into the `vec4<f32>` used by the fragment shader
out.color = vec4<f32>((vec4<u32>(vertex.color) >> vec4<u32>(0u, 8u, 16u, 24u)) & vec4<u32>(255u)) / 255.0;
return out;
// The input of the fragment shader must correspond to the output of the vertex shader for all `location`s
struct FragmentInput {
// The color is interpolated between vertices by default
@location(0) color: vec4<f32>,
/// Entry point for the fragment shader
fn fragment(in: FragmentInput) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
return in.color;
/// Plugin that renders [`ColoredMesh2d`]s
pub struct ColoredMesh2dPlugin;
/// Handle to the custom shader with a unique random ID
pub const COLORED_MESH2D_SHADER_HANDLE: HandleUntyped =
HandleUntyped::weak_from_u64(Shader::TYPE_UUID, 13828845428412094821);
impl Plugin for ColoredMesh2dPlugin {
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
// Load our custom shader
let mut shaders = app.world.resource_mut::<Assets<Shader>>();
Shader::from_wgsl(COLORED_MESH2D_SHADER, file!()),
// Register our custom draw function, and add our render systems
.add_render_command::<Transparent2d, DrawColoredMesh2d>()
.add_systems(ExtractSchedule, extract_colored_mesh2d)
.add_systems(Render, queue_colored_mesh2d.in_set(RenderSet::Queue));
fn finish(&self, app: &mut App) {
// Register our custom pipeline
/// Extract the [`ColoredMesh2d`] marker component into the render app
pub fn extract_colored_mesh2d(
mut commands: Commands,
mut previous_len: Local<usize>,
// When extracting, you must use `Extract` to mark the `SystemParam`s
// which should be taken from the main world.
query: Extract<Query<(Entity, &ComputedVisibility), With<ColoredMesh2d>>>,
) {
let mut values = Vec::with_capacity(*previous_len);
for (entity, computed_visibility) in &query {
if !computed_visibility.is_visible() {
values.push((entity, ColoredMesh2d));
*previous_len = values.len();
/// Queue the 2d meshes marked with [`ColoredMesh2d`] using our custom pipeline and draw function
pub fn queue_colored_mesh2d(
transparent_draw_functions: Res<DrawFunctions<Transparent2d>>,
colored_mesh2d_pipeline: Res<ColoredMesh2dPipeline>,
mut pipelines: ResMut<SpecializedRenderPipelines<ColoredMesh2dPipeline>>,
pipeline_cache: Res<PipelineCache>,
msaa: Res<Msaa>,
render_meshes: Res<RenderAssets<Mesh>>,
colored_mesh2d: Query<(&Mesh2dHandle, &Mesh2dUniform), With<ColoredMesh2d>>,
mut views: Query<(
&mut RenderPhase<Transparent2d>,
) {
if colored_mesh2d.is_empty() {
// Iterate each view (a camera is a view)
for (visible_entities, mut transparent_phase, view) in &mut views {
let draw_colored_mesh2d = transparent_draw_functions.read().id::<DrawColoredMesh2d>();
let mesh_key = Mesh2dPipelineKey::from_msaa_samples(msaa.samples())
| Mesh2dPipelineKey::from_hdr(view.hdr);
// Queue all entities visible to that view
for visible_entity in &visible_entities.entities {
if let Ok((mesh2d_handle, mesh2d_uniform)) = colored_mesh2d.get(*visible_entity) {
// Get our specialized pipeline
let mut mesh2d_key = mesh_key;
if let Some(mesh) = render_meshes.get(&mesh2d_handle.0) {
mesh2d_key |=
let pipeline_id =
pipelines.specialize(&pipeline_cache, &colored_mesh2d_pipeline, mesh2d_key);
let mesh_z = mesh2d_uniform.transform.w_axis.z;
transparent_phase.add(Transparent2d {
entity: *visible_entity,
draw_function: draw_colored_mesh2d,
pipeline: pipeline_id,
// The 2d render items are sorted according to their z value before rendering,
// in order to get correct transparency
sort_key: FloatOrd(mesh_z),
// This material is not batched
batch_range: None,