Clar Fon efda7f3f9c
Simpler lint fixes: makes ci lints work but disables a lint for now (#15376)
Takes the first two commits from #15375 and adds suggestions from this

See #15375 for more reasoning/motivation.

## Rebasing (rerunning)

git switch simpler-lint-fixes
git reset --hard main
cargo fmt --all -- --unstable-features --config normalize_comments=true,imports_granularity=Crate
cargo fmt --all
git add --update
git commit --message "rustfmt"
cargo clippy --workspace --all-targets --all-features --fix
cargo fmt --all -- --unstable-features --config normalize_comments=true,imports_granularity=Crate
cargo fmt --all
git add --update
git commit --message "clippy"
git cherry-pick e6c0b94f6795222310fb812fa5c4512661fc7887
2024-09-24 11:42:59 +00:00

144 lines
4.4 KiB

//! This example demonstrates how to use interpolation to make one entity smoothly follow another.
use bevy::{
math::{prelude::*, vec3, NormedVectorSpace},
use rand::SeedableRng;
use rand_chacha::ChaCha8Rng;
fn main() {
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
.add_systems(Update, (move_target, move_follower).chain())
// The sphere that the following sphere targets at all times:
struct TargetSphere;
// The speed of the target sphere moving to its next location:
struct TargetSphereSpeed(f32);
// The position that the target sphere always moves linearly toward:
struct TargetPosition(Vec3);
// The decay rate used by the smooth following:
struct DecayRate(f32);
// The sphere that follows the target sphere by moving towards it with nudging:
struct FollowingSphere;
/// The source of randomness used by this example.
struct RandomSource(ChaCha8Rng);
fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
// A plane:
commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Plane3d::default().mesh().size(12.0, 12.0)),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(0.3, 0.15, 0.3)),
transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, -2.5, 0.0),
// The target sphere:
PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Sphere::new(0.3)),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(0.3, 0.15, 0.9)),
// The sphere that follows it:
PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Sphere::new(0.3)),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(0.9, 0.3, 0.3)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(vec3(0.0, -2.0, 0.0)),
// A light:
commands.spawn(PointLightBundle {
point_light: PointLight {
intensity: 15_000_000.0,
shadows_enabled: true,
transform: Transform::from_xyz(4.0, 8.0, 4.0),
// A camera:
commands.spawn(Camera3dBundle {
transform: Transform::from_xyz(-2.0, 3.0, 5.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y),
// Set starting values for resources used by the systems:
fn move_target(
mut target: Query<&mut Transform, With<TargetSphere>>,
target_speed: Res<TargetSphereSpeed>,
mut target_pos: ResMut<TargetPosition>,
time: Res<Time>,
mut rng: ResMut<RandomSource>,
) {
let mut target = target.single_mut();
match Dir3::new(target_pos.0 - target.translation) {
// The target and the present position of the target sphere are far enough to have a well-
// defined direction between them, so let's move closer:
Ok(dir) => {
let delta_time = time.delta_seconds();
let abs_delta = (target_pos.0 - target.translation).norm();
// Avoid overshooting in case of high values of `delta_time`:
let magnitude = f32::min(abs_delta, delta_time * target_speed.0);
target.translation += dir * magnitude;
// The two are really close, so let's generate a new target position:
Err(_) => {
let legal_region = Cuboid::from_size(Vec3::splat(4.0));
*target_pos = TargetPosition(legal_region.sample_interior(&mut rng.0));
fn move_follower(
mut following: Query<&mut Transform, With<FollowingSphere>>,
target: Query<&Transform, (With<TargetSphere>, Without<FollowingSphere>)>,
decay_rate: Res<DecayRate>,
time: Res<Time>,
) {
let target = target.single();
let mut following = following.single_mut();
let decay_rate = decay_rate.0;
let delta_time = time.delta_seconds();
// Calling `smooth_nudge` is what moves the following sphere smoothly toward the target.
.smooth_nudge(&target.translation, decay_rate, delta_time);