mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 00:37:38 +00:00
# Objective - Significantly reduce the size of MeshUniform by only including necessary data. ## Solution Local to world, model transforms are affine. This means they only need a 4x3 matrix to represent them. `MeshUniform` stores the current, and previous model transforms, and the inverse transpose of the current model transform, all as 4x4 matrices. Instead we can store the current, and previous model transforms as 4x3 matrices, and we only need the upper-left 3x3 part of the inverse transpose of the current model transform. This change allows us to reduce the serialized MeshUniform size from 208 bytes to 144 bytes, which is over a 30% saving in data to serialize, and VRAM bandwidth and space. ## Benchmarks On an M1 Max, running `many_cubes -- sphere`, main is in yellow, this PR is in red: <img width="1484" alt="Screenshot 2023-08-11 at 02 36 43" src="https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/assets/302146/7d99c7b3-f2bb-4004-a8d0-4c00f755cb0d"> A reduction in frame time of ~14%. --- ## Changelog - Changed: Redefined `MeshUniform` to improve performance by using 4x3 affine transforms and reconstructing 4x4 matrices in the shader. Helper functions were added to `bevy_pbr::mesh_functions` to unpack the data. `affine_to_square` converts the packed 4x3 in 3x4 matrix data to a 4x4 matrix. `mat2x4_f32_to_mat3x3` converts the 3x3 in mat2x4 + f32 matrix data back into a 3x3. ## Migration Guide Shader code before: ``` var model = mesh[instance_index].model; ``` Shader code after: ``` #import bevy_pbr::mesh_functions affine_to_square var model = affine_to_square(mesh[instance_index].model); ```
726 lines
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726 lines
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use crate::{
render, AlphaMode, DrawMesh, DrawPrepass, EnvironmentMapLight, MeshPipeline, MeshPipelineKey,
MeshTransforms, MeshUniform, PrepassPipelinePlugin, PrepassPlugin, RenderLightSystems,
ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings, SetMeshBindGroup, SetMeshViewBindGroup, Shadow,
use bevy_app::{App, Plugin};
use bevy_asset::{AddAsset, AssetEvent, AssetServer, Assets, Handle};
use bevy_core_pipeline::{
core_3d::{AlphaMask3d, Opaque3d, Transparent3d},
tonemapping::{DebandDither, Tonemapping},
use bevy_derive::{Deref, DerefMut};
use bevy_ecs::{
lifetimeless::{Read, SRes},
use bevy_reflect::{TypePath, TypeUuid};
use bevy_render::{
mesh::{Mesh, MeshVertexBufferLayout},
render_asset::{PrepareAssetSet, RenderAssets},
AddRenderCommand, DrawFunctions, PhaseItem, RenderCommand, RenderCommandResult,
RenderPhase, SetItemPipeline, TrackedRenderPass,
AsBindGroup, AsBindGroupError, BindGroup, BindGroupLayout, GpuArrayBufferIndex,
OwnedBindingResource, PipelineCache, RenderPipelineDescriptor, Shader, ShaderRef,
SpecializedMeshPipeline, SpecializedMeshPipelineError, SpecializedMeshPipelines,
view::{ExtractedView, Msaa, VisibleEntities},
Extract, ExtractSchedule, Render, RenderApp, RenderSet,
use bevy_utils::{tracing::error, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
/// Materials are used alongside [`MaterialPlugin`] and [`MaterialMeshBundle`](crate::MaterialMeshBundle)
/// to spawn entities that are rendered with a specific [`Material`] type. They serve as an easy to use high level
/// way to render [`Mesh`] entities with custom shader logic.
/// Materials must implement [`AsBindGroup`] to define how data will be transferred to the GPU and bound in shaders.
/// [`AsBindGroup`] can be derived, which makes generating bindings straightforward. See the [`AsBindGroup`] docs for details.
/// Materials must also implement [`TypeUuid`] so they can be treated as an [`Asset`](bevy_asset::Asset).
/// # Example
/// Here is a simple Material implementation. The [`AsBindGroup`] derive has many features. To see what else is available,
/// check out the [`AsBindGroup`] documentation.
/// ```
/// # use bevy_pbr::{Material, MaterialMeshBundle};
/// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
/// # use bevy_reflect::{TypeUuid, TypePath};
/// # use bevy_render::{render_resource::{AsBindGroup, ShaderRef}, texture::Image, color::Color};
/// # use bevy_asset::{Handle, AssetServer, Assets};
/// #[derive(AsBindGroup, TypeUuid, TypePath, Debug, Clone)]
/// #[uuid = "f690fdae-d598-45ab-8225-97e2a3f056e0"]
/// pub struct CustomMaterial {
/// // Uniform bindings must implement `ShaderType`, which will be used to convert the value to
/// // its shader-compatible equivalent. Most core math types already implement `ShaderType`.
/// #[uniform(0)]
/// color: Color,
/// // Images can be bound as textures in shaders. If the Image's sampler is also needed, just
/// // add the sampler attribute with a different binding index.
/// #[texture(1)]
/// #[sampler(2)]
/// color_texture: Handle<Image>,
/// }
/// // All functions on `Material` have default impls. You only need to implement the
/// // functions that are relevant for your material.
/// impl Material for CustomMaterial {
/// fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
/// "shaders/custom_material.wgsl".into()
/// }
/// }
/// // Spawn an entity using `CustomMaterial`.
/// fn setup(mut commands: Commands, mut materials: ResMut<Assets<CustomMaterial>>, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
/// commands.spawn(MaterialMeshBundle {
/// material: materials.add(CustomMaterial {
/// color: Color::RED,
/// color_texture: asset_server.load("some_image.png"),
/// }),
/// ..Default::default()
/// });
/// }
/// ```
/// In WGSL shaders, the material's binding would look like this:
/// ```wgsl
/// @group(1) @binding(0)
/// var<uniform> color: vec4<f32>;
/// @group(1) @binding(1)
/// var color_texture: texture_2d<f32>;
/// @group(1) @binding(2)
/// var color_sampler: sampler;
/// ```
pub trait Material: AsBindGroup + Send + Sync + Clone + TypeUuid + TypePath + Sized {
/// Returns this material's vertex shader. If [`ShaderRef::Default`] is returned, the default mesh vertex shader
/// will be used.
fn vertex_shader() -> ShaderRef {
/// Returns this material's fragment shader. If [`ShaderRef::Default`] is returned, the default mesh fragment shader
/// will be used.
fn fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
/// Returns this material's [`AlphaMode`]. Defaults to [`AlphaMode::Opaque`].
fn alpha_mode(&self) -> AlphaMode {
/// Add a bias to the view depth of the mesh which can be used to force a specific render order
/// for meshes with similar depth, to avoid z-fighting.
/// The bias is in depth-texture units so large values may be needed to overcome small depth differences.
fn depth_bias(&self) -> f32 {
/// Returns this material's prepass vertex shader. If [`ShaderRef::Default`] is returned, the default prepass vertex shader
/// will be used.
fn prepass_vertex_shader() -> ShaderRef {
/// Returns this material's prepass fragment shader. If [`ShaderRef::Default`] is returned, the default prepass fragment shader
/// will be used.
fn prepass_fragment_shader() -> ShaderRef {
/// Customizes the default [`RenderPipelineDescriptor`] for a specific entity using the entity's
/// [`MaterialPipelineKey`] and [`MeshVertexBufferLayout`] as input.
fn specialize(
pipeline: &MaterialPipeline<Self>,
descriptor: &mut RenderPipelineDescriptor,
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
key: MaterialPipelineKey<Self>,
) -> Result<(), SpecializedMeshPipelineError> {
/// Adds the necessary ECS resources and render logic to enable rendering entities using the given [`Material`]
/// asset type.
pub struct MaterialPlugin<M: Material> {
/// Controls if the prepass is enabled for the Material.
/// For more information about what a prepass is, see the [`bevy_core_pipeline::prepass`] docs.
/// When it is enabled, it will automatically add the [`PrepassPlugin`]
/// required to make the prepass work on this Material.
pub prepass_enabled: bool,
pub _marker: PhantomData<M>,
impl<M: Material> Default for MaterialPlugin<M> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
prepass_enabled: true,
_marker: Default::default(),
impl<M: Material> Plugin for MaterialPlugin<M>
M::Data: PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Clone,
fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
if let Ok(render_app) = app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) {
.add_render_command::<Shadow, DrawPrepass<M>>()
.add_render_command::<Transparent3d, DrawMaterial<M>>()
.add_render_command::<Opaque3d, DrawMaterial<M>>()
.add_render_command::<AlphaMask3d, DrawMaterial<M>>()
.add_systems(ExtractSchedule, extract_materials::<M>)
// PrepassPipelinePlugin is required for shadow mapping and the optional PrepassPlugin
if self.prepass_enabled {
fn finish(&self, app: &mut App) {
if let Ok(render_app) = app.get_sub_app_mut(RenderApp) {
/// A key uniquely identifying a specialized [`MaterialPipeline`].
pub struct MaterialPipelineKey<M: Material> {
pub mesh_key: MeshPipelineKey,
pub bind_group_data: M::Data,
impl<M: Material> Eq for MaterialPipelineKey<M> where M::Data: PartialEq {}
impl<M: Material> PartialEq for MaterialPipelineKey<M>
M::Data: PartialEq,
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.mesh_key == other.mesh_key && self.bind_group_data == other.bind_group_data
impl<M: Material> Clone for MaterialPipelineKey<M>
M::Data: Clone,
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
mesh_key: self.mesh_key,
bind_group_data: self.bind_group_data.clone(),
impl<M: Material> Hash for MaterialPipelineKey<M>
M::Data: Hash,
fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
/// Render pipeline data for a given [`Material`].
pub struct MaterialPipeline<M: Material> {
pub mesh_pipeline: MeshPipeline,
pub material_layout: BindGroupLayout,
pub vertex_shader: Option<Handle<Shader>>,
pub fragment_shader: Option<Handle<Shader>>,
marker: PhantomData<M>,
impl<M: Material> Clone for MaterialPipeline<M> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
mesh_pipeline: self.mesh_pipeline.clone(),
material_layout: self.material_layout.clone(),
vertex_shader: self.vertex_shader.clone(),
fragment_shader: self.fragment_shader.clone(),
marker: PhantomData,
impl<M: Material> SpecializedMeshPipeline for MaterialPipeline<M>
M::Data: PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Clone,
type Key = MaterialPipelineKey<M>;
fn specialize(
key: Self::Key,
layout: &MeshVertexBufferLayout,
) -> Result<RenderPipelineDescriptor, SpecializedMeshPipelineError> {
let mut descriptor = self.mesh_pipeline.specialize(key.mesh_key, layout)?;
if let Some(vertex_shader) = &self.vertex_shader {
descriptor.vertex.shader = vertex_shader.clone();
if let Some(fragment_shader) = &self.fragment_shader {
descriptor.fragment.as_mut().unwrap().shader = fragment_shader.clone();
descriptor.layout.insert(1, self.material_layout.clone());
M::specialize(self, &mut descriptor, layout, key)?;
impl<M: Material> FromWorld for MaterialPipeline<M> {
fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self {
let asset_server = world.resource::<AssetServer>();
let render_device = world.resource::<RenderDevice>();
MaterialPipeline {
mesh_pipeline: world.resource::<MeshPipeline>().clone(),
material_layout: M::bind_group_layout(render_device),
vertex_shader: match M::vertex_shader() {
ShaderRef::Default => None,
ShaderRef::Handle(handle) => Some(handle),
ShaderRef::Path(path) => Some(asset_server.load(path)),
fragment_shader: match M::fragment_shader() {
ShaderRef::Default => None,
ShaderRef::Handle(handle) => Some(handle),
ShaderRef::Path(path) => Some(asset_server.load(path)),
marker: PhantomData,
type DrawMaterial<M> = (
SetMaterialBindGroup<M, 1>,
/// Sets the bind group for a given [`Material`] at the configured `I` index.
pub struct SetMaterialBindGroup<M: Material, const I: usize>(PhantomData<M>);
impl<P: PhaseItem, M: Material, const I: usize> RenderCommand<P> for SetMaterialBindGroup<M, I> {
type Param = SRes<RenderMaterials<M>>;
type ViewWorldQuery = ();
type ItemWorldQuery = Read<Handle<M>>;
fn render<'w>(
_item: &P,
_view: (),
material_handle: &'_ Handle<M>,
materials: SystemParamItem<'w, '_, Self::Param>,
pass: &mut TrackedRenderPass<'w>,
) -> RenderCommandResult {
let material = materials.into_inner().get(material_handle).unwrap();
pass.set_bind_group(I, &material.bind_group, &[]);
pub fn queue_material_meshes<M: Material>(
opaque_draw_functions: Res<DrawFunctions<Opaque3d>>,
alpha_mask_draw_functions: Res<DrawFunctions<AlphaMask3d>>,
transparent_draw_functions: Res<DrawFunctions<Transparent3d>>,
material_pipeline: Res<MaterialPipeline<M>>,
mut pipelines: ResMut<SpecializedMeshPipelines<MaterialPipeline<M>>>,
pipeline_cache: Res<PipelineCache>,
msaa: Res<Msaa>,
render_meshes: Res<RenderAssets<Mesh>>,
render_materials: Res<RenderMaterials<M>>,
material_meshes: Query<(
images: Res<RenderAssets<Image>>,
mut views: Query<(
&mut RenderPhase<Opaque3d>,
&mut RenderPhase<AlphaMask3d>,
&mut RenderPhase<Transparent3d>,
) where
M::Data: PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Clone,
for (
mut opaque_phase,
mut alpha_mask_phase,
mut transparent_phase,
) in &mut views
let draw_opaque_pbr = opaque_draw_functions.read().id::<DrawMaterial<M>>();
let draw_alpha_mask_pbr = alpha_mask_draw_functions.read().id::<DrawMaterial<M>>();
let draw_transparent_pbr = transparent_draw_functions.read().id::<DrawMaterial<M>>();
let mut view_key = MeshPipelineKey::from_msaa_samples(msaa.samples())
| MeshPipelineKey::from_hdr(view.hdr);
if normal_prepass.is_some() {
view_key |= MeshPipelineKey::NORMAL_PREPASS;
if taa_settings.is_some() {
view_key |= MeshPipelineKey::TAA;
let environment_map_loaded = match environment_map {
Some(environment_map) => environment_map.is_loaded(&images),
None => false,
if environment_map_loaded {
view_key |= MeshPipelineKey::ENVIRONMENT_MAP;
if !view.hdr {
if let Some(tonemapping) = tonemapping {
view_key |= MeshPipelineKey::TONEMAP_IN_SHADER;
view_key |= match tonemapping {
Tonemapping::None => MeshPipelineKey::TONEMAP_METHOD_NONE,
Tonemapping::Reinhard => MeshPipelineKey::TONEMAP_METHOD_REINHARD,
Tonemapping::ReinhardLuminance => {
Tonemapping::AcesFitted => MeshPipelineKey::TONEMAP_METHOD_ACES_FITTED,
Tonemapping::AgX => MeshPipelineKey::TONEMAP_METHOD_AGX,
Tonemapping::SomewhatBoringDisplayTransform => {
Tonemapping::TonyMcMapface => MeshPipelineKey::TONEMAP_METHOD_TONY_MC_MAPFACE,
Tonemapping::BlenderFilmic => MeshPipelineKey::TONEMAP_METHOD_BLENDER_FILMIC,
if let Some(DebandDither::Enabled) = dither {
view_key |= MeshPipelineKey::DEBAND_DITHER;
if ssao.is_some() {
view_key |= MeshPipelineKey::SCREEN_SPACE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION;
let rangefinder = view.rangefinder3d();
for visible_entity in &visible_entities.entities {
if let Ok((material_handle, mesh_handle, mesh_transforms, batch_indices)) =
if let (Some(mesh), Some(material)) = (
) {
let mut mesh_key =
| view_key;
if mesh.morph_targets.is_some() {
mesh_key |= MeshPipelineKey::MORPH_TARGETS;
match material.properties.alpha_mode {
AlphaMode::Blend => {
mesh_key |= MeshPipelineKey::BLEND_ALPHA;
AlphaMode::Premultiplied | AlphaMode::Add => {
// Premultiplied and Add share the same pipeline key
// They're made distinct in the PBR shader, via `premultiply_alpha()`
mesh_key |= MeshPipelineKey::BLEND_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA;
AlphaMode::Multiply => {
mesh_key |= MeshPipelineKey::BLEND_MULTIPLY;
AlphaMode::Mask(_) => {
mesh_key |= MeshPipelineKey::MAY_DISCARD;
_ => (),
let pipeline_id = pipelines.specialize(
MaterialPipelineKey {
bind_group_data: material.key.clone(),
let pipeline_id = match pipeline_id {
Ok(id) => id,
Err(err) => {
error!("{}", err);
let distance = rangefinder
+ material.properties.depth_bias;
match material.properties.alpha_mode {
AlphaMode::Opaque => {
opaque_phase.add(Opaque3d {
entity: *visible_entity,
draw_function: draw_opaque_pbr,
pipeline: pipeline_id,
per_object_binding_dynamic_offset: batch_indices
AlphaMode::Mask(_) => {
alpha_mask_phase.add(AlphaMask3d {
entity: *visible_entity,
draw_function: draw_alpha_mask_pbr,
pipeline: pipeline_id,
per_object_binding_dynamic_offset: batch_indices
| AlphaMode::Premultiplied
| AlphaMode::Add
| AlphaMode::Multiply => {
transparent_phase.add(Transparent3d {
entity: *visible_entity,
draw_function: draw_transparent_pbr,
pipeline: pipeline_id,
/// Common [`Material`] properties, calculated for a specific material instance.
pub struct MaterialProperties {
/// The [`AlphaMode`] of this material.
pub alpha_mode: AlphaMode,
/// Add a bias to the view depth of the mesh which can be used to force a specific render order
/// for meshes with equal depth, to avoid z-fighting.
/// The bias is in depth-texture units so large values may be needed to overcome small depth differences.
pub depth_bias: f32,
/// Data prepared for a [`Material`] instance.
pub struct PreparedMaterial<T: Material> {
pub bindings: Vec<OwnedBindingResource>,
pub bind_group: BindGroup,
pub key: T::Data,
pub properties: MaterialProperties,
pub struct ExtractedMaterials<M: Material> {
extracted: Vec<(Handle<M>, M)>,
removed: Vec<Handle<M>>,
impl<M: Material> Default for ExtractedMaterials<M> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
extracted: Default::default(),
removed: Default::default(),
/// Stores all prepared representations of [`Material`] assets for as long as they exist.
#[derive(Resource, Deref, DerefMut)]
pub struct RenderMaterials<T: Material>(pub HashMap<Handle<T>, PreparedMaterial<T>>);
impl<T: Material> Default for RenderMaterials<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
/// This system extracts all created or modified assets of the corresponding [`Material`] type
/// into the "render world".
pub fn extract_materials<M: Material>(
mut commands: Commands,
mut events: Extract<EventReader<AssetEvent<M>>>,
assets: Extract<Res<Assets<M>>>,
) {
let mut changed_assets = HashSet::default();
let mut removed = Vec::new();
for event in events.iter() {
match event {
AssetEvent::Created { handle } | AssetEvent::Modified { handle } => {
AssetEvent::Removed { handle } => {
let mut extracted_assets = Vec::new();
for handle in changed_assets.drain() {
if let Some(asset) = assets.get(&handle) {
extracted_assets.push((handle, asset.clone()));
commands.insert_resource(ExtractedMaterials {
extracted: extracted_assets,
/// All [`Material`] values of a given type that should be prepared next frame.
pub struct PrepareNextFrameMaterials<M: Material> {
assets: Vec<(Handle<M>, M)>,
impl<M: Material> Default for PrepareNextFrameMaterials<M> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
assets: Default::default(),
/// This system prepares all assets of the corresponding [`Material`] type
/// which where extracted this frame for the GPU.
pub fn prepare_materials<M: Material>(
mut prepare_next_frame: Local<PrepareNextFrameMaterials<M>>,
mut extracted_assets: ResMut<ExtractedMaterials<M>>,
mut render_materials: ResMut<RenderMaterials<M>>,
render_device: Res<RenderDevice>,
images: Res<RenderAssets<Image>>,
fallback_image: Res<FallbackImage>,
pipeline: Res<MaterialPipeline<M>>,
) {
let queued_assets = std::mem::take(&mut prepare_next_frame.assets);
for (handle, material) in queued_assets.into_iter() {
match prepare_material(
) {
Ok(prepared_asset) => {
render_materials.insert(handle, prepared_asset);
Err(AsBindGroupError::RetryNextUpdate) => {
prepare_next_frame.assets.push((handle, material));
for removed in std::mem::take(&mut extracted_assets.removed) {
for (handle, material) in std::mem::take(&mut extracted_assets.extracted) {
match prepare_material(
) {
Ok(prepared_asset) => {
render_materials.insert(handle, prepared_asset);
Err(AsBindGroupError::RetryNextUpdate) => {
prepare_next_frame.assets.push((handle, material));
fn prepare_material<M: Material>(
material: &M,
render_device: &RenderDevice,
images: &RenderAssets<Image>,
fallback_image: &FallbackImage,
pipeline: &MaterialPipeline<M>,
) -> Result<PreparedMaterial<M>, AsBindGroupError> {
let prepared = material.as_bind_group(
Ok(PreparedMaterial {
bindings: prepared.bindings,
bind_group: prepared.bind_group,
key: prepared.data,
properties: MaterialProperties {
alpha_mode: material.alpha_mode(),
depth_bias: material.depth_bias(),