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synced 2025-03-08 09:17:24 +00:00
# Objective Continue improving the user experience of our UI Node API in the direction specified by [Bevy's Next Generation Scene / UI System](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/discussions/14437) ## Solution As specified in the document above, merge `Style` fields into `Node`, and move "computed Node fields" into `ComputedNode` (I chose this name over something like `ComputedNodeLayout` because it currently contains more than just layout info. If we want to break this up / rename these concepts, lets do that in a separate PR). `Style` has been removed. This accomplishes a number of goals: ## Ergonomics wins Specifying both `Node` and `Style` is now no longer required for non-default styles Before: ```rust commands.spawn(( Node::default(), Style { width: Val::Px(100.), ..default() }, )); ``` After: ```rust commands.spawn(Node { width: Val::Px(100.), ..default() }); ``` ## Conceptual clarity `Style` was never a comprehensive "style sheet". It only defined "core" style properties that all `Nodes` shared. Any "styled property" that couldn't fit that mold had to be in a separate component. A "real" style system would style properties _across_ components (`Node`, `Button`, etc). We have plans to build a true style system (see the doc linked above). By moving the `Style` fields to `Node`, we fully embrace `Node` as the driving concept and remove the "style system" confusion. ## Next Steps * Consider identifying and splitting out "style properties that aren't core to Node". This should not happen for Bevy 0.15. --- ## Migration Guide Move any fields set on `Style` into `Node` and replace all `Style` component usage with `Node`. Before: ```rust commands.spawn(( Node::default(), Style { width: Val::Px(100.), ..default() }, )); ``` After: ```rust commands.spawn(Node { width: Val::Px(100.), ..default() }); ``` For any usage of the "computed node properties" that used to live on `Node`, use `ComputedNode` instead: Before: ```rust fn system(nodes: Query<&Node>) { for node in &nodes { let computed_size = node.size(); } } ``` After: ```rust fn system(computed_nodes: Query<&ComputedNode>) { for computed_node in &computed_nodes { let computed_size = computed_node.size(); } } ```
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//! This example illustrates how to wait for multiple assets to be loaded.
use std::{
atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32, Ordering},
use bevy::{gltf::Gltf, prelude::*, tasks::AsyncComputeTaskPool};
use event_listener::Event;
use futures_lite::Future;
fn main() {
.insert_resource(AmbientLight {
color: Color::WHITE,
brightness: 2000.,
.add_systems(Startup, setup_assets)
.add_systems(Startup, setup_scene)
.add_systems(Startup, setup_ui)
// This showcases how to wait for assets using sync code.
// This approach polls a value in a system.
.add_systems(Update, wait_on_load.run_if(assets_loaded))
// This showcases how to wait for assets using async
// by spawning a `Future` in `AsyncComputeTaskPool`.
// This showcases how to react to asynchronous world mutation synchronously.
/// [`States`] of asset loading.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, States, Default)]
pub enum LoadingState {
/// Is loading.
/// Loading completed.
/// Holds a bunch of [`Gltf`]s that takes time to load.
#[derive(Debug, Resource)]
pub struct OneHundredThings([Handle<Gltf>; 100]);
/// This is required to support both sync and async.
/// For sync only the easiest implementation is
/// [`Arc<()>`] and use [`Arc::strong_count`] for completion.
/// [`Arc<Atomic>`] is a more robust alternative.
#[derive(Debug, Resource, Deref)]
pub struct AssetBarrier(Arc<AssetBarrierInner>);
/// This guard is to be acquired by [`AssetServer::load_acquire`]
/// and dropped once finished.
#[derive(Debug, Deref)]
pub struct AssetBarrierGuard(Arc<AssetBarrierInner>);
/// Tracks how many guards are remaining.
#[derive(Debug, Resource)]
pub struct AssetBarrierInner {
count: AtomicU32,
/// This can be omitted if async is not needed.
notify: Event,
/// State of loading asynchronously.
#[derive(Debug, Resource)]
pub struct AsyncLoadingState(Arc<AtomicBool>);
/// Entities that are to be removed once loading finished
#[derive(Debug, Component)]
pub struct Loading;
/// Marker for the "Loading..." Text component.
#[derive(Debug, Component)]
pub struct LoadingText;
impl AssetBarrier {
/// Create an [`AssetBarrier`] with a [`AssetBarrierGuard`].
pub fn new() -> (AssetBarrier, AssetBarrierGuard) {
let inner = Arc::new(AssetBarrierInner {
count: AtomicU32::new(1),
notify: Event::new(),
(AssetBarrier(inner.clone()), AssetBarrierGuard(inner))
/// Returns true if all [`AssetBarrierGuard`] is dropped.
pub fn is_ready(&self) -> bool {
self.count.load(Ordering::Acquire) == 0
/// Wait for all [`AssetBarrierGuard`]s to be dropped asynchronously.
pub fn wait_async(&self) -> impl Future<Output = ()> + 'static {
let shared = self.0.clone();
async move {
loop {
// Acquire an event listener.
let listener = shared.notify.listen();
// If all barrier guards are dropped, return
if shared.count.load(Ordering::Acquire) == 0 {
// Wait for the last barrier guard to notify us
// Increment count on clone.
impl Clone for AssetBarrierGuard {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
self.count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
// Decrement count on drop.
impl Drop for AssetBarrierGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let prev = self.count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
if prev == 1 {
// Notify all listeners if count reaches 0.
fn setup_assets(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
let (barrier, guard) = AssetBarrier::new();
commands.insert_resource(OneHundredThings(std::array::from_fn(|i| match i % 5 {
0 => asset_server.load_acquire("models/GolfBall/GolfBall.glb", guard.clone()),
1 => asset_server.load_acquire("models/AlienCake/alien.glb", guard.clone()),
2 => asset_server.load_acquire("models/AlienCake/cakeBirthday.glb", guard.clone()),
3 => asset_server.load_acquire("models/FlightHelmet/FlightHelmet.gltf", guard.clone()),
4 => asset_server.load_acquire("models/torus/torus.gltf", guard.clone()),
_ => unreachable!(),
let future = barrier.wait_async();
let loading_state = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
// await the `AssetBarrierFuture`.
.spawn(async move {
// Notify via `AsyncLoadingState`
loading_state.store(true, Ordering::Release);
fn setup_ui(mut commands: Commands) {
// Display the result of async loading.
Node {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
left: Val::Px(12.0),
top: Val::Px(12.0),
fn setup_scene(
mut commands: Commands,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
// Camera
Transform::from_xyz(10.0, 10.0, 15.0).looking_at(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3::Y),
// Light
DirectionalLight {
shadows_enabled: true,
Transform::from_rotation(Quat::from_euler(EulerRot::ZYX, 0.0, 1.0, -PI / 4.)),
// Plane
Mesh3d(meshes.add(Plane3d::default().mesh().size(50000.0, 50000.0))),
MeshMaterial3d(materials.add(Color::srgb(0.7, 0.2, 0.2))),
// A run condition for all assets being loaded.
fn assets_loaded(barrier: Option<Res<AssetBarrier>>) -> bool {
// If our barrier isn't ready, return early and wait another cycle
barrier.map(|b| b.is_ready()) == Some(true)
// This showcases how to wait for assets using sync code and systems.
// This function only runs if `assets_loaded` returns true.
fn wait_on_load(
mut commands: Commands,
foxes: Res<OneHundredThings>,
gltfs: Res<Assets<Gltf>>,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
// Change color of plane to green
Mesh3d(meshes.add(Plane3d::default().mesh().size(50000.0, 50000.0))),
MeshMaterial3d(materials.add(Color::srgb(0.3, 0.5, 0.3))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::Z * -0.01),
// Spawn our scenes.
for i in 0..10 {
for j in 0..10 {
let index = i * 10 + j;
let position = Vec3::new(i as f32 - 5.0, 0.0, j as f32 - 5.0);
// All gltfs must exist because this is guarded by the `AssetBarrier`.
let gltf = gltfs.get(&foxes.0[index]).unwrap();
let scene = gltf.scenes.first().unwrap().clone();
commands.spawn((SceneRoot(scene), Transform::from_translation(position)));
// This showcases how to wait for assets using async.
fn get_async_loading_state(
state: Res<AsyncLoadingState>,
mut next_loading_state: ResMut<NextState<LoadingState>>,
mut text: Query<&mut Text, With<LoadingText>>,
) {
// Load the value written by the `Future`.
let is_loaded = state.0.load(Ordering::Acquire);
// If loaded, change the state.
if is_loaded {
if let Ok(mut text) = text.get_single_mut() {
"Loaded!".clone_into(&mut **text);
// This showcases how to react to asynchronous world mutations synchronously.
fn despawn_loading_state_entities(mut commands: Commands, loading: Query<Entity, With<Loading>>) {
// Despawn entities in the loading phase.
for entity in loading.iter() {
// Despawn resources used in the loading phase.