use crate::{ pass::{ LoadOp, PassDescriptor, RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor, RenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor, StoreOp, TextureAttachment, }, render_graph::{ nodes::{ Camera2dNode, CameraNode, PassNode, TextureCopyNode, WindowSwapChainNode, WindowTextureNode, }, RenderGraph, }, texture::{ Extent3d, Texture, TextureDescriptor, TextureDimension, TextureFormat, TextureUsage, }, Color, }; use bevy_app::GetEventReader; use bevy_asset::AssetEvent; use bevy_window::{WindowCreated, WindowReference, WindowResized}; use legion::prelude::Resources; pub struct BaseRenderGraphConfig { pub add_2d_camera: bool, pub add_3d_camera: bool, pub add_main_depth_texture: bool, pub add_main_pass: bool, pub connect_main_pass_to_swapchain: bool, pub connect_main_pass_to_main_depth_texture: bool, } pub mod node { pub const PRIMARY_SWAP_CHAIN: &str = "swapchain"; pub const CAMERA: &str = "camera"; pub const CAMERA2D: &str = "camera2d"; pub const TEXTURE_COPY: &str = "texture_copy"; pub const MAIN_DEPTH_TEXTURE: &str = "main_pass_depth_texture"; pub const MAIN_PASS: &str = "main_pass"; } impl Default for BaseRenderGraphConfig { fn default() -> Self { BaseRenderGraphConfig { add_2d_camera: true, add_3d_camera: true, add_main_pass: true, add_main_depth_texture: true, connect_main_pass_to_swapchain: true, connect_main_pass_to_main_depth_texture: true, } } } /// The "base render graph" provides a core set of render graph nodes which can be used to build any graph. /// By itself this graph doesn't do much, but it allows Render plugins to interop with each other by having a common /// set of nodes. It can be customized using `BaseRenderGraphConfig`. pub trait BaseRenderGraphBuilder { fn add_base_graph( &mut self, resources: &Resources, config: &BaseRenderGraphConfig, ) -> &mut Self; } impl BaseRenderGraphBuilder for RenderGraph { fn add_base_graph( &mut self, resources: &Resources, config: &BaseRenderGraphConfig, ) -> &mut Self { self.add_node( node::TEXTURE_COPY, TextureCopyNode::new(resources.get_event_reader::>()), ); if config.add_3d_camera { self.add_system_node(node::CAMERA, CameraNode::default()); } if config.add_2d_camera { self.add_system_node(node::CAMERA2D, Camera2dNode::default()); } if config.add_main_depth_texture { self.add_node( node::MAIN_DEPTH_TEXTURE, WindowTextureNode::new( WindowReference::Primary, TextureDescriptor { size: Extent3d { depth: 1, width: 1, height: 1, }, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, dimension: TextureDimension::D2, format: TextureFormat::Depth32Float, // PERF: vulkan docs recommend using 24 bit depth for better performance usage: TextureUsage::OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT, }, resources.get_event_reader::(), resources.get_event_reader::(), ), ); } if config.add_main_pass { self.add_node( node::MAIN_PASS, PassNode::new(PassDescriptor { color_attachments: vec![RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor { attachment: TextureAttachment::Input("color".to_string()), resolve_target: None, load_op: LoadOp::Clear, store_op: StoreOp::Store, clear_color: Color::rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), }], depth_stencil_attachment: Some(RenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor { attachment: TextureAttachment::Input("depth".to_string()), depth_load_op: LoadOp::Clear, depth_store_op: StoreOp::Store, stencil_load_op: LoadOp::Clear, stencil_store_op: StoreOp::Store, clear_depth: 1.0, clear_stencil: 0, }), sample_count: 1, }), ); self.add_node_edge(node::TEXTURE_COPY, node::MAIN_PASS) .unwrap(); if config.add_3d_camera { self.add_node_edge(node::CAMERA, node::MAIN_PASS).unwrap(); } if config.add_2d_camera { self.add_node_edge(node::CAMERA2D, node::MAIN_PASS).unwrap(); } } self.add_node( node::PRIMARY_SWAP_CHAIN, WindowSwapChainNode::new( WindowReference::Primary, resources.get_event_reader::(), resources.get_event_reader::(), ), ); if config.connect_main_pass_to_swapchain { self.add_slot_edge( node::PRIMARY_SWAP_CHAIN, WindowSwapChainNode::OUT_TEXTURE, node::MAIN_PASS, "color", ) .unwrap(); } if config.connect_main_pass_to_main_depth_texture { self.add_slot_edge( node::MAIN_DEPTH_TEXTURE, WindowTextureNode::OUT_TEXTURE, node::MAIN_PASS, "depth", ) .unwrap(); } self } }