use std::{ fmt::{Debug, Write}, result::Result, }; use bevy_utils::default; #[cfg(feature = "trace")] use bevy_utils::tracing::info_span; use bevy_utils::{ petgraph::{algo::tarjan_scc, prelude::*}, thiserror::Error, tracing::{error, info, warn}, HashMap, HashSet, }; use fixedbitset::FixedBitSet; use crate::{ self as bevy_ecs, component::ComponentId, schedule_v3::*, system::{BoxedSystem, Resource}, world::World, }; /// Resource that stores [`Schedule`]s mapped to [`ScheduleLabel`]s. #[derive(Default, Resource)] pub struct Schedules { inner: HashMap, } impl Schedules { /// Constructs an empty `Schedules` with zero initial capacity. pub fn new() -> Self { Self { inner: HashMap::new(), } } /// Inserts a labeled schedule into the map. /// /// If the map already had an entry for `label`, `schedule` is inserted, /// and the old schedule is returned. Otherwise, `None` is returned. pub fn insert(&mut self, label: impl ScheduleLabel, schedule: Schedule) -> Option { let label: Box = Box::new(label); if self.inner.contains_key(&label) { warn!("schedule with label {:?} already exists", label); } self.inner.insert(label, schedule) } /// Removes the schedule corresponding to the `label` from the map, returning it if it existed. pub fn remove(&mut self, label: &dyn ScheduleLabel) -> Option { if !self.inner.contains_key(label) { warn!("schedule with label {:?} not found", label); } self.inner.remove(label) } /// Returns a reference to the schedule associated with `label`, if it exists. pub fn get(&self, label: &dyn ScheduleLabel) -> Option<&Schedule> { self.inner.get(label) } /// Returns a mutable reference to the schedule associated with `label`, if it exists. pub fn get_mut(&mut self, label: &dyn ScheduleLabel) -> Option<&mut Schedule> { self.inner.get_mut(label) } /// Iterates the change ticks of all systems in all stored schedules and clamps any older than /// [`MAX_CHANGE_AGE`](crate::change_detection::MAX_CHANGE_AGE). /// This prevents overflow and thus prevents false positives. pub(crate) fn check_change_ticks(&mut self, change_tick: u32) { #[cfg(feature = "trace")] let _all_span = info_span!("check stored schedule ticks").entered(); // label used when trace feature is enabled #[allow(unused_variables)] for (label, schedule) in self.inner.iter_mut() { #[cfg(feature = "trace")] let name = format!("{:?}", label); #[cfg(feature = "trace")] let _one_span = info_span!("check schedule ticks", name = &name).entered(); schedule.check_change_ticks(change_tick); } } } /// A collection of systems, and the metadata and executor needed to run them /// in a certain order under certain conditions. pub struct Schedule { graph: ScheduleGraph, executable: SystemSchedule, executor: Box, executor_initialized: bool, } impl Default for Schedule { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl Schedule { /// Constructs an empty `Schedule`. pub fn new() -> Self { Self { graph: ScheduleGraph::new(), executable: SystemSchedule::new(), executor: Box::new(MultiThreadedExecutor::new()), executor_initialized: false, } } /// Add a system to the schedule. pub fn add_system

(&mut self, system: impl IntoSystemConfig

) -> &mut Self { self.graph.add_system(system); self } /// Add a collection of systems to the schedule. pub fn add_systems

(&mut self, systems: impl IntoSystemConfigs

) -> &mut Self { self.graph.add_systems(systems); self } /// Configure a system set in this schedule. pub fn configure_set(&mut self, set: impl IntoSystemSetConfig) -> &mut Self { self.graph.configure_set(set); self } /// Configure a collection of system sets in this schedule. pub fn configure_sets(&mut self, sets: impl IntoSystemSetConfigs) -> &mut Self { self.graph.configure_sets(sets); self } /// Changes the system set that new systems and system sets will join by default /// if they aren't already part of one. pub fn set_default_set(&mut self, set: impl SystemSet) -> &mut Self { self.graph.set_default_set(set); self } /// Changes miscellaneous build settings. pub fn set_build_settings(&mut self, settings: ScheduleBuildSettings) -> &mut Self { self.graph.settings = settings; self } /// Returns the schedule's current execution strategy. pub fn get_executor_kind(&self) -> ExecutorKind { self.executor.kind() } /// Sets the schedule's execution strategy. pub fn set_executor_kind(&mut self, executor: ExecutorKind) -> &mut Self { if executor != self.executor.kind() { self.executor = match executor { ExecutorKind::Simple => Box::new(SimpleExecutor::new()), ExecutorKind::SingleThreaded => Box::new(SingleThreadedExecutor::new()), ExecutorKind::MultiThreaded => Box::new(MultiThreadedExecutor::new()), }; self.executor_initialized = false; } self } /// Runs all systems in this schedule on the `world`, using its current execution strategy. pub fn run(&mut self, world: &mut World) { world.check_change_ticks(); self.initialize(world).unwrap(); // TODO: label #[cfg(feature = "trace")] let _span = info_span!("schedule").entered(); self.executable, world); } /// Initializes any newly-added systems and conditions, rebuilds the executable schedule, /// and re-initializes the executor. pub fn initialize(&mut self, world: &mut World) -> Result<(), ScheduleBuildError> { if self.graph.changed { self.graph.initialize(world); self.graph.update_schedule(&mut self.executable)?; self.graph.changed = false; self.executor_initialized = false; } if !self.executor_initialized { self.executor.init(&self.executable); self.executor_initialized = true; } Ok(()) } /// Iterates the change ticks of all systems in the schedule and clamps any older than /// [`MAX_CHANGE_AGE`](crate::change_detection::MAX_CHANGE_AGE). /// This prevents overflow and thus prevents false positives. pub(crate) fn check_change_ticks(&mut self, change_tick: u32) { for system in &mut { system.check_change_tick(change_tick); } for conditions in &mut self.executable.system_conditions { for system in conditions.iter_mut() { system.check_change_tick(change_tick); } } for conditions in &mut self.executable.set_conditions { for system in conditions.iter_mut() { system.check_change_tick(change_tick); } } } } /// A directed acylic graph structure. #[derive(Default)] struct Dag { /// A directed graph. graph: DiGraphMap, /// A cached topological ordering of the graph. topsort: Vec, } impl Dag { fn new() -> Self { Self { graph: DiGraphMap::new(), topsort: Vec::new(), } } } /// A [`SystemSet`] with metadata, stored in a [`ScheduleGraph`]. struct SystemSetNode { inner: BoxedSystemSet, /// `true` if this system set was modified with `configure_set` configured: bool, } impl SystemSetNode { pub fn new(set: BoxedSystemSet) -> Self { Self { inner: set, configured: false, } } pub fn name(&self) -> String { format!("{:?}", &self.inner) } pub fn is_system_type(&self) -> bool { self.inner.is_system_type() } } /// Metadata for a [`Schedule`]. #[derive(Default)] struct ScheduleGraph { systems: Vec>, system_conditions: Vec>>, system_sets: Vec, system_set_conditions: Vec>>, system_set_ids: HashMap, uninit: Vec<(NodeId, usize)>, hierarchy: Dag, dependency: Dag, dependency_flattened: Dag, ambiguous_with: UnGraphMap, ambiguous_with_flattened: UnGraphMap, ambiguous_with_all: HashSet, default_set: Option, changed: bool, settings: ScheduleBuildSettings, } impl ScheduleGraph { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { systems: Vec::new(), system_conditions: Vec::new(), system_sets: Vec::new(), system_set_conditions: Vec::new(), system_set_ids: HashMap::new(), uninit: Vec::new(), hierarchy: Dag::new(), dependency: Dag::new(), dependency_flattened: Dag::new(), ambiguous_with: UnGraphMap::new(), ambiguous_with_flattened: UnGraphMap::new(), ambiguous_with_all: HashSet::new(), default_set: None, changed: false, settings: default(), } } fn set_default_set(&mut self, set: impl SystemSet) { assert!( !set.is_system_type(), "adding arbitrary systems to a system type set is not allowed" ); self.default_set = Some(Box::new(set)); } fn add_systems

(&mut self, systems: impl IntoSystemConfigs

) { let SystemConfigs { systems, chained } = systems.into_configs(); let mut system_iter = systems.into_iter(); if chained { let Some(prev) = else { return }; let mut prev_id = self.add_system_inner(prev).unwrap(); for next in system_iter { let next_id = self.add_system_inner(next).unwrap(); self.dependency.graph.add_edge(prev_id, next_id, ()); prev_id = next_id; } } else { for system in system_iter { self.add_system_inner(system).unwrap(); } } } fn add_system

(&mut self, system: impl IntoSystemConfig

) { self.add_system_inner(system).unwrap(); } fn add_system_inner

( &mut self, system: impl IntoSystemConfig

, ) -> Result { let SystemConfig { system, mut graph_info, conditions, } = system.into_config(); let id = NodeId::System(; if graph_info.sets.is_empty() { if let Some(default) = self.default_set.as_ref() { graph_info.sets.push(default.dyn_clone()); } } // graph updates are immediate self.update_graphs(id, graph_info)?; // system init has to be deferred (need `&mut World`) self.uninit.push((id, 0));; self.system_conditions.push(Some(conditions)); Ok(id) } fn configure_sets(&mut self, sets: impl IntoSystemSetConfigs) { let SystemSetConfigs { sets, chained } = sets.into_configs(); let mut set_iter = sets.into_iter(); if chained { let Some(prev) = else { return }; let mut prev_id = self.configure_set_inner(prev).unwrap(); for next in set_iter { let next_id = self.configure_set_inner(next).unwrap(); self.dependency.graph.add_edge(prev_id, next_id, ()); prev_id = next_id; } } else { for set in set_iter { self.configure_set_inner(set).unwrap(); } } } fn configure_set(&mut self, set: impl IntoSystemSetConfig) { self.configure_set_inner(set).unwrap(); } fn configure_set_inner( &mut self, set: impl IntoSystemSetConfig, ) -> Result { let SystemSetConfig { set, mut graph_info, mut conditions, } = set.into_config(); let id = match self.system_set_ids.get(&set) { Some(&id) => id, None => self.add_set(set.dyn_clone()), }; let meta = &mut self.system_sets[id.index()]; let already_configured = std::mem::replace(&mut meta.configured, true); // a system set can be configured multiple times, so this "default check" // should only happen the first time `configure_set` is called on it if !already_configured && graph_info.sets.is_empty() { if let Some(default) = self.default_set.as_ref() { info!("adding system set `{:?}` to default: `{:?}`", set, default); graph_info.sets.push(default.dyn_clone()); } } // graph updates are immediate self.update_graphs(id, graph_info)?; // system init has to be deferred (need `&mut World`) let system_set_conditions = self.system_set_conditions[id.index()].get_or_insert_with(Vec::new); self.uninit.push((id, system_set_conditions.len())); system_set_conditions.append(&mut conditions); Ok(id) } fn add_set(&mut self, set: BoxedSystemSet) -> NodeId { let id = NodeId::Set(self.system_sets.len()); self.system_sets.push(SystemSetNode::new(set.dyn_clone())); self.system_set_conditions.push(None); self.system_set_ids.insert(set, id); id } fn check_sets( &mut self, id: &NodeId, graph_info: &GraphInfo, ) -> Result<(), ScheduleBuildError> { for set in &graph_info.sets { match self.system_set_ids.get(set) { Some(set_id) => { if id == set_id { return Err(ScheduleBuildError::HierarchyLoop(set.dyn_clone())); } } None => { self.add_set(set.dyn_clone()); } } } Ok(()) } fn check_edges( &mut self, id: &NodeId, graph_info: &GraphInfo, ) -> Result<(), ScheduleBuildError> { for Dependency { kind: _, set } in &graph_info.dependencies { match self.system_set_ids.get(set) { Some(set_id) => { if id == set_id { return Err(ScheduleBuildError::DependencyLoop(set.dyn_clone())); } } None => { self.add_set(set.dyn_clone()); } } } if let Ambiguity::IgnoreWithSet(ambiguous_with) = &graph_info.ambiguous_with { for set in ambiguous_with { if !self.system_set_ids.contains_key(set) { self.add_set(set.dyn_clone()); } } } Ok(()) } fn update_graphs( &mut self, id: NodeId, graph_info: GraphInfo, ) -> Result<(), ScheduleBuildError> { self.check_sets(&id, &graph_info)?; self.check_edges(&id, &graph_info)?; self.changed = true; let GraphInfo { sets, dependencies, ambiguous_with, } = graph_info; if !self.hierarchy.graph.contains_node(id) { self.hierarchy.graph.add_node(id); } for set in sets.into_iter().map(|set| self.system_set_ids[&set]) { self.hierarchy.graph.add_edge(set, id, ()); } if !self.dependency.graph.contains_node(id) { self.dependency.graph.add_node(id); } for (kind, set) in dependencies .into_iter() .map(|Dependency { kind, set }| (kind, self.system_set_ids[&set])) { let (lhs, rhs) = match kind { DependencyKind::Before => (id, set), DependencyKind::After => (set, id), }; self.dependency.graph.add_edge(lhs, rhs, ()); } match ambiguous_with { Ambiguity::Check => (), Ambiguity::IgnoreWithSet(ambigous_with) => { for set in ambigous_with .into_iter() .map(|set| self.system_set_ids[&set]) { self.ambiguous_with.add_edge(id, set, ()); } } Ambiguity::IgnoreAll => { self.ambiguous_with_all.insert(id); } } Ok(()) } fn initialize(&mut self, world: &mut World) { for (id, i) in self.uninit.drain(..) { match id { NodeId::System(index) => {[index].as_mut().unwrap().initialize(world); if let Some(v) = self.system_conditions[index].as_mut() { for condition in v.iter_mut() { condition.initialize(world); } } } NodeId::Set(index) => { if let Some(v) = self.system_set_conditions[index].as_mut() { for condition in v.iter_mut().skip(i) { condition.initialize(world); } } } } } } fn build_schedule(&mut self) -> Result { // check hierarchy for cycles let hier_scc = tarjan_scc(&self.hierarchy.graph); if self.contains_cycles(&hier_scc) { self.report_cycles(&hier_scc); return Err(ScheduleBuildError::HierarchyCycle); } self.hierarchy.topsort = hier_scc.into_iter().flatten().rev().collect::>(); let hier_results = check_graph(&self.hierarchy.graph, &self.hierarchy.topsort); if self.contains_hierarchy_conflicts(&hier_results.transitive_edges) { self.report_hierarchy_conflicts(&hier_results.transitive_edges); if matches!(self.settings.hierarchy_detection, LogLevel::Error) { return Err(ScheduleBuildError::HierarchyRedundancy); } } // remove redundant edges self.hierarchy.graph = hier_results.transitive_reduction; // check dependencies for cycles let dep_scc = tarjan_scc(&self.dependency.graph); if self.contains_cycles(&dep_scc) { self.report_cycles(&dep_scc); return Err(ScheduleBuildError::DependencyCycle); } self.dependency.topsort = dep_scc.into_iter().flatten().rev().collect::>(); // nodes can have dependent XOR hierarchical relationship let dep_results = check_graph(&self.dependency.graph, &self.dependency.topsort); for &(a, b) in dep_results.connected.iter() { if hier_results.connected.contains(&(a, b)) || hier_results.connected.contains(&(b, a)) { let name_a = self.get_node_name(&a); let name_b = self.get_node_name(&b); return Err(ScheduleBuildError::CrossDependency(name_a, name_b)); } } // map system sets to all their member systems let mut systems_in_sets = HashMap::with_capacity(self.system_sets.len()); // iterate in reverse topological order (bottom-up) for &id in self.hierarchy.topsort.iter().rev() { if id.is_system() { continue; } let set = id; systems_in_sets.insert(set, Vec::new()); for child in self .hierarchy .graph .neighbors_directed(set, Direction::Outgoing) { match child { NodeId::System(_) => { systems_in_sets.get_mut(&set).unwrap().push(child); } NodeId::Set(_) => { let [sys, child_sys] = systems_in_sets.get_many_mut([&set, &child]).unwrap(); sys.extend_from_slice(child_sys); } } } } // can't depend on or be ambiguous with system type sets that have many instances for (&set, systems) in systems_in_sets.iter() { let node = &self.system_sets[set.index()]; if node.is_system_type() { let ambiguities = self.ambiguous_with.edges(set).count(); let mut dependencies = 0; dependencies += self .dependency .graph .edges_directed(set, Direction::Incoming) .count(); dependencies += self .dependency .graph .edges_directed(set, Direction::Outgoing) .count(); if systems.len() > 1 && (ambiguities > 0 || dependencies > 0) { return Err(ScheduleBuildError::SystemTypeSetAmbiguity( node.inner.dyn_clone(), )); } } } // flatten dependency graph let mut dependency_flattened = DiGraphMap::new(); for id in self.dependency.graph.nodes() { if id.is_system() { dependency_flattened.add_node(id); } } for (lhs, rhs, _) in self.dependency.graph.all_edges() { match (lhs, rhs) { (NodeId::System(_), NodeId::System(_)) => { dependency_flattened.add_edge(lhs, rhs, ()); } (NodeId::Set(_), NodeId::System(_)) => { for &lhs_ in &systems_in_sets[&lhs] { dependency_flattened.add_edge(lhs_, rhs, ()); } } (NodeId::System(_), NodeId::Set(_)) => { for &rhs_ in &systems_in_sets[&rhs] { dependency_flattened.add_edge(lhs, rhs_, ()); } } (NodeId::Set(_), NodeId::Set(_)) => { for &lhs_ in &systems_in_sets[&lhs] { for &rhs_ in &systems_in_sets[&rhs] { dependency_flattened.add_edge(lhs_, rhs_, ()); } } } } } // check flattened dependencies for cycles let flat_scc = tarjan_scc(&dependency_flattened); if self.contains_cycles(&flat_scc) { self.report_cycles(&flat_scc); return Err(ScheduleBuildError::DependencyCycle); } self.dependency_flattened.graph = dependency_flattened; self.dependency_flattened.topsort = flat_scc.into_iter().flatten().rev().collect::>(); let flat_results = check_graph( &self.dependency_flattened.graph, &self.dependency_flattened.topsort, ); // remove redundant edges self.dependency_flattened.graph = flat_results.transitive_reduction; // flatten allowed ambiguities let mut ambiguous_with_flattened = UnGraphMap::new(); for (lhs, rhs, _) in self.ambiguous_with.all_edges() { match (lhs, rhs) { (NodeId::System(_), NodeId::System(_)) => { ambiguous_with_flattened.add_edge(lhs, rhs, ()); } (NodeId::Set(_), NodeId::System(_)) => { for &lhs_ in &systems_in_sets[&lhs] { ambiguous_with_flattened.add_edge(lhs_, rhs, ()); } } (NodeId::System(_), NodeId::Set(_)) => { for &rhs_ in &systems_in_sets[&rhs] { ambiguous_with_flattened.add_edge(lhs, rhs_, ()); } } (NodeId::Set(_), NodeId::Set(_)) => { for &lhs_ in &systems_in_sets[&lhs] { for &rhs_ in &systems_in_sets[&rhs] { ambiguous_with_flattened.add_edge(lhs_, rhs_, ()); } } } } } self.ambiguous_with_flattened = ambiguous_with_flattened; // check for conflicts let mut conflicting_systems = Vec::new(); for &(a, b) in flat_results.disconnected.iter() { if self.ambiguous_with_flattened.contains_edge(a, b) || self.ambiguous_with_all.contains(&a) || self.ambiguous_with_all.contains(&b) { continue; } let system_a =[a.index()].as_ref().unwrap(); let system_b =[b.index()].as_ref().unwrap(); if system_a.is_exclusive() || system_b.is_exclusive() { conflicting_systems.push((a, b, Vec::new())); } else { let access_a = system_a.component_access(); let access_b = system_b.component_access(); if !access_a.is_compatible(access_b) { let conflicts = access_a.get_conflicts(access_b); conflicting_systems.push((a, b, conflicts)); } } } if self.contains_conflicts(&conflicting_systems) { self.report_conflicts(&conflicting_systems); if matches!(self.settings.ambiguity_detection, LogLevel::Error) { return Err(ScheduleBuildError::Ambiguity); } } // build the schedule let dg_system_ids = self.dependency_flattened.topsort.clone(); let dg_system_idx_map = dg_system_ids .iter() .cloned() .enumerate() .map(|(i, id)| (id, i)) .collect::>(); let hg_systems = self .hierarchy .topsort .iter() .cloned() .enumerate() .filter(|&(_i, id)| id.is_system()) .collect::>(); let (hg_set_idxs, hg_set_ids): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = self .hierarchy .topsort .iter() .cloned() .enumerate() .filter(|&(_i, id)| { // ignore system sets that have no conditions // ignore system type sets (already covered, they don't have conditions) id.is_set() && self.system_set_conditions[id.index()] .as_ref() .filter(|v| !v.is_empty()) .is_some() }) .unzip(); let sys_count =; let set_count = hg_set_ids.len(); let node_count = + self.system_sets.len(); // get the number of dependencies and the immediate dependents of each system // (needed by multi-threaded executor to run systems in the correct order) let mut system_dependencies = Vec::with_capacity(sys_count); let mut system_dependents = Vec::with_capacity(sys_count); for &sys_id in &dg_system_ids { let num_dependencies = self .dependency_flattened .graph .neighbors_directed(sys_id, Direction::Incoming) .count(); let dependents = self .dependency_flattened .graph .neighbors_directed(sys_id, Direction::Outgoing) .map(|dep_id| dg_system_idx_map[&dep_id]) .collect::>(); system_dependencies.push(num_dependencies); system_dependents.push(dependents); } // get the rows and columns of the hierarchy graph's reachability matrix // (needed to we can evaluate conditions in the correct order) let mut systems_in_sets = vec![FixedBitSet::with_capacity(sys_count); set_count]; for (i, &row) in hg_set_idxs.iter().enumerate() { let bitset = &mut systems_in_sets[i]; for &(col, sys_id) in &hg_systems { let idx = dg_system_idx_map[&sys_id]; let is_descendant = hier_results.reachable[index(row, col, node_count)]; bitset.set(idx, is_descendant); } } let mut sets_of_systems = vec![FixedBitSet::with_capacity(set_count); sys_count]; for &(col, sys_id) in &hg_systems { let i = dg_system_idx_map[&sys_id]; let bitset = &mut sets_of_systems[i]; for (idx, &row) in hg_set_idxs .iter() .enumerate() .take_while(|&(_idx, &row)| row < col) { let is_ancestor = hier_results.reachable[index(row, col, node_count)]; bitset.set(idx, is_ancestor); } } Ok(SystemSchedule { systems: Vec::with_capacity(sys_count), system_conditions: Vec::with_capacity(sys_count), set_conditions: Vec::with_capacity(set_count), system_ids: dg_system_ids, set_ids: hg_set_ids, system_dependencies, system_dependents, sets_of_systems, systems_in_sets, }) } fn update_schedule(&mut self, schedule: &mut SystemSchedule) -> Result<(), ScheduleBuildError> { if !self.uninit.is_empty() { return Err(ScheduleBuildError::Uninitialized); } // move systems out of old schedule for ((id, system), conditions) in schedule .system_ids .drain(..) .zip( .zip(schedule.system_conditions.drain(..)) {[id.index()] = Some(system); self.system_conditions[id.index()] = Some(conditions); } for (id, conditions) in schedule .set_ids .drain(..) .zip(schedule.set_conditions.drain(..)) { self.system_set_conditions[id.index()] = Some(conditions); } *schedule = self.build_schedule()?; // move systems into new schedule for &id in &schedule.system_ids { let system =[id.index()].take().unwrap(); let conditions = self.system_conditions[id.index()].take().unwrap();; schedule.system_conditions.push(conditions); } for &id in &schedule.set_ids { let conditions = self.system_set_conditions[id.index()].take().unwrap(); schedule.set_conditions.push(conditions); } Ok(()) } } // methods for reporting errors impl ScheduleGraph { fn get_node_name(&self, id: &NodeId) -> String { match id { NodeId::System(_) =>[id.index()] .as_ref() .unwrap() .name() .to_string(), NodeId::Set(_) => self.system_sets[id.index()].name(), } } fn get_node_kind(id: &NodeId) -> &'static str { match id { NodeId::System(_) => "system", NodeId::Set(_) => "system set", } } fn contains_hierarchy_conflicts(&self, transitive_edges: &[(NodeId, NodeId)]) -> bool { if transitive_edges.is_empty() { return false; } true } fn report_hierarchy_conflicts(&self, transitive_edges: &[(NodeId, NodeId)]) { let mut message = String::from("hierarchy contains redundant edge(s)"); for (parent, child) in transitive_edges { writeln!( message, " -- {:?} '{:?}' cannot be child of set '{:?}', longer path exists", Self::get_node_kind(child), self.get_node_name(child), self.get_node_name(parent), ) .unwrap(); } error!("{}", message); } fn contains_cycles(&self, strongly_connected_components: &[Vec]) -> bool { if strongly_connected_components .iter() .all(|scc| scc.len() == 1) { return false; } true } fn report_cycles(&self, strongly_connected_components: &[Vec]) { let components_with_cycles = strongly_connected_components .iter() .filter(|scc| scc.len() > 1) .cloned() .collect::>(); let mut message = format!( "schedule contains at least {} cycle(s)", components_with_cycles.len() ); writeln!(message, " -- cycle(s) found within:").unwrap(); for (i, scc) in components_with_cycles.into_iter().enumerate() { let names = scc .iter() .map(|id| self.get_node_name(id)) .collect::>(); writeln!(message, " ---- {i}: {names:?}").unwrap(); } error!("{}", message); } fn contains_conflicts(&self, conflicts: &[(NodeId, NodeId, Vec)]) -> bool { if conflicts.is_empty() { return false; } true } fn report_conflicts(&self, ambiguities: &[(NodeId, NodeId, Vec)]) { let mut string = String::from( "Some systems with conflicting access have indeterminate execution order. \ Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:\n", ); for (system_a, system_b, conflicts) in ambiguities { debug_assert!(system_a.is_system()); debug_assert!(system_b.is_system()); let name_a = self.get_node_name(system_a); let name_b = self.get_node_name(system_b); writeln!(string, " -- {name_a} and {name_b}").unwrap(); if !conflicts.is_empty() { writeln!(string, " conflict on: {conflicts:?}").unwrap(); } else { // one or both systems must be exclusive let world = std::any::type_name::(); writeln!(string, " conflict on: {world}").unwrap(); } } warn!("{}", string); } } /// Category of errors encountered during schedule construction. #[derive(Error, Debug)] #[non_exhaustive] pub enum ScheduleBuildError { /// A system set contains itself. #[error("`{0:?}` contains itself.")] HierarchyLoop(BoxedSystemSet), /// The hierarchy of system sets contains a cycle. #[error("System set hierarchy contains cycle(s).")] HierarchyCycle, /// The hierarchy of system sets contains redundant edges. /// /// This error is disabled by default, but can be opted-in using [`ScheduleBuildSettings`]. #[error("System set hierarchy contains redundant edges.")] HierarchyRedundancy, /// A system (set) has been told to run before itself. #[error("`{0:?}` depends on itself.")] DependencyLoop(BoxedSystemSet), /// The dependency graph contains a cycle. #[error("System dependencies contain cycle(s).")] DependencyCycle, /// Tried to order a system (set) relative to a system set it belongs to. #[error("`{0:?}` and `{1:?}` have both `in_set` and `before`-`after` relationships (these might be transitive). This combination is unsolvable as a system cannot run before or after a set it belongs to.")] CrossDependency(String, String), /// Tried to order a system (set) relative to all instances of some system function. #[error("Tried to order against `fn {0:?}` in a schedule that has more than one `{0:?}` instance. `fn {0:?}` is a `SystemTypeSet` and cannot be used for ordering if ambiguous. Use a different set without this restriction.")] SystemTypeSetAmbiguity(BoxedSystemSet), /// Systems with conflicting access have indeterminate run order. /// /// This error is disabled by default, but can be opted-in using [`ScheduleBuildSettings`]. #[error("Systems with conflicting access have indeterminate run order.")] Ambiguity, /// Tried to run a schedule before all of its systems have been initialized. #[error("Systems in schedule have not been initialized.")] Uninitialized, } /// Specifies how schedule construction should respond to detecting a certain kind of issue. pub enum LogLevel { /// Occurrences are logged only. Warn, /// Occurrences are logged and result in errors. Error, } /// Specifies miscellaneous settings for schedule construction. pub struct ScheduleBuildSettings { ambiguity_detection: LogLevel, hierarchy_detection: LogLevel, } impl Default for ScheduleBuildSettings { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl ScheduleBuildSettings { pub const fn new() -> Self { Self { ambiguity_detection: LogLevel::Warn, hierarchy_detection: LogLevel::Warn, } } /// Determines whether the presence of ambiguities (systems with conflicting access but indeterminate order) /// is only logged or also results in an [`Ambiguity`](ScheduleBuildError::Ambiguity) error. pub fn with_ambiguity_detection(mut self, level: LogLevel) -> Self { self.ambiguity_detection = level; self } /// Determines whether the presence of redundant edges in the hierarchy of system sets is only /// logged or also results in a [`HierarchyRedundancy`](ScheduleBuildError::HierarchyRedundancy) /// error. pub fn with_hierarchy_detection(mut self, level: LogLevel) -> Self { self.hierarchy_detection = level; self } }