use crate::ReflectComponent;
use bevy_ecs::{prelude::*, query::QueryItem};
use bevy_math::Vec3;
use bevy_reflect::{FromReflect, Reflect, ReflectFromReflect};
use bevy_render::{color::Color, extract_component::ExtractComponent, prelude::Camera};
/// Configures the “classic” computer graphics [distance fog]( effect,
/// in which objects appear progressively more covered in atmospheric haze the further away they are from the camera.
/// Affects meshes rendered via the PBR [`StandardMaterial`](crate::StandardMaterial).
/// ## Falloff
/// The rate at which fog intensity increases with distance is controlled by the falloff mode.
/// Currently, the following fog falloff modes are supported:
/// - [`FogFalloff::Linear`]
/// - [`FogFalloff::Exponential`]
/// - [`FogFalloff::ExponentialSquared`]
/// - [`FogFalloff::Atmospheric`]
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// # use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
/// # use bevy_render::prelude::*;
/// # use bevy_core_pipeline::prelude::*;
/// # use bevy_pbr::prelude::*;
/// # fn system(mut commands: Commands) {
/// commands.spawn((
/// // Setup your camera as usual
/// Camera3dBundle {
/// // ... camera options
/// # ..Default::default()
/// },
/// // Add fog to the same entity
/// FogSettings {
/// color: Color::WHITE,
/// falloff: FogFalloff::Exponential { density: 1e-3 },
/// ..Default::default()
/// },
/// ));
/// # }
/// # bevy_ecs::system::assert_is_system(system);
/// ```
/// ## Material Override
/// Once enabled for a specific camera, the fog effect can also be disabled for individual
/// [`StandardMaterial`](crate::StandardMaterial) instances via the `fog_enabled` flag.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Component, Reflect, FromReflect)]
#[reflect(Component, FromReflect)]
pub struct FogSettings {
/// The color of the fog effect.
/// **Tip:** The alpha channel of the color can be used to “modulate” the fog effect without
/// changing the fog falloff mode or parameters.
pub color: Color,
/// Color used to modulate the influence of directional light colors on the
/// fog, where the view direction aligns with each directional light direction,
/// producing a “glow” or light dispersion effect. (e.g. around the sun)
/// Use [`Color::NONE`] to disable the effect.
pub directional_light_color: Color,
/// The exponent applied to the directional light alignment calculation.
/// A higher value means a more concentrated “glow”.
pub directional_light_exponent: f32,
/// Determines which falloff mode to use, and its parameters.
pub falloff: FogFalloff,
/// Allows switching between different fog falloff modes, and configuring their parameters.
/// ## Convenience Methods
/// When using non-linear fog modes it can be hard to determine the right parameter values
/// for a given scene.
/// For easier artistic control, instead of creating the enum variants directly, you can use the
/// visibility-based convenience methods:
/// - For `FogFalloff::Exponential`:
/// - [`FogFalloff::from_visibility()`]
/// - [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_contrast()`]
/// - For `FogFalloff::ExponentialSquared`:
/// - [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_squared()`]
/// - [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_contrast_squared()`]
/// - For `FogFalloff::Atmospheric`:
/// - [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_color()`]
/// - [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_colors()`]
/// - [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_contrast_color()`]
/// - [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_contrast_colors()`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Reflect, FromReflect)]
pub enum FogFalloff {
/// A linear fog falloff that grows in intensity between `start` and `end` distances.
/// This falloff mode is simpler to control than other modes, however it can produce results that look “artificial”, depending on the scene.
/// ## Formula
/// The fog intensity for a given point in the scene is determined by the following formula:
/// ```text
/// let fog_intensity = 1.0 - ((end - distance) / (end - start)).clamp(0.0, 1.0);
/// ```
Linear {
/// Distance from the camera where fog is completely transparent, in world units.
start: f32,
/// Distance from the camera where fog is completely opaque, in world units.
end: f32,
/// An exponential fog falloff with a given `density`.
/// Initially gains intensity quickly with distance, then more slowly. Typically produces more natural results than [`FogFalloff::Linear`],
/// but is a bit harder to control.
/// To move the fog “further away”, use lower density values. To move it “closer” use higher density values.
/// ## Tips
/// - Use the [`FogFalloff::from_visibility()`] convenience method to create an exponential falloff with the proper
/// density for a desired visibility distance in world units;
/// - It's not _unusual_ to have very large or very small values for the density, depending on the scene
/// scale. Typically, for scenes with objects in the scale of thousands of units, you might want density values
/// in the ballpark of `0.001`. Conversely, for really small scale scenes you might want really high values of
/// density;
/// - Combine the `density` parameter with the [`FogSettings`] `color`'s alpha channel for easier artistic control.
/// ## Formula
/// The fog intensity for a given point in the scene is determined by the following formula:
/// ```text
/// let fog_intensity = 1.0 - 1.0 / (distance * density).exp();
/// ```
Exponential {
/// Multiplier applied to the world distance (within the exponential fog falloff calculation).
density: f32,
/// A squared exponential fog falloff with a given `density`.
/// Similar to [`FogFalloff::Exponential`], but grows more slowly in intensity for closer distances
/// before “catching up”.
/// To move the fog “further away”, use lower density values. To move it “closer” use higher density values.
/// ## Tips
/// - Use the [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_squared()`] convenience method to create an exponential squared falloff
/// with the proper density for a desired visibility distance in world units;
/// - Combine the `density` parameter with the [`FogSettings`] `color`'s alpha channel for easier artistic control.
/// ## Formula
/// The fog intensity for a given point in the scene is determined by the following formula:
/// ```text
/// let fog_intensity = 1.0 - 1.0 / (distance * density).powi(2).exp();
/// ```
ExponentialSquared {
/// Multiplier applied to the world distance (within the exponential squared fog falloff calculation).
density: f32,
/// A more general form of the [`FogFalloff::Exponential`] mode. The falloff formula is separated into
/// two terms, `extinction` and `inscattering`, for a somewhat simplified atmospheric scattering model.
/// Additionally, individual color channels can have their own density values, resulting in a total of
/// six different configuration parameters.
/// ## Tips
/// - Use the [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_colors()`] or [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_color()`] convenience methods
/// to create an atmospheric falloff with the proper densities for a desired visibility distance in world units and
/// extinction and inscattering colors;
/// - Combine the atmospheric fog parameters with the [`FogSettings`] `color`'s alpha channel for easier artistic control.
/// ## Formula
/// Unlike other modes, atmospheric falloff doesn't use a simple intensity-based blend of fog color with
/// object color. Instead, it calculates per-channel extinction and inscattering factors, which are
/// then used to calculate the final color.
/// ```text
/// let extinction_factor = 1.0 - 1.0 / (distance * extinction).exp();
/// let inscattering_factor = 1.0 - 1.0 / (distance * inscattering).exp();
/// let result = input_color * (1.0 - extinction_factor) + fog_color * inscattering_factor;
/// ```
/// ## Equivalence to [`FogFalloff::Exponential`]
/// For a density value of `D`, the following two falloff modes will produce identical visual results:
/// ```
/// # use bevy_pbr::prelude::*;
/// # use bevy_math::prelude::*;
/// # const D: f32 = 0.5;
/// #
/// let exponential = FogFalloff::Exponential {
/// density: D,
/// };
/// let atmospheric = FogFalloff::Atmospheric {
/// extinction: Vec3::new(D, D, D),
/// inscattering: Vec3::new(D, D, D),
/// };
/// ```
/// **Note:** While the results are identical, [`FogFalloff::Atmospheric`] is computationally more expensive.
Atmospheric {
/// Controls how much light is removed due to atmospheric “extinction”, i.e. loss of light due to
/// photons being absorbed by atmospheric particles.
/// Each component can be thought of as an independent per `R`/`G`/`B` channel `density` factor from
/// [`FogFalloff::Exponential`]: Multiplier applied to the world distance (within the fog
/// falloff calculation) for that specific channel.
/// **Note:**
/// This value is not a `Color`, since it affects the channels exponentially in a non-intuitive way.
/// For artistic control, use the [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_colors()`] convenience method.
extinction: Vec3,
/// Controls how much light is added due to light scattering from the sun through the atmosphere.
/// Each component can be thought of as an independent per `R`/`G`/`B` channel `density` factor from
/// [`FogFalloff::Exponential`]: A multiplier applied to the world distance (within the fog
/// falloff calculation) for that specific channel.
/// **Note:**
/// This value is not a `Color`, since it affects the channels exponentially in a non-intuitive way.
/// For artistic control, use the [`FogFalloff::from_visibility_colors()`] convenience method.
inscattering: Vec3,
impl FogFalloff {
/// Creates a [`FogFalloff::Exponential`] value from the given visibility distance in world units,
/// using the revised Koschmieder contrast threshold, [`FogFalloff::REVISED_KOSCHMIEDER_CONTRAST_THRESHOLD`].
pub fn from_visibility(visibility: f32) -> FogFalloff {
/// Creates a [`FogFalloff::Exponential`] value from the given visibility distance in world units,
/// and a given contrast threshold in the range of `0.0` to `1.0`.
pub fn from_visibility_contrast(visibility: f32, contrast_threshold: f32) -> FogFalloff {
FogFalloff::Exponential {
density: FogFalloff::koschmieder(visibility, contrast_threshold),
/// Creates a [`FogFalloff::ExponentialSquared`] value from the given visibility distance in world units,
/// using the revised Koschmieder contrast threshold, [`FogFalloff::REVISED_KOSCHMIEDER_CONTRAST_THRESHOLD`].
pub fn from_visibility_squared(visibility: f32) -> FogFalloff {
/// Creates a [`FogFalloff::ExponentialSquared`] value from the given visibility distance in world units,
/// and a given contrast threshold in the range of `0.0` to `1.0`.
pub fn from_visibility_contrast_squared(
visibility: f32,
contrast_threshold: f32,
) -> FogFalloff {
FogFalloff::ExponentialSquared {
density: (FogFalloff::koschmieder(visibility, contrast_threshold) / visibility).sqrt(),
/// Creates a [`FogFalloff::Atmospheric`] value from the given visibility distance in world units,
/// and a shared color for both extinction and inscattering, using the revised Koschmieder contrast threshold,
pub fn from_visibility_color(
visibility: f32,
extinction_inscattering_color: Color,
) -> FogFalloff {
/// Creates a [`FogFalloff::Atmospheric`] value from the given visibility distance in world units,
/// extinction and inscattering colors, using the revised Koschmieder contrast threshold,
/// ## Tips
/// - Alpha values of the provided colors can modulate the `extinction` and `inscattering` effects;
/// - Using an `extinction_color` of [`Color::WHITE`] or [`Color::NONE`] disables the extinction effect;
/// - Using an `inscattering_color` of [`Color::BLACK`] or [`Color::NONE`] disables the inscattering effect.
pub fn from_visibility_colors(
visibility: f32,
extinction_color: Color,
inscattering_color: Color,
) -> FogFalloff {
/// Creates a [`FogFalloff::Atmospheric`] value from the given visibility distance in world units,
/// a contrast threshold in the range of `0.0` to `1.0`, and a shared color for both extinction and inscattering.
pub fn from_visibility_contrast_color(
visibility: f32,
contrast_threshold: f32,
extinction_inscattering_color: Color,
) -> FogFalloff {
/// Creates a [`FogFalloff::Atmospheric`] value from the given visibility distance in world units,
/// a contrast threshold in the range of `0.0` to `1.0`, extinction and inscattering colors.
/// ## Tips
/// - Alpha values of the provided colors can modulate the `extinction` and `inscattering` effects;
/// - Using an `extinction_color` of [`Color::WHITE`] or [`Color::NONE`] disables the extinction effect;
/// - Using an `inscattering_color` of [`Color::BLACK`] or [`Color::NONE`] disables the inscattering effect.
pub fn from_visibility_contrast_colors(
visibility: f32,
contrast_threshold: f32,
extinction_color: Color,
inscattering_color: Color,
) -> FogFalloff {
use std::f32::consts::E;
let [r_e, g_e, b_e, a_e] = extinction_color.as_linear_rgba_f32();
let [r_i, g_i, b_i, a_i] = inscattering_color.as_linear_rgba_f32();
FogFalloff::Atmospheric {
extinction: Vec3::new(
// Values are subtracted from 1.0 here to preserve the intuitive/artistic meaning of
// colors, since they're later subtracted. (e.g. by giving a blue extinction color, you
// get blue and _not_ yellow results)
(1.0 - r_e).powf(E),
(1.0 - g_e).powf(E),
(1.0 - b_e).powf(E),
) * FogFalloff::koschmieder(visibility, contrast_threshold)
* a_e.powf(E),
inscattering: Vec3::new(r_i.powf(E), g_i.powf(E), b_i.powf(E))
* FogFalloff::koschmieder(visibility, contrast_threshold)
* a_i.powf(E),
/// A 2% contrast threshold was originally proposed by Koschmieder, being the
/// minimum visual contrast at which a human observer could detect an object.
/// We use a revised 5% contrast threshold, deemed more realistic for typical human observers.
/// Calculates the extinction coefficient β, from V and Cₜ, where:
/// - Cₜ is the contrast threshold, in the range of `0.0` to `1.0`
/// - V is the visibility distance in which a perfectly black object is still identifiable
/// against the horizon sky within the contrast threshold
/// We start with Koschmieder's equation:
/// ```text
/// -ln(Cₜ)
/// V = ─────────
/// β
/// ```
/// Multiplying both sides by β/V, that gives us:
/// ```text
/// -ln(Cₜ)
/// β = ─────────
/// V
/// ```
/// See:
/// -
/// -
pub fn koschmieder(v: f32, c_t: f32) -> f32 {
-c_t.ln() / v
impl Default for FogSettings {
fn default() -> Self {
FogSettings {
color: Color::rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
falloff: FogFalloff::Linear {
start: 0.0,
end: 100.0,
directional_light_color: Color::NONE,
directional_light_exponent: 8.0,
impl ExtractComponent for FogSettings {
type Query = &'static Self;
type Filter = With;
type Out = Self;
fn extract_component(item: QueryItem) -> Option {