//! Iterates and prints gamepad input and connection events. use bevy::{ input::gamepad::{ GamepadAxisChangedEvent, GamepadButtonChangedEvent, GamepadButtonInput, GamepadConnectionEvent, GamepadEvent, }, prelude::*, }; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_systems(Update, (gamepad_events, gamepad_ordered_events)) .run(); } fn gamepad_events( mut connection_events: EventReader, mut axis_changed_events: EventReader, // Handles the continuous measure of how far a button has been pressed down, as measured // by `Axis`. Whenever that value changes, this event is emitted. mut button_changed_events: EventReader, // Handles the boolean measure of whether a button is considered pressed or unpressed, as // defined by the thresholds in `GamepadSettings::button_settings` and measured by // `Input`. When the threshold is crossed and the button state changes, // this event is emitted. mut button_input_events: EventReader, ) { for connection_event in connection_events.read() { info!("{:?}", connection_event); } for axis_changed_event in axis_changed_events.read() { info!( "{:?} of {:?} is changed to {}", axis_changed_event.axis_type, axis_changed_event.gamepad, axis_changed_event.value ); } for button_changed_event in button_changed_events.read() { info!( "{:?} of {:?} is changed to {}", button_changed_event.button_type, button_changed_event.gamepad, button_changed_event.value ); } for button_input_event in button_input_events.read() { info!("{:?}", button_input_event); } } // If you require in-frame relative event ordering, you can also read the `Gamepad` event // stream directly. For standard use-cases, reading the events individually or using the // `Input` or `Axis` resources is preferable. fn gamepad_ordered_events(mut gamepad_events: EventReader) { for gamepad_event in gamepad_events.read() { match gamepad_event { GamepadEvent::Connection(connection_event) => info!("{:?}", connection_event), GamepadEvent::Button(button_event) => info!("{:?}", button_event), GamepadEvent::Axis(axis_event) => info!("{:?}", axis_event), } } }