# B0003 As commands are executed asynchronously, it is possible to issue a command on an entity that will no longer exist at the time of the command execution. Erroneous code example: ```rust,should_panic use bevy::prelude::*; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems(Update, (use_0_and_despawn_1, use_1_and_despawn_0)) .run(); } #[derive(Resource)] struct MyEntities(Entity, Entity); #[derive(Component)] struct Hello; fn setup(mut commands: Commands) { let entity1 = commands.spawn_empty().id(); let entity2 = commands.spawn_empty().id(); commands.insert_resource(MyEntities(entity1, entity2)); } fn use_0_and_despawn_1(mut commands: Commands, my_entities: Res) { commands.entity(my_entities.0).insert(Hello); commands.entity(my_entities.1).despawn(); } fn use_1_and_despawn_0(mut commands: Commands, my_entities: Res) { commands.entity(my_entities.1).insert(Hello); commands.entity(my_entities.0).despawn(); } ``` This will panic, as the system that is executed first will despawn the entity used by the second. The default panic message is telling you which entity doesn't exist (`2v0` in the example log just below), the command that failed (adding a component `Hello`) and the system from which it originated (`use_1_and_despawn_0`): ```text thread 'main' panicked at /bevy/crates/bevy_ecs/src/system/commands/mod.rs:1097:13: error[B0003]: Could not insert a bundle (of type `use_entity_after_despawn::Hello`) for entity 2v0 because it doesn't exist in this World. Encountered a panic when applying buffers for system `use_entity_after_despawn::use_1_and_despawn_0`! Encountered a panic in system `bevy_app::main_schedule::Main::run_main`! ``` To get the system that created the despawn command, you can enable DEBUG logs for crate `bevy_ecs`, for example by setting the environment variable `RUST_LOG=bevy_ecs=debug` or by configuring the `LogPlugin`. This will log: ```text DEBUG system_commands{name="use_entity_after_despawn::use_0_and_despawn_1"}: bevy_ecs::world::entity_ref: Despawning entity 2v0 thread 'main' panicked at /bevy/crates/bevy_ecs/src/system/commands/mod.rs:1097:13: error[B0003]: Could not insert a bundle (of type `use_entity_after_despawn::Hello`) for entity 2v0 because it doesn't exist in this World. Encountered a panic when applying buffers for system `use_entity_after_despawn::use_1_and_despawn_0`! Encountered a panic in system `bevy_app::main_schedule::Main::run_main`! ``` From the first line, you know the entity `2v0` was despawned when executing a command from system `use_0_and_despawn_1`. In a real case, you could have many log lines, you will need to search for the exact entity from the panic message.