use std::{fs::File, io::Write}; use clap::{Parser, ValueEnum}; use xshell::{cmd, Shell}; #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, ValueEnum)] enum WebApi { Webgl2, Webgpu, } #[derive(Parser, Debug)] struct Args { /// Examples to build examples: Vec, #[arg(short, long)] /// Run tests test: bool, #[arg(short, long)] /// Run on the given browsers. By default, chromium, firefox, webkit browsers: Vec, #[arg(short, long)] /// Stop after this number of frames frames: Option, #[arg(value_enum, short, long, default_value_t = WebApi::Webgl2)] /// Browser API to use for rendering api: WebApi, #[arg(short, long)] /// Optimize the wasm file for size with wasm-opt optimize_size: bool, } fn main() { let cli = Args::parse(); assert!(!cli.examples.is_empty(), "must have at least one example"); let mut default_features = true; let mut features = vec![]; if let Some(frames) = cli.frames { let mut file = File::create("ci_testing_config.ron").unwrap(); file.write_fmt(format_args!("(exit_after: Some({frames}))")) .unwrap(); features.push("bevy_ci_testing"); } match cli.api { WebApi::Webgl2 => (), WebApi::Webgpu => { features.push("animation"); features.push("bevy_asset"); features.push("bevy_audio"); features.push("bevy_gilrs"); features.push("bevy_scene"); features.push("bevy_winit"); features.push("bevy_core_pipeline"); features.push("bevy_pbr"); features.push("bevy_gltf"); features.push("bevy_render"); features.push("bevy_sprite"); features.push("bevy_text"); features.push("bevy_ui"); features.push("png"); features.push("hdr"); features.push("ktx2"); features.push("zstd"); features.push("vorbis"); features.push("x11"); features.push("bevy_gizmos"); features.push("android_shared_stdcxx"); features.push("tonemapping_luts"); features.push("default_font"); default_features = false; } } for example in cli.examples { let sh = Shell::new().unwrap(); let features_string = features.join(","); let mut parameters = vec![]; if !default_features { parameters.push("--no-default-features"); } if !features.is_empty() { parameters.push("--features"); parameters.push(&features_string); } let mut cmd = cmd!( sh, "cargo build {parameters...} --profile release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --example {example}" ); if matches!(cli.api, WebApi::Webgpu) { cmd = cmd.env("RUSTFLAGS", "--cfg=web_sys_unstable_apis"); }"Error building example"); cmd!( sh, "wasm-bindgen --out-dir examples/wasm/target --out-name wasm_example --target web target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/examples/{example}.wasm" ) .run() .expect("Error creating wasm binding"); if cli.optimize_size { cmd!(sh, "wasm-opt -Oz --output examples/wasm/target/wasm_example_bg.wasm.optimized examples/wasm/target/wasm_example_bg.wasm") .run().expect("Failed to optimize for size. Do you have wasm-opt correctly set up?"); } if cli.test { let _dir = sh.push_dir(".github/start-wasm-example"); let mut browsers = cli.browsers.clone(); if !browsers.is_empty() { browsers.insert(0, "--project".to_string()); } cmd!(sh, "npx playwright test --headed {browsers...}") .env("SCREENSHOT_PREFIX", format!("screenshot-{example}")) .run() .expect("Error running playwright test"); } } }