use bevy::{ prelude::*, render::{ pipeline::{PipelineDescriptor, RenderPipeline}, shader::{ShaderStage, ShaderStages}, }, }; fn main() { App::build() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_startup_system(star) .run(); } fn star( mut commands: Commands, // We will add a new Mesh for the star being created mut meshes: ResMut>, // A pipeline will be added with custom shaders mut pipelines: ResMut>, // Access to add new shaders mut shaders: ResMut>, ) { // We first create a pipeline, which is the sequence of steps that are // needed to get to pixels on the screen starting from a description of the // geometries in the scene. Pipelines have fixed steps, which sometimes can // be turned off (for instance, depth and stencil tests) and programmable // steps, the vertex and fragment shaders, that we can customize writing // shader programs. let pipeline_handle = pipelines.add(PipelineDescriptor::default_config(ShaderStages { // Vertex shaders are run once for every vertex in the mesh. // Each vertex can have attributes associated to it (e.g. position, // color, texture mapping). The output of a shader is per-vertex. vertex: shaders.add(Shader::from_glsl(ShaderStage::Vertex, VERTEX_SHADER)), // Fragment shaders are run for each pixel belonging to a triangle on // the screen. Their output is per-pixel. fragment: Some(shaders.add(Shader::from_glsl(ShaderStage::Fragment, FRAGMENT_SHADER))), })); // Let's define the mesh for the object we want to draw: a nice star. // We will specify here what kind of topology is used to define the mesh, // that is, how triangles are built from the vertices. We will use a // triangle list, meaning that each vertex of the triangle has to be // specified. let mut star = Mesh::new(bevy::render::pipeline::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList); // Vertices need to have a position attribute. We will use the following // vertices (I hope you can spot the star in the schema). // // 1 // // 10 2 // 9 0 3 // 8 4 // 6 // 7 5 // // These vertices are specificed in 3D space. let mut v_pos = vec![[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]; for i in 0..10 { // Angle of each vertex is 1/10 of TAU, plus PI/2 for positioning vertex 0 let a = std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_2 - i as f32 * std::f32::consts::TAU / 10.0; // Radius of internal vertices (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) is 100, it's 200 for external let r = (1 - i % 2) as f32 * 100.0 + 100.0; // Add the vertex coordinates v_pos.push([r * a.cos(), r * a.sin(), 0.0]); } // Set the position attribute star.set_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, v_pos); // And a RGB color attribute as well let mut v_color = vec![[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]; v_color.extend_from_slice(&[[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]; 10]); star.set_attribute("Vertex_Color", v_color); // Now, we specify the indices of the vertex that are going to compose the // triangles in our star. Vertices in triangles have to be specified in CCW // winding (that will be the front face, colored). Since we are using // triangle list, we will specify each triangle as 3 vertices // First triangle: 0, 2, 1 // Second triangle: 0, 3, 2 // Third triangle: 0, 4, 3 // etc // Last triangle: 0, 1, 10 let mut indices = vec![0, 1, 10]; for i in 2..=10 { indices.extend_from_slice(&[0, i, i - 1]); } star.set_indices(Some(bevy::render::mesh::Indices::U32(indices))); // We can now spawn the entities for the star and the camera commands.spawn_bundle(MeshBundle { mesh: meshes.add(star), render_pipelines: RenderPipelines::from_pipelines(vec![RenderPipeline::new( pipeline_handle, )]), ..Default::default() }); commands // And use an orthographic projection .spawn_bundle(OrthographicCameraBundle::new_2d()); } const VERTEX_SHADER: &str = r" #version 450 layout(location = 0) in vec3 Vertex_Position; layout(location = 1) in vec3 Vertex_Color; layout(location = 1) out vec3 v_Color; layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform CameraViewProj { mat4 ViewProj; }; layout(set = 1, binding = 0) uniform Transform { mat4 Model; }; void main() { v_Color = Vertex_Color; gl_Position = ViewProj * Model * vec4(Vertex_Position, 1.0); } "; const FRAGMENT_SHADER: &str = r" #version 450 layout(location = 1) in vec3 v_Color; layout(location = 0) out vec4 o_Target; void main() { o_Target = vec4(v_Color, 1.0); } ";