//! Demonstrates how shadow biases affect shadows in a 3d scene. #[path = "../helpers/camera_controller.rs"] mod camera_controller; use bevy::{pbr::ShadowFilteringMethod, prelude::*}; use camera_controller::{CameraController, CameraControllerPlugin}; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_plugins(CameraControllerPlugin) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems( Update, ( cycle_filter_methods, adjust_light_position, adjust_point_light_biases, toggle_light, adjust_directional_light_biases, ), ) .run(); } #[derive(Component)] struct Lights; /// set up a 3D scene to test shadow biases and perspective projections fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut>, mut materials: ResMut>, ) { let spawn_plane_depth = 300.0f32; let spawn_height = 2.0; let sphere_radius = 0.25; let white_handle = materials.add(StandardMaterial { base_color: Color::WHITE, perceptual_roughness: 1.0, ..default() }); let sphere_handle = meshes.add(Sphere::new(sphere_radius)); let light_transform = Transform::from_xyz(5.0, 5.0, 0.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y); commands .spawn(( SpatialBundle { transform: light_transform, ..default() }, Lights, )) .with_children(|builder| { builder.spawn(PointLight { intensity: 0.0, range: spawn_plane_depth, color: Color::WHITE, shadow_depth_bias: 0.0, shadow_normal_bias: 0.0, shadows_enabled: true, ..default() }); builder.spawn(DirectionalLight { shadow_depth_bias: 0.0, shadow_normal_bias: 0.0, shadows_enabled: true, ..default() }); }); // camera commands.spawn(( Camera3d::default(), Transform::from_xyz(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0).looking_at(Vec3::new(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0), Vec3::Y), CameraController::default(), ShadowFilteringMethod::Hardware2x2, )); for z_i32 in (-spawn_plane_depth as i32..=0).step_by(2) { commands.spawn(( Mesh3d(sphere_handle.clone()), MeshMaterial3d(white_handle.clone()), Transform::from_xyz( 0.0, if z_i32 % 4 == 0 { spawn_height } else { sphere_radius }, z_i32 as f32, ), )); } // ground plane let plane_size = 2.0 * spawn_plane_depth; commands.spawn(( Mesh3d(meshes.add(Plane3d::default().mesh().size(plane_size, plane_size))), MeshMaterial3d(white_handle), )); let style = TextStyle::default(); commands .spawn(( NodeBundle { style: Style { position_type: PositionType::Absolute, padding: UiRect::all(Val::Px(5.0)), ..default() }, background_color: Color::BLACK.with_alpha(0.75).into(), ..default() }, GlobalZIndex(i32::MAX), )) .with_children(|c| { c.spawn(TextBundle::from_sections([ TextSection::new("Controls:\n", style.clone()), TextSection::new("R / Z - reset biases to default / zero\n", style.clone()), TextSection::new( "L - switch between directional and point lights [", style.clone(), ), TextSection::new("DirectionalLight", style.clone()), TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()), TextSection::new( "F - switch directional light filter methods [", style.clone(), ), TextSection::new("Hardware2x2", style.clone()), TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()), TextSection::new("1/2 - change point light depth bias [", style.clone()), TextSection::new("0.00", style.clone()), TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()), TextSection::new("3/4 - change point light normal bias [", style.clone()), TextSection::new("0.0", style.clone()), TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()), TextSection::new("5/6 - change direction light depth bias [", style.clone()), TextSection::new("0.00", style.clone()), TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()), TextSection::new( "7/8 - change direction light normal bias [", style.clone(), ), TextSection::new("0.0", style.clone()), TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()), TextSection::new( "left/right/up/down/pgup/pgdown - adjust light position (looking at 0,0,0) [", style.clone(), ), TextSection::new( format!("{:.1},", light_transform.translation.x), style.clone(), ), TextSection::new( format!(" {:.1},", light_transform.translation.y), style.clone(), ), TextSection::new( format!(" {:.1}", light_transform.translation.z), style.clone(), ), TextSection::new("]\n", style.clone()), ])); }); } fn toggle_light( input: Res>, mut point_lights: Query<&mut PointLight>, mut directional_lights: Query<&mut DirectionalLight>, mut example_text: Query<&mut Text>, ) { if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyL) { for mut light in &mut point_lights { light.intensity = if light.intensity == 0.0 { example_text.single_mut().sections[3].value = "PointLight".to_string(); 100000000.0 } else { 0.0 }; } for mut light in &mut directional_lights { light.illuminance = if light.illuminance == 0.0 { example_text.single_mut().sections[3].value = "DirectionalLight".to_string(); 100000.0 } else { 0.0 }; } } } fn adjust_light_position( input: Res>, mut lights: Query<&mut Transform, With>, mut example_text: Query<&mut Text>, ) { let mut offset = Vec3::ZERO; if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowLeft) { offset.x -= 1.0; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowRight) { offset.x += 1.0; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowUp) { offset.z -= 1.0; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowDown) { offset.z += 1.0; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::PageDown) { offset.y -= 1.0; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::PageUp) { offset.y += 1.0; } if offset != Vec3::ZERO { let mut example_text = example_text.single_mut(); for mut light in &mut lights { light.translation += offset; light.look_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y); example_text.sections[21].value = format!("{:.1},", light.translation.x); example_text.sections[22].value = format!(" {:.1},", light.translation.y); example_text.sections[23].value = format!(" {:.1}", light.translation.z); } } } fn cycle_filter_methods( input: Res>, mut filter_methods: Query<&mut ShadowFilteringMethod>, mut example_text: Query<&mut Text>, ) { if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyF) { for mut filter_method in &mut filter_methods { let filter_method_string; *filter_method = match *filter_method { ShadowFilteringMethod::Hardware2x2 => { filter_method_string = "Gaussian".to_string(); ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian } ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian => { filter_method_string = "Temporal".to_string(); ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal } ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal => { filter_method_string = "Hardware2x2".to_string(); ShadowFilteringMethod::Hardware2x2 } }; example_text.single_mut().sections[6].value = filter_method_string; } } } fn adjust_point_light_biases( input: Res>, mut query: Query<&mut PointLight>, mut example_text: Query<&mut Text>, ) { let depth_bias_step_size = 0.01; let normal_bias_step_size = 0.1; for mut light in &mut query { if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit1) { light.shadow_depth_bias -= depth_bias_step_size; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit2) { light.shadow_depth_bias += depth_bias_step_size; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit3) { light.shadow_normal_bias -= normal_bias_step_size; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit4) { light.shadow_normal_bias += normal_bias_step_size; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyR) { light.shadow_depth_bias = PointLight::DEFAULT_SHADOW_DEPTH_BIAS; light.shadow_normal_bias = PointLight::DEFAULT_SHADOW_NORMAL_BIAS; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyZ) { light.shadow_depth_bias = 0.0; light.shadow_normal_bias = 0.0; } example_text.single_mut().sections[9].value = format!("{:.2}", light.shadow_depth_bias); example_text.single_mut().sections[12].value = format!("{:.1}", light.shadow_normal_bias); } } fn adjust_directional_light_biases( input: Res>, mut query: Query<&mut DirectionalLight>, mut example_text: Query<&mut Text>, ) { let depth_bias_step_size = 0.01; let normal_bias_step_size = 0.1; for mut light in &mut query { if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit5) { light.shadow_depth_bias -= depth_bias_step_size; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit6) { light.shadow_depth_bias += depth_bias_step_size; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit7) { light.shadow_normal_bias -= normal_bias_step_size; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit8) { light.shadow_normal_bias += normal_bias_step_size; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyR) { light.shadow_depth_bias = DirectionalLight::DEFAULT_SHADOW_DEPTH_BIAS; light.shadow_normal_bias = DirectionalLight::DEFAULT_SHADOW_NORMAL_BIAS; } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyZ) { light.shadow_depth_bias = 0.0; light.shadow_normal_bias = 0.0; } example_text.single_mut().sections[15].value = format!("{:.2}", light.shadow_depth_bias); example_text.single_mut().sections[18].value = format!("{:.1}", light.shadow_normal_bias); } }