//! In this example we generate four texture atlases (sprite sheets) from a folder containing //! individual sprites. //! //! The texture atlases are generated with different padding and sampling to demonstrate the //! effect of these settings, and how bleeding issues can be resolved by padding the sprites. //! //! Only one padded and one unpadded texture atlas are rendered to the screen. //! An upscaled sprite from each of the four atlases are rendered to the screen. use bevy::{asset::LoadedFolder, prelude::*, render::texture::ImageSampler}; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(ImagePlugin::default_nearest())) // fallback to nearest sampling .init_state::() .add_systems(OnEnter(AppState::Setup), load_textures) .add_systems(Update, check_textures.run_if(in_state(AppState::Setup))) .add_systems(OnEnter(AppState::Finished), setup) .run(); } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, States)] enum AppState { #[default] Setup, Finished, } #[derive(Resource, Default)] struct RpgSpriteFolder(Handle); fn load_textures(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res) { // load multiple, individual sprites from a folder commands.insert_resource(RpgSpriteFolder(asset_server.load_folder("textures/rpg"))); } fn check_textures( mut next_state: ResMut>, rpg_sprite_folder: Res, mut events: EventReader>, ) { // Advance the `AppState` once all sprite handles have been loaded by the `AssetServer` // and that the the font has been loaded by the `FontSystem`. for event in events.read() { if event.is_loaded_with_dependencies(&rpg_sprite_folder.0) { next_state.set(AppState::Finished); } } } fn setup( mut commands: Commands, rpg_sprite_handles: Res, asset_server: Res, mut texture_atlases: ResMut>, loaded_folders: Res>, mut textures: ResMut>, ) { let loaded_folder = loaded_folders.get(&rpg_sprite_handles.0).unwrap(); // create texture atlases with different padding and sampling let (texture_atlas_linear, linear_texture) = create_texture_atlas( loaded_folder, None, Some(ImageSampler::linear()), &mut textures, ); let atlas_linear_handle = texture_atlases.add(texture_atlas_linear.clone()); let (texture_atlas_nearest, nearest_texture) = create_texture_atlas( loaded_folder, None, Some(ImageSampler::nearest()), &mut textures, ); let atlas_nearest_handle = texture_atlases.add(texture_atlas_nearest); let (texture_atlas_linear_padded, linear_padded_texture) = create_texture_atlas( loaded_folder, Some(UVec2::new(6, 6)), Some(ImageSampler::linear()), &mut textures, ); let atlas_linear_padded_handle = texture_atlases.add(texture_atlas_linear_padded.clone()); let (texture_atlas_nearest_padded, nearest_padded_texture) = create_texture_atlas( loaded_folder, Some(UVec2::new(6, 6)), Some(ImageSampler::nearest()), &mut textures, ); let atlas_nearest_padded_handle = texture_atlases.add(texture_atlas_nearest_padded); // setup 2d scene commands.spawn(Camera2dBundle::default()); // padded textures are to the right, unpadded to the left // draw unpadded texture atlas commands.spawn(SpriteBundle { texture: linear_texture.clone(), transform: Transform { translation: Vec3::new(-250.0, -130.0, 0.0), scale: Vec3::splat(0.8), ..default() }, ..default() }); // draw padded texture atlas commands.spawn(SpriteBundle { texture: linear_padded_texture.clone(), transform: Transform { translation: Vec3::new(250.0, -130.0, 0.0), scale: Vec3::splat(0.8), ..default() }, ..default() }); let font = asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"); // padding label text style let text_style: TextStyle = TextStyle { font: font.clone(), font_size: 50.0, color: Color::WHITE, }; // labels to indicate padding // No padding create_label( &mut commands, (-250.0, 330.0, 0.0), "No padding", text_style.clone(), ); // Padding create_label(&mut commands, (250.0, 330.0, 0.0), "Padding", text_style); // get handle to a sprite to render let vendor_handle: Handle = asset_server .get_handle("textures/rpg/chars/vendor/generic-rpg-vendor.png") .unwrap(); // get index of the sprite in the texture atlas, this is used to render the sprite // the index is the same for all the texture atlases, since they are created from the same folder let vendor_index = texture_atlas_linear .get_texture_index(&vendor_handle) .unwrap(); // configuration array to render sprites through iteration let configurations: [(&str, Handle, Handle, f32); 4] = [ ("Linear", atlas_linear_handle, linear_texture, -350.0), ("Nearest", atlas_nearest_handle, nearest_texture, -150.0), ( "Linear", atlas_linear_padded_handle, linear_padded_texture, 150.0, ), ( "Nearest", atlas_nearest_padded_handle, nearest_padded_texture, 350.0, ), ]; // label text style let sampling_label_style = TextStyle { font, font_size: 30.0, color: Color::WHITE, }; let base_y = 170.0; // y position of the sprites for (sampling, atlas_handle, image_handle, x) in configurations { // render a sprite from the texture_atlas create_sprite_from_atlas( &mut commands, (x, base_y, 0.0), vendor_index, atlas_handle, image_handle, ); // render a label to indicate the sampling setting create_label( &mut commands, (x, base_y + 110.0, 0.0), // offset to y position of the sprite sampling, sampling_label_style.clone(), ); } } /// Create a texture atlas with the given padding and sampling settings /// from the individual sprites in the given folder. fn create_texture_atlas( folder: &LoadedFolder, padding: Option, sampling: Option, textures: &mut ResMut>, ) -> (TextureAtlasLayout, Handle) { // Build a `TextureAtlas` using the individual sprites let mut texture_atlas_builder = TextureAtlasBuilder::default().padding(padding.unwrap_or_default()); for handle in folder.handles.iter() { let id = handle.id().typed_unchecked::(); let Some(texture) = textures.get(id) else { warn!( "{:?} did not resolve to an `Image` asset.", handle.path().unwrap() ); continue; }; texture_atlas_builder.add_texture(Some(id), texture); } let (texture_atlas, texture) = texture_atlas_builder.finish().unwrap(); let texture = textures.add(texture); // Update the sampling settings of the texture atlas let image = textures.get_mut(&texture).unwrap(); image.sampler = sampling.unwrap_or_default(); (texture_atlas, texture) } /// Create and spawn a sprite from a texture atlas fn create_sprite_from_atlas( commands: &mut Commands, translation: (f32, f32, f32), sprite_index: usize, atlas_handle: Handle, texture: Handle, ) { commands.spawn(SpriteSheetBundle { transform: Transform { translation: Vec3::new(translation.0, translation.1, translation.2), scale: Vec3::splat(3.0), ..default() }, texture, atlas: TextureAtlas { index: sprite_index, layout: atlas_handle, }, ..default() }); } /// Create and spawn a label (text) fn create_label( commands: &mut Commands, translation: (f32, f32, f32), text: &str, text_style: TextStyle, ) { commands.spawn(Text2dBundle { text: Text::from_section(text, text_style).with_justify(JustifyText::Center), transform: Transform { translation: Vec3::new(translation.0, translation.1, translation.2), ..default() }, ..default() }); }