//! This example shows how to properly handle player input, //! advance a physics simulation in a fixed timestep, and display the results. //! //! The classic source for how and why this is done is Glenn Fiedler's article //! [Fix Your Timestep!](https://gafferongames.com/post/fix_your_timestep/). //! For a more Bevy-centric source, see //! [this cheatbook entry](https://bevy-cheatbook.github.io/fundamentals/fixed-timestep.html). //! //! ## Motivation //! //! The naive way of moving a player is to just update their position like so: //! ```no_run //! transform.translation += velocity; //! ``` //! The issue here is that the player's movement speed will be tied to the frame rate. //! Faster machines will move the player faster, and slower machines will move the player slower. //! In fact, you can observe this today when running some old games that did it this way on modern hardware! //! The player will move at a breakneck pace. //! //! The more sophisticated way is to update the player's position based on the time that has passed: //! ```no_run //! transform.translation += velocity * time.delta_seconds(); //! ``` //! This way, velocity represents a speed in units per second, and the player will move at the same speed //! regardless of the frame rate. //! //! However, this can still be problematic if the frame rate is very low or very high. //! If the frame rate is very low, the player will move in large jumps. This may lead to //! a player moving in such large jumps that they pass through walls or other obstacles. //! In general, you cannot expect a physics simulation to behave nicely with *any* delta time. //! Ideally, we want to have some stability in what kinds of delta times we feed into our physics simulation. //! //! The solution is using a fixed timestep. This means that we advance the physics simulation by a fixed amount //! at a time. If the real time that passed between two frames is less than the fixed timestep, we simply //! don't advance the physics simulation at all. //! If it is more, we advance the physics simulation multiple times until we catch up. //! You can read more about how Bevy implements this in the documentation for //! [`bevy::time::Fixed`](https://docs.rs/bevy/latest/bevy/time/struct.Fixed.html). //! //! This leaves us with a last problem, however. If our physics simulation may advance zero or multiple times //! per frame, there may be frames in which the player's position did not need to be updated at all, //! and some where it is updated by a large amount that resulted from running the physics simulation multiple times. //! This is physically correct, but visually jarring. Imagine a player moving in a straight line, but depending on the frame rate, //! they may sometimes advance by a large amount and sometimes not at all. Visually, we want the player to move smoothly. //! This is why we need to separate the player's position in the physics simulation from the player's position in the visual representation. //! The visual representation can then be interpolated smoothly based on the previous and current actual player position in the physics simulation. //! //! This is a tradeoff: every visual frame is now slightly lagging behind the actual physical frame, //! but in return, the player's movement will appear smooth. //! There are other ways to compute the visual representation of the player, such as extrapolation. //! See the [documentation of the lightyear crate](https://cbournhonesque.github.io/lightyear/book/concepts/advanced_replication/visual_interpolation.html) //! for a nice overview of the different methods and their respective tradeoffs. //! //! ## Implementation //! //! - The player's inputs since the last physics update are stored in the `AccumulatedInput` component. //! - The player's velocity is stored in a `Velocity` component. This is the speed in units per second. //! - The player's current position in the physics simulation is stored in a `PhysicalTranslation` component. //! - The player's previous position in the physics simulation is stored in a `PreviousPhysicalTranslation` component. //! - The player's visual representation is stored in Bevy's regular `Transform` component. //! - Every frame, we go through the following steps: //! - Accumulate the player's input and set the current speed in the `handle_input` system. //! This is run in the `RunFixedMainLoop` schedule, ordered in `RunFixedMainLoopSystem::BeforeFixedMainLoop`, //! which runs before the fixed timestep loop. This is run every frame. //! - Advance the physics simulation by one fixed timestep in the `advance_physics` system. //! Accumulated input is consumed here. //! This is run in the `FixedUpdate` schedule, which runs zero or multiple times per frame. //! - Update the player's visual representation in the `interpolate_rendered_transform` system. //! This interpolates between the player's previous and current position in the physics simulation. //! It is run in the `RunFixedMainLoop` schedule, ordered in `RunFixedMainLoopSystem::AfterFixedMainLoop`, //! which runs after the fixed timestep loop. This is run every frame. //! //! //! ## Controls //! //! | Key Binding | Action | //! |:---------------------|:--------------| //! | `W` | Move up | //! | `S` | Move down | //! | `A` | Move left | //! | `D` | Move right | use bevy::prelude::*; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_systems(Startup, (spawn_text, spawn_player)) // Advance the physics simulation using a fixed timestep. .add_systems(FixedUpdate, advance_physics) .add_systems( // The `RunFixedMainLoop` schedule allows us to schedule systems to run before and after the fixed timestep loop. RunFixedMainLoop, ( // The physics simulation needs to know the player's input, so we run this before the fixed timestep loop. // Note that if we ran it in `Update`, it would be too late, as the physics simulation would already have been advanced. // If we ran this in `FixedUpdate`, it would sometimes not register player input, as that schedule may run zero times per frame. handle_input.in_set(RunFixedMainLoopSystem::BeforeFixedMainLoop), // The player's visual representation needs to be updated after the physics simulation has been advanced. // This could be run in `Update`, but if we run it here instead, the systems in `Update` // will be working with the `Transform` that will actually be shown on screen. interpolate_rendered_transform.in_set(RunFixedMainLoopSystem::AfterFixedMainLoop), ), ) .run(); } /// A vector representing the player's input, accumulated over all frames that ran /// since the last time the physics simulation was advanced. #[derive(Debug, Component, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default, Deref, DerefMut)] struct AccumulatedInput(Vec2); /// A vector representing the player's velocity in the physics simulation. #[derive(Debug, Component, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default, Deref, DerefMut)] struct Velocity(Vec3); /// The actual position of the player in the physics simulation. /// This is separate from the `Transform`, which is merely a visual representation. /// /// If you want to make sure that this component is always initialized /// with the same value as the `Transform`'s translation, you can /// use a [component lifecycle hook](https://docs.rs/bevy/0.14.0/bevy/ecs/component/struct.ComponentHooks.html) #[derive(Debug, Component, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default, Deref, DerefMut)] struct PhysicalTranslation(Vec3); /// The value [`PhysicalTranslation`] had in the last fixed timestep. /// Used for interpolation in the `interpolate_rendered_transform` system. #[derive(Debug, Component, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default, Deref, DerefMut)] struct PreviousPhysicalTranslation(Vec3); /// Spawn the player sprite and a 2D camera. fn spawn_player(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res) { commands.spawn(Camera2dBundle::default()); commands.spawn(( Name::new("Player"), SpriteBundle { texture: asset_server.load("branding/icon.png"), transform: Transform::from_scale(Vec3::splat(0.3)), ..default() }, AccumulatedInput::default(), Velocity::default(), PhysicalTranslation::default(), PreviousPhysicalTranslation::default(), )); } /// Spawn a bit of UI text to explain how to move the player. fn spawn_text(mut commands: Commands) { commands .spawn(NodeBundle { style: Style { position_type: PositionType::Absolute, bottom: Val::Px(12.0), left: Val::Px(12.0), ..default() }, ..default() }) .with_children(|parent| { parent.spawn(TextBundle::from_section( "Move the player with WASD", TextStyle { font_size: 25.0, ..default() }, )); }); } /// Handle keyboard input and accumulate it in the `AccumulatedInput` component. /// There are many strategies for how to handle all the input that happened since the last fixed timestep. /// This is a very simple one: we just accumulate the input and average it out by normalizing it. fn handle_input( keyboard_input: Res>, mut query: Query<(&mut AccumulatedInput, &mut Velocity)>, ) { /// Since Bevy's default 2D camera setup is scaled such that /// one unit is one pixel, you can think of this as /// "How many pixels per second should the player move?" const SPEED: f32 = 210.0; for (mut input, mut velocity) in query.iter_mut() { if keyboard_input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyW) { input.y += 1.0; } if keyboard_input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyS) { input.y -= 1.0; } if keyboard_input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyA) { input.x -= 1.0; } if keyboard_input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyD) { input.x += 1.0; } // Need to normalize and scale because otherwise // diagonal movement would be faster than horizontal or vertical movement. // This effectively averages the accumulated input. velocity.0 = input.extend(0.0).normalize_or_zero() * SPEED; } } /// Advance the physics simulation by one fixed timestep. This may run zero or multiple times per frame. /// /// Note that since this runs in `FixedUpdate`, `Res