//! Simple example demonstrating the use of the [`Readback`] component to read back data from the GPU //! using both a storage buffer and texture. use bevy::{ prelude::*, render::{ extract_resource::{ExtractResource, ExtractResourcePlugin}, gpu_readback::{Readback, ReadbackComplete}, render_asset::{RenderAssetUsages, RenderAssets}, render_graph, render_graph::{RenderGraph, RenderLabel}, render_resource::{ binding_types::{storage_buffer, texture_storage_2d}, *, }, renderer::{RenderContext, RenderDevice}, storage::{GpuShaderStorageBuffer, ShaderStorageBuffer}, texture::GpuImage, Render, RenderApp, RenderSet, }, }; /// This example uses a shader source file from the assets subdirectory const SHADER_ASSET_PATH: &str = "shaders/gpu_readback.wgsl"; // The length of the buffer sent to the gpu const BUFFER_LEN: usize = 16; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(( DefaultPlugins, GpuReadbackPlugin, ExtractResourcePlugin::::default(), ExtractResourcePlugin::::default(), )) .insert_resource(ClearColor(Color::BLACK)) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .run(); } // We need a plugin to organize all the systems and render node required for this example struct GpuReadbackPlugin; impl Plugin for GpuReadbackPlugin { fn build(&self, _app: &mut App) {} fn finish(&self, app: &mut App) { let render_app = app.sub_app_mut(RenderApp); render_app.init_resource::().add_systems( Render, prepare_bind_group .in_set(RenderSet::PrepareBindGroups) // We don't need to recreate the bind group every frame .run_if(not(resource_exists::)), ); // Add the compute node as a top level node to the render graph // This means it will only execute once per frame render_app .world_mut() .resource_mut::() .add_node(ComputeNodeLabel, ComputeNode::default()); } } #[derive(Resource, ExtractResource, Clone)] struct ReadbackBuffer(Handle); #[derive(Resource, ExtractResource, Clone)] struct ReadbackImage(Handle); fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut images: ResMut>, mut buffers: ResMut>, ) { // Create a storage buffer with some data let buffer = vec![0u32; BUFFER_LEN]; let mut buffer = ShaderStorageBuffer::from(buffer); // We need to enable the COPY_SRC usage so we can copy the buffer to the cpu buffer.buffer_description.usage |= BufferUsages::COPY_SRC; let buffer = buffers.add(buffer); // Create a storage texture with some data let size = Extent3d { width: BUFFER_LEN as u32, height: 1, ..default() }; let mut image = Image::new_fill( size, TextureDimension::D2, &[0, 0, 0, 0], TextureFormat::R32Uint, RenderAssetUsages::RENDER_WORLD, ); // We also need to enable the COPY_SRC, as well as STORAGE_BINDING so we can use it in the // compute shader image.texture_descriptor.usage |= TextureUsages::COPY_SRC | TextureUsages::STORAGE_BINDING; let image = images.add(image); // Spawn the readback components. For each frame, the data will be read back from the GPU // asynchronously and trigger the `ReadbackComplete` event on this entity. Despawn the entity // to stop reading back the data. commands.spawn(Readback::buffer(buffer.clone())).observe( |trigger: Trigger| { // This matches the type which was used to create the `ShaderStorageBuffer` above, // and is a convenient way to interpret the data. let data: Vec = trigger.event().to_shader_type(); info!("Buffer {:?}", data); }, ); // This is just a simple way to pass the buffer handle to the render app for our compute node commands.insert_resource(ReadbackBuffer(buffer)); // Textures can also be read back from the GPU. Pay careful attention to the format of the // texture, as it will affect how the data is interpreted. commands.spawn(Readback::texture(image.clone())).observe( |trigger: Trigger| { // You probably want to interpret the data as a color rather than a `ShaderType`, // but in this case we know the data is a single channel storage texture, so we can // interpret it as a `Vec` let data: Vec = trigger.event().to_shader_type(); info!("Image {:?}", data); }, ); commands.insert_resource(ReadbackImage(image)); } #[derive(Resource)] struct GpuBufferBindGroup(BindGroup); fn prepare_bind_group( mut commands: Commands, pipeline: Res, render_device: Res, buffer: Res, image: Res, buffers: Res>, images: Res>, ) { let buffer = buffers.get(&buffer.0).unwrap(); let image = images.get(&image.0).unwrap(); let bind_group = render_device.create_bind_group( None, &pipeline.layout, &BindGroupEntries::sequential(( buffer.buffer.as_entire_buffer_binding(), image.texture_view.into_binding(), )), ); commands.insert_resource(GpuBufferBindGroup(bind_group)); } #[derive(Resource)] struct ComputePipeline { layout: BindGroupLayout, pipeline: CachedComputePipelineId, } impl FromWorld for ComputePipeline { fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self { let render_device = world.resource::(); let layout = render_device.create_bind_group_layout( None, &BindGroupLayoutEntries::sequential( ShaderStages::COMPUTE, ( storage_buffer::>(false), texture_storage_2d(TextureFormat::R32Uint, StorageTextureAccess::WriteOnly), ), ), ); let shader = world.load_asset(SHADER_ASSET_PATH); let pipeline_cache = world.resource::(); let pipeline = pipeline_cache.queue_compute_pipeline(ComputePipelineDescriptor { label: Some("GPU readback compute shader".into()), layout: vec![layout.clone()], push_constant_ranges: Vec::new(), shader: shader.clone(), shader_defs: Vec::new(), entry_point: "main".into(), zero_initialize_workgroup_memory: false, }); ComputePipeline { layout, pipeline } } } /// Label to identify the node in the render graph #[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, RenderLabel)] struct ComputeNodeLabel; /// The node that will execute the compute shader #[derive(Default)] struct ComputeNode {} impl render_graph::Node for ComputeNode { fn run( &self, _graph: &mut render_graph::RenderGraphContext, render_context: &mut RenderContext, world: &World, ) -> Result<(), render_graph::NodeRunError> { let pipeline_cache = world.resource::(); let pipeline = world.resource::(); let bind_group = world.resource::(); if let Some(init_pipeline) = pipeline_cache.get_compute_pipeline(pipeline.pipeline) { let mut pass = render_context .command_encoder() .begin_compute_pass(&ComputePassDescriptor { label: Some("GPU readback compute pass"), ..default() }); pass.set_bind_group(0, &bind_group.0, &[]); pass.set_pipeline(init_pipeline); pass.dispatch_workgroups(BUFFER_LEN as u32, 1, 1); } Ok(()) } }