use std::{ collections::VecDeque, sync::{atomic::Ordering, Arc, Mutex}, }; use accesskit_winit::Adapter; use bevy_a11y::{ accesskit::{ActionHandler, ActionRequest, NodeBuilder, NodeClassSet, Role, TreeUpdate}, AccessKitEntityExt, AccessibilityNode, AccessibilityRequested, Focus, }; use bevy_app::{App, Plugin}; use bevy_derive::{Deref, DerefMut}; use bevy_ecs::{ prelude::{DetectChanges, Entity, EventReader, EventWriter}, query::With, system::{NonSend, NonSendMut, Query, Res, ResMut, Resource}, }; use bevy_hierarchy::{Children, Parent}; use bevy_utils::{default, HashMap}; use bevy_window::{PrimaryWindow, Window, WindowClosed, WindowFocused}; /// Maps window entities to their `AccessKit` [`Adapter`]s. #[derive(Default, Deref, DerefMut)] pub struct AccessKitAdapters(pub HashMap); /// Maps window entities to their respective [`WinitActionHandler`]s. #[derive(Resource, Default, Deref, DerefMut)] pub struct WinitActionHandlers(pub HashMap); /// Forwards `AccessKit` [`ActionRequest`]s from winit to an event channel. #[derive(Clone, Default, Deref, DerefMut)] pub struct WinitActionHandler(pub Arc>>); impl ActionHandler for WinitActionHandler { fn do_action(&self, request: ActionRequest) { let mut requests = self.0.lock().unwrap(); requests.push_back(request); } } fn handle_window_focus( focus: Res, adapters: NonSend, mut focused: EventReader, ) { for event in focused.iter() { if let Some(adapter) = adapters.get(&event.window) { adapter.update_if_active(|| { let focus_id = (*focus).unwrap_or_else(|| event.window); TreeUpdate { focus: if event.focused { Some(focus_id.to_node_id()) } else { None }, ..default() } }); } } } fn window_closed( mut adapters: NonSendMut, mut receivers: ResMut, mut events: EventReader, ) { for WindowClosed { window, .. } in events.iter() { adapters.remove(window); receivers.remove(window); } } fn poll_receivers(handlers: Res, mut actions: EventWriter) { for (_id, handler) in handlers.iter() { let mut handler = handler.lock().unwrap(); while let Some(event) = handler.pop_front() { actions.send(event); } } } fn update_accessibility_nodes( adapters: NonSend, focus: Res, accessibility_requested: Res, primary_window: Query<(Entity, &Window), With>, nodes: Query<( Entity, &AccessibilityNode, Option<&Children>, Option<&Parent>, )>, node_entities: Query>, ) { if !accessibility_requested.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { return; } if let Ok((primary_window_id, primary_window)) = primary_window.get_single() { if let Some(adapter) = adapters.get(&primary_window_id) { let should_run = focus.is_changed() || !nodes.is_empty(); if should_run { adapter.update_if_active(|| { let mut to_update = vec![]; let mut has_focus = false; let mut name = None; if primary_window.focused { has_focus = true; let title = primary_window.title.clone(); name = Some(title.into_boxed_str()); } let focus_id = if has_focus { (*focus).or_else(|| Some(primary_window_id)) } else { None }; let mut root_children = vec![]; for (entity, node, children, parent) in &nodes { let mut node = (**node).clone(); if let Some(parent) = parent { if node_entities.get(**parent).is_err() { root_children.push(entity.to_node_id()); } } else { root_children.push(entity.to_node_id()); } if let Some(children) = children { for child in children.iter() { if node_entities.get(*child).is_ok() { node.push_child(child.to_node_id()); } } } to_update.push(( entity.to_node_id(), NodeClassSet::lock_global()), )); } let mut root = NodeBuilder::new(Role::Window); if let Some(name) = name { root.set_name(name); } root.set_children(root_children); let root = NodeClassSet::lock_global()); let window_update = (primary_window_id.to_node_id(), root); to_update.insert(0, window_update); TreeUpdate { nodes: to_update, focus:|v| v.to_node_id()), ..default() } }); } } } } /// Implements winit-specific `AccessKit` functionality. pub struct AccessibilityPlugin; impl Plugin for AccessibilityPlugin { fn build(&self, app: &mut App) { app.init_non_send_resource::() .init_resource::() .add_event::() .add_system(handle_window_focus) .add_system(window_closed) .add_system(poll_receivers) .add_system(update_accessibility_nodes); } }