//! Shows a visualization of gamepad buttons, sticks, and triggers use std::f32::consts::PI; use bevy::{ input::gamepad::{GamepadAxisChangedEvent, GamepadButtonChangedEvent, GamepadConnectionEvent}, prelude::*, sprite::Anchor, }; const BUTTON_RADIUS: f32 = 25.; const BUTTON_CLUSTER_RADIUS: f32 = 50.; const START_SIZE: Vec2 = Vec2::new(30., 15.); const TRIGGER_SIZE: Vec2 = Vec2::new(70., 20.); const STICK_BOUNDS_SIZE: f32 = 100.; const BUTTONS_X: f32 = 150.; const BUTTONS_Y: f32 = 80.; const STICKS_X: f32 = 150.; const STICKS_Y: f32 = -135.; const NORMAL_BUTTON_COLOR: Color = Color::srgb(0.3, 0.3, 0.3); const ACTIVE_BUTTON_COLOR: Color = Color::srgb(0.5, 0., 0.5); const LIVE_COLOR: Color = Color::srgb(0.4, 0.4, 0.4); const DEAD_COLOR: Color = Color::srgb(0.13, 0.13, 0.13); #[derive(Component, Deref)] struct ReactTo(GamepadButton); #[derive(Component)] struct MoveWithAxes { x_axis: GamepadAxis, y_axis: GamepadAxis, scale: f32, } #[derive(Component)] struct TextWithAxes { x_axis: GamepadAxis, y_axis: GamepadAxis, } #[derive(Component, Deref)] struct TextWithButtonValue(GamepadButton); #[derive(Component)] struct ConnectedGamepadsText; #[derive(Resource)] struct ButtonMaterials { normal: MeshMaterial2d, active: MeshMaterial2d, } impl FromWorld for ButtonMaterials { fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self { Self { normal: world.add_asset(NORMAL_BUTTON_COLOR).into(), active: world.add_asset(ACTIVE_BUTTON_COLOR).into(), } } } #[derive(Resource)] struct ButtonMeshes { circle: Mesh2d, triangle: Mesh2d, start_pause: Mesh2d, trigger: Mesh2d, } impl FromWorld for ButtonMeshes { fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self { Self { circle: world.add_asset(Circle::new(BUTTON_RADIUS)).into(), triangle: world .add_asset(RegularPolygon::new(BUTTON_RADIUS, 3)) .into(), start_pause: world.add_asset(Rectangle::from_size(START_SIZE)).into(), trigger: world.add_asset(Rectangle::from_size(TRIGGER_SIZE)).into(), } } } #[derive(Bundle)] struct GamepadButtonBundle { mesh: Mesh2d, material: MeshMaterial2d, transform: Transform, react_to: ReactTo, } impl GamepadButtonBundle { pub fn new( button_type: GamepadButton, mesh: Mesh2d, material: MeshMaterial2d, x: f32, y: f32, ) -> Self { Self { mesh, material, transform: Transform::from_xyz(x, y, 0.), react_to: ReactTo(button_type), } } pub fn with_rotation(mut self, angle: f32) -> Self { self.transform.rotation = Quat::from_rotation_z(angle); self } } fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .init_resource::() .init_resource::() .add_systems( Startup, (setup, setup_sticks, setup_triggers, setup_connected), ) .add_systems( Update, ( update_buttons, update_button_values, update_axes, update_connected, ), ) .run(); } fn setup(mut commands: Commands, meshes: Res, materials: Res) { commands.spawn(Camera2d); // Buttons commands .spawn(SpatialBundle { transform: Transform::from_xyz(BUTTONS_X, BUTTONS_Y, 0.), ..default() }) .with_children(|parent| { parent.spawn(GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::North, meshes.circle.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), 0., BUTTON_CLUSTER_RADIUS, )); parent.spawn(GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::South, meshes.circle.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), 0., -BUTTON_CLUSTER_RADIUS, )); parent.spawn(GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::West, meshes.circle.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), -BUTTON_CLUSTER_RADIUS, 0., )); parent.spawn(GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::East, meshes.circle.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), BUTTON_CLUSTER_RADIUS, 0., )); }); // Start and Pause commands.spawn(GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::Select, meshes.start_pause.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), -30., BUTTONS_Y, )); commands.spawn(GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::Start, meshes.start_pause.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), 30., BUTTONS_Y, )); // D-Pad commands .spawn(SpatialBundle { transform: Transform::from_xyz(-BUTTONS_X, BUTTONS_Y, 0.), ..default() }) .with_children(|parent| { parent.spawn(GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::DPadUp, meshes.triangle.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), 0., BUTTON_CLUSTER_RADIUS, )); parent.spawn( GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::DPadDown, meshes.triangle.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), 0., -BUTTON_CLUSTER_RADIUS, ) .with_rotation(PI), ); parent.spawn( GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::DPadLeft, meshes.triangle.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), -BUTTON_CLUSTER_RADIUS, 0., ) .with_rotation(PI / 2.), ); parent.spawn( GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::DPadRight, meshes.triangle.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), BUTTON_CLUSTER_RADIUS, 0., ) .with_rotation(-PI / 2.), ); }); // Triggers commands.spawn(GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::LeftTrigger, meshes.trigger.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), -BUTTONS_X, BUTTONS_Y + 115., )); commands.spawn(GamepadButtonBundle::new( GamepadButton::RightTrigger, meshes.trigger.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), BUTTONS_X, BUTTONS_Y + 115., )); } fn setup_sticks( mut commands: Commands, meshes: Res, materials: Res, ) { // NOTE: This stops making sense because in entities because there isn't a "global" default, // instead each gamepad has its own default setting let gamepad_settings = GamepadSettings::default(); let dead_upper = STICK_BOUNDS_SIZE * gamepad_settings.default_axis_settings.deadzone_upperbound(); let dead_lower = STICK_BOUNDS_SIZE * gamepad_settings.default_axis_settings.deadzone_lowerbound(); let dead_size = dead_lower.abs() + dead_upper.abs(); let dead_mid = (dead_lower + dead_upper) / 2.0; let live_upper = STICK_BOUNDS_SIZE * gamepad_settings.default_axis_settings.livezone_upperbound(); let live_lower = STICK_BOUNDS_SIZE * gamepad_settings.default_axis_settings.livezone_lowerbound(); let live_size = live_lower.abs() + live_upper.abs(); let live_mid = (live_lower + live_upper) / 2.0; let mut spawn_stick = |x_pos, y_pos, x_axis, y_axis, button| { commands .spawn(SpatialBundle { transform: Transform::from_xyz(x_pos, y_pos, 0.), ..default() }) .with_children(|parent| { // full extent parent.spawn(Sprite::from_color( DEAD_COLOR, Vec2::splat(STICK_BOUNDS_SIZE * 2.), )); // live zone parent.spawn(( Sprite::from_color(LIVE_COLOR, Vec2::splat(live_size)), Transform::from_xyz(live_mid, live_mid, 2.), )); // dead zone parent.spawn(( Sprite::from_color(DEAD_COLOR, Vec2::splat(dead_size)), Transform::from_xyz(dead_mid, dead_mid, 3.), )); // text let style = TextFont { font_size: 13., ..default() }; parent .spawn(( Text2d::default(), Transform::from_xyz(0., STICK_BOUNDS_SIZE + 2., 4.), Anchor::BottomCenter, TextWithAxes { x_axis, y_axis }, )) .with_children(|p| { p.spawn((TextSpan(format!("{:.3}", 0.)), style.clone())); p.spawn((TextSpan::new(", "), style.clone())); p.spawn((TextSpan(format!("{:.3}", 0.)), style)); }); // cursor parent.spawn(( meshes.circle.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), Transform::from_xyz(0., 0., 5.).with_scale(Vec2::splat(0.15).extend(1.)), MoveWithAxes { x_axis, y_axis, scale: STICK_BOUNDS_SIZE, }, ReactTo(button), )); }); }; spawn_stick( -STICKS_X, STICKS_Y, GamepadAxis::LeftStickX, GamepadAxis::LeftStickY, GamepadButton::LeftThumb, ); spawn_stick( STICKS_X, STICKS_Y, GamepadAxis::RightStickX, GamepadAxis::RightStickY, GamepadButton::RightThumb, ); } fn setup_triggers( mut commands: Commands, meshes: Res, materials: Res, ) { let mut spawn_trigger = |x, y, button_type| { commands .spawn(GamepadButtonBundle::new( button_type, meshes.trigger.clone(), materials.normal.clone(), x, y, )) .with_children(|parent| { parent.spawn(( Transform::from_xyz(0., 0., 1.), Text(format!("{:.3}", 0.)), TextFont { font_size: 13., ..default() }, TextWithButtonValue(button_type), )); }); }; spawn_trigger(-BUTTONS_X, BUTTONS_Y + 145., GamepadButton::LeftTrigger2); spawn_trigger(BUTTONS_X, BUTTONS_Y + 145., GamepadButton::RightTrigger2); } fn setup_connected(mut commands: Commands) { // This is UI text, unlike other text in this example which is 2d. commands .spawn(( Text::new("Connected Gamepads:\n"), Style { position_type: PositionType::Absolute, top: Val::Px(12.), left: Val::Px(12.), ..default() }, ConnectedGamepadsText, )) .with_child(TextSpan::new("None")); } fn update_buttons( gamepads: Query<&Gamepad>, materials: Res, mut query: Query<(&mut MeshMaterial2d, &ReactTo)>, ) { for buttons in &gamepads { for (mut handle, react_to) in query.iter_mut() { if buttons.just_pressed(**react_to) { *handle = materials.active.clone(); } if buttons.just_released(**react_to) { *handle = materials.normal.clone(); } } } } fn update_button_values( mut events: EventReader, mut query: Query<(&mut Text2d, &TextWithButtonValue)>, ) { for button_event in events.read() { for (mut text, text_with_button_value) in query.iter_mut() { if button_event.button == **text_with_button_value { **text = format!("{:.3}", button_event.value); } } } } fn update_axes( mut axis_events: EventReader, mut query: Query<(&mut Transform, &MoveWithAxes)>, text_query: Query<(Entity, &TextWithAxes)>, mut writer: TextWriter2d, ) { for axis_event in axis_events.read() { let axis_type = axis_event.axis; let value = axis_event.value; for (mut transform, move_with) in query.iter_mut() { if axis_type == move_with.x_axis { transform.translation.x = value * move_with.scale; } if axis_type == move_with.y_axis { transform.translation.y = value * move_with.scale; } } for (text, text_with_axes) in text_query.iter() { if axis_type == text_with_axes.x_axis { *writer.text(text, 1) = format!("{value:.3}"); } if axis_type == text_with_axes.y_axis { *writer.text(text, 3) = format!("{value:.3}"); } } } } fn update_connected( mut connected: EventReader, gamepads: Query<(Entity, &Gamepad)>, query: Query>, mut writer: UiTextWriter, ) { if connected.is_empty() { return; } connected.clear(); let formatted = gamepads .iter() .map(|(entity, gamepad)| format!("{} - {}", entity, gamepad.name())) .collect::>() .join("\n"); *writer.text(query.single(), 1) = if !formatted.is_empty() { formatted } else { "None".to_string() } }