use crate::{ legion::prelude::*, render::render_graph_2::{ resource_name, BindGroup, BindType, PassDescriptor, PipelineDescriptor, RenderGraph, RenderPass, RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor, RenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor, Renderer, ResourceInfo, ShaderUniforms, TextureDimension, }, }; use std::{ collections::{hash_map::DefaultHasher, HashMap}, hash::{Hash, Hasher}, ops::Deref, }; pub struct WgpuRenderer { pub device: wgpu::Device, pub queue: wgpu::Queue, pub surface: Option, pub swap_chain_descriptor: wgpu::SwapChainDescriptor, pub render_pipelines: HashMap, pub buffers: HashMap, pub textures: HashMap, pub resource_info: HashMap, pub bind_groups: HashMap, pub bind_group_layouts: HashMap, } impl WgpuRenderer { pub fn new() -> Self { let adapter = wgpu::Adapter::request( &wgpu::RequestAdapterOptions { power_preference: wgpu::PowerPreference::Default, }, wgpu::BackendBit::PRIMARY, ) .unwrap(); let (device, queue) = adapter.request_device(&wgpu::DeviceDescriptor { extensions: wgpu::Extensions { anisotropic_filtering: false, }, limits: wgpu::Limits::default(), }); let swap_chain_descriptor = wgpu::SwapChainDescriptor { usage: wgpu::TextureUsage::OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT, format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Bgra8UnormSrgb, width: 0, height: 0, present_mode: wgpu::PresentMode::Vsync, }; WgpuRenderer { device, queue, surface: None, swap_chain_descriptor, render_pipelines: HashMap::new(), buffers: HashMap::new(), textures: HashMap::new(), resource_info: HashMap::new(), bind_groups: HashMap::new(), bind_group_layouts: HashMap::new(), } } pub fn create_render_pipeline( pipeline_descriptor: &PipelineDescriptor, bind_group_layouts: &mut HashMap, device: &wgpu::Device, ) -> wgpu::RenderPipeline { let vertex_shader_module = pipeline_descriptor .shader_stages .vertex .create_shader_module(device); let fragment_shader_module = match pipeline_descriptor.shader_stages.fragment { Some(ref fragment_shader) => Some(fragment_shader.create_shader_module(device)), None => None, }; // setup new bind group layouts for bind_group in pipeline_descriptor.pipeline_layout.bind_groups.iter() { let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); bind_group.hash(&mut hasher); let bind_group_id = hasher.finish(); if let None = bind_group_layouts.get(&bind_group_id) { let bind_group_layout_binding = bind_group .bindings .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, binding)| wgpu::BindGroupLayoutBinding { binding: i as u32, visibility: wgpu::ShaderStage::VERTEX | wgpu::ShaderStage::FRAGMENT, ty: (&binding.bind_type).into(), }) .collect::>(); let bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor { bindings: bind_group_layout_binding.as_slice(), }); bind_group_layouts.insert(bind_group_id, bind_group_layout); } } // collect bind group layout references let bind_group_layouts = pipeline_descriptor .pipeline_layout .bind_groups .iter() .map(|bind_group| { let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); bind_group.hash(&mut hasher); let bind_group_id = hasher.finish(); bind_group_layouts.get(&bind_group_id).unwrap() }) .collect::>(); let pipeline_layout = device.create_pipeline_layout(&wgpu::PipelineLayoutDescriptor { bind_group_layouts: bind_group_layouts.as_slice(), }); let render_pipeline_descriptor = wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor { layout: &pipeline_layout, vertex_stage: wgpu::ProgrammableStageDescriptor { module: &vertex_shader_module, entry_point: &pipeline_descriptor.shader_stages.vertex.entry_point, }, fragment_stage: match pipeline_descriptor.shader_stages.fragment { Some(ref fragment_shader) => Some(wgpu::ProgrammableStageDescriptor { entry_point: &fragment_shader.entry_point, module: fragment_shader_module.as_ref().unwrap(), }), None => None, }, rasterization_state: pipeline_descriptor.rasterization_state.clone(), primitive_topology: pipeline_descriptor.primitive_topology, color_states: &pipeline_descriptor.color_states, depth_stencil_state: pipeline_descriptor.depth_stencil_state.clone(), index_format: pipeline_descriptor.index_format, vertex_buffers: &pipeline_descriptor .vertex_buffer_descriptors .iter() .map(|v| v.into()) .collect::>(), sample_count: pipeline_descriptor.sample_count, sample_mask: pipeline_descriptor.sample_mask, alpha_to_coverage_enabled: pipeline_descriptor.alpha_to_coverage_enabled, }; device.create_render_pipeline(&render_pipeline_descriptor) } pub fn create_render_pass<'a>( &self, pass_descriptor: &PassDescriptor, encoder: &'a mut wgpu::CommandEncoder, frame: &'a wgpu::SwapChainOutput, ) -> wgpu::RenderPass<'a> { encoder.begin_render_pass(&wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor { color_attachments: &pass_descriptor .color_attachments .iter() .map(|c| self.create_wgpu_color_attachment_descriptor(c, frame)) .collect::>(), depth_stencil_attachment: pass_descriptor .depth_stencil_attachment .as_ref() .map(|d| self.create_wgpu_depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor(d, frame)), }) } fn create_wgpu_color_attachment_descriptor<'a>( &'a self, color_attachment_descriptor: &RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor, frame: &'a wgpu::SwapChainOutput, ) -> wgpu::RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor<'a> { let attachment = match color_attachment_descriptor.attachment.as_str() { resource_name::texture::SWAP_CHAIN => &frame.view, _ => self .textures .get(&color_attachment_descriptor.attachment) .unwrap(), }; let resolve_target = match color_attachment_descriptor.resolve_target { Some(ref target) => match target.as_str() { resource_name::texture::SWAP_CHAIN => Some(&frame.view), _ => Some(&frame.view), }, None => None, }; wgpu::RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor { store_op: color_attachment_descriptor.store_op, load_op: color_attachment_descriptor.load_op, clear_color: color_attachment_descriptor.clear_color, attachment, resolve_target, } } fn create_wgpu_depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor<'a>( &'a self, depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor: &RenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor, frame: &'a wgpu::SwapChainOutput, ) -> wgpu::RenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor<&'a wgpu::TextureView> { let attachment = match depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor.attachment.as_str() { resource_name::texture::SWAP_CHAIN => &frame.view, _ => self .textures .get(&depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor.attachment) .unwrap(), }; wgpu::RenderPassDepthStencilAttachmentDescriptor { attachment, clear_depth: depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor.clear_depth, clear_stencil: depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor.clear_stencil, depth_load_op: depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor.depth_load_op, depth_store_op: depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor.depth_store_op, stencil_load_op: depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor.stencil_load_op, stencil_store_op: depth_stencil_attachment_descriptor.stencil_store_op, } } fn add_resource_info(&mut self, name: &str, resource_info: ResourceInfo) { self.resource_info.insert(name.to_string(), resource_info); } // TODO: consider moving this to a resource provider fn setup_bind_group(&mut self, bind_group: &BindGroup) -> u64 { // TODO: cache hash result in bind_group? let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); bind_group.hash(&mut hasher); let bind_group_id = hasher.finish(); if let None = self.bind_groups.get(&bind_group_id) { let mut unset_uniforms = Vec::new(); // if a uniform resource buffer doesn't exist, create a new empty one for binding in bind_group.bindings.iter() { if let None = self.resource_info.get(& { unset_uniforms.push(; if let BindType::Uniform { .. } = &binding.bind_type { let size = binding.bind_type.get_uniform_size().unwrap(); self.create_buffer( &, size, wgpu::BufferUsage::UNIFORM | wgpu::BufferUsage::COPY_DST, ) } } } // create wgpu Bindings let bindings = bind_group .bindings .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, b)| { let resource_info = self.resource_info.get(&; wgpu::Binding { binding: i as u32, resource: match &b.bind_type { BindType::Uniform { dynamic: _, properties: _, } => { if let ResourceInfo::Buffer { size, buffer_usage: _ } = resource_info { let buffer = self.buffers.get(&; wgpu::BindingResource::Buffer { buffer: buffer, range: 0..*size, } } else { panic!("expected a Buffer resource"); } } _ => panic!("unsupported bind type"), }, } }) .collect::>(); let bind_group_layout = self.bind_group_layouts.get(&bind_group_id).unwrap(); let bind_group_descriptor = wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor { layout: bind_group_layout, bindings: bindings.as_slice(), }; let bind_group = self.device.create_bind_group(&bind_group_descriptor); self.bind_groups.insert( bind_group_id, BindGroupInfo { bind_group, unset_uniforms, }, ); } bind_group_id } fn setup_dynamic_entity_shader_uniforms(&mut self, world: &World, render_graph: &RenderGraph, encoder: &mut wgpu::CommandEncoder) { let mut dynamic_uniform_info = HashMap::new(); // retrieve all uniforms buffers that aren't aleady set. these are "dynamic" uniforms, which are set by the user in ShaderUniforms // TODO: this breaks down in multiple ways: // (1) resource_info will be set after the first run so this won't update. // (2) if we create new buffers, the old bind groups will be invalid for pipeline in render_graph.pipeline_descriptors.values() { for bind_group in pipeline.pipeline_layout.bind_groups.iter() { for binding in bind_group.bindings.iter() { // if let None = self.resource_info.get(& { if let BindType::Uniform { dynamic: true, .. } = &binding.bind_type { if dynamic_uniform_info.contains_key(& { continue; } dynamic_uniform_info.insert(, UniformInfo { size: binding.bind_type.get_uniform_size().unwrap(), count: 0, }); } // } } } } // count the number of entities providing each uniform for (name, info) in dynamic_uniform_info.iter_mut() { for (entity, shader_uniforms) in >::query().iter_entities(world) { if let Some(_) = shader_uniforms.get_uniform_info(world, entity, name) { info.count += 1; // TODO: assign indices to shader_uniforms here } } } // allocate uniform buffers for (name, info) in dynamic_uniform_info.iter() { let size = wgpu::BIND_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT * info.count; if self.buffers.contains_key(name) { continue; } self.create_buffer(name, size, wgpu::BufferUsage::COPY_DST | wgpu::BufferUsage::UNIFORM); } // copy entity uniform data to buffers for (name, info) in dynamic_uniform_info.iter_mut() { let size = wgpu::BIND_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT * info.count; let mapped = self.device.create_buffer_mapped(size as usize, wgpu::BufferUsage::COPY_SRC); let alignment = wgpu::BIND_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT as usize; let mut offset = 0usize; for (entity, shader_uniforms) in >::query().iter_entities(world) { if let Some(bytes) = shader_uniforms.get_uniform_bytes(world, entity, name) {[offset..(offset + bytes.len())].copy_from_slice(bytes.as_slice()); offset += alignment; } } let temp_buffer = mapped.finish(); let uniform_buffer = self.buffers.get(name); encoder.copy_buffer_to_buffer(&temp_buffer, 0, uniform_buffer.unwrap(), 0, size); } } } pub struct UniformInfo { pub size: u64, pub count: u64, } impl Renderer for WgpuRenderer { fn initialize(&mut self, world: &mut World, render_graph: &mut RenderGraph) { let (surface, window_size) = { let window = world.resources.get::().unwrap(); let surface = wgpu::Surface::create(window.deref()); let window_size = window.inner_size(); (surface, window_size) }; self.surface = Some(surface); self.resize(world, render_graph, window_size.width, window_size.height); for resource_provider in render_graph.resource_providers.iter_mut() { resource_provider.initialize(self, world); } } fn resize( &mut self, world: &mut World, render_graph: &mut RenderGraph, width: u32, height: u32, ) { self.swap_chain_descriptor.width = width; self.swap_chain_descriptor.height = height; let swap_chain = self .device .create_swap_chain(self.surface.as_ref().unwrap(), &self.swap_chain_descriptor); // WgpuRenderer can't own swap_chain without creating lifetime ergonomics issues, so lets just store it in World. world.resources.insert(swap_chain); for resource_provider in render_graph.resource_providers.iter_mut() { resource_provider.resize(self, world, width, height); } } fn process_render_graph(&mut self, render_graph: &mut RenderGraph, world: &mut World) { for resource_provider in render_graph.resource_providers.iter_mut() { resource_provider.update(self, world); } let mut swap_chain = world.resources.get_mut::().unwrap(); let frame = swap_chain .get_next_texture() .expect("Timeout when acquiring next swap chain texture"); let mut encoder = self .device .create_command_encoder(&wgpu::CommandEncoderDescriptor { todo: 0 }); self.setup_dynamic_entity_shader_uniforms(world, render_graph, &mut encoder); // setup, pipelines, bind groups, and resources for (pipeline_name, pipeline_descriptor) in render_graph.pipeline_descriptors.iter() { // create pipelines if let None = self.render_pipelines.get(pipeline_name) { let render_pipeline = WgpuRenderer::create_render_pipeline( pipeline_descriptor, &mut self.bind_group_layouts, &self.device, ); self.render_pipelines .insert(pipeline_name.to_string(), render_pipeline); } // create bind groups for bind_group in pipeline_descriptor.pipeline_layout.bind_groups.iter() { self.setup_bind_group(bind_group); } } for (pass_name, pass_descriptor) in render_graph.pass_descriptors.iter() { // run passes let mut render_pass = self.create_render_pass(pass_descriptor, &mut encoder, &frame); if let Some(pass_pipelines) = render_graph.pass_pipelines.get(pass_name) { for pass_pipeline in pass_pipelines.iter() { if let Some(pipeline_descriptor) = render_graph.pipeline_descriptors.get(pass_pipeline) { let render_pipeline = self.render_pipelines.get(pass_pipeline).unwrap(); render_pass.set_pipeline(render_pipeline); let mut render_pass = WgpuRenderPass { render_pass: &mut render_pass, renderer: self, pipeline_descriptor, }; for draw_target in pipeline_descriptor.draw_targets.iter() { draw_target(world, &mut render_pass); } } } } } let command_buffer = encoder.finish(); self.queue.submit(&[command_buffer]); } fn create_buffer_with_data( &mut self, name: &str, data: &[u8], buffer_usage: wgpu::BufferUsage, ) { let buffer = self.device.create_buffer_with_data(data, buffer_usage); self.add_resource_info( name, ResourceInfo::Buffer { buffer_usage, size: data.len() as u64, }, ); self.buffers.insert(name.to_string(), buffer); } fn create_buffer(&mut self, name: &str, size: u64, buffer_usage: wgpu::BufferUsage) { let buffer = self.device.create_buffer(&wgpu::BufferDescriptor { size: size, usage: buffer_usage, }); self.add_resource_info( name, ResourceInfo::Buffer { buffer_usage, size: size, }, ); self.buffers.insert(name.to_string(), buffer); } fn get_resource_info(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&ResourceInfo> { self.resource_info.get(name) } fn remove_buffer(&mut self, name: &str) { self.buffers.remove(name); } } pub struct WgpuRenderPass<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd> { pub render_pass: &'b mut wgpu::RenderPass<'a>, pub pipeline_descriptor: &'c PipelineDescriptor, pub renderer: &'d mut WgpuRenderer, } impl<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd> RenderPass for WgpuRenderPass<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd> { fn get_renderer(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Renderer { self.renderer } fn get_pipeline_descriptor(&self) -> &PipelineDescriptor { self.pipeline_descriptor } fn set_vertex_buffer(&mut self, start_slot: u32, name: &str, offset: u64) { let buffer = self.renderer.buffers.get(name).unwrap(); self.render_pass .set_vertex_buffers(start_slot, &[(&buffer, offset)]); } fn set_index_buffer(&mut self, name: &str, offset: u64) { let buffer = self.renderer.buffers.get(name).unwrap(); self.render_pass.set_index_buffer(&buffer, offset); } fn draw_indexed( &mut self, indices: core::ops::Range, base_vertex: i32, instances: core::ops::Range, ) { self.render_pass .draw_indexed(indices, base_vertex, instances); } // TODO: maybe move setup to renderer.setup_bind_groups(&pipeline_desc); fn setup_bind_groups(&mut self, shader_uniforms: &ShaderUniforms) { for (i, bind_group) in self .pipeline_descriptor .pipeline_layout .bind_groups .iter() .enumerate() { // TODO: cache hash result in bind_group? let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); bind_group.hash(&mut hasher); let bind_group_id = hasher.finish(); let bind_group_info = self.renderer.bind_groups.get(&bind_group_id).unwrap(); let mut dynamic_uniform_indices = Vec::new(); for binding in bind_group.bindings.iter() { if let BindType::Uniform { dynamic, ..} = binding.bind_type { if !dynamic { continue; } if let Some(index) = shader_uniforms.dynamic_uniform_indices.get(& { dynamic_uniform_indices.push(*index); } } } self.render_pass .set_bind_group(i as u32, &bind_group_info.bind_group, dynamic_uniform_indices.as_slice()); } } } impl From for wgpu::TextureViewDimension { fn from(dimension: TextureDimension) -> Self { match dimension { TextureDimension::D1 => wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D1, TextureDimension::D2 => wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2, TextureDimension::D2Array => wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2Array, TextureDimension::Cube => wgpu::TextureViewDimension::Cube, TextureDimension::CubeArray => wgpu::TextureViewDimension::CubeArray, TextureDimension::D3 => wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D3, } } } impl From<&BindType> for wgpu::BindingType { fn from(bind_type: &BindType) -> Self { match bind_type { BindType::Uniform { dynamic, properties: _, } => wgpu::BindingType::UniformBuffer { dynamic: *dynamic }, BindType::Buffer { dynamic, readonly } => wgpu::BindingType::StorageBuffer { dynamic: *dynamic, readonly: *readonly, }, BindType::SampledTexture { dimension, multisampled, } => wgpu::BindingType::SampledTexture { dimension: (*dimension).into(), multisampled: *multisampled, }, BindType::Sampler => wgpu::BindingType::Sampler, BindType::StorageTexture { dimension } => wgpu::BindingType::StorageTexture { dimension: (*dimension).into(), }, } } } pub struct BindGroupInfo { pub bind_group: wgpu::BindGroup, pub unset_uniforms: Vec, }