//! Shows how to create a loading screen that waits for assets to load and render. use bevy::{ecs::system::SystemId, prelude::*}; use pipelines_ready::*; // The way we'll go about doing this in this example is to // keep track of all assets that we want to have loaded before // we transition to the desired scene. // // In order to ensure that visual assets are fully rendered // before transitioning to the scene, we need to get the // current status of cached pipelines. // // While loading and pipelines compilation is happening, we // will show a loading screen. Once loading is complete, we // will transition to the scene we just loaded. fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) // `PipelinesReadyPlugin` is declared in the `pipelines_ready` module below. .add_plugins(PipelinesReadyPlugin) .insert_resource(LoadingState::default()) .insert_resource(LoadingData::new(5)) .add_systems(Startup, (setup, load_loading_screen)) .add_systems( Update, (update_loading_data, level_selection, display_loading_screen), ) .run(); } // A `Resource` that holds the current loading state. #[derive(Resource, Default)] enum LoadingState { #[default] LevelReady, LevelLoading, } // A resource that holds the current loading data. #[derive(Resource, Debug, Default)] struct LoadingData { // This will hold the currently unloaded/loading assets. loading_assets: Vec, // Number of frames that everything needs to be ready for. // This is to prevent going into the fully loaded state in instances // where there might be a some frames between certain loading/pipelines action. confirmation_frames_target: usize, // Current number of confirmation frames. confirmation_frames_count: usize, } impl LoadingData { fn new(confirmation_frames_target: usize) -> Self { Self { loading_assets: Vec::new(), confirmation_frames_target, confirmation_frames_count: 0, } } } // This resource will hold the level related systems ID for later use. #[derive(Resource)] struct LevelData { unload_level_id: SystemId, level_1_id: SystemId, level_2_id: SystemId, } fn setup(mut commands: Commands) { let level_data = LevelData { unload_level_id: commands.register_system(unload_current_level), level_1_id: commands.register_system(load_level_1), level_2_id: commands.register_system(load_level_2), }; commands.insert_resource(level_data); // Spawns the UI that will show the user prompts. let text_style = TextStyle { font_size: 42.0, ..default() }; commands .spawn(NodeBundle { background_color: BackgroundColor(Color::NONE), style: Style { justify_self: JustifySelf::Center, align_self: AlignSelf::FlexEnd, ..default() }, ..default() }) .with_child((Text::new("Press 1 or 2 to load a new scene."), text_style)); } // Selects the level you want to load. fn level_selection( mut commands: Commands, keyboard: Res>, level_data: Res, loading_state: Res, ) { // Only trigger a load if the current level is fully loaded. if let LoadingState::LevelReady = loading_state.as_ref() { if keyboard.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit1) { commands.run_system(level_data.unload_level_id); commands.run_system(level_data.level_1_id); } else if keyboard.just_pressed(KeyCode::Digit2) { commands.run_system(level_data.unload_level_id); commands.run_system(level_data.level_2_id); } } } // Marker component for easier deletion of entities. #[derive(Component)] struct LevelComponents; // Removes all currently loaded level assets from the game World. fn unload_current_level( mut commands: Commands, mut loading_state: ResMut, entities: Query>, ) { *loading_state = LoadingState::LevelLoading; for entity in entities.iter() { commands.entity(entity).despawn_recursive(); } } fn load_level_1( mut commands: Commands, mut loading_data: ResMut, asset_server: Res, ) { // Spawn the camera. commands.spawn(( Camera3d::default(), Transform::from_xyz(155.0, 155.0, 155.0).looking_at(Vec3::new(0.0, 40.0, 0.0), Vec3::Y), LevelComponents, )); // Save the asset into the `loading_assets` vector. let fox = asset_server.load(GltfAssetLabel::Scene(0).from_asset("models/animated/Fox.glb")); loading_data.loading_assets.push(fox.clone().into()); // Spawn the fox. commands.spawn(( SceneRoot(fox.clone()), Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), LevelComponents, )); // Spawn the light. commands.spawn(( DirectionalLight { shadows_enabled: true, ..default() }, Transform::from_xyz(3.0, 3.0, 2.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y), LevelComponents, )); } fn load_level_2( mut commands: Commands, mut loading_data: ResMut, asset_server: Res, ) { // Spawn the camera. commands.spawn(( Camera3d::default(), Transform::from_xyz(1.0, 1.0, 1.0).looking_at(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.2, 0.0), Vec3::Y), LevelComponents, )); // Spawn the helmet. let helmet_scene = asset_server .load(GltfAssetLabel::Scene(0).from_asset("models/FlightHelmet/FlightHelmet.gltf")); loading_data .loading_assets .push(helmet_scene.clone().into()); commands.spawn((SceneRoot(helmet_scene.clone()), LevelComponents)); // Spawn the light. commands.spawn(( DirectionalLight { shadows_enabled: true, ..default() }, Transform::from_xyz(3.0, 3.0, 2.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y), LevelComponents, )); } // Monitors current loading status of assets. fn update_loading_data( mut loading_data: ResMut, mut loading_state: ResMut, asset_server: Res, pipelines_ready: Res, ) { if !loading_data.loading_assets.is_empty() || !pipelines_ready.0 { // If we are still loading assets / pipelines are not fully compiled, // we reset the confirmation frame count. loading_data.confirmation_frames_count = 0; // Go through each asset and verify their load states. // Any assets that are loaded are then added to the pop list for later removal. let mut pop_list: Vec = Vec::new(); for (index, asset) in loading_data.loading_assets.iter().enumerate() { if let Some(state) = asset_server.get_load_states(asset) { if let bevy::asset::RecursiveDependencyLoadState::Loaded = state.2 { pop_list.push(index); } } } // Remove all loaded assets from the loading_assets list. for i in pop_list.iter() { loading_data.loading_assets.remove(*i); } // If there are no more assets being monitored, and pipelines // are compiled, then start counting confirmation frames. // Once enough confirmations have passed, everything will be // considered to be fully loaded. } else { loading_data.confirmation_frames_count += 1; if loading_data.confirmation_frames_count == loading_data.confirmation_frames_target { *loading_state = LoadingState::LevelReady; } } } // Marker tag for loading screen components. #[derive(Component)] struct LoadingScreen; // Spawns the necessary components for the loading screen. fn load_loading_screen(mut commands: Commands) { let text_style = TextStyle { font_size: 67.0, ..default() }; // Spawn the UI and Loading screen camera. commands.spawn(( Camera2d, Camera { order: 1, ..default() }, LoadingScreen, )); // Spawn the UI that will make up the loading screen. commands .spawn(( NodeBundle { background_color: BackgroundColor(Color::BLACK), style: Style { height: Val::Percent(100.0), width: Val::Percent(100.0), justify_content: JustifyContent::Center, align_items: AlignItems::Center, ..default() }, ..default() }, LoadingScreen, )) .with_child((Text::new("Loading..."), text_style.clone())); } // Determines when to show the loading screen fn display_loading_screen( mut loading_screen: Query<&mut Visibility, (With, With)>, loading_state: Res, ) { let visibility = match loading_state.as_ref() { LoadingState::LevelLoading => Visibility::Visible, LoadingState::LevelReady => Visibility::Hidden, }; *loading_screen.single_mut() = visibility; } mod pipelines_ready { use bevy::{ prelude::*, render::{render_resource::*, *}, }; pub struct PipelinesReadyPlugin; impl Plugin for PipelinesReadyPlugin { fn build(&self, app: &mut App) { app.insert_resource(PipelinesReady::default()); // In order to gain access to the pipelines status, we have to // go into the `RenderApp`, grab the resource from the main App // and then update the pipelines status from there. // Writing between these Apps can only be done through the // `ExtractSchedule`. app.sub_app_mut(RenderApp) .add_systems(ExtractSchedule, update_pipelines_ready); } } #[derive(Resource, Debug, Default)] pub struct PipelinesReady(pub bool); fn update_pipelines_ready(mut main_world: ResMut, pipelines: Res) { if let Some(mut pipelines_ready) = main_world.get_resource_mut::() { pipelines_ready.0 = pipelines.waiting_pipelines().count() == 0; } } }