//! Demonstrates Bevy's built-in postprocessing features. //! //! Currently, this simply consists of chromatic aberration. use std::f32::consts::PI; use bevy::{ core_pipeline::post_process::ChromaticAberration, pbr::CascadeShadowConfigBuilder, prelude::*, }; /// The number of units per frame to add to or subtract from intensity when the /// arrow keys are held. const CHROMATIC_ABERRATION_INTENSITY_ADJUSTMENT_SPEED: f32 = 0.002; /// The maximum supported chromatic aberration intensity level. const MAX_CHROMATIC_ABERRATION_INTENSITY: f32 = 0.4; /// The settings that the user can control. #[derive(Resource)] struct AppSettings { /// The intensity of the chromatic aberration effect. chromatic_aberration_intensity: f32, } /// The entry point. fn main() { App::new() .init_resource::() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin { primary_window: Some(Window { title: "Bevy Chromatic Aberration Example".into(), ..default() }), ..default() })) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems(Update, handle_keyboard_input) .add_systems( Update, (update_chromatic_aberration_settings, update_help_text) .run_if(resource_changed::) .after(handle_keyboard_input), ) .run(); } /// Creates the example scene and spawns the UI. fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res, app_settings: Res) { // Spawn the camera. spawn_camera(&mut commands, &asset_server); // Create the scene. spawn_scene(&mut commands, &asset_server); // Spawn the help text. spawn_text(&mut commands, &app_settings); } /// Spawns the camera, including the [`ChromaticAberration`] component. fn spawn_camera(commands: &mut Commands, asset_server: &AssetServer) { commands.spawn(( Camera3dBundle { camera: Camera { hdr: true, ..default() }, transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.7, 0.7, 1.0) .looking_at(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.3, 0.0), Vec3::Y), ..default() }, FogSettings { color: Color::srgb_u8(43, 44, 47), falloff: FogFalloff::Linear { start: 1.0, end: 8.0, }, ..default() }, EnvironmentMapLight { diffuse_map: asset_server.load("environment_maps/pisa_diffuse_rgb9e5_zstd.ktx2"), specular_map: asset_server.load("environment_maps/pisa_specular_rgb9e5_zstd.ktx2"), intensity: 2000.0, ..default() }, // Include the `ChromaticAberration` component. ChromaticAberration::default(), )); } /// Spawns the scene. /// /// This is just the tonemapping test scene, chosen for the fact that it uses a /// variety of colors. fn spawn_scene(commands: &mut Commands, asset_server: &AssetServer) { // Spawn the main scene. commands.spawn(SceneBundle { scene: asset_server.load( GltfAssetLabel::Scene(0).from_asset("models/TonemappingTest/TonemappingTest.gltf"), ), ..default() }); // Spawn the flight helmet. commands.spawn(SceneBundle { scene: asset_server .load(GltfAssetLabel::Scene(0).from_asset("models/FlightHelmet/FlightHelmet.gltf")), transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.5, 0.0, -0.5) .with_rotation(Quat::from_rotation_y(-0.15 * PI)), ..default() }); // Spawn the light. commands.spawn(DirectionalLightBundle { directional_light: DirectionalLight { illuminance: 15000.0, shadows_enabled: true, ..default() }, transform: Transform::from_rotation(Quat::from_euler( EulerRot::ZYX, 0.0, PI * -0.15, PI * -0.15, )), cascade_shadow_config: CascadeShadowConfigBuilder { maximum_distance: 3.0, first_cascade_far_bound: 0.9, ..default() } .into(), ..default() }); } /// Spawns the help text at the bottom of the screen. fn spawn_text(commands: &mut Commands, app_settings: &AppSettings) { commands.spawn( TextBundle { text: create_help_text(app_settings), ..default() } .with_style(Style { position_type: PositionType::Absolute, bottom: Val::Px(12.0), left: Val::Px(12.0), ..default() }), ); } impl Default for AppSettings { fn default() -> Self { Self { chromatic_aberration_intensity: ChromaticAberration::default().intensity, } } } /// Creates help text at the bottom of the screen. fn create_help_text(app_settings: &AppSettings) -> Text { Text::from_section( format!( "Chromatic aberration intensity: {} (Press Left or Right to change)", app_settings.chromatic_aberration_intensity ), TextStyle::default(), ) } /// Handles requests from the user to change the chromatic aberration intensity. fn handle_keyboard_input(mut app_settings: ResMut, input: Res>) { let mut delta = 0.0; if input.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowLeft) { delta -= CHROMATIC_ABERRATION_INTENSITY_ADJUSTMENT_SPEED; } else if input.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowRight) { delta += CHROMATIC_ABERRATION_INTENSITY_ADJUSTMENT_SPEED; } // If no arrow key was pressed, just bail out. if delta == 0.0 { return; } app_settings.chromatic_aberration_intensity = (app_settings.chromatic_aberration_intensity + delta) .clamp(0.0, MAX_CHROMATIC_ABERRATION_INTENSITY); } /// Updates the [`ChromaticAberration`] settings per the [`AppSettings`]. fn update_chromatic_aberration_settings( mut chromatic_aberration_settings: Query<&mut ChromaticAberration>, app_settings: Res, ) { let intensity = app_settings.chromatic_aberration_intensity; // Pick a reasonable maximum sample size for the intensity to avoid an // artifact whereby the individual samples appear instead of producing // smooth streaks of color. // // Don't take this formula too seriously; it hasn't been heavily tuned. let max_samples = ((intensity - 0.02) / (0.20 - 0.02) * 56.0 + 8.0) .clamp(8.0, 64.0) .round() as u32; for mut chromatic_aberration_settings in &mut chromatic_aberration_settings { chromatic_aberration_settings.intensity = intensity; chromatic_aberration_settings.max_samples = max_samples; } } /// Updates the help text at the bottom of the screen to reflect the current /// [`AppSettings`]. fn update_help_text(mut text: Query<&mut Text>, app_settings: Res) { for mut text in text.iter_mut() { *text = create_help_text(&app_settings); } }