[graph] all-features = true [advisories] version = 2 ignore = [] [licenses] version = 2 allow = [ "0BSD", "Apache-2.0", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception", "BSD-2-Clause", "BSD-3-Clause", "BSL-1.0", "CC0-1.0", "ISC", "MIT", "MIT-0", "Unlicense", "Zlib", ] exceptions = [ { name = "unicode-ident", allow = [ "Unicode-DFS-2016", ] }, { name = "symphonia", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, { name = "symphonia-bundle-flac", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, { name = "symphonia-bundle-mp3", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, { name = "symphonia-codec-aac", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, { name = "symphonia-codec-adpcm", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, { name = "symphonia-codec-pcm", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, { name = "symphonia-codec-vorbis", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, { name = "symphonia-core", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, { name = "symphonia-format-isomp4", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, { name = "symphonia-format-riff", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, { name = "symphonia-metadata", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, { name = "symphonia-utils-xiph", allow = [ "MPL-2.0", ] }, ] [bans] multiple-versions = "warn" wildcards = "deny" # Certain crates that we don't want multiple versions of in the dependency tree deny = [ { name = "ahash", deny-multiple-versions = true }, { name = "android-activity", deny-multiple-versions = true }, { name = "glam", deny-multiple-versions = true }, { name = "raw-window-handle", deny-multiple-versions = true }, ] # To avoid https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/11917 # = raw-window-handle v0.5.2 # └── ndk v0.7.0 # ├── cpal v0.15.2` # │ └── rodio v0.17.3 # │ └── bevy_audio v0.14.0-dev skip-tree = [ { crate = "cpal@0.15.2", reason = "Waiting for new releases: https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/11917#issuecomment-1953629729" }, ] [sources] unknown-registry = "deny" unknown-git = "deny" allow-registry = ["https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"] allow-git = []