//! Illustrates how to scale an object in each direction. use std::f32::consts::PI; use bevy::prelude::*; // Define a component to keep information for the scaled object. #[derive(Component)] struct Scaling { scale_direction: Vec3, scale_speed: f32, max_element_size: f32, min_element_size: f32, } // Implement a simple initialization. impl Scaling { fn new() -> Self { Scaling { scale_direction: Vec3::X, scale_speed: 2.0, max_element_size: 5.0, min_element_size: 1.0, } } } fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems(Update, (change_scale_direction, scale_cube)) .run(); } // Startup system to setup the scene and spawn all relevant entities. fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut>, mut materials: ResMut>, ) { // Spawn a cube to scale. commands.spawn(( Mesh3d(meshes.add(Cuboid::default())), MeshMaterial3d(materials.add(Color::WHITE)), Transform::from_rotation(Quat::from_rotation_y(PI / 4.0)), Scaling::new(), )); // Spawn a camera looking at the entities to show what's happening in this example. commands.spawn(Camera3dBundle { transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 10.0, 20.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y), ..default() }); // Add a light source for better 3d visibility. commands.spawn(( DirectionalLight::default(), Transform::from_xyz(3.0, 3.0, 3.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y), )); } // This system will check if a scaled entity went above or below the entities scaling bounds // and change the direction of the scaling vector. fn change_scale_direction(mut cubes: Query<(&mut Transform, &mut Scaling)>) { for (mut transform, mut cube) in &mut cubes { // If an entity scaled beyond the maximum of its size in any dimension // the scaling vector is flipped so the scaling is gradually reverted. // Additionally, to ensure the condition does not trigger again we floor the elements to // their next full value, which should be max_element_size at max. if transform.scale.max_element() > cube.max_element_size { cube.scale_direction *= -1.0; transform.scale = transform.scale.floor(); } // If an entity scaled beyond the minimum of its size in any dimension // the scaling vector is also flipped. // Additionally the Values are ceiled to be min_element_size at least // and the scale direction is flipped. // This way the entity will change the dimension in which it is scaled any time it // reaches its min_element_size. if transform.scale.min_element() < cube.min_element_size { cube.scale_direction *= -1.0; transform.scale = transform.scale.ceil(); cube.scale_direction = cube.scale_direction.zxy(); } } } // This system will scale any entity with assigned Scaling in each direction // by cycling through the directions to scale. fn scale_cube(mut cubes: Query<(&mut Transform, &Scaling)>, timer: Res