//! This example illustrates the [`UiScale`] resource from `bevy_ui`. use bevy::{color::palettes::css::*, prelude::*, text::TextSettings, utils::Duration}; const SCALE_TIME: u64 = 400; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .insert_resource(TextSettings { allow_dynamic_font_size: true, ..default() }) .insert_resource(TargetScale { start_scale: 1.0, target_scale: 1.0, target_time: Timer::new(Duration::from_millis(SCALE_TIME), TimerMode::Once), }) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems( Update, (change_scaling, apply_scaling.after(change_scaling)), ) .run(); } fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res) { commands.spawn(Camera2dBundle::default()); let text_style = TextStyle { font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraMono-Medium.ttf"), font_size: 16., color: Color::BLACK, }; commands .spawn(NodeBundle { style: Style { width: Val::Percent(50.0), height: Val::Percent(50.0), position_type: PositionType::Absolute, left: Val::Percent(25.), top: Val::Percent(25.), justify_content: JustifyContent::SpaceAround, align_items: AlignItems::Center, ..default() }, background_color: ANTIQUE_WHITE.into(), ..default() }) .with_children(|parent| { parent .spawn(NodeBundle { style: Style { width: Val::Px(40.0), height: Val::Px(40.0), ..default() }, background_color: RED.into(), ..default() }) .with_children(|parent| { parent.spawn(TextBundle::from_section("Size!", text_style)); }); parent.spawn(NodeBundle { style: Style { width: Val::Percent(15.0), height: Val::Percent(15.0), ..default() }, background_color: BLUE.into(), ..default() }); parent.spawn(ImageBundle { style: Style { width: Val::Px(30.0), height: Val::Px(30.0), ..default() }, image: asset_server.load("branding/icon.png").into(), ..default() }); }); } /// System that changes the scale of the ui when pressing up or down on the keyboard. fn change_scaling(input: Res>, mut ui_scale: ResMut) { if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowUp) { let scale = (ui_scale.target_scale * 2.0).min(8.); ui_scale.set_scale(scale); info!("Scaling up! Scale: {}", ui_scale.target_scale); } if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::ArrowDown) { let scale = (ui_scale.target_scale / 2.0).max(1. / 8.); ui_scale.set_scale(scale); info!("Scaling down! Scale: {}", ui_scale.target_scale); } } #[derive(Resource)] struct TargetScale { start_scale: f32, target_scale: f32, target_time: Timer, } impl TargetScale { fn set_scale(&mut self, scale: f32) { self.start_scale = self.current_scale(); self.target_scale = scale; self.target_time.reset(); } fn current_scale(&self) -> f32 { let completion = self.target_time.fraction(); let t = ease_in_expo(completion); self.start_scale.lerp(self.target_scale, t) } fn tick(&mut self, delta: Duration) -> &Self { self.target_time.tick(delta); self } fn already_completed(&self) -> bool { self.target_time.finished() && !self.target_time.just_finished() } } fn apply_scaling( time: Res