use crate::{ExtractedMeshes, MeshMeta, PbrShaders, PointLight}; use bevy_ecs::{prelude::*, system::SystemState}; use bevy_math::{Mat4, Vec3, Vec4}; use bevy_render2::{ color::Color, core_pipeline::Transparent3dPhase, mesh::Mesh, render_asset::RenderAssets, render_graph::{Node, NodeRunError, RenderGraphContext, SlotInfo, SlotType}, render_phase::{Draw, DrawFunctions, RenderPhase, TrackedRenderPass}, render_resource::*, renderer::{RenderContext, RenderDevice}, texture::*, view::{ExtractedView, ViewUniform, ViewUniformOffset}, }; use bevy_transform::components::GlobalTransform; use crevice::std140::AsStd140; use std::num::NonZeroU32; pub struct ExtractedPointLight { color: Color, intensity: f32, range: f32, radius: f32, transform: GlobalTransform, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, AsStd140, Default, Debug)] pub struct GpuLight { color: Vec4, range: f32, radius: f32, position: Vec3, view_proj: Mat4, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, AsStd140)] pub struct GpuLights { len: u32, lights: [GpuLight; MAX_POINT_LIGHTS], } // NOTE: this must be kept in sync MAX_POINT_LIGHTS in pbr.frag pub const MAX_POINT_LIGHTS: usize = 10; pub const SHADOW_SIZE: Extent3d = Extent3d { width: 1024, height: 1024, depth_or_array_layers: MAX_POINT_LIGHTS as u32, }; pub const SHADOW_FORMAT: TextureFormat = TextureFormat::Depth32Float; pub struct ShadowShaders { pub pipeline: RenderPipeline, pub view_layout: BindGroupLayout, pub light_sampler: Sampler, } // TODO: this pattern for initializing the shaders / pipeline isn't ideal. this should be handled by the asset system impl FromWorld for ShadowShaders { fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self { let render_device = world.get_resource::().unwrap(); let pbr_shaders = world.get_resource::().unwrap(); let view_layout = render_device.create_bind_group_layout(&BindGroupLayoutDescriptor { entries: &[ // View BindGroupLayoutEntry { binding: 0, visibility: ShaderStage::VERTEX | ShaderStage::FRAGMENT, ty: BindingType::Buffer { ty: BufferBindingType::Uniform, has_dynamic_offset: true, // TODO: verify this is correct min_binding_size: BufferSize::new(ViewUniform::std140_size_static() as u64), }, count: None, }, ], label: None, }); let pipeline_layout = render_device.create_pipeline_layout(&PipelineLayoutDescriptor { label: None, push_constant_ranges: &[], bind_group_layouts: &[&view_layout, &pbr_shaders.mesh_layout], }); let pipeline = render_device.create_render_pipeline(&RenderPipelineDescriptor { label: None, vertex: VertexState { buffers: &[VertexBufferLayout { array_stride: 32, step_mode: InputStepMode::Vertex, attributes: &[ // Position (GOTCHA! Vertex_Position isn't first in the buffer due to how Mesh sorts attributes (alphabetically)) VertexAttribute { format: VertexFormat::Float32x3, offset: 12, shader_location: 0, }, // Normal VertexAttribute { format: VertexFormat::Float32x3, offset: 0, shader_location: 1, }, // Uv VertexAttribute { format: VertexFormat::Float32x2, offset: 24, shader_location: 2, }, ], }], module: &pbr_shaders.vertex_shader_module, entry_point: "main", }, fragment: None, depth_stencil: Some(DepthStencilState { format: SHADOW_FORMAT, depth_write_enabled: true, depth_compare: CompareFunction::LessEqual, stencil: StencilState { front: StencilFaceState::IGNORE, back: StencilFaceState::IGNORE, read_mask: 0, write_mask: 0, }, bias: DepthBiasState { constant: 2, slope_scale: 2.0, clamp: 0.0, }, }), layout: Some(&pipeline_layout), multisample: MultisampleState::default(), primitive: PrimitiveState { topology: PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList, strip_index_format: None, front_face: FrontFace::Ccw, cull_mode: Some(Face::Back), polygon_mode: PolygonMode::Fill, clamp_depth: false, conservative: false, }, }); ShadowShaders { pipeline, view_layout, light_sampler: render_device.create_sampler(&SamplerDescriptor { address_mode_u: AddressMode::ClampToEdge, address_mode_v: AddressMode::ClampToEdge, address_mode_w: AddressMode::ClampToEdge, mag_filter: FilterMode::Linear, min_filter: FilterMode::Linear, mipmap_filter: FilterMode::Nearest, compare: Some(CompareFunction::LessEqual), ..Default::default() }), } } } // TODO: ultimately these could be filtered down to lights relevant to actual views pub fn extract_lights( mut commands: Commands, lights: Query<(Entity, &PointLight, &GlobalTransform)>, ) { for (entity, light, transform) in lights.iter() { commands.get_or_spawn(entity).insert(ExtractedPointLight { color: light.color, intensity: light.intensity, range: light.range, radius: light.radius, transform: transform.clone(), }); } } pub struct ViewLight { pub depth_texture: TextureView, } pub struct ViewLights { pub light_depth_texture: Texture, pub light_depth_texture_view: TextureView, pub lights: Vec, pub gpu_light_binding_index: u32, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct LightMeta { pub view_gpu_lights: DynamicUniformVec, pub shadow_view_bind_group: Option, } pub fn prepare_lights( mut commands: Commands, mut texture_cache: ResMut, render_device: Res, mut light_meta: ResMut, views: Query>>, lights: Query<&ExtractedPointLight>, ) { // PERF: view.iter().count() could be views.iter().len() if we implemented ExactSizeIterator for archetype-only filters light_meta .view_gpu_lights .reserve_and_clear(views.iter().count(), &render_device); // set up light data for each view for entity in views.iter() { let light_depth_texture = texture_cache.get( &render_device, TextureDescriptor { size: SHADOW_SIZE, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, dimension: TextureDimension::D2, format: SHADOW_FORMAT, usage: TextureUsage::RENDER_ATTACHMENT | TextureUsage::SAMPLED, label: None, }, ); let mut view_lights = Vec::new(); let mut gpu_lights = GpuLights { len: lights.iter().len() as u32, lights: [GpuLight::default(); MAX_POINT_LIGHTS], }; // TODO: this should select lights based on relevance to the view instead of the first ones that show up in a query for (i, light) in lights.iter().enumerate().take(MAX_POINT_LIGHTS) { let depth_texture_view = light_depth_texture .texture .create_view(&TextureViewDescriptor { label: None, format: None, dimension: Some(TextureViewDimension::D2), aspect: TextureAspect::All, base_mip_level: 0, mip_level_count: None, base_array_layer: i as u32, array_layer_count: NonZeroU32::new(1), }); let view_transform = GlobalTransform::from_translation(light.transform.translation) .looking_at(Vec3::default(), Vec3::Y); // TODO: configure light projection based on light configuration let projection = Mat4::perspective_rh(1.0472, 1.0, 1.0, 20.0); gpu_lights.lights[i] = GpuLight { // premultiply color by intensity // we don't use the alpha at all, so no reason to multiply only [0..3] color: (light.color * light.intensity).into(), radius: light.radius.into(), position: light.transform.translation.into(), range: 1.0 / (light.range * light.range), // this could technically be copied to the gpu from the light's ViewUniforms view_proj: projection * view_transform.compute_matrix().inverse(), }; let view_light_entity = commands .spawn() .insert_bundle(( ViewLight { depth_texture: depth_texture_view, }, ExtractedView { width: SHADOW_SIZE.width, height: SHADOW_SIZE.height, transform: view_transform.clone(), projection, }, RenderPhase::::default(), )) .id(); view_lights.push(view_light_entity); } commands.entity(entity).insert(ViewLights { light_depth_texture: light_depth_texture.texture, light_depth_texture_view: light_depth_texture.default_view, lights: view_lights, gpu_light_binding_index: light_meta.view_gpu_lights.push(gpu_lights), }); } light_meta .view_gpu_lights .write_to_staging_buffer(&render_device); } pub struct ShadowPhase; pub struct ShadowPassNode { main_view_query: QueryState<&'static ViewLights>, view_light_query: QueryState<(&'static ViewLight, &'static RenderPhase)>, } impl ShadowPassNode { pub const IN_VIEW: &'static str = "view"; pub fn new(world: &mut World) -> Self { Self { main_view_query: QueryState::new(world), view_light_query: QueryState::new(world), } } } impl Node for ShadowPassNode { fn input(&self) -> Vec { vec![SlotInfo::new(ShadowPassNode::IN_VIEW, SlotType::Entity)] } fn update(&mut self, world: &mut World) { self.main_view_query.update_archetypes(world); self.view_light_query.update_archetypes(world); } fn run( &self, graph: &mut RenderGraphContext, render_context: &mut RenderContext, world: &World, ) -> Result<(), NodeRunError> { let view_entity = graph.get_input_entity(Self::IN_VIEW)?; if let Some(view_lights) = self.main_view_query.get_manual(world, view_entity).ok() { for view_light_entity in view_lights.lights.iter().copied() { let (view_light, shadow_phase) = self .view_light_query .get_manual(world, view_light_entity) .unwrap(); let pass_descriptor = RenderPassDescriptor { label: Some("shadow_pass"), color_attachments: &[], depth_stencil_attachment: Some(RenderPassDepthStencilAttachment { view: &view_light.depth_texture, depth_ops: Some(Operations { load: LoadOp::Clear(1.0), store: true, }), stencil_ops: None, }), }; let draw_functions = world.get_resource::().unwrap(); let render_pass = render_context .command_encoder .begin_render_pass(&pass_descriptor); let mut draw_functions = draw_functions.write(); let mut tracked_pass = TrackedRenderPass::new(render_pass); for drawable in shadow_phase.drawn_things.iter() { let draw_function = draw_functions.get_mut(drawable.draw_function).unwrap(); draw_function.draw( world, &mut tracked_pass, view_light_entity, drawable.draw_key, drawable.sort_key, ); } } } Ok(()) } } type DrawShadowMeshParams<'s, 'w> = ( Res<'w, ShadowShaders>, Res<'w, ExtractedMeshes>, Res<'w, LightMeta>, Res<'w, MeshMeta>, Res<'w, RenderAssets>, Query<'w, 's, &'w ViewUniformOffset>, ); pub struct DrawShadowMesh { params: SystemState>, } impl DrawShadowMesh { pub fn new(world: &mut World) -> Self { Self { params: SystemState::new(world), } } } impl Draw for DrawShadowMesh { fn draw<'w>( &mut self, world: &'w World, pass: &mut TrackedRenderPass<'w>, view: Entity, draw_key: usize, _sort_key: usize, ) { let (shadow_shaders, extracted_meshes, light_meta, mesh_meta, meshes, views) = self.params.get(world); let view_uniform_offset = views.get(view).unwrap(); let extracted_mesh = &extracted_meshes.into_inner().meshes[draw_key]; pass.set_render_pipeline(&shadow_shaders.into_inner().pipeline); pass.set_bind_group( 0, light_meta .into_inner() .shadow_view_bind_group .as_ref() .unwrap(), &[view_uniform_offset.offset], ); pass.set_bind_group( 1, mesh_meta .into_inner() .mesh_transform_bind_group .as_ref() .unwrap(), &[extracted_mesh.transform_binding_offset], ); let gpu_mesh = meshes.into_inner().get(&extracted_mesh.mesh).unwrap(); pass.set_vertex_buffer(0, gpu_mesh.vertex_buffer.slice(..)); if let Some(index_info) = &gpu_mesh.index_info { pass.set_index_buffer(index_info.buffer.slice(..), 0, IndexFormat::Uint32); pass.draw_indexed(0..index_info.count, 0, 0..1); } else { panic!("non-indexed drawing not supported yet") } } }