use bevy::{ diagnostic::{FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin, LogDiagnosticsPlugin}, math::Quat, prelude::*, render::camera::Camera, sprite::SpriteSettings, }; use rand::Rng; const CAMERA_SPEED: f32 = 1000.0; /// This example is for performance testing purposes. /// See fn main() { App::new() .add_plugin(LogDiagnosticsPlugin::default()) .add_plugin(FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin::default()) .insert_resource(SpriteSettings { // NOTE: this is an experimental feature that doesn't work in all cases frustum_culling_enabled: true, }) .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_startup_system(setup) .add_system(tick_system.label("Tick")) .add_system(move_camera_system.after("Tick")) .run() } fn setup( mut commands: Commands, assets: Res, mut materials: ResMut>, ) { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let tile_size = Vec2::splat(64.0); let map_size = Vec2::splat(320.0); let half_x = (map_size.x / 2.0) as i32; let half_y = (map_size.y / 2.0) as i32; let sprite_handle = materials.add(assets.load("branding/icon.png").into()); // Spawns the camera commands .spawn() .insert_bundle(OrthographicCameraBundle::new_2d()) .insert(Timer::from_seconds(1.0, true)) .insert(Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 1000.0)); // Builds and spawns the sprites let mut sprites = vec![]; for y in -half_y..half_y { for x in -half_x..half_x { let position = Vec2::new(x as f32, y as f32); let translation = (position * tile_size).extend(rng.gen::()); let rotation = Quat::from_rotation_z(rng.gen::()); let scale = Vec3::splat(rng.gen::() * 2.0); sprites.push(SpriteBundle { material: sprite_handle.clone(), transform: Transform { translation, rotation, scale, }, sprite: Sprite::new(tile_size), ..Default::default() }); } } commands.spawn_batch(sprites); } // System for rotating and translating the camera fn move_camera_system(time: Res