use proc_macro::TokenStream; use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream as TokenStream2}; use quote::{quote, ToTokens}; use std::collections::HashSet; use syn::{ parenthesized, parse::Parse, parse_macro_input, parse_quote, punctuated::Punctuated, spanned::Spanned, token::{Comma, Paren}, DeriveInput, ExprPath, Ident, LitStr, Path, Result, }; pub fn derive_event(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let mut ast = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput); let bevy_ecs_path: Path = crate::bevy_ecs_path(); ast.generics .make_where_clause() .predicates .push(parse_quote! { Self: Send + Sync + 'static }); let struct_name = &ast.ident; let (impl_generics, type_generics, where_clause) = &ast.generics.split_for_impl(); TokenStream::from(quote! { impl #impl_generics #bevy_ecs_path::event::Event for #struct_name #type_generics #where_clause { type Traversal = (); const AUTO_PROPAGATE: bool = false; } impl #impl_generics #bevy_ecs_path::component::Component for #struct_name #type_generics #where_clause { const STORAGE_TYPE: #bevy_ecs_path::component::StorageType = #bevy_ecs_path::component::StorageType::SparseSet; } }) } pub fn derive_resource(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let mut ast = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput); let bevy_ecs_path: Path = crate::bevy_ecs_path(); ast.generics .make_where_clause() .predicates .push(parse_quote! { Self: Send + Sync + 'static }); let struct_name = &ast.ident; let (impl_generics, type_generics, where_clause) = &ast.generics.split_for_impl(); TokenStream::from(quote! { impl #impl_generics #bevy_ecs_path::system::Resource for #struct_name #type_generics #where_clause { } }) } pub fn derive_component(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let mut ast = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput); let bevy_ecs_path: Path = crate::bevy_ecs_path(); let attrs = match parse_component_attr(&ast) { Ok(attrs) => attrs, Err(e) => return e.into_compile_error().into(), }; let storage = storage_path(&bevy_ecs_path,; let on_add = hook_register_function_call(quote! {on_add}, attrs.on_add); let on_insert = hook_register_function_call(quote! {on_insert}, attrs.on_insert); let on_replace = hook_register_function_call(quote! {on_replace}, attrs.on_replace); let on_remove = hook_register_function_call(quote! {on_remove}, attrs.on_remove); ast.generics .make_where_clause() .predicates .push(parse_quote! { Self: Send + Sync + 'static }); let requires = &attrs.requires; let mut register_required = Vec::with_capacity(attrs.requires.iter().len()); let mut register_recursive_requires = Vec::with_capacity(attrs.requires.iter().len()); if let Some(requires) = requires { for require in requires { let ident = &require.path; register_recursive_requires.push(quote! { <#ident as Component>::register_required_components( requiree, components, storages, required_components, inheritance_depth + 1 ); }); if let Some(func) = &require.func { register_required.push(quote! { components.register_required_components_manual::( storages, required_components, || { let x: #ident = #func().into(); x }, inheritance_depth ); }); } else { register_required.push(quote! { components.register_required_components_manual::( storages, required_components, <#ident as Default>::default, inheritance_depth ); }); } } } let struct_name = &ast.ident; let (impl_generics, type_generics, where_clause) = &ast.generics.split_for_impl(); let required_component_docs =|r| { let paths = r .iter() .map(|r| format!("[`{}`]", r.path.to_token_stream())) .collect::>() .join(", "); let doc = format!("Required Components: {paths}. \n\n A component's Required Components are inserted whenever it is inserted. Note that this will also insert the required components _of_ the required components, recursively, in depth-first order."); quote! { #[doc = #doc] } }); // This puts `register_required` before `register_recursive_requires` to ensure that the constructors of _all_ top // level components are initialized first, giving them precedence over recursively defined constructors for the same component type TokenStream::from(quote! { #required_component_docs impl #impl_generics #bevy_ecs_path::component::Component for #struct_name #type_generics #where_clause { const STORAGE_TYPE: #bevy_ecs_path::component::StorageType = #storage; fn register_required_components( requiree: #bevy_ecs_path::component::ComponentId, components: &mut #bevy_ecs_path::component::Components, storages: &mut #bevy_ecs_path::storage::Storages, required_components: &mut #bevy_ecs_path::component::RequiredComponents, inheritance_depth: u16, ) { #(#register_required)* #(#register_recursive_requires)* } #[allow(unused_variables)] fn register_component_hooks(hooks: &mut #bevy_ecs_path::component::ComponentHooks) { #on_add #on_insert #on_replace #on_remove } } }) } pub const COMPONENT: &str = "component"; pub const STORAGE: &str = "storage"; pub const REQUIRE: &str = "require"; pub const ON_ADD: &str = "on_add"; pub const ON_INSERT: &str = "on_insert"; pub const ON_REPLACE: &str = "on_replace"; pub const ON_REMOVE: &str = "on_remove"; struct Attrs { storage: StorageTy, requires: Option>, on_add: Option, on_insert: Option, on_replace: Option, on_remove: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] enum StorageTy { Table, SparseSet, } struct Require { path: Path, func: Option, } // values for `storage` attribute const TABLE: &str = "Table"; const SPARSE_SET: &str = "SparseSet"; fn parse_component_attr(ast: &DeriveInput) -> Result { let mut attrs = Attrs { storage: StorageTy::Table, on_add: None, on_insert: None, on_replace: None, on_remove: None, requires: None, }; let mut require_paths = HashSet::new(); for attr in ast.attrs.iter() { if attr.path().is_ident(COMPONENT) { attr.parse_nested_meta(|nested| { if nested.path.is_ident(STORAGE) { = match nested.value()?.parse::()?.value() { s if s == TABLE => StorageTy::Table, s if s == SPARSE_SET => StorageTy::SparseSet, s => { return Err(nested.error(format!( "Invalid storage type `{s}`, expected '{TABLE}' or '{SPARSE_SET}'.", ))); } }; Ok(()) } else if nested.path.is_ident(ON_ADD) { attrs.on_add = Some(nested.value()?.parse::()?); Ok(()) } else if nested.path.is_ident(ON_INSERT) { attrs.on_insert = Some(nested.value()?.parse::()?); Ok(()) } else if nested.path.is_ident(ON_REPLACE) { attrs.on_replace = Some(nested.value()?.parse::()?); Ok(()) } else if nested.path.is_ident(ON_REMOVE) { attrs.on_remove = Some(nested.value()?.parse::()?); Ok(()) } else { Err(nested.error("Unsupported attribute")) } })?; } else if attr.path().is_ident(REQUIRE) { let punctuated = attr.parse_args_with(Punctuated::::parse_terminated)?; for require in punctuated.iter() { if !require_paths.insert(require.path.to_token_stream().to_string()) { return Err(syn::Error::new( require.path.span(), "Duplicate required components are not allowed.", )); } } if let Some(current) = &mut attrs.requires { current.extend(punctuated); } else { attrs.requires = Some(punctuated); } } } Ok(attrs) } impl Parse for Require { fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> Result { let path = input.parse::()?; let func = if input.peek(Paren) { let content; parenthesized!(content in input); let func = content.parse::()?; Some(func) } else { None }; Ok(Require { path, func }) } } fn storage_path(bevy_ecs_path: &Path, ty: StorageTy) -> TokenStream2 { let storage_type = match ty { StorageTy::Table => Ident::new("Table", Span::call_site()), StorageTy::SparseSet => Ident::new("SparseSet", Span::call_site()), }; quote! { #bevy_ecs_path::component::StorageType::#storage_type } } fn hook_register_function_call( hook: TokenStream2, function: Option, ) -> Option {|meta| quote! { hooks. #hook (#meta); }) }