#![allow(unsafe_code)] //! This example show how you can create components dynamically, spawn entities with those components //! as well as query for entities with those components. use std::{alloc::Layout, io::Write, ptr::NonNull}; use bevy::prelude::*; use bevy::{ ecs::{ component::{ComponentDescriptor, ComponentId, ComponentInfo, StorageType}, query::QueryData, world::FilteredEntityMut, }, ptr::{Aligned, OwningPtr}, utils::HashMap, }; const PROMPT: &str = " Commands: comp, c Create new components spawn, s Spawn entities query, q Query for entities Enter a command with no parameters for usage."; const COMPONENT_PROMPT: &str = " comp, c Create new components Enter a comma separated list of type names optionally followed by a size in u64s. e.g. CompA 3, CompB, CompC 2"; const ENTITY_PROMPT: &str = " spawn, s Spawn entities Enter a comma separated list of components optionally followed by values. e.g. CompA 0 1 0, CompB, CompC 1"; const QUERY_PROMPT: &str = " query, q Query for entities Enter a query to fetch and update entities Components with read or write access will be displayed with their values Components with write access will have their fields incremented by one Accesses: 'A' with, '&A' read, '&mut A' write Operators: '||' or, ',' and, '?' optional e.g. &A || &B, &mut C, D, ?E"; fn main() { let mut world = World::new(); let mut lines = std::io::stdin().lines(); let mut component_names = HashMap::::new(); let mut component_info = HashMap::::new(); println!("{PROMPT}"); loop { print!("\n> "); let _ = std::io::stdout().flush(); let Some(Ok(line)) = lines.next() else { return; }; if line.is_empty() { return; }; let Some((first, rest)) = line.trim().split_once(|c: char| c.is_whitespace()) else { match &line.chars().next() { Some('c') => println!("{COMPONENT_PROMPT}"), Some('s') => println!("{ENTITY_PROMPT}"), Some('q') => println!("{QUERY_PROMPT}"), _ => println!("{PROMPT}"), } continue; }; match &first[0..1] { "c" => { rest.split(',').for_each(|component| { let mut component = component.split_whitespace(); let Some(name) = component.next() else { return; }; let size = match component.next().map(str::parse) { Some(Ok(size)) => size, _ => 0, }; // Register our new component to the world with a layout specified by it's size // SAFETY: [u64] is Send + Sync let id = world.init_component_with_descriptor(unsafe { ComponentDescriptor::new_with_layout( name.to_string(), StorageType::Table, Layout::array::(size).unwrap(), None, ) }); let Some(info) = world.components().get_info(id) else { return; }; component_names.insert(name.to_string(), id); component_info.insert(id, info.clone()); println!("Component {} created with id: {:?}", name, id.index()); }); } "s" => { let mut to_insert_ids = Vec::new(); let mut to_insert_data = Vec::new(); rest.split(',').for_each(|component| { let mut component = component.split_whitespace(); let Some(name) = component.next() else { return; }; // Get the id for the component with the given name let Some(&id) = component_names.get(name) else { println!("Component {name} does not exist"); return; }; // Calculate the length for the array based on the layout created for this component id let info = world.components().get_info(id).unwrap(); let len = info.layout().size() / size_of::(); let mut values: Vec = component .take(len) .filter_map(|value| value.parse::().ok()) .collect(); values.resize(len, 0); // Collect the id and array to be inserted onto our entity to_insert_ids.push(id); to_insert_data.push(values); }); let mut entity = world.spawn_empty(); // Construct an `OwningPtr` for each component in `to_insert_data` let to_insert_ptr = to_owning_ptrs(&mut to_insert_data); // SAFETY: // - Component ids have been taken from the same world // - Each array is created to the layout specified in the world unsafe { entity.insert_by_ids(&to_insert_ids, to_insert_ptr.into_iter()); } println!("Entity spawned with id: {:?}", entity.id()); } "q" => { let mut builder = QueryBuilder::::new(&mut world); parse_query(rest, &mut builder, &component_names); let mut query = builder.build(); query.iter_mut(&mut world).for_each(|filtered_entity| { #[allow(deprecated)] let terms = filtered_entity .access() .component_reads_and_writes() .0 .map(|id| { let ptr = filtered_entity.get_by_id(id).unwrap(); let info = component_info.get(&id).unwrap(); let len = info.layout().size() / size_of::(); // SAFETY: // - All components are created with layout [u64] // - len is calculated from the component descriptor let data = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut( ptr.assert_unique().as_ptr().cast::(), len, ) }; // If we have write access, increment each value once if filtered_entity.access().has_component_write(id) { data.iter_mut().for_each(|data| { *data += 1; }); } format!("{}: {:?}", info.name(), data[0..len].to_vec()) }) .collect::>() .join(", "); println!("{:?}: {}", filtered_entity.id(), terms); }); } _ => continue, } } } // Constructs `OwningPtr` for each item in `components` // By sharing the lifetime of `components` with the resulting ptrs we ensure we don't drop the data before use fn to_owning_ptrs(components: &mut [Vec]) -> Vec> { components .iter_mut() .map(|data| { let ptr = data.as_mut_ptr(); // SAFETY: // - Pointers are guaranteed to be non-null // - Memory pointed to won't be dropped until `components` is dropped unsafe { let non_null = NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr.cast()); OwningPtr::new(non_null) } }) .collect() } fn parse_term( str: &str, builder: &mut QueryBuilder, components: &HashMap, ) { let mut matched = false; let str = str.trim(); match str.chars().next() { // Optional term Some('?') => { builder.optional(|b| parse_term(&str[1..], b, components)); matched = true; } // Reference term Some('&') => { let mut parts = str.split_whitespace(); let first = parts.next().unwrap(); if first == "&mut" { if let Some(str) = parts.next() { if let Some(&id) = components.get(str) { builder.mut_id(id); matched = true; } }; } else if let Some(&id) = components.get(&first[1..]) { builder.ref_id(id); matched = true; } } // With term Some(_) => { if let Some(&id) = components.get(str) { builder.with_id(id); matched = true; } } None => {} }; if !matched { println!("Unable to find component: {str}"); } } fn parse_query( str: &str, builder: &mut QueryBuilder, components: &HashMap, ) { let str = str.split(','); str.for_each(|term| { let sub_terms: Vec<_> = term.split("||").collect(); if sub_terms.len() == 1 { parse_term(sub_terms[0], builder, components); } else { builder.or(|b| { sub_terms .iter() .for_each(|term| parse_term(term, b, components)); }); } }); }