use crate::{ComponentRegistry, PropertyTypeRegistryContext}; use anyhow::Result; use bevy_app::FromResources; use bevy_asset::AssetLoader; use bevy_property::{DynamicProperties, PropertyTypeRegistry, DynamicPropertiesDeserializer}; use legion::prelude::{Entity, Resources, World}; use serde::{ de::{DeserializeSeed, SeqAccess, Visitor, MapAccess, Error}, Serialize, Deserialize }; use std::{cell::RefCell, num::Wrapping, path::Path, rc::Rc}; use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Default)] pub struct Scene { pub entities: Vec, } #[derive(Serialize)] pub struct SceneEntity { pub entity: u32, pub components: Vec, } #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum SceneAddError { #[error("Scene contains an unregistered component.")] UnregisteredComponent { type_name: String }, } impl Scene { pub fn from_world(world: &World, component_registry: &ComponentRegistry) -> Self { let mut scene = Scene::default(); for archetype in { for chunkset in archetype.chunksets() { for component_storage in chunkset.occupied() { let mut entities = Vec::new(); for (component_type_id, _component_meta) in archetype.description().components() { if let Some(component_registration) = component_registry.get(component_type_id) { let component_resource_set = component_storage.components(*component_type_id).unwrap(); for (index, entity) in component_storage.entities().iter().enumerate() { if index == entities.len() { entities.push(SceneEntity { entity: entity.index(), components: Vec::new(), }) } let properties = (component_registration.component_properties_fn)( &component_resource_set, index, ); entities[index].components.push(properties.to_dynamic()); } } } scene.entities.extend(entities.drain(..)); } } } scene } pub fn add_to_world( &self, world: &mut World, component_registry: &ComponentRegistry, ) -> Result<(), SceneAddError> { world.entity_allocator.push_next_ids( self.entities .iter() .map(|e| Entity::new(e.entity, Wrapping(1))), ); for scene_entity in self.entities.iter() { // TODO: use EntityEntry when legion refactor is finished let entity = world.insert((), vec![()])[0]; for component in scene_entity.components.iter() { let component_registration = component_registry .get_with_full_name(&component.type_name) .ok_or_else(|| SceneAddError::UnregisteredComponent { type_name: component.type_name.to_string(), })?; (component_registration.component_add_fn)(world, entity, component); } } Ok(()) } } impl Serialize for Scene { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: serde::Serializer, { self.entities.serialize(serializer) } } pub struct SceneDeserializer<'a> { pub property_type_registry: &'a PropertyTypeRegistry, pub current_type_name: Rc>>, } impl<'a, 'de> DeserializeSeed<'de> for SceneDeserializer<'a> { type Value = Scene; fn deserialize(self, deserializer: D) -> Result where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { let mut scene = Scene::default(); scene.entities = deserializer.deserialize_seq(SceneEntitySeqVisiter { property_type_registry: self.property_type_registry, current_type_name: self.current_type_name, })?; Ok(scene) } } struct SceneEntitySeqVisiter<'a> { pub property_type_registry: &'a PropertyTypeRegistry, pub current_type_name: Rc>>, } impl<'a, 'de> Visitor<'de> for SceneEntitySeqVisiter<'a> { type Value = Vec; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("list of entities") } fn visit_seq(self, mut seq: A) -> Result where A: SeqAccess<'de>, { let mut entities = Vec::new(); while let Some(entity) = seq.next_element_seed(SceneEntityDeserializer { property_type_registry: self.property_type_registry, current_type_name: self.current_type_name.clone(), })? { entities.push(entity); } Ok(entities) } } pub struct SceneEntityDeserializer<'a> { pub property_type_registry: &'a PropertyTypeRegistry, pub current_type_name: Rc>>, } impl<'a, 'de> DeserializeSeed<'de> for SceneEntityDeserializer<'a> { type Value = SceneEntity; fn deserialize(self, deserializer: D) -> Result where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { deserializer.deserialize_struct("", &["entity", "components"], SceneEntityVisiter { property_type_registry: self.property_type_registry, current_type_name: self.current_type_name, }) } } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[serde(field_identifier, rename_all = "lowercase")] enum EntityField { Entity, Components, } pub const ENTITY_FIELD_ENTITY: &str = "entity"; pub const ENTITY_FIELD_COMPONENTS: &str = "components"; struct SceneEntityVisiter<'a> { pub property_type_registry: &'a PropertyTypeRegistry, pub current_type_name: Rc>>, } impl<'a, 'de> Visitor<'de> for SceneEntityVisiter<'a> { type Value = SceneEntity; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("entities") } fn visit_map(self, mut map: A) -> Result where A: MapAccess<'de> { let mut entity = None; let mut components = None; while let Some(key) = map.next_key()? { match key { EntityField::Entity => { if entity.is_some() { return Err(Error::duplicate_field(ENTITY_FIELD_ENTITY)); } entity = Some(map.next_value::()?); } EntityField::Components => { if components.is_some() { return Err(Error::duplicate_field(ENTITY_FIELD_COMPONENTS)); } components = Some(map.next_value_seed(ComponentVecDeserializer { current_type_name: self.current_type_name.clone(), property_type_registry: self.property_type_registry })?); } } } let entity = entity .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| Error::missing_field(ENTITY_FIELD_ENTITY))?; let components = components .take() .ok_or_else(|| Error::missing_field(ENTITY_FIELD_COMPONENTS))?; Ok(SceneEntity { entity: *entity, components, }) } } pub struct ComponentVecDeserializer<'a> { pub property_type_registry: &'a PropertyTypeRegistry, pub current_type_name: Rc>>, } impl<'a, 'de> DeserializeSeed<'de> for ComponentVecDeserializer<'a> { type Value = Vec; fn deserialize(self, deserializer: D) -> Result where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { deserializer.deserialize_seq(ComponentSeqVisiter { property_type_registry: self.property_type_registry, current_type_name: self.current_type_name, }) } } struct ComponentSeqVisiter<'a> { pub property_type_registry: &'a PropertyTypeRegistry, pub current_type_name: Rc>>, } impl<'a, 'de> Visitor<'de> for ComponentSeqVisiter<'a> { type Value = Vec; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("list of components") } fn visit_seq(self, mut seq: A) -> Result where A: SeqAccess<'de>, { let mut dynamic_properties = Vec::new(); while let Some(entity) = seq.next_element_seed(DynamicPropertiesDeserializer { current_type_name: self.current_type_name.clone(), property_type_registry: self.property_type_registry })? { dynamic_properties.push(entity); } Ok(dynamic_properties) } } pub struct SceneLoader { property_type_registry: PropertyTypeRegistryContext, } impl FromResources for SceneLoader { fn from_resources(resources: &Resources) -> Self { let property_type_registry = resources.get::().unwrap(); SceneLoader { property_type_registry: property_type_registry.clone(), } } } impl AssetLoader for SceneLoader { fn from_bytes(&self, _asset_path: &Path, bytes: Vec) -> Result { let registry =; let mut deserializer = ron::de::Deserializer::from_bytes(&bytes).unwrap(); let current_type_name = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None)); let scene_deserializer = SceneDeserializer { property_type_registry: ®istry, current_type_name: current_type_name.clone(), }; let mut callback = |ident: &Option<&[u8]>| { let mut last_type_name = current_type_name.borrow_mut(); *last_type_name =|i| String::from_utf8(i.to_vec()).unwrap()); }; deserializer.set_callback(&mut callback); let scene = scene_deserializer.deserialize(&mut deserializer).unwrap(); Ok(scene) } fn extensions(&self) -> &[&str] { static EXTENSIONS: &[&str] = &["scn"]; EXTENSIONS } }