//! Example of loading an embedded asset. use bevy::{ asset::{embedded_asset, io::AssetSourceId, AssetPath}, prelude::*, }; use std::path::Path; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, EmbeddedAssetPlugin)) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .run(); } struct EmbeddedAssetPlugin; impl Plugin for EmbeddedAssetPlugin { fn build(&self, app: &mut App) { // We get to choose some prefix relative to the workspace root which // will be ignored in "embedded://" asset paths. let omit_prefix = "examples/asset"; // Path to asset must be relative to this file, because that's how // include_bytes! works. embedded_asset!(app, omit_prefix, "files/bevy_pixel_light.png"); } } fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) { commands.spawn(Camera2d); // Each example is its own crate (with name from [[example]] in Cargo.toml). let crate_name = "embedded_asset"; // The actual file path relative to workspace root is // "examples/asset/files/bevy_pixel_light.png". // // We omit the "examples/asset" from the embedded_asset! call and replace it // with the crate name. let path = Path::new(crate_name).join("files/bevy_pixel_light.png"); let source = AssetSourceId::from("embedded"); let asset_path = AssetPath::from_path(&path).with_source(source); // You could also parse this URL-like string representation for the asset // path. assert_eq!( asset_path, "embedded://embedded_asset/files/bevy_pixel_light.png".into() ); commands.spawn(Sprite::from_image(asset_server.load(asset_path))); }