//! This example illustrates how to load and play an audio file, and control where the sounds seems to come from. use bevy::prelude::*; fn main() { App::new() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems(Update, update_positions) .add_systems(Update, update_listener) .run(); } fn setup( mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res, mut meshes: ResMut>, mut materials: ResMut>, ) { // Space between the two ears let gap = 4.0; // sound emitter commands.spawn(( PbrBundle { mesh: meshes.add(shape::UVSphere { radius: 0.2, ..default() }), material: materials.add(Color::BLUE), transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ..default() }, Emitter::default(), AudioBundle { source: asset_server.load("sounds/Windless Slopes.ogg"), settings: PlaybackSettings::LOOP.with_spatial(true), }, )); let listener = SpatialListener::new(gap); commands .spawn((SpatialBundle::default(), listener.clone())) .with_children(|parent| { // left ear indicator parent.spawn(PbrBundle { mesh: meshes.add(shape::Cube { size: 0.2 }), material: materials.add(Color::RED), transform: Transform::from_translation(listener.left_ear_offset), ..default() }); // right ear indicator parent.spawn(PbrBundle { mesh: meshes.add(shape::Cube { size: 0.2 }), material: materials.add(Color::GREEN), transform: Transform::from_translation(listener.right_ear_offset), ..default() }); }); // light commands.spawn(PointLightBundle { point_light: PointLight { intensity: 1500.0, shadows_enabled: true, ..default() }, transform: Transform::from_xyz(4.0, 8.0, 4.0), ..default() }); // example instructions commands.spawn( TextBundle::from_section( "Up/Down/Left/Right: Move Listener\nSpace: Toggle Emitter Movement", TextStyle { font_size: 20.0, ..default() }, ) .with_style(Style { position_type: PositionType::Absolute, bottom: Val::Px(12.0), left: Val::Px(12.0), ..default() }), ); // camera commands.spawn(Camera3dBundle { transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 5.0, 5.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y), ..default() }); } #[derive(Component, Default)] struct Emitter { stopped: bool, } fn update_positions( time: Res