//! Demonstrates how to use transparency with UI. //! Shows two colored buttons with transparent text. use bevy::prelude::*; fn main() { App::new() .insert_resource(ClearColor(Color::BLACK)) .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .run(); } fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res) { commands.spawn(Camera2d); let font_handle = asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"); commands .spawn(NodeBundle { style: Style { width: Val::Percent(100.0), height: Val::Percent(100.0), align_items: AlignItems::Center, justify_content: JustifyContent::SpaceAround, ..default() }, ..default() }) .with_children(|parent| { parent .spawn(ButtonBundle { style: Style { width: Val::Px(150.0), height: Val::Px(65.0), justify_content: JustifyContent::Center, align_items: AlignItems::Center, ..default() }, background_color: Color::srgb(0.1, 0.5, 0.1).into(), ..default() }) .with_children(|parent| { parent.spawn(TextBundle::from_section( "Button 1", TextStyle { font: font_handle.clone(), font_size: 33.0, // Alpha channel of the color controls transparency. color: Color::srgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2), }, )); }); // Button with a different color, // to demonstrate the text looks different due to its transparency. parent .spawn(ButtonBundle { style: Style { width: Val::Px(150.0), height: Val::Px(65.0), justify_content: JustifyContent::Center, align_items: AlignItems::Center, ..default() }, background_color: Color::srgb(0.5, 0.1, 0.5).into(), ..default() }) .with_children(|parent| { parent.spawn(TextBundle::from_section( "Button 2", TextStyle { font: font_handle.clone(), font_size: 33.0, // Alpha channel of the color controls transparency. color: Color::srgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2), }, )); }); }); }