// The shader reads the previous frame's state from the `input` texture, and writes the new state of // each pixel to the `output` texture. The textures are flipped each step to progress the // simulation. // Two textures are needed for the game of life as each pixel of step N depends on the state of its // neighbors at step N-1. @group(0) @binding(0) var input: texture_storage_2d; @group(0) @binding(1) var output: texture_storage_2d; fn hash(value: u32) -> u32 { var state = value; state = state ^ 2747636419u; state = state * 2654435769u; state = state ^ state >> 16u; state = state * 2654435769u; state = state ^ state >> 16u; state = state * 2654435769u; return state; } fn randomFloat(value: u32) -> f32 { return f32(hash(value)) / 4294967295.0; } @compute @workgroup_size(8, 8, 1) fn init(@builtin(global_invocation_id) invocation_id: vec3, @builtin(num_workgroups) num_workgroups: vec3) { let location = vec2(i32(invocation_id.x), i32(invocation_id.y)); let randomNumber = randomFloat(invocation_id.y << 16u | invocation_id.x); let alive = randomNumber > 0.9; let color = vec4(f32(alive)); textureStore(output, location, color); } fn is_alive(location: vec2, offset_x: i32, offset_y: i32) -> i32 { let value: vec4 = textureLoad(input, location + vec2(offset_x, offset_y)); return i32(value.x); } fn count_alive(location: vec2) -> i32 { return is_alive(location, -1, -1) + is_alive(location, -1, 0) + is_alive(location, -1, 1) + is_alive(location, 0, -1) + is_alive(location, 0, 1) + is_alive(location, 1, -1) + is_alive(location, 1, 0) + is_alive(location, 1, 1); } @compute @workgroup_size(8, 8, 1) fn update(@builtin(global_invocation_id) invocation_id: vec3) { let location = vec2(i32(invocation_id.x), i32(invocation_id.y)); let n_alive = count_alive(location); var alive: bool; if (n_alive == 3) { alive = true; } else if (n_alive == 2) { let currently_alive = is_alive(location, 0, 0); alive = bool(currently_alive); } else { alive = false; } let color = vec4(f32(alive)); textureStore(output, location, color); }