//! Demonstrates the clearcoat PBR feature. //! //! Clearcoat is a separate material layer that represents a thin translucent //! layer over a material. Examples include (from the Filament spec [1]) car paint, //! soda cans, and lacquered wood. //! //! In glTF, clearcoat is supported via the `KHR_materials_clearcoat` [2] //! extension. This extension is well supported by tools; in particular, //! Blender's glTF exporter maps the clearcoat feature of its Principled BSDF //! node to this extension, allowing it to appear in Bevy. //! //! This Bevy example is inspired by the corresponding three.js example [3]. //! //! [1]: https://google.github.io/filament/Filament.html#materialsystem/clearcoatmodel //! //! [2]: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/blob/main/extensions/2.0/Khronos/KHR_materials_clearcoat/README.md //! //! [3]: https://threejs.org/examples/webgl_materials_physical_clearcoat.html use std::f32::consts::PI; use bevy::{ color::palettes::css::{BLUE, GOLD, WHITE}, core_pipeline::{tonemapping::Tonemapping::AcesFitted, Skybox}, math::vec3, pbr::{CascadeShadowConfig, Cascades, CascadesVisibleEntities}, prelude::*, render::{primitives::CascadesFrusta, texture::ImageLoaderSettings}, }; /// The size of each sphere. const SPHERE_SCALE: f32 = 0.9; /// The speed at which the spheres rotate, in radians per second. const SPHERE_ROTATION_SPEED: f32 = 0.8; /// Which type of light we're using: a point light or a directional light. #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Resource, Default)] enum LightMode { #[default] Point, Directional, } /// Tags the example spheres. #[derive(Component)] struct ExampleSphere; /// Entry point. pub fn main() { App::new() .init_resource::() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) .add_systems(Startup, setup) .add_systems(Update, animate_light) .add_systems(Update, animate_spheres) .add_systems(Update, (handle_input, update_help_text).chain()) .run(); } /// Initializes the scene. fn setup( mut commands: Commands, mut meshes: ResMut>, mut materials: ResMut>, asset_server: Res, light_mode: Res, ) { let sphere = create_sphere_mesh(&mut meshes); spawn_car_paint_sphere(&mut commands, &mut materials, &asset_server, &sphere); spawn_coated_glass_bubble_sphere(&mut commands, &mut materials, &sphere); spawn_golf_ball(&mut commands, &asset_server); spawn_scratched_gold_ball(&mut commands, &mut materials, &asset_server, &sphere); spawn_light(&mut commands); spawn_camera(&mut commands, &asset_server); spawn_text(&mut commands, &asset_server, &light_mode); } /// Generates a sphere. fn create_sphere_mesh(meshes: &mut Assets) -> Handle { // We're going to use normal maps, so make sure we've generated tangents, or // else the normal maps won't show up. let mut sphere_mesh = Sphere::new(1.0).mesh().build(); sphere_mesh .generate_tangents() .expect("Failed to generate tangents"); meshes.add(sphere_mesh) } /// Spawn a regular object with a clearcoat layer. This looks like car paint. fn spawn_car_paint_sphere( commands: &mut Commands, materials: &mut Assets, asset_server: &AssetServer, sphere: &Handle, ) { commands .spawn(PbrBundle { mesh: sphere.clone(), material: materials.add(StandardMaterial { clearcoat: 1.0, clearcoat_perceptual_roughness: 0.1, normal_map_texture: Some(asset_server.load_with_settings( "textures/BlueNoise-Normal.png", |settings: &mut ImageLoaderSettings| settings.is_srgb = false, )), metallic: 0.9, perceptual_roughness: 0.5, base_color: BLUE.into(), ..default() }), transform: Transform::from_xyz(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0).with_scale(Vec3::splat(SPHERE_SCALE)), ..default() }) .insert(ExampleSphere); } /// Spawn a semitransparent object with a clearcoat layer. fn spawn_coated_glass_bubble_sphere( commands: &mut Commands, materials: &mut Assets, sphere: &Handle, ) { commands .spawn(PbrBundle { mesh: sphere.clone(), material: materials.add(StandardMaterial { clearcoat: 1.0, clearcoat_perceptual_roughness: 0.1, metallic: 0.5, perceptual_roughness: 0.1, base_color: Color::srgba(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.3), alpha_mode: AlphaMode::Blend, ..default() }), transform: Transform::from_xyz(-1.0, -1.0, 0.0).with_scale(Vec3::splat(SPHERE_SCALE)), ..default() }) .insert(ExampleSphere); } /// Spawns an object with both a clearcoat normal map (a scratched varnish) and /// a main layer normal map (the golf ball pattern). /// /// This object is in glTF format, using the `KHR_materials_clearcoat` /// extension. fn spawn_golf_ball(commands: &mut Commands, asset_server: &AssetServer) { commands .spawn(SceneBundle { scene: asset_server.load("models/GolfBall/GolfBall.glb#Scene0"), transform: Transform::from_xyz(1.0, 1.0, 0.0).with_scale(Vec3::splat(SPHERE_SCALE)), ..default() }) .insert(ExampleSphere); } /// Spawns an object with only a clearcoat normal map (a scratch pattern) and no /// main layer normal map. fn spawn_scratched_gold_ball( commands: &mut Commands, materials: &mut Assets, asset_server: &AssetServer, sphere: &Handle, ) { commands .spawn(PbrBundle { mesh: sphere.clone(), material: materials.add(StandardMaterial { clearcoat: 1.0, clearcoat_perceptual_roughness: 0.3, clearcoat_normal_texture: Some(asset_server.load_with_settings( "textures/ScratchedGold-Normal.png", |settings: &mut ImageLoaderSettings| settings.is_srgb = false, )), metallic: 0.9, perceptual_roughness: 0.1, base_color: GOLD.into(), ..default() }), transform: Transform::from_xyz(1.0, -1.0, 0.0).with_scale(Vec3::splat(SPHERE_SCALE)), ..default() }) .insert(ExampleSphere); } /// Spawns a light. fn spawn_light(commands: &mut Commands) { // Add the cascades objects used by the `DirectionalLightBundle`, since the // user can toggle between a point light and a directional light. commands .spawn(PointLightBundle { point_light: PointLight { color: WHITE.into(), intensity: 100000.0, ..default() }, ..default() }) .insert(CascadesFrusta::default()) .insert(Cascades::default()) .insert(CascadeShadowConfig::default()) .insert(CascadesVisibleEntities::default()); } /// Spawns a camera with associated skybox and environment map. fn spawn_camera(commands: &mut Commands, asset_server: &AssetServer) { commands .spawn(Camera3dBundle { camera: Camera { hdr: true, ..default() }, projection: Projection::Perspective(PerspectiveProjection { fov: 27.0 / 180.0 * PI, ..default() }), transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 10.0), tonemapping: AcesFitted, ..default() }) .insert(Skybox { brightness: 5000.0, image: asset_server.load("environment_maps/pisa_specular_rgb9e5_zstd.ktx2"), }) .insert(EnvironmentMapLight { diffuse_map: asset_server.load("environment_maps/pisa_diffuse_rgb9e5_zstd.ktx2"), specular_map: asset_server.load("environment_maps/pisa_specular_rgb9e5_zstd.ktx2"), intensity: 2000.0, }); } /// Spawns the help text. fn spawn_text(commands: &mut Commands, asset_server: &AssetServer, light_mode: &LightMode) { commands.spawn( TextBundle { text: light_mode.create_help_text(asset_server), ..TextBundle::default() } .with_style(Style { position_type: PositionType::Absolute, bottom: Val::Px(10.0), left: Val::Px(10.0), ..default() }), ); } /// Moves the light around. fn animate_light( mut lights: Query<&mut Transform, Or<(With, With)>>, time: Res