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Bevy Asset V2 (#8624)
# Bevy Asset V2 Proposal ## Why Does Bevy Need A New Asset System? Asset pipelines are a central part of the gamedev process. Bevy's current asset system is missing a number of features that make it non-viable for many classes of gamedev. After plenty of discussions and [a long community feedback period](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/discussions/3972), we've identified a number missing features: * **Asset Preprocessing**: it should be possible to "preprocess" / "compile" / "crunch" assets at "development time" rather than when the game starts up. This enables offloading expensive work from deployed apps, faster asset loading, less runtime memory usage, etc. * **Per-Asset Loader Settings**: Individual assets cannot define their own loaders that override the defaults. Additionally, they cannot provide per-asset settings to their loaders. This is a huge limitation, as many asset types don't provide all information necessary for Bevy _inside_ the asset. For example, a raw PNG image says nothing about how it should be sampled (ex: linear vs nearest). * **Asset `.meta` files**: assets should have configuration files stored adjacent to the asset in question, which allows the user to configure asset-type-specific settings. These settings should be accessible during the pre-processing phase. Modifying a `.meta` file should trigger a re-processing / re-load of the asset. It should be possible to configure asset loaders from the meta file. * **Processed Asset Hot Reloading**: Changes to processed assets (or their dependencies) should result in re-processing them and re-loading the results in live Bevy Apps. * **Asset Dependency Tracking**: The current bevy_asset has no good way to wait for asset dependencies to load. It punts this as an exercise for consumers of the loader apis, which is unreasonable and error prone. There should be easy, ergonomic ways to wait for assets to load and block some logic on an asset's entire dependency tree loading. * **Runtime Asset Loading**: it should be (optionally) possible to load arbitrary assets dynamically at runtime. This necessitates being able to deploy and run the asset server alongside Bevy Apps on _all platforms_. For example, we should be able to invoke the shader compiler at runtime, stream scenes from sources like the internet, etc. To keep deployed binaries (and startup times) small, the runtime asset server configuration should be configurable with different settings compared to the "pre processor asset server". * **Multiple Backends**: It should be possible to load assets from arbitrary sources (filesystems, the internet, remote asset serves, etc). * **Asset Packing**: It should be possible to deploy assets in compressed "packs", which makes it easier and more efficient to distribute assets with Bevy Apps. * **Asset Handoff**: It should be possible to hold a "live" asset handle, which correlates to runtime data, without actually holding the asset in memory. Ex: it must be possible to hold a reference to a GPU mesh generated from a "mesh asset" without keeping the mesh data in CPU memory * **Per-Platform Processed Assets**: Different platforms and app distributions have different capabilities and requirements. Some platforms need lower asset resolutions or different asset formats to operate within the hardware constraints of the platform. It should be possible to define per-platform asset processing profiles. And it should be possible to deploy only the assets required for a given platform. These features have architectural implications that are significant enough to require a full rewrite. The current Bevy Asset implementation got us this far, but it can take us no farther. This PR defines a brand new asset system that implements most of these features, while laying the foundations for the remaining features to be built. ## Bevy Asset V2 Here is a quick overview of the features introduced in this PR. * **Asset Preprocessing**: Preprocess assets at development time into more efficient (and configurable) representations * **Dependency Aware**: Dependencies required to process an asset are tracked. If an asset's processed dependency changes, it will be reprocessed * **Hot Reprocessing/Reloading**: detect changes to asset source files, reprocess them if they have changed, and then hot-reload them in Bevy Apps. * **Only Process Changes**: Assets are only re-processed when their source file (or meta file) has changed. This uses hashing and timestamps to avoid processing assets that haven't changed. * **Transactional and Reliable**: Uses write-ahead logging (a technique commonly used by databases) to recover from crashes / forced-exits. Whenever possible it avoids full-reprocessing / only uncompleted transactions will be reprocessed. When the processor is running in parallel with a Bevy App, processor asset writes block Bevy App asset reads. Reading metadata + asset bytes is guaranteed to be transactional / correctly paired. * **Portable / Run anywhere / Database-free**: The processor does not rely on an in-memory database (although it uses some database techniques for reliability). This is important because pretty much all in-memory databases have unsupported platforms or build complications. * **Configure Processor Defaults Per File Type**: You can say "use this processor for all files of this type". * **Custom Processors**: The `Processor` trait is flexible and unopinionated. It can be implemented by downstream plugins. * **LoadAndSave Processors**: Most asset processing scenarios can be expressed as "run AssetLoader A, save the results using AssetSaver X, and then load the result using AssetLoader B". For example, load this png image using `PngImageLoader`, which produces an `Image` asset and then save it using `CompressedImageSaver` (which also produces an `Image` asset, but in a compressed format), which takes an `Image` asset as input. This means if you have an `AssetLoader` for an asset, you are already half way there! It also means that you can share AssetSavers across multiple loaders. Because `CompressedImageSaver` accepts Bevy's generic Image asset as input, it means you can also use it with some future `JpegImageLoader`. * **Loader and Saver Settings**: Asset Loaders and Savers can now define their own settings types, which are passed in as input when an asset is loaded / saved. Each asset can define its own settings. * **Asset `.meta` files**: configure asset loaders, their settings, enable/disable processing, and configure processor settings * **Runtime Asset Dependency Tracking** Runtime asset dependencies (ex: if an asset contains a `Handle<Image>`) are tracked by the asset server. An event is emitted when an asset and all of its dependencies have been loaded * **Unprocessed Asset Loading**: Assets do not require preprocessing. They can be loaded directly. A processed asset is just a "normal" asset with some extra metadata. Asset Loaders don't need to know or care about whether or not an asset was processed. * **Async Asset IO**: Asset readers/writers use async non-blocking interfaces. Note that because Rust doesn't yet support async traits, there is a bit of manual Boxing / Future boilerplate. This will hopefully be removed in the near future when Rust gets async traits. * **Pluggable Asset Readers and Writers**: Arbitrary asset source readers/writers are supported, both by the processor and the asset server. * **Better Asset Handles** * **Single Arc Tree**: Asset Handles now use a single arc tree that represents the lifetime of the asset. This makes their implementation simpler, more efficient, and allows us to cheaply attach metadata to handles. Ex: the AssetPath of a handle is now directly accessible on the handle itself! * **Const Typed Handles**: typed handles can be constructed in a const context. No more weird "const untyped converted to typed at runtime" patterns! * **Handles and Ids are Smaller / Faster To Hash / Compare**: Typed `Handle<T>` is now much smaller in memory and `AssetId<T>` is even smaller. * **Weak Handle Usage Reduction**: In general Handles are now considered to be "strong". Bevy features that previously used "weak `Handle<T>`" have been ported to `AssetId<T>`, which makes it statically clear that the features do not hold strong handles (while retaining strong type information). Currently Handle::Weak still exists, but it is very possible that we can remove that entirely. * **Efficient / Dense Asset Ids**: Assets now have efficient dense runtime asset ids, which means we can avoid expensive hash lookups. Assets are stored in Vecs instead of HashMaps. There are now typed and untyped ids, which means we no longer need to store dynamic type information in the ID for typed handles. "AssetPathId" (which was a nightmare from a performance and correctness standpoint) has been entirely removed in favor of dense ids (which are retrieved for a path on load) * **Direct Asset Loading, with Dependency Tracking**: Assets that are defined at runtime can still have their dependencies tracked by the Asset Server (ex: if you create a material at runtime, you can still wait for its textures to load). This is accomplished via the (currently optional) "asset dependency visitor" trait. This system can also be used to define a set of assets to load, then wait for those assets to load. * **Async folder loading**: Folder loading also uses this system and immediately returns a handle to the LoadedFolder asset, which means folder loading no longer blocks on directory traversals. * **Improved Loader Interface**: Loaders now have a specific "top level asset type", which makes returning the top-level asset simpler and statically typed. * **Basic Image Settings and Processing**: Image assets can now be processed into the gpu-friendly Basic Universal format. The ImageLoader now has a setting to define what format the image should be loaded as. Note that this is just a minimal MVP ... plenty of additional work to do here. To demo this, enable the `basis-universal` feature and turn on asset processing. * **Simpler Audio Play / AudioSink API**: Asset handle providers are cloneable, which means the Audio resource can mint its own handles. This means you can now do `let sink_handle = audio.play(music)` instead of `let sink_handle = audio_sinks.get_handle(audio.play(music))`. Note that this might still be replaced by https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/8424. **Removed Handle Casting From Engine Features**: Ex: FontAtlases no longer use casting between handle types ## Using The New Asset System ### Normal Unprocessed Asset Loading By default the `AssetPlugin` does not use processing. It behaves pretty much the same way as the old system. If you are defining a custom asset, first derive `Asset`: ```rust #[derive(Asset)] struct Thing { value: String, } ``` Initialize the asset: ```rust app.init_asset:<Thing>() ``` Implement a new `AssetLoader` for it: ```rust #[derive(Default)] struct ThingLoader; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default)] pub struct ThingSettings { some_setting: bool, } impl AssetLoader for ThingLoader { type Asset = Thing; type Settings = ThingSettings; fn load<'a>( &'a self, reader: &'a mut Reader, settings: &'a ThingSettings, load_context: &'a mut LoadContext, ) -> BoxedFuture<'a, Result<Thing, anyhow::Error>> { Box::pin(async move { let mut bytes = Vec::new(); reader.read_to_end(&mut bytes).await?; // convert bytes to value somehow Ok(Thing { value }) }) } fn extensions(&self) -> &[&str] { &["thing"] } } ``` Note that this interface will get much cleaner once Rust gets support for async traits. `Reader` is an async futures_io::AsyncRead. You can stream bytes as they come in or read them all into a `Vec<u8>`, depending on the context. You can use `let handle = load_context.load(path)` to kick off a dependency load, retrieve a handle, and register the dependency for the asset. Then just register the loader in your Bevy app: ```rust app.init_asset_loader::<ThingLoader>() ``` Now just add your `Thing` asset files into the `assets` folder and load them like this: ```rust fn system(asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) { let handle = Handle<Thing> = asset_server.load("cool.thing"); } ``` You can check load states directly via the asset server: ```rust if asset_server.load_state(&handle) == LoadState::Loaded { } ``` You can also listen for events: ```rust fn system(mut events: EventReader<AssetEvent<Thing>>, handle: Res<SomeThingHandle>) { for event in events.iter() { if event.is_loaded_with_dependencies(&handle) { } } } ``` Note the new `AssetEvent::LoadedWithDependencies`, which only fires when the asset is loaded _and_ all dependencies (and their dependencies) have loaded. Unlike the old asset system, for a given asset path all `Handle<T>` values point to the same underlying Arc. This means Handles can cheaply hold more asset information, such as the AssetPath: ```rust // prints the AssetPath of the handle info!("{:?}", handle.path()) ``` ### Processed Assets Asset processing can be enabled via the `AssetPlugin`. When developing Bevy Apps with processed assets, do this: ```rust app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(AssetPlugin::processed_dev())) ``` This runs the `AssetProcessor` in the background with hot-reloading. It reads assets from the `assets` folder, processes them, and writes them to the `.imported_assets` folder. Asset loads in the Bevy App will wait for a processed version of the asset to become available. If an asset in the `assets` folder changes, it will be reprocessed and hot-reloaded in the Bevy App. When deploying processed Bevy apps, do this: ```rust app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(AssetPlugin::processed())) ``` This does not run the `AssetProcessor` in the background. It behaves like `AssetPlugin::unprocessed()`, but reads assets from `.imported_assets`. When the `AssetProcessor` is running, it will populate sibling `.meta` files for assets in the `assets` folder. Meta files for assets that do not have a processor configured look like this: ```rust ( meta_format_version: "1.0", asset: Load( loader: "bevy_render::texture::image_loader::ImageLoader", settings: ( format: FromExtension, ), ), ) ``` This is metadata for an image asset. For example, if you have `assets/my_sprite.png`, this could be the metadata stored at `assets/my_sprite.png.meta`. Meta files are totally optional. If no metadata exists, the default settings will be used. In short, this file says "load this asset with the ImageLoader and use the file extension to determine the image type". This type of meta file is supported in all AssetPlugin modes. If in `Unprocessed` mode, the asset (with the meta settings) will be loaded directly. If in `ProcessedDev` mode, the asset file will be copied directly to the `.imported_assets` folder. The meta will also be copied directly to the `.imported_assets` folder, but with one addition: ```rust ( meta_format_version: "1.0", processed_info: Some(( hash: 12415480888597742505, full_hash: 14344495437905856884, process_dependencies: [], )), asset: Load( loader: "bevy_render::texture::image_loader::ImageLoader", settings: ( format: FromExtension, ), ), ) ``` `processed_info` contains `hash` (a direct hash of the asset and meta bytes), `full_hash` (a hash of `hash` and the hashes of all `process_dependencies`), and `process_dependencies` (the `path` and `full_hash` of every process_dependency). A "process dependency" is an asset dependency that is _directly_ used when processing the asset. Images do not have process dependencies, so this is empty. When the processor is enabled, you can use the `Process` metadata config: ```rust ( meta_format_version: "1.0", asset: Process( processor: "bevy_asset::processor::process::LoadAndSave<bevy_render::texture::image_loader::ImageLoader, bevy_render::texture::compressed_image_saver::CompressedImageSaver>", settings: ( loader_settings: ( format: FromExtension, ), saver_settings: ( generate_mipmaps: true, ), ), ), ) ``` This configures the asset to use the `LoadAndSave` processor, which runs an AssetLoader and feeds the result into an AssetSaver (which saves the given Asset and defines a loader to load it with). (for terseness LoadAndSave will likely get a shorter/friendlier type name when [Stable Type Paths](#7184) lands). `LoadAndSave` is likely to be the most common processor type, but arbitrary processors are supported. `CompressedImageSaver` saves an `Image` in the Basis Universal format and configures the ImageLoader to load it as basis universal. The `AssetProcessor` will read this meta, run it through the LoadAndSave processor, and write the basis-universal version of the image to `.imported_assets`. The final metadata will look like this: ```rust ( meta_format_version: "1.0", processed_info: Some(( hash: 905599590923828066, full_hash: 9948823010183819117, process_dependencies: [], )), asset: Load( loader: "bevy_render::texture::image_loader::ImageLoader", settings: ( format: Format(Basis), ), ), ) ``` To try basis-universal processing out in Bevy examples, (for example `sprite.rs`), change `add_plugins(DefaultPlugins)` to `add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(AssetPlugin::processed_dev()))` and run with the `basis-universal` feature enabled: `cargo run --features=basis-universal --example sprite`. To create a custom processor, there are two main paths: 1. Use the `LoadAndSave` processor with an existing `AssetLoader`. Implement the `AssetSaver` trait, register the processor using `asset_processor.register_processor::<LoadAndSave<ImageLoader, CompressedImageSaver>>(image_saver.into())`. 2. Implement the `Process` trait directly and register it using: `asset_processor.register_processor(thing_processor)`. You can configure default processors for file extensions like this: ```rust asset_processor.set_default_processor::<ThingProcessor>("thing") ``` There is one more metadata type to be aware of: ```rust ( meta_format_version: "1.0", asset: Ignore, ) ``` This will ignore the asset during processing / prevent it from being written to `.imported_assets`. The AssetProcessor stores a transaction log at `.imported_assets/log` and uses it to gracefully recover from unexpected stops. This means you can force-quit the processor (and Bevy Apps running the processor in parallel) at arbitrary times! `.imported_assets` is "local state". It should _not_ be checked into source control. It should also be considered "read only". In practice, you _can_ modify processed assets and processed metadata if you really need to test something. But those modifications will not be represented in the hashes of the assets, so the processed state will be "out of sync" with the source assets. The processor _will not_ fix this for you. Either revert the change after you have tested it, or delete the processed files so they can be re-populated. ## Open Questions There are a number of open questions to be discussed. We should decide if they need to be addressed in this PR and if so, how we will address them: ### Implied Dependencies vs Dependency Enumeration There are currently two ways to populate asset dependencies: * **Implied via AssetLoaders**: if an AssetLoader loads an asset (and retrieves a handle), a dependency is added to the list. * **Explicit via the optional Asset::visit_dependencies**: if `server.load_asset(my_asset)` is called, it will call `my_asset.visit_dependencies`, which will grab dependencies that have been manually defined for the asset via the Asset trait impl (which can be derived). This means that defining explicit dependencies is optional for "loaded assets". And the list of dependencies is always accurate because loaders can only produce Handles if they register dependencies. If an asset was loaded with an AssetLoader, it only uses the implied dependencies. If an asset was created at runtime and added with `asset_server.load_asset(MyAsset)`, it will use `Asset::visit_dependencies`. However this can create a behavior mismatch between loaded assets and equivalent "created at runtime" assets if `Assets::visit_dependencies` doesn't exactly match the dependencies produced by the AssetLoader. This behavior mismatch can be resolved by completely removing "implied loader dependencies" and requiring `Asset::visit_dependencies` to supply dependency data. But this creates two problems: * It makes defining loaded assets harder and more error prone: Devs must remember to manually annotate asset dependencies with `#[dependency]` when deriving `Asset`. For more complicated assets (such as scenes), the derive likely wouldn't be sufficient and a manual `visit_dependencies` impl would be required. * Removes the ability to immediately kick off dependency loads: When AssetLoaders retrieve a Handle, they also immediately kick off an asset load for the handle, which means it can start loading in parallel _before_ the asset finishes loading. For large assets, this could be significant. (although this could be mitigated for processed assets if we store dependencies in the processed meta file and load them ahead of time) ### Eager ProcessorDev Asset Loading I made a controversial call in the interest of fast startup times ("time to first pixel") for the "processor dev mode configuration". When initializing the AssetProcessor, current processed versions of unchanged assets are yielded immediately, even if their dependencies haven't been checked yet for reprocessing. This means that non-current-state-of-filesystem-but-previously-valid assets might be returned to the App first, then hot-reloaded if/when their dependencies change and the asset is reprocessed. Is this behavior desirable? There is largely one alternative: do not yield an asset from the processor to the app until all of its dependencies have been checked for changes. In some common cases (load dependency has not changed since last run) this will increase startup time. The main question is "by how much" and is that slower startup time worth it in the interest of only yielding assets that are true to the current state of the filesystem. Should this be configurable? I'm starting to think we should only yield an asset after its (historical) dependencies have been checked for changes + processed as necessary, but I'm curious what you all think. ### Paths Are Currently The Only Canonical ID / Do We Want Asset UUIDs? In this implementation AssetPaths are the only canonical asset identifier (just like the previous Bevy Asset system and Godot). Moving assets will result in re-scans (and currently reprocessing, although reprocessing can easily be avoided with some changes). Asset renames/moves will break code and assets that rely on specific paths, unless those paths are fixed up. Do we want / need "stable asset uuids"? Introducing them is very possible: 1. Generate a UUID and include it in .meta files 2. Support UUID in AssetPath 3. Generate "asset indices" which are loaded on startup and map UUIDs to paths. 4 (maybe). Consider only supporting UUIDs for processed assets so we can generate quick-to-load indices instead of scanning meta files. The main "pro" is that assets referencing UUIDs don't need to be migrated when a path changes. The main "con" is that UUIDs cannot be "lazily resolved" like paths. They need a full view of all assets to answer the question "does this UUID exist". Which means UUIDs require the AssetProcessor to fully finish startup scans before saying an asset doesnt exist. And they essentially require asset pre-processing to use in apps, because scanning all asset metadata files at runtime to resolve a UUID is not viable for medium-to-large apps. It really requires a pre-generated UUID index, which must be loaded before querying for assets. I personally think this should be investigated in a separate PR. Paths aren't going anywhere ... _everyone_ uses filesystems (and filesystem-like apis) to manage their asset source files. I consider them permanent canonical asset information. Additionally, they behave well for both processed and unprocessed asset modes. Given that Bevy is supporting both, this feels like the right canonical ID to start with. UUIDS (and maybe even other indexed-identifier types) can be added later as necessary. ### Folder / File Naming Conventions All asset processing config currently lives in the `.imported_assets` folder. The processor transaction log is in `.imported_assets/log`. Processed assets are added to `.imported_assets/Default`, which will make migrating to processed asset profiles (ex: a `.imported_assets/Mobile` profile) a non-breaking change. It also allows us to create top-level files like `.imported_assets/log` without it being interpreted as an asset. Meta files currently have a `.meta` suffix. Do we like these names and conventions? ### Should the `AssetPlugin::processed_dev` configuration enable `watch_for_changes` automatically? Currently it does (which I think makes sense), but it does make it the only configuration that enables watch_for_changes by default. ### Discuss on_loaded High Level Interface: This PR includes a very rough "proof of concept" `on_loaded` system adapter that uses the `LoadedWithDependencies` event in combination with `asset_server.load_asset` dependency tracking to support this pattern ```rust fn main() { App::new() .init_asset::<MyAssets>() .add_systems(Update, on_loaded(create_array_texture)) .run(); } #[derive(Asset, Clone)] struct MyAssets { #[dependency] picture_of_my_cat: Handle<Image>, #[dependency] picture_of_my_other_cat: Handle<Image>, } impl FromWorld for ArrayTexture { fn from_world(world: &mut World) -> Self { picture_of_my_cat: server.load("meow.png"), picture_of_my_other_cat: server.load("meeeeeeeow.png"), } } fn spawn_cat(In(my_assets): In<MyAssets>, mut commands: Commands) { commands.spawn(SpriteBundle { texture: my_assets.picture_of_my_cat.clone(), ..default() }); commands.spawn(SpriteBundle { texture: my_assets.picture_of_my_other_cat.clone(), ..default() }); } ``` The implementation is _very_ rough. And it is currently unsafe because `bevy_ecs` doesn't expose some internals to do this safely from inside `bevy_asset`. There are plenty of unanswered questions like: * "do we add a Loadable" derive? (effectively automate the FromWorld implementation above) * Should `MyAssets` even be an Asset? (largely implemented this way because it elegantly builds on `server.load_asset(MyAsset { .. })` dependency tracking). We should think hard about what our ideal API looks like (and if this is a pattern we want to support). Not necessarily something we need to solve in this PR. The current `on_loaded` impl should probably be removed from this PR before merging. ## Clarifying Questions ### What about Assets as Entities? This Bevy Asset V2 proposal implementation initially stored Assets as ECS Entities. Instead of `AssetId<T>` + the `Assets<T>` resource it used `Entity` as the asset id and Asset values were just ECS components. There are plenty of compelling reasons to do this: 1. Easier to inline assets in Bevy Scenes (as they are "just" normal entities + components) 2. More flexible queries: use the power of the ECS to filter assets (ex: `Query<Mesh, With<Tree>>`). 3. Extensible. Users can add arbitrary component data to assets. 4. Things like "component visualization tools" work out of the box to visualize asset data. However Assets as Entities has a ton of caveats right now: * We need to be able to allocate entity ids without a direct World reference (aka rework id allocator in Entities ... i worked around this in my prototypes by just pre allocating big chunks of entities) * We want asset change events in addition to ECS change tracking ... how do we populate them when mutations can come from anywhere? Do we use Changed queries? This would require iterating over the change data for all assets every frame. Is this acceptable or should we implement a new "event based" component change detection option? * Reconciling manually created assets with asset-system managed assets has some nuance (ex: are they "loaded" / do they also have that component metadata?) * "how do we handle "static" / default entity handles" (ties in to the Entity Indices discussion: https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/discussions/8319). This is necessary for things like "built in" assets and default handles in things like SpriteBundle. * Storing asset information as a component makes it easy to "invalidate" asset state by removing the component (or forcing modifications). Ideally we have ways to lock this down (some combination of Rust type privacy and ECS validation) In practice, how we store and identify assets is a reasonably superficial change (porting off of Assets as Entities and implementing dedicated storage + ids took less than a day). So once we sort out the remaining challenges the flip should be straightforward. Additionally, I do still have "Assets as Entities" in my commit history, so we can reuse that work. I personally think "assets as entities" is a good endgame, but it also doesn't provide _significant_ value at the moment and it certainly isn't ready yet with the current state of things. ### Why not Distill? [Distill](https://github.com/amethyst/distill) is a high quality fully featured asset system built in Rust. It is very natural to ask "why not just use Distill?". It is also worth calling out that for awhile, [we planned on adopting Distill / I signed off on it](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/708). However I think Bevy has a number of constraints that make Distill adoption suboptimal: * **Architectural Simplicity:** * Distill's processor requires an in-memory database (lmdb) and RPC networked API (using Cap'n Proto). Each of these introduces API complexity that increases maintenance burden and "code grokability". Ignoring tests, documentation, and examples, Distill has 24,237 lines of Rust code (including generated code for RPC + database interactions). If you ignore generated code, it has 11,499 lines. * Bevy builds the AssetProcessor and AssetServer using pluggable AssetReader/AssetWriter Rust traits with simple io interfaces. They do not necessitate databases or RPC interfaces (although Readers/Writers could use them if that is desired). Bevy Asset V2 (at the time of writing this PR) is 5,384 lines of Rust code (ignoring tests, documentation, and examples). Grain of salt: Distill does have more features currently (ex: Asset Packing, GUIDS, remote-out-of-process asset processor). I do plan to implement these features in Bevy Asset V2 and I personally highly doubt they will meaningfully close the 6115 lines-of-code gap. * This complexity gap (which while illustrated by lines of code, is much bigger than just that) is noteworthy to me. Bevy should be hackable and there are pillars of Distill that are very hard to understand and extend. This is a matter of opinion (and Bevy Asset V2 also has complicated areas), but I think Bevy Asset V2 is much more approachable for the average developer. * Necessary disclaimer: counting lines of code is an extremely rough complexity metric. Read the code and form your own opinions. * **Optional Asset Processing:** Not all Bevy Apps (or Bevy App developers) need / want asset preprocessing. Processing increases the complexity of the development environment by introducing things like meta files, imported asset storage, running processors in the background, waiting for processing to finish, etc. Distill _requires_ preprocessing to work. With Bevy Asset V2 processing is fully opt-in. The AssetServer isn't directly aware of asset processors at all. AssetLoaders only care about converting bytes to runtime Assets ... they don't know or care if the bytes were pre-processed or not. Processing is "elegantly" (forgive my self-congratulatory phrasing) layered on top and builds on the existing Asset system primitives. * **Direct Filesystem Access to Processed Asset State:** Distill stores processed assets in a database. This makes debugging / inspecting the processed outputs harder (either requires special tooling to query the database or they need to be "deployed" to be inspected). Bevy Asset V2, on the other hand, stores processed assets in the filesystem (by default ... this is configurable). This makes interacting with the processed state more natural. Note that both Godot and Unity's new asset system store processed assets in the filesystem. * **Portability**: Because Distill's processor uses lmdb and RPC networking, it cannot be run on certain platforms (ex: lmdb is a non-rust dependency that cannot run on the web, some platforms don't support running network servers). Bevy should be able to process assets everywhere (ex: run the Bevy Editor on the web, compile + process shaders on mobile, etc). Distill does partially mitigate this problem by supporting "streaming" assets via the RPC protocol, but this is not a full solve from my perspective. And Bevy Asset V2 can (in theory) also stream assets (without requiring RPC, although this isn't implemented yet) Note that I _do_ still think Distill would be a solid asset system for Bevy. But I think the approach in this PR is a better solve for Bevy's specific "asset system requirements". ### Doesn't async-fs just shim requests to "sync" `std::fs`? What is the point? "True async file io" has limited / spotty platform support. async-fs (and the rust async ecosystem generally ... ex Tokio) currently use async wrappers over std::fs that offload blocking requests to separate threads. This may feel unsatisfying, but it _does_ still provide value because it prevents our task pools from blocking on file system operations (which would prevent progress when there are many tasks to do, but all threads in a pool are currently blocking on file system ops). Additionally, using async APIs for our AssetReaders and AssetWriters also provides value because we can later add support for "true async file io" for platforms that support it. _And_ we can implement other "true async io" asset backends (such as networked asset io). ## Draft TODO - [x] Fill in missing filesystem event APIs: file removed event (which is expressed as dangling RenameFrom events in some cases), file/folder renamed event - [x] Assets without loaders are not moved to the processed folder. This breaks things like referenced `.bin` files for GLTFs. This should be configurable per-non-asset-type. - [x] Initial implementation of Reflect and FromReflect for Handle. The "deserialization" parity bar is low here as this only worked with static UUIDs in the old impl ... this is a non-trivial problem. Either we add a Handle::AssetPath variant that gets "upgraded" to a strong handle on scene load or we use a separate AssetRef type for Bevy scenes (which is converted to a runtime Handle on load). This deserves its own discussion in a different pr. - [x] Populate read_asset_bytes hash when run by the processor (a bit of a special case .. when run by the processor the processed meta will contain the hash so we don't need to compute it on the spot, but we don't want/need to read the meta when run by the main AssetServer) - [x] Delay hot reloading: currently filesystem events are handled immediately, which creates timing issues in some cases. For example hot reloading images can sometimes break because the image isn't finished writing. We should add a delay, likely similar to the [implementation in this PR](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/8503). - [x] Port old platform-specific AssetIo implementations to the new AssetReader interface (currently missing Android and web) - [x] Resolve on_loaded unsafety (either by removing the API entirely or removing the unsafe) - [x] Runtime loader setting overrides - [x] Remove remaining unwraps that should be error-handled. There are number of TODOs here - [x] Pretty AssetPath Display impl - [x] Document more APIs - [x] Resolve spurious "reloading because it has changed" events (to repro run load_gltf with `processed_dev()`) - [x] load_dependency hot reloading currently only works for processed assets. If processing is disabled, load_dependency changes are not hot reloaded. - [x] Replace AssetInfo dependency load/fail counters with `loading_dependencies: HashSet<UntypedAssetId>` to prevent reloads from (potentially) breaking counters. Storing this will also enable "dependency reloaded" events (see [Next Steps](#next-steps)) - [x] Re-add filesystem watcher cargo feature gate (currently it is not optional) - [ ] Migration Guide - [ ] Changelog ## Followup TODO - [ ] Replace "eager unchanged processed asset loading" behavior with "don't returned unchanged processed asset until dependencies have been checked". - [ ] Add true `Ignore` AssetAction that does not copy the asset to the imported_assets folder. - [ ] Finish "live asset unloading" (ex: free up CPU asset memory after uploading an image to the GPU), rethink RenderAssets, and port renderer features. The `Assets` collection uses `Option<T>` for asset storage to support its removal. (1) the Option might not actually be necessary ... might be able to just remove from the collection entirely (2) need to finalize removal apis - [ ] Try replacing the "channel based" asset id recycling with something a bit more efficient (ex: we might be able to use raw atomic ints with some cleverness) - [ ] Consider adding UUIDs to processed assets (scoped just to helping identify moved assets ... not exposed to load queries ... see [Next Steps](#next-steps)) - [ ] Store "last modified" source asset and meta timestamps in processed meta files to enable skipping expensive hashing when the file wasn't changed - [ ] Fix "slow loop" handle drop fix - [ ] Migrate to TypeName - [x] Handle "loader preregistration". See #9429 ## Next Steps * **Configurable per-type defaults for AssetMeta**: It should be possible to add configuration like "all png image meta should default to using nearest sampling" (currently this hard-coded per-loader/processor Settings::default() impls). Also see the "Folder Meta" bullet point. * **Avoid Reprocessing on Asset Renames / Moves**: See the "canonical asset ids" discussion in [Open Questions](#open-questions) and the relevant bullet point in [Draft TODO](#draft-todo). Even without canonical ids, folder renames could avoid reprocessing in some cases. * **Multiple Asset Sources**: Expand AssetPath to support "asset source names" and support multiple AssetReaders in the asset server (ex: `webserver://some_path/image.png` backed by an Http webserver AssetReader). The "default" asset reader would use normal `some_path/image.png` paths. Ideally this works in combination with multiple AssetWatchers for hot-reloading * **Stable Type Names**: this pr removes the TypeUuid requirement from assets in favor of `std::any::type_name`. This makes defining assets easier (no need to generate a new uuid / use weird proc macro syntax). It also makes reading meta files easier (because things have "friendly names"). We also use type names for components in scene files. If they are good enough for components, they are good enough for assets. And consistency across Bevy pillars is desirable. However, `std::any::type_name` is not guaranteed to be stable (although in practice it is). We've developed a [stable type path](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/7184) to resolve this, which should be adopted when it is ready. * **Command Line Interface**: It should be possible to run the asset processor in a separate process from the command line. This will also require building a network-server-backed AssetReader to communicate between the app and the processor. We've been planning to build a "bevy cli" for awhile. This seems like a good excuse to build it. * **Asset Packing**: This is largely an additive feature, so it made sense to me to punt this until we've laid the foundations in this PR. * **Per-Platform Processed Assets**: It should be possible to generate assets for multiple platforms by supporting multiple "processor profiles" per asset (ex: compress with format X on PC and Y on iOS). I think there should probably be arbitrary "profiles" (which can be separate from actual platforms), which are then assigned to a given platform when generating the final asset distribution for that platform. Ex: maybe devs want a "Mobile" profile that is shared between iOS and Android. Or a "LowEnd" profile shared between web and mobile. * **Versioning and Migrations**: Assets, Loaders, Savers, and Processors need to have versions to determine if their schema is valid. If an asset / loader version is incompatible with the current version expected at runtime, the processor should be able to migrate them. I think we should try using Bevy Reflect for this, as it would allow us to load the old version as a dynamic Reflect type without actually having the old Rust type. It would also allow us to define "patches" to migrate between versions (Bevy Reflect devs are currently working on patching). The `.meta` file already has its own format version. Migrating that to new versions should also be possible. * **Real Copy-on-write AssetPaths**: Rust's actual Cow (clone-on-write type) currently used by AssetPath can still result in String clones that aren't actually necessary (cloning an Owned Cow clones the contents). Bevy's asset system requires cloning AssetPaths in a number of places, which result in actual clones of the internal Strings. This is not efficient. AssetPath internals should be reworked to exhibit truer cow-like-behavior that reduces String clones to the absolute minimum. * **Consider processor-less processing**: In theory the AssetServer could run processors "inline" even if the background AssetProcessor is disabled. If we decide this is actually desirable, we could add this. But I don't think its a priority in the short or medium term. * **Pre-emptive dependency loading**: We could encode dependencies in processed meta files, which could then be used by the Asset Server to kick of dependency loads as early as possible (prior to starting the actual asset load). Is this desirable? How much time would this save in practice? * **Optimize Processor With UntypedAssetIds**: The processor exclusively uses AssetPath to identify assets currently. It might be possible to swap these out for UntypedAssetIds in some places, which are smaller / cheaper to hash and compare. * **One to Many Asset Processing**: An asset source file that produces many assets currently must be processed into a single "processed" asset source. If labeled assets can be written separately they can each have their own configured savers _and_ they could be loaded more granularly. Definitely worth exploring! * **Automatically Track "Runtime-only" Asset Dependencies**: Right now, tracking "created at runtime" asset dependencies requires adding them via `asset_server.load_asset(StandardMaterial::default())`. I think with some cleverness we could also do this for `materials.add(StandardMaterial::default())`, making tracking work "everywhere". There are challenges here relating to change detection / ensuring the server is made aware of dependency changes. This could be expensive in some cases. * **"Dependency Changed" events**: Some assets have runtime artifacts that need to be re-generated when one of their dependencies change (ex: regenerate a material's bind group when a Texture needs to change). We are generating the dependency graph so we can definitely produce these events. Buuuuut generating these events will have a cost / they could be high frequency for some assets, so we might want this to be opt-in for specific cases. * **Investigate Storing More Information In Handles**: Handles can now store arbitrary information, which makes it cheaper and easier to access. How much should we move into them? Canonical asset load states (via atomics)? (`handle.is_loaded()` would be very cool). Should we store the entire asset and remove the `Assets<T>` collection? (`Arc<RwLock<Option<Image>>>`?) * **Support processing and loading files without extensions**: This is a pretty arbitrary restriction and could be supported with very minimal changes. * **Folder Meta**: It would be nice if we could define per folder processor configuration defaults (likely in a `.meta` or `.folder_meta` file). Things like "default to linear filtering for all Images in this folder". * **Replace async_broadcast with event-listener?** This might be approximately drop-in for some uses and it feels more light weight * **Support Running the AssetProcessor on the Web**: Most of the hard work is done here, but there are some easy straggling TODOs (make the transaction log an interface instead of a direct file writer so we can write a web storage backend, implement an AssetReader/AssetWriter that reads/writes to something like LocalStorage). * **Consider identifying and preventing circular dependencies**: This is especially important for "processor dependencies", as processing will silently never finish in these cases. * **Built-in/Inlined Asset Hot Reloading**: This PR regresses "built-in/inlined" asset hot reloading (previously provided by the DebugAssetServer). I'm intentionally punting this because I think it can be cleanly implemented with "multiple asset sources" by registering a "debug asset source" (ex: `debug://bevy_pbr/src/render/pbr.wgsl` asset paths) in combination with an AssetWatcher for that asset source and support for "manually loading pats with asset bytes instead of AssetReaders". The old DebugAssetServer was quite nasty and I'd love to avoid that hackery going forward. * **Investigate ways to remove double-parsing meta files**: Parsing meta files currently involves parsing once with "minimal" versions of the meta file to extract the type name of the loader/processor config, then parsing again to parse the "full" meta. This is suboptimal. We should be able to define custom deserializers that (1) assume the loader/processor type name comes first (2) dynamically looks up the loader/processor registrations to deserialize settings in-line (similar to components in the bevy scene format). Another alternative: deserialize as dynamic Reflect objects and then convert. * **More runtime loading configuration**: Support using the Handle type as a hint to select an asset loader (instead of relying on AssetPath extensions) * **More high level Processor trait implementations**: For example, it might be worth adding support for arbitrary chains of "asset transforms" that modify an in-memory asset representation between loading and saving. (ex: load a Mesh, run a `subdivide_mesh` transform, followed by a `flip_normals` transform, then save the mesh to an efficient compressed format). * **Bevy Scene Handle Deserialization**: (see the relevant [Draft TODO item](#draft-todo) for context) * **Explore High Level Load Interfaces**: See [this discussion](#discuss-on_loaded-high-level-interface) for one prototype. * **Asset Streaming**: It would be great if we could stream Assets (ex: stream a long video file piece by piece) * **ID Exchanging**: In this PR Asset Handles/AssetIds are bigger than they need to be because they have a Uuid enum variant. If we implement an "id exchanging" system that trades Uuids for "efficient runtime ids", we can cut down on the size of AssetIds, making them more efficient. This has some open design questions, such as how to spawn entities with "default" handle values (as these wouldn't have access to the exchange api in the current system). * **Asset Path Fixup Tooling**: Assets that inline asset paths inside them will break when an asset moves. The asset system provides the functionality to detect when paths break. We should build a framework that enables formats to define "path migrations". This is especially important for scene files. For editor-generated files, we should also consider using UUIDs (see other bullet point) to avoid the need to migrate in these cases. --------- Co-authored-by: BeastLe9enD <beastle9end@outlook.de> Co-authored-by: Mike <mike.hsu@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Nicola Papale <nicopap@users.noreply.github.com> |
Fixing some doc comments (#9646)
# Objective I've been collecting some mistakes in the documentation and fixed them --------- Co-authored-by: Emi <emanuel.boehm@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Nicola Papale <nicopap@users.noreply.github.com> |
check root node for animations (#9407)
# Objective fixes #8357 gltf animations can affect multiple "root" nodes (i.e. top level nodes within a gltf scene). the current loader adds an AnimationPlayer to each root node which is affected by any animation. when a clip which affects multiple root nodes is played on a root node player, the root node name is not checked, leading to potentially incorrect weights being applied. also, the `AnimationClip::compatible_with` method will never return true for those clips, as it checks that all paths start with the root node name - not all paths start with the same name so it can't return true. ## Solution - check the first path node name matches the given root - change compatible_with to return true if `any` match is found a better alternative would probably be to attach the player to the scene root instead of the first child, and then walk the full path from there. this would be breaking (and would stop multiple animations that *don't* overlap from being played concurrently), but i'm happy to modify to that if it's preferred. --------- Co-authored-by: Nicola Papale <nicopap@users.noreply.github.com> |
API updates to the AnimationPlayer (#9002)
# Objective Added `AnimationPlayer` API UX improvements. - Succestor to https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/5912 - Fixes https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/5848 _(Credits to @asafigan for filing #5848, creating the initial pull request, and the discussion in #5912)_ ## Solution - Created `RepeatAnimation` enum to describe an animation repetition behavior. - Added `is_finished()`, `set_repeat()`, and `is_playback_reversed()` methods to the animation player. - ~~Made the animation clip optional as per the comment from #5912~~ > ~~My problem is that the default handle [used the initialize a `PlayingAnimation`] could actually refer to an actual animation if an AnimationClip is set for the default handle, which leads me to ask, "Should animation_clip should be an Option?"~~ - Added an accessor for the animation clip `animation_clip()` to the animation player. To determine if an animation is finished, we use the number of times the animation has completed and the repetition behavior. If the animation is playing in reverse then `elapsed < 0.0` counts as a completion. Otherwise, `elapsed > animation.duration` counts as a completion. This is what I would expect, personally. If there's any ambiguity, perhaps we could add some `AnimationCompletionBehavior`, to specify that kind of completion behavior to use. Update: Previously `PlayingAnimation::elapsed` was being used as the seek time into the animation clip. This was misleading because if you increased the speed of the animation it would also increase (or decrease) the elapsed time. In other words, the elapsed time was not actually the elapsed time. To solve this, we introduce `PlayingAnimation::seek_time` to serve as the value we manipulate the move between keyframes. Consequently, `elapsed()` now returns the actual elapsed time, and is not effected by the animation speed. Because `set_elapsed` was being used to manipulate the displayed keyframe, we introduce `AnimationPlayer::seek_to` and `AnimationPlayer::replay` to provide this functionality. ## Migration Guide - Removed `set_elapsed`. - Removed `stop_repeating` in favour of `AnimationPlayer::set_repeat(RepeatAnimation::Never)`. - Introduced `seek_to` to seek to a given timestamp inside of the animation. - Introduced `seek_time` accessor for the `PlayingAnimation::seek_to`. - Introduced `AnimationPlayer::replay` to reset the `PlayingAnimation` to a state where no time has elapsed. --------- Co-authored-by: Hennadii Chernyshchyk <genaloner@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: François <mockersf@gmail.com> |
Fix CI for Rust 1.72 (#9562)
# Objective [Rust 1.72.0](https://blog.rust-lang.org/2023/08/24/Rust-1.72.0.html) is now stable. # Notes - `let-else` formatting has arrived! - I chose to allow `explicit_iter_loop` due to https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/11074. We didn't hit any of the false positives that prevent compilation, but fixing this did produce a lot of the "symbol soup" mentioned, e.g. `for image in &mut *image_events {`. Happy to undo this if there's consensus the other way. --------- Co-authored-by: François <mockersf@gmail.com> |
Expose animation_clip paths (#9392)
Need this for a custom `AnimationPlayer` that I tick in `FixedUpdate` # Objective - Need access to an animation clip's `paths` from outside the module ## Solution - Add a getter method to return a reference to `paths` --------- Co-authored-by: Tristan Guichaoua <33934311+tguichaoua@users.noreply.github.com> |
Simplify parallel iteration methods (#8854)
# Objective The `QueryParIter::for_each_mut` function is required when doing parallel iteration with mutable queries. This results in an unfortunate stutter: `query.par_iter_mut().par_for_each_mut()` ('mut' is repeated). ## Solution - Make `for_each` compatible with mutable queries, and deprecate `for_each_mut`. In order to prevent `for_each` from being called multiple times in parallel, we take ownership of the QueryParIter. --- ## Changelog - `QueryParIter::for_each` is now compatible with mutable queries. `for_each_mut` has been deprecated as it is now redundant. ## Migration Guide The method `QueryParIter::for_each_mut` has been deprecated and is no longer functional. Use `for_each` instead, which now supports mutable queries. ```rust // Before: query.par_iter_mut().for_each_mut(|x| ...); // After: query.par_iter_mut().for_each(|x| ...); ``` The method `QueryParIter::for_each` now takes ownership of the `QueryParIter`, rather than taking a shared reference. ```rust // Before: let par_iter = my_query.par_iter().batching_strategy(my_batching_strategy); par_iter.for_each(|x| { // ...Do stuff with x... par_iter.for_each(|y| { // ...Do nested stuff with y... }); }); // After: my_query.par_iter().batching_strategy(my_batching_strategy).for_each(|x| { // ...Do stuff with x... my_query.par_iter().batching_strategy(my_batching_strategy).for_each(|y| { // ...Do nested stuff with y... }); }); ``` |
Bump Version after Release (#9106)
CI-capable version of #9086 --------- Co-authored-by: Bevy Auto Releaser <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: François <mockersf@gmail.com> |
Release 0.11.0 (#9080)
I created this manually as Github didn't want to run CI for the workflow-generated PR. I'm guessing we didn't hit this in previous releases because we used bors. Co-authored-by: Bevy Auto Releaser <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com> |
Register bevy_animation::PlayingAnimation (#9023)
# Objective `bevy_animation::PlayingAnimation` derives `Reflect` but is not registered. ## Solution Register `bevy_animation::PlayingAnimation`. |
bevy_reflect: FromReflect Ergonomics Implementation (#6056)
# Objective **This implementation is based on https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/pull/59.** --- Resolves #4597 Full details and motivation can be found in the RFC, but here's a brief summary. `FromReflect` is a very powerful and important trait within the reflection API. It allows Dynamic types (e.g., `DynamicList`, etc.) to be formed into Real ones (e.g., `Vec<i32>`, etc.). This mainly comes into play concerning deserialization, where the reflection deserializers both return a `Box<dyn Reflect>` that almost always contain one of these Dynamic representations of a Real type. To convert this to our Real type, we need to use `FromReflect`. It also sneaks up in other ways. For example, it's a required bound for `T` in `Vec<T>` so that `Vec<T>` as a whole can be made `FromReflect`. It's also required by all fields of an enum as it's used as part of the `Reflect::apply` implementation. So in other words, much like `GetTypeRegistration` and `Typed`, it is very much a core reflection trait. The problem is that it is not currently treated like a core trait and is not automatically derived alongside `Reflect`. This makes using it a bit cumbersome and easy to forget. ## Solution Automatically derive `FromReflect` when deriving `Reflect`. Users can then choose to opt-out if needed using the `#[reflect(from_reflect = false)]` attribute. ```rust #[derive(Reflect)] struct Foo; #[derive(Reflect)] #[reflect(from_reflect = false)] struct Bar; fn test<T: FromReflect>(value: T) {} test(Foo); // <-- OK test(Bar); // <-- Panic! Bar does not implement trait `FromReflect` ``` #### `ReflectFromReflect` This PR also automatically adds the `ReflectFromReflect` (introduced in #6245) registration to the derived `GetTypeRegistration` impl— if the type hasn't opted out of `FromReflect` of course. <details> <summary><h4>Improved Deserialization</h4></summary> > **Warning** > This section includes changes that have since been descoped from this PR. They will likely be implemented again in a followup PR. I am mainly leaving these details in for archival purposes, as well as for reference when implementing this logic again. And since we can do all the above, we might as well improve deserialization. We can now choose to deserialize into a Dynamic type or automatically convert it using `FromReflect` under the hood. `[Un]TypedReflectDeserializer::new` will now perform the conversion and return the `Box`'d Real type. `[Un]TypedReflectDeserializer::new_dynamic` will work like what we have now and simply return the `Box`'d Dynamic type. ```rust // Returns the Real type let reflect_deserializer = UntypedReflectDeserializer::new(®istry); let mut deserializer = ron:🇩🇪:Deserializer::from_str(input)?; let output: SomeStruct = reflect_deserializer.deserialize(&mut deserializer)?.take()?; // Returns the Dynamic type let reflect_deserializer = UntypedReflectDeserializer::new_dynamic(®istry); let mut deserializer = ron:🇩🇪:Deserializer::from_str(input)?; let output: DynamicStruct = reflect_deserializer.deserialize(&mut deserializer)?.take()?; ``` </details> --- ## Changelog * `FromReflect` is now automatically derived within the `Reflect` derive macro * This includes auto-registering `ReflectFromReflect` in the derived `GetTypeRegistration` impl * ~~Renamed `TypedReflectDeserializer::new` and `UntypedReflectDeserializer::new` to `TypedReflectDeserializer::new_dynamic` and `UntypedReflectDeserializer::new_dynamic`, respectively~~ **Descoped** * ~~Changed `TypedReflectDeserializer::new` and `UntypedReflectDeserializer::new` to automatically convert the deserialized output using `FromReflect`~~ **Descoped** ## Migration Guide * `FromReflect` is now automatically derived within the `Reflect` derive macro. Items with both derives will need to remove the `FromReflect` one. ```rust // OLD #[derive(Reflect, FromReflect)] struct Foo; // NEW #[derive(Reflect)] struct Foo; ``` If using a manual implementation of `FromReflect` and the `Reflect` derive, users will need to opt-out of the automatic implementation. ```rust // OLD #[derive(Reflect)] struct Foo; impl FromReflect for Foo {/* ... */} // NEW #[derive(Reflect)] #[reflect(from_reflect = false)] struct Foo; impl FromReflect for Foo {/* ... */} ``` <details> <summary><h4>Removed Migrations</h4></summary> > **Warning** > This section includes changes that have since been descoped from this PR. They will likely be implemented again in a followup PR. I am mainly leaving these details in for archival purposes, as well as for reference when implementing this logic again. * The reflect deserializers now perform a `FromReflect` conversion internally. The expected output of `TypedReflectDeserializer::new` and `UntypedReflectDeserializer::new` is no longer a Dynamic (e.g., `DynamicList`), but its Real counterpart (e.g., `Vec<i32>`). ```rust let reflect_deserializer = UntypedReflectDeserializer::new_dynamic(®istry); let mut deserializer = ron:🇩🇪:Deserializer::from_str(input)?; // OLD let output: DynamicStruct = reflect_deserializer.deserialize(&mut deserializer)?.take()?; // NEW let output: SomeStruct = reflect_deserializer.deserialize(&mut deserializer)?.take()?; ``` Alternatively, if this behavior isn't desired, use the `TypedReflectDeserializer::new_dynamic` and `UntypedReflectDeserializer::new_dynamic` methods instead: ```rust // OLD let reflect_deserializer = UntypedReflectDeserializer::new(®istry); // NEW let reflect_deserializer = UntypedReflectDeserializer::new_dynamic(®istry); ``` </details> --------- Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com> |
Add morph targets (#8158)
# Objective - Add morph targets to `bevy_pbr` (closes #5756) & load them from glTF - Supersedes #3722 - Fixes #6814 [Morph targets][1] (also known as shape interpolation, shape keys, or blend shapes) allow animating individual vertices with fine grained controls. This is typically used for facial expressions. By specifying multiple poses as vertex offset, and providing a set of weight of each pose, it is possible to define surprisingly realistic transitions between poses. Blending between multiple poses also allow composition. Morph targets are part of the [gltf standard][2] and are a feature of Unity and Unreal, and babylone.js, it is only natural to implement them in bevy. ## Solution This implementation of morph targets uses a 3d texture where each pixel is a component of an animated attribute. Each layer is a different target. We use a 2d texture for each target, because the number of attribute×components×animated vertices is expected to always exceed the maximum pixel row size limit of webGL2. It copies fairly closely the way skinning is implemented on the CPU side, while on the GPU side, the shader morph target implementation is a relatively trivial detail. We add an optional `morph_texture` to the `Mesh` struct. The `morph_texture` is built through a method that accepts an iterator over attribute buffers. The `MorphWeights` component, user-accessible, controls the blend of poses used by mesh instances (so that multiple copy of the same mesh may have different weights), all the weights are uploaded to a uniform buffer of 256 `f32`. We limit to 16 poses per mesh, and a total of 256 poses. More literature: * Old babylone.js implementation (vertex attribute-based): https://www.eternalcoding.com/dev-log-1-morph-targets/ * Babylone.js implementation (similar to ours): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBPRmGgU0PE * GPU gems 3: https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/gpugems3/part-i-geometry/chapter-3-directx-10-blend-shapes-breaking-limits * Development discord thread https://discord.com/channels/691052431525675048/1083325980615114772 https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26321040/231181046-3bca2ab2-d4d9-472e-8098-639f1871ce2e.mp4 https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/assets/26321040/d2a0c544-0ef8-45cf-9f99-8c3792f5a258 ## Acknowledgements * Thanks to `storytold` for sponsoring the feature * Thanks to `superdump` and `james7132` for guidance and help figuring out stuff ## Future work - Handling of less and more attributes (eg: animated uv, animated arbitrary attributes) - Dynamic pose allocation (so that zero-weighted poses aren't uploaded to GPU for example, enables much more total poses) - Better animation API, see #8357 ---- ## Changelog - Add morph targets to bevy meshes - Support up to 64 poses per mesh of individually up to 116508 vertices, animation currently strictly limited to the position, normal and tangent attributes. - Load a morph target using `Mesh::set_morph_targets` - Add `VisitMorphTargets` and `VisitMorphAttributes` traits to `bevy_render`, this allows defining morph targets (a fairly complex and nested data structure) through iterators (ie: single copy instead of passing around buffers), see documentation of those traits for details - Add `MorphWeights` component exported by `bevy_render` - `MorphWeights` control mesh's morph target weights, blending between various poses defined as morph targets. - `MorphWeights` are directly inherited by direct children (single level of hierarchy) of an entity. This allows controlling several mesh primitives through a unique entity _as per GLTF spec_. - Add `MorphTargetNames` component, naming each indices of loaded morph targets. - Load morph targets weights and buffers in `bevy_gltf` - handle morph targets animations in `bevy_animation` (previously, it was a `warn!` log) - Add the `MorphStressTest.gltf` asset for morph targets testing, taken from the glTF samples repo, CC0. - Add morph target manipulation to `scene_viewer` - Separate the animation code in `scene_viewer` from the rest of the code, reducing `#[cfg(feature)]` noise - Add the `morph_targets.rs` example to show off how to manipulate morph targets, loading `MorpStressTest.gltf` ## Migration Guide - (very specialized, unlikely to be touched by 3rd parties) - `MeshPipeline` now has a single `mesh_layouts` field rather than separate `mesh_layout` and `skinned_mesh_layout` fields. You should handle all possible mesh bind group layouts in your implementation - You should also handle properly the new `MORPH_TARGETS` shader def and mesh pipeline key. A new function is exposed to make this easier: `setup_moprh_and_skinning_defs` - The `MeshBindGroup` is now `MeshBindGroups`, cached bind groups are now accessed through the `get` method. [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morph_target_animation [2]: https://registry.khronos.org/glTF/specs/2.0/glTF-2.0.html#morph-targets --------- Co-authored-by: François <mockersf@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com> |
Fixed several missing links in docs. (#8117)
Links in the api docs are nice. I noticed that there were several places where structs / functions and other things were referenced in the docs, but weren't linked. I added the links where possible / logical. --------- Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecile@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: François <mockersf@gmail.com> |
Improved AnimationPlugin declaration. (#8361)
# Objective Fixes #8347. ## Solution Implemented the suggested change to the `AnimationPlugin` declaration. |
Suppress the clippy::type_complexity lint (#8313)
# Objective The clippy lint `type_complexity` is known not to play well with bevy. It frequently triggers when writing complex queries, and taking the lint's advice of using a type alias almost always just obfuscates the code with no benefit. Because of this, this lint is currently ignored in CI, but unfortunately it still shows up when viewing bevy code in an IDE. As someone who's made a fair amount of pull requests to this repo, I will say that this issue has been a consistent thorn in my side. Since bevy code is filled with spurious, ignorable warnings, it can be very difficult to spot the *real* warnings that must be fixed -- most of the time I just ignore all warnings, only to later find out that one of them was real after I'm done when CI runs. ## Solution Suppress this lint in all bevy crates. This was previously attempted in #7050, but the review process ended up making it more complicated than it needs to be and landed on a subpar solution. The discussion in https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/pull/10571 explores some better long-term solutions to this problem. Since there is no timeline on when these solutions may land, we should resolve this issue in the meantime by locally suppressing these lints. ### Unresolved issues Currently, these lints are not suppressed in our examples, since that would require suppressing the lint in every single source file. They are still ignored in CI. |
Schedule-First: the new and improved add_systems (#8079)
Co-authored-by: Mike <mike.hsu@gmail.com> |
chore: Release (#7920)
Co-authored-by: Bevy Auto Releaser <41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com> |
b44af49200 |
Release 0.10.0 (#7919)
Preparing next release This PR has been auto-generated |
8eb67932f1 |
Bump Version after Release (#7918)
Bump version after release This PR has been auto-generated |
dcc03724a5 |
Base Sets (#7466)
# Objective NOTE: This depends on #7267 and should not be merged until #7267 is merged. If you are reviewing this before that is merged, I highly recommend viewing the Base Sets commit instead of trying to find my changes amongst those from #7267. "Default sets" as described by the [Stageless RFC](https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/pull/45) have some [unfortunate consequences](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/discussions/7365). ## Solution This adds "base sets" as a variant of `SystemSet`: A set is a "base set" if `SystemSet::is_base` returns `true`. Typically this will be opted-in to using the `SystemSet` derive: ```rust #[derive(SystemSet, Clone, Hash, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[system_set(base)] enum MyBaseSet { A, B, } ``` **Base sets are exclusive**: a system can belong to at most one "base set". Adding a system to more than one will result in an error. When possible we fail immediately during system-config-time with a nice file + line number. For the more nested graph-ey cases, this will fail at the final schedule build. **Base sets cannot belong to other sets**: this is where the word "base" comes from Systems and Sets can only be added to base sets using `in_base_set`. Calling `in_set` with a base set will fail. As will calling `in_base_set` with a normal set. ```rust app.add_system(foo.in_base_set(MyBaseSet::A)) // X must be a normal set ... base sets cannot be added to base sets .configure_set(X.in_base_set(MyBaseSet::A)) ``` Base sets can still be configured like normal sets: ```rust app.add_system(MyBaseSet::B.after(MyBaseSet::Ap)) ``` The primary use case for base sets is enabling a "default base set": ```rust schedule.set_default_base_set(CoreSet::Update) // this will belong to CoreSet::Update by default .add_system(foo) // this will override the default base set with PostUpdate .add_system(bar.in_base_set(CoreSet::PostUpdate)) ``` This allows us to build apis that work by default in the standard Bevy style. This is a rough analog to the "default stage" model, but it use the new "stageless sets" model instead, with all of the ordering flexibility (including exclusive systems) that it provides. --- ## Changelog - Added "base sets" and ported CoreSet to use them. ## Migration Guide TODO |
206c7ce219 |
Migrate engine to Schedule v3 (#7267)
Huge thanks to @maniwani, @devil-ira, @hymm, @cart, @superdump and @jakobhellermann for the help with this PR. # Objective - Followup #6587. - Minimal integration for the Stageless Scheduling RFC: https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/pull/45 ## Solution - [x] Remove old scheduling module - [x] Migrate new methods to no longer use extension methods - [x] Fix compiler errors - [x] Fix benchmarks - [x] Fix examples - [x] Fix docs - [x] Fix tests ## Changelog ### Added - a large number of methods on `App` to work with schedules ergonomically - the `CoreSchedule` enum - `App::add_extract_system` via the `RenderingAppExtension` trait extension method - the private `prepare_view_uniforms` system now has a public system set for scheduling purposes, called `ViewSet::PrepareUniforms` ### Removed - stages, and all code that mentions stages - states have been dramatically simplified, and no longer use a stack - `RunCriteriaLabel` - `AsSystemLabel` trait - `on_hierarchy_reports_enabled` run criteria (now just uses an ad hoc resource checking run condition) - systems in `RenderSet/Stage::Extract` no longer warn when they do not read data from the main world - `RunCriteriaLabel` - `transform_propagate_system_set`: this was a nonstandard pattern that didn't actually provide enough control. The systems are already `pub`: the docs have been updated to ensure that the third-party usage is clear. ### Changed - `System::default_labels` is now `System::default_system_sets`. - `App::add_default_labels` is now `App::add_default_sets` - `CoreStage` and `StartupStage` enums are now `CoreSet` and `StartupSet` - `App::add_system_set` was renamed to `App::add_systems` - The `StartupSchedule` label is now defined as part of the `CoreSchedules` enum - `.label(SystemLabel)` is now referred to as `.in_set(SystemSet)` - `SystemLabel` trait was replaced by `SystemSet` - `SystemTypeIdLabel<T>` was replaced by `SystemSetType<T>` - The `ReportHierarchyIssue` resource now has a public constructor (`new`), and implements `PartialEq` - Fixed time steps now use a schedule (`CoreSchedule::FixedTimeStep`) rather than a run criteria. - Adding rendering extraction systems now panics rather than silently failing if no subapp with the `RenderApp` label is found. - the `calculate_bounds` system, with the `CalculateBounds` label, is now in `CoreSet::Update`, rather than in `CoreSet::PostUpdate` before commands are applied. - `SceneSpawnerSystem` now runs under `CoreSet::Update`, rather than `CoreStage::PreUpdate.at_end()`. - `bevy_pbr::add_clusters` is no longer an exclusive system - the top level `bevy_ecs::schedule` module was replaced with `bevy_ecs::scheduling` - `tick_global_task_pools_on_main_thread` is no longer run as an exclusive system. Instead, it has been replaced by `tick_global_task_pools`, which uses a `NonSend` resource to force running on the main thread. ## Migration Guide - Calls to `.label(MyLabel)` should be replaced with `.in_set(MySet)` - Stages have been removed. Replace these with system sets, and then add command flushes using the `apply_system_buffers` exclusive system where needed. - The `CoreStage`, `StartupStage, `RenderStage` and `AssetStage` enums have been replaced with `CoreSet`, `StartupSet, `RenderSet` and `AssetSet`. The same scheduling guarantees have been preserved. - Systems are no longer added to `CoreSet::Update` by default. Add systems manually if this behavior is needed, although you should consider adding your game logic systems to `CoreSchedule::FixedTimestep` instead for more reliable framerate-independent behavior. - Similarly, startup systems are no longer part of `StartupSet::Startup` by default. In most cases, this won't matter to you. - For example, `add_system_to_stage(CoreStage::PostUpdate, my_system)` should be replaced with - `add_system(my_system.in_set(CoreSet::PostUpdate)` - When testing systems or otherwise running them in a headless fashion, simply construct and run a schedule using `Schedule::new()` and `World::run_schedule` rather than constructing stages - Run criteria have been renamed to run conditions. These can now be combined with each other and with states. - Looping run criteria and state stacks have been removed. Use an exclusive system that runs a schedule if you need this level of control over system control flow. - For app-level control flow over which schedules get run when (such as for rollback networking), create your own schedule and insert it under the `CoreSchedule::Outer` label. - Fixed timesteps are now evaluated in a schedule, rather than controlled via run criteria. The `run_fixed_timestep` system runs this schedule between `CoreSet::First` and `CoreSet::PreUpdate` by default. - Command flush points introduced by `AssetStage` have been removed. If you were relying on these, add them back manually. - Adding extract systems is now typically done directly on the main app. Make sure the `RenderingAppExtension` trait is in scope, then call `app.add_extract_system(my_system)`. - the `calculate_bounds` system, with the `CalculateBounds` label, is now in `CoreSet::Update`, rather than in `CoreSet::PostUpdate` before commands are applied. You may need to order your movement systems to occur before this system in order to avoid system order ambiguities in culling behavior. - the `RenderLabel` `AppLabel` was renamed to `RenderApp` for clarity - `App::add_state` now takes 0 arguments: the starting state is set based on the `Default` impl. - Instead of creating `SystemSet` containers for systems that run in stages, simply use `.on_enter::<State::Variant>()` or its `on_exit` or `on_update` siblings. - `SystemLabel` derives should be replaced with `SystemSet`. You will also need to add the `Debug`, `PartialEq`, `Eq`, and `Hash` traits to satisfy the new trait bounds. - `with_run_criteria` has been renamed to `run_if`. Run criteria have been renamed to run conditions for clarity, and should now simply return a bool. - States have been dramatically simplified: there is no longer a "state stack". To queue a transition to the next state, call `NextState::set` ## TODO - [x] remove dead methods on App and World - [x] add `App::add_system_to_schedule` and `App::add_systems_to_schedule` - [x] avoid adding the default system set at inappropriate times - [x] remove any accidental cycles in the default plugins schedule - [x] migrate benchmarks - [x] expose explicit labels for the built-in command flush points - [x] migrate engine code - [x] remove all mentions of stages from the docs - [x] verify docs for States - [x] fix uses of exclusive systems that use .end / .at_start / .before_commands - [x] migrate RenderStage and AssetStage - [x] migrate examples - [x] ensure that transform propagation is exported in a sufficiently public way (the systems are already pub) - [x] ensure that on_enter schedules are run at least once before the main app - [x] re-enable opt-in to execution order ambiguities - [x] revert change to `update_bounds` to ensure it runs in `PostUpdate` - [x] test all examples - [x] unbreak directional lights - [x] unbreak shadows (see 3d_scene, 3d_shape, lighting, transparaency_3d examples) - [x] game menu example shows loading screen and menu simultaneously - [x] display settings menu is a blank screen - [x] `without_winit` example panics - [x] ensure all tests pass - [x] SubApp doc test fails - [x] runs_spawn_local tasks fails - [x] [Fix panic_when_hierachy_cycle test hanging](https://github.com/alice-i-cecile/bevy/pull/120) ## Points of Difficulty and Controversy **Reviewers, please give feedback on these and look closely** 1. Default sets, from the RFC, have been removed. These added a tremendous amount of implicit complexity and result in hard to debug scheduling errors. They're going to be tackled in the form of "base sets" by @cart in a followup. 2. The outer schedule controls which schedule is run when `App::update` is called. 3. I implemented `Label for `Box<dyn Label>` for our label types. This enables us to store schedule labels in concrete form, and then later run them. I ran into the same set of problems when working with one-shot systems. We've previously investigated this pattern in depth, and it does not appear to lead to extra indirection with nested boxes. 4. `SubApp::update` simply runs the default schedule once. This sucks, but this whole API is incomplete and this was the minimal changeset. 5. `time_system` and `tick_global_task_pools_on_main_thread` no longer use exclusive systems to attempt to force scheduling order 6. Implemetnation strategy for fixed timesteps 7. `AssetStage` was migrated to `AssetSet` without reintroducing command flush points. These did not appear to be used, and it's nice to remove these bottlenecks. 8. Migration of `bevy_render/lib.rs` and pipelined rendering. The logic here is unusually tricky, as we have complex scheduling requirements. ## Future Work (ideally before 0.10) - Rename schedule_v3 module to schedule or scheduling - Add a derive macro to states, and likely a `EnumIter` trait of some form - Figure out what exactly to do with the "systems added should basically work by default" problem - Improve ergonomics for working with fixed timesteps and states - Polish FixedTime API to match Time - Rebase and merge #7415 - Resolve all internal ambiguities (blocked on better tools, especially #7442) - Add "base sets" to replace the removed default sets. |
3281aea5c2 |
Fix minor typos in code and docs (#7378)
# Objective I found several words in code and docs are incorrect. This should be fixed. ## Solution - Fix several minor typos Co-authored-by: Chris Ohk <utilforever@gmail.com> |
dfea88c64d |
Basic adaptive batching for parallel query iteration (#4777)
# Objective Fixes #3184. Fixes #6640. Fixes #4798. Using `Query::par_for_each(_mut)` currently requires a `batch_size` parameter, which affects how it chunks up large archetypes and tables into smaller chunks to run in parallel. Tuning this value is difficult, as the performance characteristics entirely depends on the state of the `World` it's being run on. Typically, users will just use a flat constant and just tune it by hand until it performs well in some benchmarks. However, this is both error prone and risks overfitting the tuning on that benchmark. This PR proposes a naive automatic batch-size computation based on the current state of the `World`. ## Background `Query::par_for_each(_mut)` schedules a new Task for every archetype or table that it matches. Archetypes/tables larger than the batch size are chunked into smaller tasks. Assuming every entity matched by the query has an identical workload, this makes the worst case scenario involve using a batch size equal to the size of the largest matched archetype or table. Conversely, a batch size of `max {archetype, table} size / thread count * COUNT_PER_THREAD` is likely the sweetspot where the overhead of scheduling tasks is minimized, at least not without grouping small archetypes/tables together. There is also likely a strict minimum batch size below which the overhead of scheduling these tasks is heavier than running the entire thing single-threaded. ## Solution - [x] Remove the `batch_size` from `Query(State)::par_for_each` and friends. - [x] Add a check to compute `batch_size = max {archeytpe/table} size / thread count * COUNT_PER_THREAD` - [x] ~~Panic if thread count is 0.~~ Defer to `for_each` if the thread count is 1 or less. - [x] Early return if there is no matched table/archetype. - [x] Add override option for users have queries that strongly violate the initial assumption that all iterated entities have an equal workload. --- ## Changelog Changed: `Query::par_for_each(_mut)` has been changed to `Query::par_iter(_mut)` and will now automatically try to produce a batch size for callers based on the current `World` state. ## Migration Guide The `batch_size` parameter for `Query(State)::par_for_each(_mut)` has been removed. These calls will automatically compute a batch size for you. Remove these parameters from all calls to these functions. Before: ```rust fn parallel_system(query: Query<&MyComponent>) { query.par_for_each(32, |comp| { ... }); } ``` After: ```rust fn parallel_system(query: Query<&MyComponent>) { query.par_iter().for_each(|comp| { ... }); } ``` Co-authored-by: Arnav Choubey <56453634+x-52@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <robert.swain@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: François <mockersf@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Corey Farwell <coreyf@rwell.org> Co-authored-by: Aevyrie <aevyrie@gmail.com> |
fa15b31930 |
Smooth Transition between Animations (#6922)
# Objective - Fixes https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/discussions/6338 This PR allows for smooth transitions between different animations. ## Solution - This PR uses very simple linear blending of animations. - When starting a new animation, you can give it a duration, and throughout that duration, the previous and the new animation are being linearly blended, until only the new animation is running. - I'm aware of https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/pull/49 and https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/pull/51, which are more complete solutions to this problem, but they seem still far from being implemented. Until they're ready, this PR allows for the most basic use case of blending, i.e. smoothly transitioning between different animations. ## Migration Guide - no bc breaking changes |
8d19045d2f |
Parallelize forward kinematics animation systems (#6785)
# Objective Speed up animation by leveraging all threads in `ComputeTaskPool`. ## Solution This PR parallelizes animation sampling across all threads. To ensure that this is safely done, all animation is predicated with an ancestor query to ensure that there is no conflicting `AnimationPlayer` above each animated hierarchy that may cause this to alias. Unlike the RFC, this does not add support for reflect based "animate anything", but only extends the existing `AnimationPlayer` to support high numbers of animated characters on screen at once. ## Performance This cuts `many_foxes`'s frame time on my machine by a full millisecond, from 7.49ms to 6.5ms. (yellow is this PR, red is main).  --- ## Changelog Changed: Animation sampling now runs fully multi-threaded using threads from `ComputeTaskPool`. Changed: `AnimationPlayer` that are on a child or descendant of another entity with another player will no longer be run. |
920543c824 |
Release 0.9.0 (#6568)
Preparing next release This PR has been auto-generated |
334e09892b |
Revert "Show prelude re-exports in docs (#6448)" (#6449)
This reverts commit
53d387f340 |
Show prelude re-exports in docs (#6448)
# Objective - Right now re-exports are completely hidden in prelude docs. - Fixes #6433 ## Solution - We could show the re-exports without inlining their documentation. |
f867319336 |
add ReflectAsset and ReflectHandle (#5923)
# Objective  ^ enable this Concretely, I need to - list all handle ids for an asset type - fetch the asset as `dyn Reflect`, given a `HandleUntyped` - when encountering a `Handle<T>`, find out what asset type that handle refers to (`T`'s type id) and turn the handle into a `HandleUntyped` ## Solution - add `ReflectAsset` type containing function pointers for working with assets ```rust pub struct ReflectAsset { type_uuid: Uuid, assets_resource_type_id: TypeId, // TypeId of the `Assets<T>` resource get: fn(&World, HandleUntyped) -> Option<&dyn Reflect>, get_mut: fn(&mut World, HandleUntyped) -> Option<&mut dyn Reflect>, get_unchecked_mut: unsafe fn(&World, HandleUntyped) -> Option<&mut dyn Reflect>, add: fn(&mut World, &dyn Reflect) -> HandleUntyped, set: fn(&mut World, HandleUntyped, &dyn Reflect) -> HandleUntyped, len: fn(&World) -> usize, ids: for<'w> fn(&'w World) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = HandleId> + 'w>, remove: fn(&mut World, HandleUntyped) -> Option<Box<dyn Reflect>>, } ``` - add `ReflectHandle` type relating the handle back to the asset type and providing a way to create a `HandleUntyped` ```rust pub struct ReflectHandle { type_uuid: Uuid, asset_type_id: TypeId, downcast_handle_untyped: fn(&dyn Any) -> Option<HandleUntyped>, } ``` - add the corresponding `FromType` impls - add a function `app.register_asset_reflect` which is supposed to be called after `.add_asset` and registers `ReflectAsset` and `ReflectHandle` in the type registry --- ## Changelog - add `ReflectAsset` and `ReflectHandle` types, which allow code to use reflection to manipulate arbitrary assets without knowing their types at compile time |
f6b03aa27c |
Rename play to start and add new play method that won't overwrite the existing animation if it's already playing (#6350)
# Objective - You usually want to say that a given animation *should* be playing, doing nothing if it's already playing. ## Solution - Rename play to start and add new play method that won't overwrite the existing animation if it's already playing #6350 --- ## Changelog ### Changed `AnimationPlayer::play` will now not restart the animation if it's already playing ### Added An `AnimationPlayer ::start` method, which has the old behavior of `play` ## Migration guide - If you were using `play` to restart an animation that was already playing, that functionality has been moved to `start`. Now, `play` won't have any effect if the requested animation is already playing. |
c6e0da4bcb |
Fix end-of-animation index OOB (#6210)
# Objective Fixes #6204 ## Solution Added another branch to handle end-of-animation special case |
dc3f801239 |
Exclusive Systems Now Implement System . Flexible Exclusive System Params (#6083)
# Objective The [Stageless RFC](https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/pull/45) involves allowing exclusive systems to be referenced and ordered relative to parallel systems. We've agreed that unifying systems under `System` is the right move. This is an alternative to #4166 (see rationale in the comments I left there). Note that this builds on the learnings established there (and borrows some patterns). ## Solution This unifies parallel and exclusive systems under the shared `System` trait, removing the old `ExclusiveSystem` trait / impls. This is accomplished by adding a new `ExclusiveFunctionSystem` impl similar to `FunctionSystem`. It is backed by `ExclusiveSystemParam`, which is similar to `SystemParam`. There is a new flattened out SystemContainer api (which cuts out a lot of trait and type complexity). This means you can remove all cases of `exclusive_system()`: ```rust // before commands.add_system(some_system.exclusive_system()); // after commands.add_system(some_system); ``` I've also implemented `ExclusiveSystemParam` for `&mut QueryState` and `&mut SystemState`, which makes this possible in exclusive systems: ```rust fn some_exclusive_system( world: &mut World, transforms: &mut QueryState<&Transform>, state: &mut SystemState<(Res<Time>, Query<&Player>)>, ) { for transform in transforms.iter(world) { println!("{transform:?}"); } let (time, players) = state.get(world); for player in players.iter() { println!("{player:?}"); } } ``` Note that "exclusive function systems" assume `&mut World` is present (and the first param). I think this is a fair assumption, given that the presence of `&mut World` is what defines the need for an exclusive system. I added some targeted SystemParam `static` constraints, which removed the need for this: ``` rust fn some_exclusive_system(state: &mut SystemState<(Res<'static, Time>, Query<&'static Player>)>) {} ``` ## Related - #2923 - #3001 - #3946 ## Changelog - `ExclusiveSystem` trait (and implementations) has been removed in favor of sharing the `System` trait. - `ExclusiveFunctionSystem` and `ExclusiveSystemParam` were added, enabling flexible exclusive function systems - `&mut SystemState` and `&mut QueryState` now implement `ExclusiveSystemParam` - Exclusive and parallel System configuration is now done via a unified `SystemDescriptor`, `IntoSystemDescriptor`, and `SystemContainer` api. ## Migration Guide Calling `.exclusive_system()` is no longer required (or supported) for converting exclusive system functions to exclusive systems: ```rust // Old (0.8) app.add_system(some_exclusive_system.exclusive_system()); // New (0.9) app.add_system(some_exclusive_system); ``` Converting "normal" parallel systems to exclusive systems is done by calling the exclusive ordering apis: ```rust // Old (0.8) app.add_system(some_system.exclusive_system().at_end()); // New (0.9) app.add_system(some_system.at_end()); ``` Query state in exclusive systems can now be cached via ExclusiveSystemParams, which should be preferred for clarity and performance reasons: ```rust // Old (0.8) fn some_system(world: &mut World) { let mut transforms = world.query::<&Transform>(); for transform in transforms.iter(world) { } } // New (0.9) fn some_system(world: &mut World, transforms: &mut QueryState<&Transform>) { for transform in transforms.iter(world) { } } ``` |
444150025d |
Bump Version after Release (#5576)
Bump version after release This PR has been auto-generated |
856588ed7c |
Release 0.8.0 (#5490)
Preparing next release This PR has been auto-generated |
4847f7e3ad |
Update codebase to use IntoIterator where possible. (#5269)
Remove unnecessary calls to `iter()`/`iter_mut()`. Mainly updates the use of queries in our code, docs, and examples. ```rust // From for _ in list.iter() { for _ in list.iter_mut() { // To for _ in &list { for _ in &mut list { ``` We already enable the pedantic lint [clippy::explicit_iter_loop](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/stable/) inside of Bevy. However, this only warns for a few known types from the standard library. ## Note for reviewers As you can see the additions and deletions are exactly equal. Maybe give it a quick skim to check I didn't sneak in a crypto miner, but you don't have to torture yourself by reading every line. I already experienced enough pain making this PR :) Co-authored-by: devil-ira <justthecooldude@gmail.com> |
8eb0440f1e |
Hierarchy commandization (#4197)
## Objective Implement absolute minimum viable product for the changes proposed in bevyengine/rfcs#53. ## Solution - Remove public mutative access to `Parent` (Children is already publicly read-only). This includes public construction methods like `Copy`, `Clone`, and `Default`. - Remove `PreviousParent` - Remove `parent_update_system` - Update all hierarchy related commands to immediately update both `Parent` and `Children` references. ## Remaining TODOs - [ ] Update documentation for both `Parent` and `Children`. Discourage using `EntityCommands::remove` - [x] Add `HierarchyEvent` to notify listeners of hierarchy updates. This is meant to replace listening on `PreviousParent` ## Followup - These changes should be best moved to the hooks mentioned in #3742. - Backing storage for both might be best moved to indexes mentioned in the same relations. |
ea13f0bddf |
Add helper methods for rotating Transform s (#5151)
# Objective Users often ask for help with rotations as they struggle with `Quat`s. `Quat` is rather complex and has a ton of verbose methods. ## Solution Add rotation helper methods to `Transform`. Co-authored-by: devil-ira <justthecooldude@gmail.com> |
f000c2b951 |
Clippy improvements (#4665)
# Objective Follow up to my previous MR #3718 to add new clippy warnings to bevy: - [x] [~~option_if_let_else~~](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/#option_if_let_else) (reverted) - [x] [redundant_else](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/#redundant_else) - [x] [match_same_arms](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/#match_same_arms) - [x] [semicolon_if_nothing_returned](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/#semicolon_if_nothing_returned) - [x] [explicit_iter_loop](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/#explicit_iter_loop) - [x] [map_flatten](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/#map_flatten) There is one commit per clippy warning, and the matching flags are added to the CI execution. To test the CI execution you may run `cargo run -p ci -- clippy` at the root. I choose the add the flags in the `ci` tool crate to avoid having them in every `lib.rs` but I guess it could become an issue with suprise warnings coming up after a commit/push Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com> |
644bd5dbc6 |
Split time functionality into bevy_time (#4187)
# Objective Reduce the catch-all grab-bag of functionality in bevy_core by minimally splitting off time functionality into bevy_time. Functionality like that provided by #3002 would increase the complexity of bevy_time, so this is a good candidate for pulling into its own unit. A step in addressing #2931 and splitting bevy_core into more specific locations. ## Solution Pull the time module of bevy_core into a new crate, bevy_time. # Migration guide - Time related types (e.g. `Time`, `Timer`, `Stopwatch`, `FixedTimestep`, etc.) should be imported from `bevy::time::*` rather than `bevy::core::*`. - If you were adding `CorePlugin` manually, you'll also want to add `TimePlugin` from `bevy::time`. - The `bevy::core::CorePlugin::Time` system label is replaced with `bevy::time::TimeSystem`. Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com> |
990d5c0879 |
Make AnimationClip::duration return value instead of reference (#4617)
Tiny follow-up to https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/4615 as discussed on Discord here: https://discord.com/channels/691052431525675048/692572690833473578/968945307767414855 Since f32 is `Copy` and smaller than a reference on most systems (or at least not larger), there's no reason not to copy it, which should be more convenient to use. |
8e03634457 |
Public access for AnimationClip.duration (#4615)
# Objective - Small change that better facilitates custom animation systems ## Solution - Added a public access function to `bevy::animation::AnimationClip`, making duration publicly readable --- |
8d67832dfa |
Bump Bevy to 0.8.0-dev (#4505)
# Objective We should bump our version to 0.8.0-dev after releasing 0.7.0, according to our release checklist. ## Solution Do it. |
83c6ffb73c | release 0.7.0 (#4487) | ||
5e70ad96c6 |
animations: don't ignore curves with one keyframe (#4406)
# Objective - While playing with animated models, I noticed some were a little off ## Solution - Some animations curves only have one keyframe, they are used to set a transform to a given value - Those were ignored as we're never exactly at the ts 0.0 of an animation. going there explicitly (`.set_elapsed(0.0).pause()`) would crash - Special case this as there isn't much to animate in this case |
449a1d223c |
animation player (#4375)
# Objective - Add a basic animation player - Single track - Not generic, can only animate `Transform`s - With plenty of possible optimisations available - Close-ish to https://github.com/bevyengine/rfcs/pull/49 - https://discord.com/channels/691052431525675048/774027865020039209/958820063148929064 ## Solution - Can play animations - looping or not - Can pause animations - Can seek in animation - Can alter speed of animation - I also removed the previous gltf animation example https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8672791/161051887-e79283f0-9803-448a-93d0-5f7a62acb02d.mp4 |