# Objective
- Allow opting-out of the built-in frustum culling for cases where its behaviour would be incorrect
- Make use of the this in the shader_instancing example that uses a custom instancing method. The built-in frustum culling breaks the custom instancing in the shader_instancing example if the camera is moved to:
commands.spawn_bundle(PerspectiveCameraBundle {
transform: Transform::from_xyz(12.0, 0.0, 15.0)
.looking_at(Vec3::new(12.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3::Y),
...such that the Aabb of the cube Mesh that is at the origin goes completely out of view. This incorrectly (for the purpose of the custom instancing) culls the `Mesh` and so culls all instances even though some may be visible.
## Solution
- Add a `NoFrustumCulling` marker component
- Do not compute and add an `Aabb` to `Mesh` entities without an `Aabb` if they have a `NoFrustumCulling` marker component
- Do not apply frustum culling to entities with the `NoFrustumCulling` marker component