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WebGPU Shading Language
Raw Normal View History

update shader imports (#10180) # Objective - bump naga_oil to 0.10 - update shader imports to use rusty syntax ## Migration Guide naga_oil 0.10 reworks the import mechanism to support more syntax to make it more rusty, and test for item use before importing to determine which imports are modules and which are items, which allows: - use rust-style imports ``` #import bevy_pbr::{ pbr_functions::{alpha_discard as discard, apply_pbr_lighting}, mesh_bindings, } ``` - import partial paths: ``` #import part::of::path ... path::remainder::function(); ``` which will call to `part::of::path::remainder::function` - use fully qualified paths without importing: ``` // #import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions bevy_pbr::pbr_functions::pbr() ``` - use imported items without qualifying ``` #import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions::pbr // for backwards compatibility the old style is still supported: // #import bevy_pbr::pbr_functions pbr ... pbr() ``` - allows most imported items to end with `_` and numbers (naga_oil#30). still doesn't allow struct members to end with `_` or numbers but it's progress. - the vast majority of existing shader code will work without changes, but will emit "deprecated" warnings for old-style imports. these can be suppressed with the `allow-deprecated` feature. - partly breaks overrides (as far as i'm aware nobody uses these yet) - now overrides will only be applied if the overriding module is added as an additional import in the arguments to `Composer::make_naga_module` or `Composer::add_composable_module`. this is necessary to support determining whether imports are modules or items.
2023-10-21 12:51:58 +01:00
#import bevy_render::view::View
const TEXTURED = 1u;
const RIGHT_VERTEX = 2u;
const BOTTOM_VERTEX = 4u;
const BORDER: u32 = 8u;
fn enabled(flags: u32, mask: u32) -> bool {
return (flags & mask) != 0u;
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> view: View;
struct VertexOutput {
@location(0) uv: vec2<f32>,
@location(1) color: vec4<f32>,
@location(2) @interpolate(flat) size: vec2<f32>,
@location(3) @interpolate(flat) flags: u32,
@location(4) @interpolate(flat) radius: vec4<f32>,
@location(5) @interpolate(flat) border: vec4<f32>,
// Position relative to the center of the rectangle.
@location(6) point: vec2<f32>,
@builtin(position) position: vec4<f32>,
fn vertex(
@location(0) vertex_position: vec3<f32>,
@location(1) vertex_uv: vec2<f32>,
@location(2) vertex_color: vec4<f32>,
@location(3) flags: u32,
// x: top left, y: top right, z: bottom right, w: bottom left.
@location(4) radius: vec4<f32>,
// x: left, y: top, z: right, w: bottom.
@location(5) border: vec4<f32>,
@location(6) size: vec2<f32>,
) -> VertexOutput {
var out: VertexOutput;
out.uv = vertex_uv;
out.position = view.view_proj * vec4(vertex_position, 1.0);
out.color = vertex_color;
out.flags = flags;
out.radius = radius;
out.size = size;
out.border = border;
var point = 0.49999 * size;
if (flags & RIGHT_VERTEX) == 0u {
point.x *= -1.;
if (flags & BOTTOM_VERTEX) == 0u {
point.y *= -1.;
out.point = point;
return out;
@group(1) @binding(0) var sprite_texture: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(1) @binding(1) var sprite_sampler: sampler;
// The returned value is the shortest distance from the given point to the boundary of the rounded
// box.
// Negative values indicate that the point is inside the rounded box, positive values that the point
// is outside, and zero is exactly on the boundary.
// Arguments:
// - `point` -> The function will return the distance from this point to the closest point on
// the boundary.
// - `size` -> The maximum width and height of the box.
// - `corner_radii` -> The radius of each rounded corner. Ordered counter clockwise starting
// top left:
// x: top left, y: top right, z: bottom right, w: bottom left.
fn sd_rounded_box(point: vec2<f32>, size: vec2<f32>, corner_radii: vec4<f32>) -> f32 {
// If 0.0 < y then select bottom left (w) and bottom right corner radius (z).
// Else select top left (x) and top right corner radius (y).
let rs = select(corner_radii.xy, corner_radii.wz, 0.0 < point.y);
// w and z are swapped so that both pairs are in left to right order, otherwise this second
// select statement would return the incorrect value for the bottom pair.
let radius = select(rs.x, rs.y, 0.0 < point.x);
// Vector from the corner closest to the point, to the point.
let corner_to_point = abs(point) - 0.5 * size;
// Vector from the center of the radius circle to the point.
let q = corner_to_point + radius;
// Length from center of the radius circle to the point, zeros a component if the point is not
// within the quadrant of the radius circle that is part of the curved corner.
let l = length(max(q, vec2(0.0)));
let m = min(max(q.x, q.y), 0.0);
return l + m - radius;
fn sd_inset_rounded_box(point: vec2<f32>, size: vec2<f32>, radius: vec4<f32>, inset: vec4<f32>) -> f32 {
let inner_size = size - inset.xy -;
let inner_center = inset.xy + 0.5 * inner_size - 0.5 * size;
let inner_point = point - inner_center;
var r = radius;
// Top left corner.
r.x = r.x - max(inset.x, inset.y);
// Top right corner.
r.y = r.y - max(inset.z, inset.y);
// Bottom right corner.
r.z = r.z - max(inset.z, inset.w);
// Bottom left corner.
r.w = r.w - max(inset.x, inset.w);
let half_size = inner_size * 0.5;
let min = min(half_size.x, half_size.y);
r = min(max(r, vec4(0.0)), vec4<f32>(min));
return sd_rounded_box(inner_point, inner_size, r);
fn draw(in: VertexOutput) -> vec4<f32> {
let texture_color = textureSample(sprite_texture, sprite_sampler, in.uv);
// Only use the color sampled from the texture if the `TEXTURED` flag is enabled.
// This allows us to draw both textured and untextured shapes together in the same batch.
let color = select(in.color, in.color * texture_color, enabled(in.flags, TEXTURED));
// Signed distances. The magnitude is the distance of the point from the edge of the shape.
// * Negative values indicate that the point is inside the shape.
// * Zero values indicate the point is on on the edge of the shape.
// * Positive values indicate the point is outside the shape.
// Signed distance from the exterior boundary.
let external_distance = sd_rounded_box(in.point, in.size, in.radius);
// Signed distance from the border's internal edge (the signed distance is negative if the point
// is inside the rect but not on the border).
// If the border size is set to zero, this is the same as as the external distance.
let internal_distance = sd_inset_rounded_box(in.point, in.size, in.radius, in.border);
// Signed distance from the border (the intersection of the rect with its border).
// Points inside the border have negative signed distance. Any point outside the border, whether
// outside the outside edge, or inside the inner edge have positive signed distance.
let border_distance = max(external_distance, -internal_distance);
// The `fwidth` function returns an approximation of the rate of change of the signed distance
// value that is used to ensure that the smooth alpha transition created by smoothstep occurs
// over a range of distance values that is proportional to how quickly the distance is changing.
let fborder = fwidth(border_distance);
let fexternal = fwidth(external_distance);
if enabled(in.flags, BORDER) {
// The item is a border
// At external edges with no border, `border_distance` is equal to zero.
// This select statement ensures we only perform anti-aliasing where a non-zero width border
// is present, otherwise an outline about the external boundary would be drawn even without
// a border.
let t = 1. - select(step(0.0, border_distance), smoothstep(0.0, fborder, border_distance), external_distance < internal_distance);
return color.rgba * t;
// The item is a rectangle, draw normally with anti-aliasing at the edges.
let t = 1. - smoothstep(0.0, fexternal, external_distance);
return color.rgba * t;
fn fragment(in: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
return draw(in);