Test for ambiguous system ordering in CI (#13950)
Progress towards https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/7386.
Following discussion
This Pull Request adds an example to detect system order ambiguities,
and also asserts none exist.
A lot of schedules are ignored in ordered to have the test passing, we
should thrive to make them pass, but in other pull requests.
<details><summary>example output <b>summary</b>, without ignored
$ cargo run --example ambiguity_detection 2>&1 | grep -C 1 "pairs of syst"
2024-06-21T13:17:55.776585Z WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule First has ambiguities.
1 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
-- bevy_time::time_system (in set TimeSystem) and bevy_ecs::event::event_update_system (in set EventUpdates)
2024-06-21T13:17:55.782265Z WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule PreUpdate has ambiguities.
11 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
-- bevy_pbr::prepass::update_mesh_previous_global_transforms and bevy_asset::server::handle_internal_asset_events
2024-06-21T13:17:55.809516Z WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule PostUpdate has ambiguities.
63 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
-- bevy_ui::accessibility::image_changed and bevy_ecs::schedule::executor::apply_deferred
2024-06-21T13:17:55.816287Z WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule Last has ambiguities.
3 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
-- bevy_gizmos::update_gizmo_meshes<bevy_gizmos::aabb::AabbGizmoConfigGroup> (in set UpdateGizmoMeshes) and bevy_gizmos::update_gizmo_meshes<bevy_gizmos::light::LightGizmoConfigGroup> (in set UpdateGizmoMeshes)
2024-06-21T13:17:55.831074Z WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule ExtractSchedule has ambiguities.
296 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
-- bevy_render::extract_component::extract_components<bevy_sprite::SpriteSource> and bevy_render::render_asset::extract_render_asset<bevy_sprite::mesh2d::material::PreparedMaterial2d<bevy_sprite::mesh2d::color_material::ColorMaterial>>
To try locally:
CI_TESTING_CONFIG="./.github/example-run/ambiguity_detection.ron" cargo run --example ambiguity_detection --features "bevy_ci_testing,trace,trace_chrome"
Co-authored-by: Jan Hohenheim <jan@hohenheim.ch>
2024-07-17 23:05:48 +02:00
//! A test to confirm that `bevy` doesn't regress its system ambiguities count when using [`DefaultPlugins`].
//! This is run in CI.
use bevy::{
ecs::schedule::{InternedScheduleLabel, LogLevel, ScheduleBuildSettings, ScheduleLabel},
use bevy_render::{pipelined_rendering::RenderExtractApp, Render, RenderApp};
/// FIXME: bevy should not have any ambiguities, but it takes time to clean these up,
/// so we're just ignoring those for now.
/// See [#7386](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/7386) for relevant issue.
pub fn get_ignored_ambiguous_system_schedules() -> Vec<Box<dyn ScheduleLabel>> {
/// A test to confirm that `bevy` doesn't regress its system ambiguities count when using [`DefaultPlugins`].
/// This is run in CI.
pub fn main() {
let mut app = App::new();
let sub_app = app.main_mut();
let sub_app = app.sub_app_mut(RenderApp);
let sub_app = app.sub_app_mut(RenderExtractApp);
let sub_app = app.main();
let ignored_schedules = get_ignored_ambiguous_system_schedules();
let ambiguities = count_ambiguities(sub_app);
let mut unexpected_ambiguities = vec![];
for (&label, &count) in ambiguities.0.iter() {
if ignored_schedules
.any(|label_to_ignore| **label_to_ignore == *label)
if count != 0 {
"Main app has unexpected ambiguities among these schedules: {:?}.\n\
More Details:\n{:#?}",
let total_ambiguities = ambiguities.total();
2024-08-04 16:34:51 +03:00
total_ambiguities, 72,
Test for ambiguous system ordering in CI (#13950)
Progress towards https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/7386.
Following discussion
This Pull Request adds an example to detect system order ambiguities,
and also asserts none exist.
A lot of schedules are ignored in ordered to have the test passing, we
should thrive to make them pass, but in other pull requests.
<details><summary>example output <b>summary</b>, without ignored
$ cargo run --example ambiguity_detection 2>&1 | grep -C 1 "pairs of syst"
2024-06-21T13:17:55.776585Z WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule First has ambiguities.
1 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
-- bevy_time::time_system (in set TimeSystem) and bevy_ecs::event::event_update_system (in set EventUpdates)
2024-06-21T13:17:55.782265Z WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule PreUpdate has ambiguities.
11 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
-- bevy_pbr::prepass::update_mesh_previous_global_transforms and bevy_asset::server::handle_internal_asset_events
2024-06-21T13:17:55.809516Z WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule PostUpdate has ambiguities.
63 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
-- bevy_ui::accessibility::image_changed and bevy_ecs::schedule::executor::apply_deferred
2024-06-21T13:17:55.816287Z WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule Last has ambiguities.
3 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
-- bevy_gizmos::update_gizmo_meshes<bevy_gizmos::aabb::AabbGizmoConfigGroup> (in set UpdateGizmoMeshes) and bevy_gizmos::update_gizmo_meshes<bevy_gizmos::light::LightGizmoConfigGroup> (in set UpdateGizmoMeshes)
2024-06-21T13:17:55.831074Z WARN bevy_ecs::schedule::schedule: Schedule ExtractSchedule has ambiguities.
296 pairs of systems with conflicting data access have indeterminate execution order. Consider adding `before`, `after`, or `ambiguous_with` relationships between these:
-- bevy_render::extract_component::extract_components<bevy_sprite::SpriteSource> and bevy_render::render_asset::extract_render_asset<bevy_sprite::mesh2d::material::PreparedMaterial2d<bevy_sprite::mesh2d::color_material::ColorMaterial>>
To try locally:
CI_TESTING_CONFIG="./.github/example-run/ambiguity_detection.ron" cargo run --example ambiguity_detection --features "bevy_ci_testing,trace,trace_chrome"
Co-authored-by: Jan Hohenheim <jan@hohenheim.ch>
2024-07-17 23:05:48 +02:00
"Main app does not have an expected conflicting systems count, \
you might consider verifying if it's normal, or change the expected number.\n\
// RenderApp is not checked here, because it is not within the App at this point.
let sub_app = app.sub_app(RenderExtractApp);
let ambiguities = count_ambiguities(sub_app);
let total_ambiguities = ambiguities.total();
total_ambiguities, 0,
"RenderExtractApp contains conflicting systems.",
/// Contains the number of conflicting systems per schedule.
#[derive(Debug, Deref, DerefMut)]
struct AmbiguitiesCount(pub HashMap<InternedScheduleLabel, usize>);
impl AmbiguitiesCount {
fn total(&self) -> usize {
fn configure_ambiguity_detection(sub_app: &mut SubApp) {
let ignored_ambiguous_systems = get_ignored_ambiguous_system_schedules();
let mut schedules = sub_app.world_mut().resource_mut::<Schedules>();
for (_, schedule) in schedules.iter_mut() {
if ignored_ambiguous_systems
.any(|label| **label == *schedule.label())
// Note: you can remove this bypass to get full details about ambiguities.
schedule.set_build_settings(ScheduleBuildSettings {
ambiguity_detection: LogLevel::Warn,
use_shortnames: false,
/// Returns the number of conflicting systems per schedule.
fn count_ambiguities(sub_app: &SubApp) -> AmbiguitiesCount {
let schedules = sub_app.world().resource::<Schedules>();
let mut ambiguities = HashMap::new();
for (_, schedule) in schedules.iter() {
let ambiguities_in_schedule = schedule.graph().conflicting_systems().len();
ambiguities.insert(schedule.label(), ambiguities_in_schedule);