Add parallax mapping to bevy PBR (#5928)
# Objective
Add a [parallax mapping] shader to bevy. Please note that
this is a 3d technique, NOT a 2d sidescroller feature.
## Solution
- Add related fields to `StandardMaterial`
- update the pbr shader
- Add an example taking advantage of parallax mapping
A pre-existing implementation exists at:
The implementation is derived from:
Further discussion on literature is found in the `bevy_mod_paramap`
### Limitations
- The mesh silhouette isn't affected by the depth map.
- The depth of the pixel does not reflect its visual position, resulting
in artifacts for depth-dependent features such as fog or SSAO
- GLTF does not define a height map texture, so somehow the user will
always need to work around this limitation, though [an extension is in
the works][gltf]
### Future work
- It's possible to update the depth in the depth buffer to follow the
parallaxed texture. This would enable interop with depth-based
visual effects, it also allows `discard`ing pixels of materials when
computed depth is higher than the one in depth buffer
- Cheap lower quality single-sample method using [offset limiting]
- Add distance fading, to disable parallaxing (relatively expensive)
on distant objects
- GLTF extension to allow defining height maps. Or a workaround
implemented through a blender plugin to the GLTF exporter that
uses the `extras` field to add height map.
- [Quadratic surface vertex attributes][oliveira_3] to enable parallax
mapping on bending surfaces and allow clean silhouetting.
- noise based sampling, to limit the pancake artifacts.
- Cone mapping ([GPU gems], [Simcity (2013)][simcity]). Requires
preprocessing, increase depth map size, reduces sample count greatly.
- [Quadtree parallax mapping][qpm] (also requires preprocessing)
- Self-shadowing of parallax-mapped surfaces by modifying the shadow map
- Generate depth map from normal map [link to slides], [blender
[blender question]:
[link to slides]:
[GPU gems]:
[offset limiting]:
## Changelog
- Add a `depth_map` field to the `StandardMaterial`, it is a grayscale
image where white represents bottom and black the top. If `depth_map`
is set, bevy's pbr shader will use it to do [parallax mapping] to
give an increased feel of depth to the material. This is similar to a
displacement map, but with infinite precision at fairly low cost.
- The fields `parallax_mapping_method`, `parallax_depth_scale` and
`max_parallax_layer_count` allow finer grained control over the
behavior of the parallax shader.
- Add the `parallax_mapping` example to show off the effect.
[parallax mapping]:
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-04-15 12:25:14 +02:00
//! A simple 3D scene with a spinning cube with a normal map and depth map to demonstrate parallax mapping.
//! Press left mouse button to cycle through different views.
use std::fmt;
use bevy::{prelude::*, render::render_resource::TextureFormat, window::close_on_esc};
fn main() {
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
struct Spin {
speed: f32,
/// The camera, used to move camera on click.
struct CameraController;
const DEPTH_CHANGE_RATE: f32 = 0.1;
const DEPTH_UPDATE_STEP: f32 = 0.03;
const MAX_DEPTH: f32 = 0.3;
struct TargetDepth(f32);
impl Default for TargetDepth {
fn default() -> Self {
struct TargetLayers(f32);
impl Default for TargetLayers {
fn default() -> Self {
struct CurrentMethod(ParallaxMappingMethod);
impl Default for CurrentMethod {
fn default() -> Self {
CurrentMethod(ParallaxMappingMethod::Relief { max_steps: 4 })
impl fmt::Display for CurrentMethod {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self.0 {
ParallaxMappingMethod::Occlusion => write!(f, "Parallax Occlusion Mapping"),
ParallaxMappingMethod::Relief { max_steps } => {
write!(f, "Relief Mapping with {max_steps} steps")
impl CurrentMethod {
fn next_method(&mut self) {
use ParallaxMappingMethod::*;
self.0 = match self.0 {
Occlusion => Relief { max_steps: 2 },
Relief { max_steps } if max_steps < 3 => Relief { max_steps: 4 },
Relief { max_steps } if max_steps < 5 => Relief { max_steps: 8 },
Relief { .. } => Occlusion,
fn update_parallax_depth_scale(
input: Res<Input<KeyCode>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
mut target_depth: Local<TargetDepth>,
mut depth_update: Local<bool>,
mut text: Query<&mut Text>,
) {
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Key1) {
target_depth.0 -= DEPTH_UPDATE_STEP;
target_depth.0 = target_depth.0.max(0.0);
*depth_update = true;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Key2) {
target_depth.0 += DEPTH_UPDATE_STEP;
target_depth.0 = target_depth.0.min(MAX_DEPTH);
*depth_update = true;
if *depth_update {
let mut text = text.single_mut();
for (_, mat) in materials.iter_mut() {
let current_depth = mat.parallax_depth_scale;
let new_depth =
current_depth * (1.0 - DEPTH_CHANGE_RATE) + (target_depth.0 * DEPTH_CHANGE_RATE);
mat.parallax_depth_scale = new_depth;
text.sections[0].value = format!("Parallax depth scale: {new_depth:.5}\n");
if (new_depth - current_depth).abs() <= 0.000000001 {
*depth_update = false;
fn switch_method(
input: Res<Input<KeyCode>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
mut text: Query<&mut Text>,
mut current: Local<CurrentMethod>,
) {
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
} else {
let mut text = text.single_mut();
text.sections[2].value = format!("Method: {}\n", *current);
for (_, mat) in materials.iter_mut() {
mat.parallax_mapping_method = current.0;
fn update_parallax_layers(
input: Res<Input<KeyCode>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
mut target_layers: Local<TargetLayers>,
mut text: Query<&mut Text>,
) {
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Key3) {
target_layers.0 -= 1.0;
target_layers.0 = target_layers.0.max(0.0);
} else if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Key4) {
target_layers.0 += 1.0;
} else {
let layer_count = target_layers.0.exp2();
let mut text = text.single_mut();
text.sections[1].value = format!("Layers: {layer_count:.0}\n");
for (_, mat) in materials.iter_mut() {
mat.max_parallax_layer_count = layer_count;
fn spin(time: Res<Time>, mut query: Query<(&mut Transform, &Spin)>) {
for (mut transform, spin) in query.iter_mut() {
transform.rotate_local_y(spin.speed * time.delta_seconds());
transform.rotate_local_x(spin.speed * time.delta_seconds());
transform.rotate_local_z(-spin.speed * time.delta_seconds());
2023-09-26 12:46:24 -07:00
// Camera positions to cycle through when left-clicking.
Add parallax mapping to bevy PBR (#5928)
# Objective
Add a [parallax mapping] shader to bevy. Please note that
this is a 3d technique, NOT a 2d sidescroller feature.
## Solution
- Add related fields to `StandardMaterial`
- update the pbr shader
- Add an example taking advantage of parallax mapping
A pre-existing implementation exists at:
The implementation is derived from:
Further discussion on literature is found in the `bevy_mod_paramap`
### Limitations
- The mesh silhouette isn't affected by the depth map.
- The depth of the pixel does not reflect its visual position, resulting
in artifacts for depth-dependent features such as fog or SSAO
- GLTF does not define a height map texture, so somehow the user will
always need to work around this limitation, though [an extension is in
the works][gltf]
### Future work
- It's possible to update the depth in the depth buffer to follow the
parallaxed texture. This would enable interop with depth-based
visual effects, it also allows `discard`ing pixels of materials when
computed depth is higher than the one in depth buffer
- Cheap lower quality single-sample method using [offset limiting]
- Add distance fading, to disable parallaxing (relatively expensive)
on distant objects
- GLTF extension to allow defining height maps. Or a workaround
implemented through a blender plugin to the GLTF exporter that
uses the `extras` field to add height map.
- [Quadratic surface vertex attributes][oliveira_3] to enable parallax
mapping on bending surfaces and allow clean silhouetting.
- noise based sampling, to limit the pancake artifacts.
- Cone mapping ([GPU gems], [Simcity (2013)][simcity]). Requires
preprocessing, increase depth map size, reduces sample count greatly.
- [Quadtree parallax mapping][qpm] (also requires preprocessing)
- Self-shadowing of parallax-mapped surfaces by modifying the shadow map
- Generate depth map from normal map [link to slides], [blender
[blender question]:
[link to slides]:
[GPU gems]:
[offset limiting]:
## Changelog
- Add a `depth_map` field to the `StandardMaterial`, it is a grayscale
image where white represents bottom and black the top. If `depth_map`
is set, bevy's pbr shader will use it to do [parallax mapping] to
give an increased feel of depth to the material. This is similar to a
displacement map, but with infinite precision at fairly low cost.
- The fields `parallax_mapping_method`, `parallax_depth_scale` and
`max_parallax_layer_count` allow finer grained control over the
behavior of the parallax shader.
- Add the `parallax_mapping` example to show off the effect.
[parallax mapping]:
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-04-15 12:25:14 +02:00
const CAMERA_POSITIONS: &[Transform] = &[
Transform {
translation: Vec3::new(1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
rotation: Quat::from_xyzw(-0.279, 0.364, 0.115, 0.880),
scale: Vec3::ONE,
Transform {
translation: Vec3::new(2.4, 0.0, 0.2),
rotation: Quat::from_xyzw(0.094, 0.676, 0.116, 0.721),
scale: Vec3::ONE,
Transform {
translation: Vec3::new(2.4, 2.6, -4.3),
rotation: Quat::from_xyzw(0.170, 0.908, 0.308, 0.225),
scale: Vec3::ONE,
Transform {
translation: Vec3::new(-1.0, 0.8, -1.2),
rotation: Quat::from_xyzw(-0.004, 0.909, 0.247, -0.335),
scale: Vec3::ONE,
fn move_camera(
mut camera: Query<&mut Transform, With<CameraController>>,
mut current_view: Local<usize>,
button: Res<Input<MouseButton>>,
) {
let mut camera = camera.single_mut();
if button.just_pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
*current_view = (*current_view + 1) % CAMERA_POSITIONS.len();
let target = CAMERA_POSITIONS[*current_view];
camera.translation = camera.translation.lerp(target.translation, 0.2);
camera.rotation = camera.rotation.slerp(target.rotation, 0.2);
fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut normal: ResMut<Normal>,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
) {
// The normal map. Note that to generate it in the GIMP image editor, you should
// open the depth map, and do Filters → Generic → Normal Map
// You should enable the "flip X" checkbox.
let normal_handle = asset_server.load("textures/parallax_example/cube_normal.png");
normal.0 = Some(normal_handle);
// Camera
Camera3dBundle {
transform: Transform::from_xyz(1.5, 1.5, 1.5).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y),
// light
.spawn(PointLightBundle {
transform: Transform::from_xyz(1.8, 0.7, -1.1),
point_light: PointLight {
intensity: 226.0,
shadows_enabled: true,
.with_children(|commands| {
// represent the light source as a sphere
let mesh = meshes.add(
shape::Icosphere {
radius: 0.05,
subdivisions: 3,
commands.spawn(PbrBundle { mesh, ..default() });
// Plane
commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(
shape::Plane {
size: 10.0,
subdivisions: 0,
material: materials.add(StandardMaterial {
// standard material derived from dark green, but
// with roughness and reflectance set.
perceptual_roughness: 0.45,
reflectance: 0.18,
..Color::rgb_u8(0, 80, 0).into()
transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
let parallax_depth_scale = TargetDepth::default().0;
let max_parallax_layer_count = TargetLayers::default().0.exp2();
let parallax_mapping_method = CurrentMethod::default();
let parallax_material = materials.add(StandardMaterial {
perceptual_roughness: 0.4,
base_color_texture: Some(asset_server.load("textures/parallax_example/cube_color.png")),
normal_map_texture: normal.0.clone(),
// The depth map is a greyscale texture where black is the highest level and
// white the lowest.
depth_map: Some(asset_server.load("textures/parallax_example/cube_depth.png")),
parallax_mapping_method: parallax_mapping_method.0,
PbrBundle {
Add consuming builder methods for more ergonomic `Mesh` creation (#10056)
# Objective
- This PR aims to make creating meshes a little bit more ergonomic,
specifically by removing the need for intermediate mutable variables.
## Solution
- We add methods that consume the `Mesh` and return a mesh with the
specified changes, so that meshes can be entirely constructed via
builder-style calls, without intermediate variables;
- Methods are flagged with `#[must_use]` to ensure proper use;
- Examples are updated to use the new methods where applicable. Some
examples are kept with the mutating methods so that users can still
easily discover them, and also where the new methods wouldn't really be
an improvement.
## Examples
let mut mesh = Mesh::new(PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList);
mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, vs);
mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, vns);
mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_UV_0, vts);
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, vs)
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, vns)
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_UV_0, vts)
let mut cube = Mesh::from(shape::Cube { size: 1.0 });
PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(cube),
PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(
Mesh::from(shape::Cube { size: 1.0 })
## Changelog
- Added consuming builder methods for more ergonomic `Mesh` creation:
`with_inserted_attribute()`, `with_removed_attribute()`,
`with_indices()`, `with_duplicated_vertices()`,
`with_computed_flat_normals()`, `with_generated_tangents()`,
`with_morph_targets()`, `with_morph_target_names()`.
2023-10-09 16:47:41 -03:00
mesh: meshes.add(
// NOTE: for normal maps and depth maps to work, the mesh
// needs tangents generated.
Mesh::from(shape::Cube { size: 1.0 })
Add parallax mapping to bevy PBR (#5928)
# Objective
Add a [parallax mapping] shader to bevy. Please note that
this is a 3d technique, NOT a 2d sidescroller feature.
## Solution
- Add related fields to `StandardMaterial`
- update the pbr shader
- Add an example taking advantage of parallax mapping
A pre-existing implementation exists at:
The implementation is derived from:
Further discussion on literature is found in the `bevy_mod_paramap`
### Limitations
- The mesh silhouette isn't affected by the depth map.
- The depth of the pixel does not reflect its visual position, resulting
in artifacts for depth-dependent features such as fog or SSAO
- GLTF does not define a height map texture, so somehow the user will
always need to work around this limitation, though [an extension is in
the works][gltf]
### Future work
- It's possible to update the depth in the depth buffer to follow the
parallaxed texture. This would enable interop with depth-based
visual effects, it also allows `discard`ing pixels of materials when
computed depth is higher than the one in depth buffer
- Cheap lower quality single-sample method using [offset limiting]
- Add distance fading, to disable parallaxing (relatively expensive)
on distant objects
- GLTF extension to allow defining height maps. Or a workaround
implemented through a blender plugin to the GLTF exporter that
uses the `extras` field to add height map.
- [Quadratic surface vertex attributes][oliveira_3] to enable parallax
mapping on bending surfaces and allow clean silhouetting.
- noise based sampling, to limit the pancake artifacts.
- Cone mapping ([GPU gems], [Simcity (2013)][simcity]). Requires
preprocessing, increase depth map size, reduces sample count greatly.
- [Quadtree parallax mapping][qpm] (also requires preprocessing)
- Self-shadowing of parallax-mapped surfaces by modifying the shadow map
- Generate depth map from normal map [link to slides], [blender
[blender question]:
[link to slides]:
[GPU gems]:
[offset limiting]:
## Changelog
- Add a `depth_map` field to the `StandardMaterial`, it is a grayscale
image where white represents bottom and black the top. If `depth_map`
is set, bevy's pbr shader will use it to do [parallax mapping] to
give an increased feel of depth to the material. This is similar to a
displacement map, but with infinite precision at fairly low cost.
- The fields `parallax_mapping_method`, `parallax_depth_scale` and
`max_parallax_layer_count` allow finer grained control over the
behavior of the parallax shader.
- Add the `parallax_mapping` example to show off the effect.
[parallax mapping]:
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-04-15 12:25:14 +02:00
material: parallax_material.clone_weak(),
Spin { speed: 0.3 },
Add consuming builder methods for more ergonomic `Mesh` creation (#10056)
# Objective
- This PR aims to make creating meshes a little bit more ergonomic,
specifically by removing the need for intermediate mutable variables.
## Solution
- We add methods that consume the `Mesh` and return a mesh with the
specified changes, so that meshes can be entirely constructed via
builder-style calls, without intermediate variables;
- Methods are flagged with `#[must_use]` to ensure proper use;
- Examples are updated to use the new methods where applicable. Some
examples are kept with the mutating methods so that users can still
easily discover them, and also where the new methods wouldn't really be
an improvement.
## Examples
let mut mesh = Mesh::new(PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList);
mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, vs);
mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, vns);
mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_UV_0, vts);
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, vs)
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, vns)
.with_inserted_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_UV_0, vts)
let mut cube = Mesh::from(shape::Cube { size: 1.0 });
PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(cube),
PbrBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(
Mesh::from(shape::Cube { size: 1.0 })
## Changelog
- Added consuming builder methods for more ergonomic `Mesh` creation:
`with_inserted_attribute()`, `with_removed_attribute()`,
`with_indices()`, `with_duplicated_vertices()`,
`with_computed_flat_normals()`, `with_generated_tangents()`,
`with_morph_targets()`, `with_morph_target_names()`.
2023-10-09 16:47:41 -03:00
let background_cube = meshes.add(
Mesh::from(shape::Cube { size: 40.0 })
Add parallax mapping to bevy PBR (#5928)
# Objective
Add a [parallax mapping] shader to bevy. Please note that
this is a 3d technique, NOT a 2d sidescroller feature.
## Solution
- Add related fields to `StandardMaterial`
- update the pbr shader
- Add an example taking advantage of parallax mapping
A pre-existing implementation exists at:
The implementation is derived from:
Further discussion on literature is found in the `bevy_mod_paramap`
### Limitations
- The mesh silhouette isn't affected by the depth map.
- The depth of the pixel does not reflect its visual position, resulting
in artifacts for depth-dependent features such as fog or SSAO
- GLTF does not define a height map texture, so somehow the user will
always need to work around this limitation, though [an extension is in
the works][gltf]
### Future work
- It's possible to update the depth in the depth buffer to follow the
parallaxed texture. This would enable interop with depth-based
visual effects, it also allows `discard`ing pixels of materials when
computed depth is higher than the one in depth buffer
- Cheap lower quality single-sample method using [offset limiting]
- Add distance fading, to disable parallaxing (relatively expensive)
on distant objects
- GLTF extension to allow defining height maps. Or a workaround
implemented through a blender plugin to the GLTF exporter that
uses the `extras` field to add height map.
- [Quadratic surface vertex attributes][oliveira_3] to enable parallax
mapping on bending surfaces and allow clean silhouetting.
- noise based sampling, to limit the pancake artifacts.
- Cone mapping ([GPU gems], [Simcity (2013)][simcity]). Requires
preprocessing, increase depth map size, reduces sample count greatly.
- [Quadtree parallax mapping][qpm] (also requires preprocessing)
- Self-shadowing of parallax-mapped surfaces by modifying the shadow map
- Generate depth map from normal map [link to slides], [blender
[blender question]:
[link to slides]:
[GPU gems]:
[offset limiting]:
## Changelog
- Add a `depth_map` field to the `StandardMaterial`, it is a grayscale
image where white represents bottom and black the top. If `depth_map`
is set, bevy's pbr shader will use it to do [parallax mapping] to
give an increased feel of depth to the material. This is similar to a
displacement map, but with infinite precision at fairly low cost.
- The fields `parallax_mapping_method`, `parallax_depth_scale` and
`max_parallax_layer_count` allow finer grained control over the
behavior of the parallax shader.
- Add the `parallax_mapping` example to show off the effect.
[parallax mapping]:
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-04-15 12:25:14 +02:00
let background_cube_bundle = |translation| {
PbrBundle {
transform: Transform::from_translation(translation),
mesh: background_cube.clone(),
material: parallax_material.clone(),
Spin { speed: -0.1 },
commands.spawn(background_cube_bundle(Vec3::new(45., 0., 0.)));
commands.spawn(background_cube_bundle(Vec3::new(-45., 0., 0.)));
commands.spawn(background_cube_bundle(Vec3::new(0., 0., 45.)));
commands.spawn(background_cube_bundle(Vec3::new(0., 0., -45.)));
let style = TextStyle {
2023-04-26 21:52:31 +02:00
font_size: 20.0,
2023-04-22 00:30:18 +02:00
Add parallax mapping to bevy PBR (#5928)
# Objective
Add a [parallax mapping] shader to bevy. Please note that
this is a 3d technique, NOT a 2d sidescroller feature.
## Solution
- Add related fields to `StandardMaterial`
- update the pbr shader
- Add an example taking advantage of parallax mapping
A pre-existing implementation exists at:
The implementation is derived from:
Further discussion on literature is found in the `bevy_mod_paramap`
### Limitations
- The mesh silhouette isn't affected by the depth map.
- The depth of the pixel does not reflect its visual position, resulting
in artifacts for depth-dependent features such as fog or SSAO
- GLTF does not define a height map texture, so somehow the user will
always need to work around this limitation, though [an extension is in
the works][gltf]
### Future work
- It's possible to update the depth in the depth buffer to follow the
parallaxed texture. This would enable interop with depth-based
visual effects, it also allows `discard`ing pixels of materials when
computed depth is higher than the one in depth buffer
- Cheap lower quality single-sample method using [offset limiting]
- Add distance fading, to disable parallaxing (relatively expensive)
on distant objects
- GLTF extension to allow defining height maps. Or a workaround
implemented through a blender plugin to the GLTF exporter that
uses the `extras` field to add height map.
- [Quadratic surface vertex attributes][oliveira_3] to enable parallax
mapping on bending surfaces and allow clean silhouetting.
- noise based sampling, to limit the pancake artifacts.
- Cone mapping ([GPU gems], [Simcity (2013)][simcity]). Requires
preprocessing, increase depth map size, reduces sample count greatly.
- [Quadtree parallax mapping][qpm] (also requires preprocessing)
- Self-shadowing of parallax-mapped surfaces by modifying the shadow map
- Generate depth map from normal map [link to slides], [blender
[blender question]:
[link to slides]:
[GPU gems]:
[offset limiting]:
## Changelog
- Add a `depth_map` field to the `StandardMaterial`, it is a grayscale
image where white represents bottom and black the top. If `depth_map`
is set, bevy's pbr shader will use it to do [parallax mapping] to
give an increased feel of depth to the material. This is similar to a
displacement map, but with infinite precision at fairly low cost.
- The fields `parallax_mapping_method`, `parallax_depth_scale` and
`max_parallax_layer_count` allow finer grained control over the
behavior of the parallax shader.
- Add the `parallax_mapping` example to show off the effect.
[parallax mapping]:
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-04-15 12:25:14 +02:00
2023-04-26 21:52:31 +02:00
// example instructions
Add parallax mapping to bevy PBR (#5928)
# Objective
Add a [parallax mapping] shader to bevy. Please note that
this is a 3d technique, NOT a 2d sidescroller feature.
## Solution
- Add related fields to `StandardMaterial`
- update the pbr shader
- Add an example taking advantage of parallax mapping
A pre-existing implementation exists at:
The implementation is derived from:
Further discussion on literature is found in the `bevy_mod_paramap`
### Limitations
- The mesh silhouette isn't affected by the depth map.
- The depth of the pixel does not reflect its visual position, resulting
in artifacts for depth-dependent features such as fog or SSAO
- GLTF does not define a height map texture, so somehow the user will
always need to work around this limitation, though [an extension is in
the works][gltf]
### Future work
- It's possible to update the depth in the depth buffer to follow the
parallaxed texture. This would enable interop with depth-based
visual effects, it also allows `discard`ing pixels of materials when
computed depth is higher than the one in depth buffer
- Cheap lower quality single-sample method using [offset limiting]
- Add distance fading, to disable parallaxing (relatively expensive)
on distant objects
- GLTF extension to allow defining height maps. Or a workaround
implemented through a blender plugin to the GLTF exporter that
uses the `extras` field to add height map.
- [Quadratic surface vertex attributes][oliveira_3] to enable parallax
mapping on bending surfaces and allow clean silhouetting.
- noise based sampling, to limit the pancake artifacts.
- Cone mapping ([GPU gems], [Simcity (2013)][simcity]). Requires
preprocessing, increase depth map size, reduces sample count greatly.
- [Quadtree parallax mapping][qpm] (also requires preprocessing)
- Self-shadowing of parallax-mapped surfaces by modifying the shadow map
- Generate depth map from normal map [link to slides], [blender
[blender question]:
[link to slides]:
[GPU gems]:
[offset limiting]:
## Changelog
- Add a `depth_map` field to the `StandardMaterial`, it is a grayscale
image where white represents bottom and black the top. If `depth_map`
is set, bevy's pbr shader will use it to do [parallax mapping] to
give an increased feel of depth to the material. This is similar to a
displacement map, but with infinite precision at fairly low cost.
- The fields `parallax_mapping_method`, `parallax_depth_scale` and
`max_parallax_layer_count` allow finer grained control over the
behavior of the parallax shader.
- Add the `parallax_mapping` example to show off the effect.
[parallax mapping]:
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-04-15 12:25:14 +02:00
format!("Parallax depth scale: {parallax_depth_scale:.5}\n"),
format!("Layers: {max_parallax_layer_count:.0}\n"),
TextSection::new(format!("{parallax_mapping_method}\n"), style.clone()),
TextSection::new("\n\n", style.clone()),
2023-04-26 21:52:31 +02:00
TextSection::new("Controls:\n", style.clone()),
Add parallax mapping to bevy PBR (#5928)
# Objective
Add a [parallax mapping] shader to bevy. Please note that
this is a 3d technique, NOT a 2d sidescroller feature.
## Solution
- Add related fields to `StandardMaterial`
- update the pbr shader
- Add an example taking advantage of parallax mapping
A pre-existing implementation exists at:
The implementation is derived from:
Further discussion on literature is found in the `bevy_mod_paramap`
### Limitations
- The mesh silhouette isn't affected by the depth map.
- The depth of the pixel does not reflect its visual position, resulting
in artifacts for depth-dependent features such as fog or SSAO
- GLTF does not define a height map texture, so somehow the user will
always need to work around this limitation, though [an extension is in
the works][gltf]
### Future work
- It's possible to update the depth in the depth buffer to follow the
parallaxed texture. This would enable interop with depth-based
visual effects, it also allows `discard`ing pixels of materials when
computed depth is higher than the one in depth buffer
- Cheap lower quality single-sample method using [offset limiting]
- Add distance fading, to disable parallaxing (relatively expensive)
on distant objects
- GLTF extension to allow defining height maps. Or a workaround
implemented through a blender plugin to the GLTF exporter that
uses the `extras` field to add height map.
- [Quadratic surface vertex attributes][oliveira_3] to enable parallax
mapping on bending surfaces and allow clean silhouetting.
- noise based sampling, to limit the pancake artifacts.
- Cone mapping ([GPU gems], [Simcity (2013)][simcity]). Requires
preprocessing, increase depth map size, reduces sample count greatly.
- [Quadtree parallax mapping][qpm] (also requires preprocessing)
- Self-shadowing of parallax-mapped surfaces by modifying the shadow map
- Generate depth map from normal map [link to slides], [blender
[blender question]:
[link to slides]:
[GPU gems]:
[offset limiting]:
## Changelog
- Add a `depth_map` field to the `StandardMaterial`, it is a grayscale
image where white represents bottom and black the top. If `depth_map`
is set, bevy's pbr shader will use it to do [parallax mapping] to
give an increased feel of depth to the material. This is similar to a
displacement map, but with infinite precision at fairly low cost.
- The fields `parallax_mapping_method`, `parallax_depth_scale` and
`max_parallax_layer_count` allow finer grained control over the
behavior of the parallax shader.
- Add the `parallax_mapping` example to show off the effect.
[parallax mapping]:
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-04-15 12:25:14 +02:00
TextSection::new("Left click - Change view angle\n", style.clone()),
"1/2 - Decrease/Increase parallax depth scale\n",
TextSection::new("3/4 - Decrease/Increase layer count\n", style.clone()),
TextSection::new("Space - Switch parallaxing algorithm\n", style),
.with_style(Style {
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
2023-04-26 21:52:31 +02:00
top: Val::Px(12.0),
left: Val::Px(12.0),
Add parallax mapping to bevy PBR (#5928)
# Objective
Add a [parallax mapping] shader to bevy. Please note that
this is a 3d technique, NOT a 2d sidescroller feature.
## Solution
- Add related fields to `StandardMaterial`
- update the pbr shader
- Add an example taking advantage of parallax mapping
A pre-existing implementation exists at:
The implementation is derived from:
Further discussion on literature is found in the `bevy_mod_paramap`
### Limitations
- The mesh silhouette isn't affected by the depth map.
- The depth of the pixel does not reflect its visual position, resulting
in artifacts for depth-dependent features such as fog or SSAO
- GLTF does not define a height map texture, so somehow the user will
always need to work around this limitation, though [an extension is in
the works][gltf]
### Future work
- It's possible to update the depth in the depth buffer to follow the
parallaxed texture. This would enable interop with depth-based
visual effects, it also allows `discard`ing pixels of materials when
computed depth is higher than the one in depth buffer
- Cheap lower quality single-sample method using [offset limiting]
- Add distance fading, to disable parallaxing (relatively expensive)
on distant objects
- GLTF extension to allow defining height maps. Or a workaround
implemented through a blender plugin to the GLTF exporter that
uses the `extras` field to add height map.
- [Quadratic surface vertex attributes][oliveira_3] to enable parallax
mapping on bending surfaces and allow clean silhouetting.
- noise based sampling, to limit the pancake artifacts.
- Cone mapping ([GPU gems], [Simcity (2013)][simcity]). Requires
preprocessing, increase depth map size, reduces sample count greatly.
- [Quadtree parallax mapping][qpm] (also requires preprocessing)
- Self-shadowing of parallax-mapped surfaces by modifying the shadow map
- Generate depth map from normal map [link to slides], [blender
[blender question]:
[link to slides]:
[GPU gems]:
[offset limiting]:
## Changelog
- Add a `depth_map` field to the `StandardMaterial`, it is a grayscale
image where white represents bottom and black the top. If `depth_map`
is set, bevy's pbr shader will use it to do [parallax mapping] to
give an increased feel of depth to the material. This is similar to a
displacement map, but with infinite precision at fairly low cost.
- The fields `parallax_mapping_method`, `parallax_depth_scale` and
`max_parallax_layer_count` allow finer grained control over the
behavior of the parallax shader.
- Add the `parallax_mapping` example to show off the effect.
[parallax mapping]:
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-04-15 12:25:14 +02:00
/// Store handle of the normal to later modify its format in [`update_normal`].
struct Normal(Option<Handle<Image>>);
/// Work around the default bevy image loader.
/// The bevy image loader used by `AssetServer` always loads images in
/// `Srgb` mode, which is usually what it should do,
/// but is incompatible with normal maps.
/// Normal maps require a texture in linear color space,
/// so we overwrite the format of the normal map we loaded through `AssetServer`
/// in this system.
/// Note that this method of conversion is a last resort workaround. You should
/// get your normal maps from a 3d model file, like gltf.
/// In this system, we wait until the image is loaded, immediately
/// change its format and never run the logic afterward.
fn update_normal(
mut already_ran: Local<bool>,
mut images: ResMut<Assets<Image>>,
normal: Res<Normal>,
) {
if *already_ran {
if let Some(normal) = normal.0.as_ref() {
2023-05-29 09:23:50 +02:00
if let Some(image) = images.get_mut(normal) {
Add parallax mapping to bevy PBR (#5928)
# Objective
Add a [parallax mapping] shader to bevy. Please note that
this is a 3d technique, NOT a 2d sidescroller feature.
## Solution
- Add related fields to `StandardMaterial`
- update the pbr shader
- Add an example taking advantage of parallax mapping
A pre-existing implementation exists at:
The implementation is derived from:
Further discussion on literature is found in the `bevy_mod_paramap`
### Limitations
- The mesh silhouette isn't affected by the depth map.
- The depth of the pixel does not reflect its visual position, resulting
in artifacts for depth-dependent features such as fog or SSAO
- GLTF does not define a height map texture, so somehow the user will
always need to work around this limitation, though [an extension is in
the works][gltf]
### Future work
- It's possible to update the depth in the depth buffer to follow the
parallaxed texture. This would enable interop with depth-based
visual effects, it also allows `discard`ing pixels of materials when
computed depth is higher than the one in depth buffer
- Cheap lower quality single-sample method using [offset limiting]
- Add distance fading, to disable parallaxing (relatively expensive)
on distant objects
- GLTF extension to allow defining height maps. Or a workaround
implemented through a blender plugin to the GLTF exporter that
uses the `extras` field to add height map.
- [Quadratic surface vertex attributes][oliveira_3] to enable parallax
mapping on bending surfaces and allow clean silhouetting.
- noise based sampling, to limit the pancake artifacts.
- Cone mapping ([GPU gems], [Simcity (2013)][simcity]). Requires
preprocessing, increase depth map size, reduces sample count greatly.
- [Quadtree parallax mapping][qpm] (also requires preprocessing)
- Self-shadowing of parallax-mapped surfaces by modifying the shadow map
- Generate depth map from normal map [link to slides], [blender
[blender question]:
[link to slides]:
[GPU gems]:
[offset limiting]:
## Changelog
- Add a `depth_map` field to the `StandardMaterial`, it is a grayscale
image where white represents bottom and black the top. If `depth_map`
is set, bevy's pbr shader will use it to do [parallax mapping] to
give an increased feel of depth to the material. This is similar to a
displacement map, but with infinite precision at fairly low cost.
- The fields `parallax_mapping_method`, `parallax_depth_scale` and
`max_parallax_layer_count` allow finer grained control over the
behavior of the parallax shader.
- Add the `parallax_mapping` example to show off the effect.
[parallax mapping]:
Co-authored-by: Robert Swain <>
2023-04-15 12:25:14 +02:00
image.texture_descriptor.format = TextureFormat::Rgba8Unorm;
*already_ran = true;