Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
//! Demonstrates depth of field (DOF).
//! The depth of field effect simulates the blur that a real camera produces on
//! objects that are out of focus.
//! The test scene is inspired by [a blog post on depth of field in Unity].
//! However, the technique used in Bevy has little to do with that blog post,
//! and all the assets are original.
//! [a blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
use bevy::{
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
dof::{self, DepthOfField, DepthOfFieldMode},
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
/// The increments in which the user can adjust the focal distance, in meters
/// per frame.
const FOCAL_DISTANCE_SPEED: f32 = 0.05;
/// The increments in which the user can adjust the f-number, in units per frame.
const APERTURE_F_STOP_SPEED: f32 = 0.01;
/// The minimum distance that we allow the user to focus on.
const MIN_FOCAL_DISTANCE: f32 = 0.01;
/// The minimum f-number that we allow the user to set.
const MIN_APERTURE_F_STOPS: f32 = 0.05;
/// A resource that stores the settings that the user can change.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Resource)]
struct AppSettings {
/// The distance from the camera to the area in the most focus.
focal_distance: f32,
/// The [f-number]. Lower numbers cause objects outside the focal distance
/// to be blurred more.
/// [f-number]:
aperture_f_stops: f32,
/// Whether depth of field is on, and, if so, whether we're in Gaussian or
/// bokeh mode.
mode: Option<DepthOfFieldMode>,
fn main() {
.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin {
primary_window: Some(Window {
title: "Bevy Depth of Field Example".to_string(),
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
.add_systems(Update, tweak_scene)
(adjust_focus, change_mode, update_dof_settings, update_text).chain(),
fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, app_settings: Res<AppSettings>) {
// Spawn the camera. Enable HDR and bloom, as that highlights the depth of
// field effect.
2024-10-05 04:59:52 +03:00
let mut camera = commands.spawn((
Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 4.5, 8.25).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y),
Camera {
2024-10-02 12:47:26 +00:00
hdr: true,
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
2024-10-02 12:47:26 +00:00
2024-10-05 04:59:52 +03:00
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
// Insert the depth of field settings.
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
if let Some(depth_of_field) = Option::<DepthOfField>::from(*app_settings) {
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
// Spawn the scene.
Migrate scenes to required components (#15579)
# Objective
A step in the migration to required components: scenes!
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `SceneBundle` and `DynamicSceneBundle`.
- Add `SceneRoot` and `DynamicSceneRoot` components, which wrap a
`Handle<Scene>` and `Handle<DynamicScene>` respectively.
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for scenes and dynamic scenes must now be wrapped in the
`SceneRoot` and `DynamicSceneRoot` components. Raw handles as components
no longer spawn scenes.
Additionally, `SceneBundle` and `DynamicSceneBundle` have been
deprecated. Instead, use the scene components directly.
let model_scene = asset_server.load(GltfAssetLabel::Scene(0).from_asset("model.gltf"));
commands.spawn(SceneBundle {
scene: model_scene,
transform: Transform::from_xyz(-4.0, 0.0, -3.0),
let model_scene = asset_server.load(GltfAssetLabel::Scene(0).from_asset("model.gltf"));
Transform::from_xyz(-4.0, 0.0, -3.0),
2024-10-01 22:42:11 +00:00
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
// Spawn the help text.
Text rework (#15591)
**Ready for review. Examples migration progress: 100%.**
# Objective
- Implement
## Solution
This implements [cart's
faithfully except for one change. I separated `TextSpan` from
`TextSpan2d` because `TextSpan` needs to require the `GhostNode`
component, which is a `bevy_ui` component only usable by UI.
Extra changes:
- Added `EntityCommands::commands_mut` that returns a mutable reference.
This is a blocker for extension methods that return something other than
`self`. Note that `sickle_ui`'s `UiBuilder::commands` returns a mutable
reference for this reason.
## Testing
- [x] Text examples all work.
## Showcase
TODO: showcase-worthy
## Migration Guide
TODO: very breaking
### Accessing text spans by index
Text sections are now text sections on different entities in a
hierarchy, Use the new `TextReader` and `TextWriter` system parameters
to access spans by index.
fn refresh_text(mut query: Query<&mut Text, With<TimeText>>, time: Res<Time>) {
let text = query.single_mut();
text.sections[1].value = format_time(time.elapsed());
fn refresh_text(
query: Query<Entity, With<TimeText>>,
mut writer: UiTextWriter,
time: Res<Time>
) {
let entity = query.single();
*writer.text(entity, 1) = format_time(time.elapsed());
### Iterating text spans
Text spans are now entities in a hierarchy, so the new `UiTextReader`
and `UiTextWriter` system parameters provide ways to iterate that
hierarchy. The `UiTextReader::iter` method will give you a normal
iterator over spans, and `UiTextWriter::for_each` lets you visit each of
the spans.
Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-10-09 13:35:36 -05:00
Merge Style properties into Node. Use ComputedNode for computed properties. (#15975)
# Objective
Continue improving the user experience of our UI Node API in the
direction specified by [Bevy's Next Generation Scene / UI
## Solution
As specified in the document above, merge `Style` fields into `Node`,
and move "computed Node fields" into `ComputedNode` (I chose this name
over something like `ComputedNodeLayout` because it currently contains
more than just layout info. If we want to break this up / rename these
concepts, lets do that in a separate PR). `Style` has been removed.
This accomplishes a number of goals:
## Ergonomics wins
Specifying both `Node` and `Style` is now no longer required for
non-default styles
Style {
width: Val::Px(100.),
commands.spawn(Node {
width: Val::Px(100.),
## Conceptual clarity
`Style` was never a comprehensive "style sheet". It only defined "core"
style properties that all `Nodes` shared. Any "styled property" that
couldn't fit that mold had to be in a separate component. A "real" style
system would style properties _across_ components (`Node`, `Button`,
etc). We have plans to build a true style system (see the doc linked
By moving the `Style` fields to `Node`, we fully embrace `Node` as the
driving concept and remove the "style system" confusion.
## Next Steps
* Consider identifying and splitting out "style properties that aren't
core to Node". This should not happen for Bevy 0.15.
## Migration Guide
Move any fields set on `Style` into `Node` and replace all `Style`
component usage with `Node`.
Style {
width: Val::Px(100.),
commands.spawn(Node {
width: Val::Px(100.),
For any usage of the "computed node properties" that used to live on
`Node`, use `ComputedNode` instead:
fn system(nodes: Query<&Node>) {
for node in &nodes {
let computed_size = node.size();
fn system(computed_nodes: Query<&ComputedNode>) {
for computed_node in &computed_nodes {
let computed_size = computed_node.size();
2024-10-18 17:25:33 -05:00
Node {
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
2024-05-30 16:11:23 -07:00
bottom: Val::Px(12.0),
left: Val::Px(12.0),
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
Text rework (#15591)
**Ready for review. Examples migration progress: 100%.**
# Objective
- Implement
## Solution
This implements [cart's
faithfully except for one change. I separated `TextSpan` from
`TextSpan2d` because `TextSpan` needs to require the `GhostNode`
component, which is a `bevy_ui` component only usable by UI.
Extra changes:
- Added `EntityCommands::commands_mut` that returns a mutable reference.
This is a blocker for extension methods that return something other than
`self`. Note that `sickle_ui`'s `UiBuilder::commands` returns a mutable
reference for this reason.
## Testing
- [x] Text examples all work.
## Showcase
TODO: showcase-worthy
## Migration Guide
TODO: very breaking
### Accessing text spans by index
Text sections are now text sections on different entities in a
hierarchy, Use the new `TextReader` and `TextWriter` system parameters
to access spans by index.
fn refresh_text(mut query: Query<&mut Text, With<TimeText>>, time: Res<Time>) {
let text = query.single_mut();
text.sections[1].value = format_time(time.elapsed());
fn refresh_text(
query: Query<Entity, With<TimeText>>,
mut writer: UiTextWriter,
time: Res<Time>
) {
let entity = query.single();
*writer.text(entity, 1) = format_time(time.elapsed());
### Iterating text spans
Text spans are now entities in a hierarchy, so the new `UiTextReader`
and `UiTextWriter` system parameters provide ways to iterate that
hierarchy. The `UiTextReader::iter` method will give you a normal
iterator over spans, and `UiTextWriter::for_each` lets you visit each of
the spans.
Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-10-09 13:35:36 -05:00
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
/// Adjusts the focal distance and f-number per user inputs.
fn adjust_focus(input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>, mut app_settings: ResMut<AppSettings>) {
// Change the focal distance if the user requested.
let distance_delta = if input.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowDown) {
} else if input.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowUp) {
} else {
// Change the f-number if the user requested.
let f_stop_delta = if input.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowLeft) {
} else if input.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowRight) {
} else {
app_settings.focal_distance =
(app_settings.focal_distance + distance_delta).max(MIN_FOCAL_DISTANCE);
app_settings.aperture_f_stops =
(app_settings.aperture_f_stops + f_stop_delta).max(MIN_APERTURE_F_STOPS);
/// Changes the depth of field mode (Gaussian, bokeh, off) per user inputs.
fn change_mode(input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>, mut app_settings: ResMut<AppSettings>) {
if !input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
app_settings.mode = match app_settings.mode {
Some(DepthOfFieldMode::Bokeh) => Some(DepthOfFieldMode::Gaussian),
Some(DepthOfFieldMode::Gaussian) => None,
None => Some(DepthOfFieldMode::Bokeh),
impl Default for AppSettings {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
// Objects 7 meters away will be in full focus.
focal_distance: 7.0,
// Set a nice blur level.
// This is a really low F-number, but we want to demonstrate the
// effect, even if it's kind of unrealistic.
aperture_f_stops: 1.0 / 8.0,
// Turn on bokeh by default, as it's the nicest-looking technique.
mode: Some(DepthOfFieldMode::Bokeh),
/// Writes the depth of field settings into the camera.
fn update_dof_settings(
mut commands: Commands,
view_targets: Query<Entity, With<Camera>>,
app_settings: Res<AppSettings>,
) {
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
let depth_of_field: Option<DepthOfField> = (*app_settings).into();
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
for view in view_targets.iter() {
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
match depth_of_field {
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
None => {
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
Some(depth_of_field) => {
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
/// Makes one-time adjustments to the scene that can't be encoded in glTF.
fn tweak_scene(
mut commands: Commands,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
mut lights: Query<&mut DirectionalLight, Changed<DirectionalLight>>,
mut named_entities: Query<
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
(Entity, &Name, &MeshMaterial3d<StandardMaterial>),
(With<Mesh3d>, Without<Lightmap>),
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
) {
// Turn on shadows.
for mut light in lights.iter_mut() {
light.shadows_enabled = true;
// Add a nice lightmap to the circuit board.
for (entity, name, material) in named_entities.iter_mut() {
if &**name == "CircuitBoard" {
materials.get_mut(material).unwrap().lightmap_exposure = 10000.0;
commands.entity(entity).insert(Lightmap {
image: asset_server.load("models/DepthOfFieldExample/CircuitBoardLightmap.hdr"),
/// Update the help text entity per the current app settings.
2024-05-30 16:11:23 -07:00
fn update_text(mut texts: Query<&mut Text>, app_settings: Res<AppSettings>) {
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
for mut text in texts.iter_mut() {
2024-05-30 16:11:23 -07:00
*text = create_text(&app_settings);
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
/// Regenerates the app text component per the current app settings.
2024-05-30 16:11:23 -07:00
fn create_text(app_settings: &AppSettings) -> Text {
Text rework (#15591)
**Ready for review. Examples migration progress: 100%.**
# Objective
- Implement
## Solution
This implements [cart's
faithfully except for one change. I separated `TextSpan` from
`TextSpan2d` because `TextSpan` needs to require the `GhostNode`
component, which is a `bevy_ui` component only usable by UI.
Extra changes:
- Added `EntityCommands::commands_mut` that returns a mutable reference.
This is a blocker for extension methods that return something other than
`self`. Note that `sickle_ui`'s `UiBuilder::commands` returns a mutable
reference for this reason.
## Testing
- [x] Text examples all work.
## Showcase
TODO: showcase-worthy
## Migration Guide
TODO: very breaking
### Accessing text spans by index
Text sections are now text sections on different entities in a
hierarchy, Use the new `TextReader` and `TextWriter` system parameters
to access spans by index.
fn refresh_text(mut query: Query<&mut Text, With<TimeText>>, time: Res<Time>) {
let text = query.single_mut();
text.sections[1].value = format_time(time.elapsed());
fn refresh_text(
query: Query<Entity, With<TimeText>>,
mut writer: UiTextWriter,
time: Res<Time>
) {
let entity = query.single();
*writer.text(entity, 1) = format_time(time.elapsed());
### Iterating text spans
Text spans are now entities in a hierarchy, so the new `UiTextReader`
and `UiTextWriter` system parameters provide ways to iterate that
hierarchy. The `UiTextReader::iter` method will give you a normal
iterator over spans, and `UiTextWriter::for_each` lets you visit each of
the spans.
Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-10-09 13:35:36 -05:00
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
impl From<AppSettings> for Option<DepthOfField> {
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
fn from(app_settings: AppSettings) -> Self {
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
||mode| DepthOfField {
Implement fast depth of field as a postprocessing effect. (#13009)
This commit implements the [depth of field] effect, simulating the blur
of objects out of focus of the virtual lens. Either the [hexagonal
bokeh] effect or a faster Gaussian blur may be used. In both cases, the
implementation is a simple separable two-pass convolution. This is not
the most physically-accurate real-time bokeh technique that exists;
Unreal Engine has [a more accurate implementation] of "cinematic depth
of field" from 2018. However, it's simple, and most engines provide
something similar as a fast option, often called "mobile" depth of
The general approach is outlined in [a blog post from 2017]. We take
advantage of the fact that both Gaussian blurs and hexagonal bokeh blurs
are *separable*. This means that their 2D kernels can be reduced to a
small number of 1D kernels applied one after another, asymptotically
reducing the amount of work that has to be done. Gaussian blurs can be
accomplished by blurring horizontally and then vertically, while
hexagonal bokeh blurs can be done with a vertical blur plus a diagonal
blur, plus two diagonal blurs. In both cases, only two passes are
needed. Bokeh requires the first pass to have a second render target and
requires two subpasses in the second pass, which decreases its
performance relative to the Gaussian blur.
The bokeh blur is generally more aesthetically pleasing than the
Gaussian blur, as it simulates the effect of a camera more accurately.
The shape of the bokeh circles are determined by the number of blades of
the aperture. In our case, we use a hexagon, which is usually considered
specific to lower-quality cameras. (This is a downside of the fast
hexagon approach compared to the higher-quality approaches.) The blur
amount is generally specified by the [f-number], which we use to compute
the focal length from the film size and FOV. By default, we simulate
standard cinematic cameras of f/1 and [Super 35]. The developer can
customize these values as desired.
A new example has been added to demonstrate depth of field. It allows
customization of the mode (Gaussian vs. bokeh), focal distance and
f-numbers. The test scene is inspired by a [blog post on depth of field
in Unity]; however, the effect is implemented in a completely different
way from that blog post, and all the assets (textures, etc.) are
Bokeh depth of field:

Gaussian depth of field:

No depth of field:

[depth of field]:
[hexagonal bokeh]:
[a more accurate implementation]:
[a blog post from 2017]:
[Super 35]:
[blog post on depth of field in Unity]:
## Changelog
### Added
* A depth of field postprocessing effect is now available, to simulate
objects being out of focus of the camera. To use it, add
`DepthOfFieldSettings` to an entity containing a `Camera3d` component.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Bram Buurlage <>
2024-05-13 13:23:56 -05:00
focal_distance: app_settings.focal_distance,
aperture_f_stops: app_settings.aperture_f_stops,
max_depth: 14.0,
impl AppSettings {
/// Builds the help text.
fn help_text(&self) -> String {
let Some(mode) = self.mode else {
return "Mode: Off (Press Space to change)".to_owned();
// We leave these as their defaults, so we don't need to store them in
// the app settings and can just fetch them from the default camera
// parameters.
let sensor_height = PhysicalCameraParameters::default().sensor_height;
let fov = PerspectiveProjection::default().fov;
"Focal distance: {} m (Press Up/Down to change)
Aperture F-stops: f/{} (Press Left/Right to change)
Sensor height: {}mm
Focal length: {}mm
Mode: {} (Press Space to change)",
sensor_height * 1000.0,
dof::calculate_focal_length(sensor_height, fov) * 1000.0,
match mode {
DepthOfFieldMode::Bokeh => "Bokeh",
DepthOfFieldMode::Gaussian => "Gaussian",