`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
//! This example showcases light transmission
//! ## Controls
//! | Key Binding | Action |
//! |:-------------------|:-----------------------------------------------------|
//! | `J`/`K`/`L`/`;` | Change Screen Space Transmission Quality |
//! | `O` / `P` | Decrease / Increase Screen Space Transmission Steps |
//! | `1` / `2` | Decrease / Increase Diffuse Transmission |
//! | `Q` / `W` | Decrease / Increase Specular Transmission |
//! | `A` / `S` | Decrease / Increase Thickness |
//! | `Z` / `X` | Decrease / Increase IOR |
//! | `E` / `R` | Decrease / Increase Perceptual Roughness |
//! | `U` / `I` | Decrease / Increase Reflectance |
//! | Arrow Keys | Control Camera |
//! | `C` | Randomize Colors |
//! | `H` | Toggle HDR + Bloom |
//! | `D` | Toggle Depth Prepass |
//! | `T` | Toggle TAA |
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use bevy::{
Migrate from `LegacyColor` to `bevy_color::Color` (#12163)
# Objective
- As part of the migration process we need to a) see the end effect of
the migration on user ergonomics b) check for serious perf regressions
c) actually migrate the code
- To accomplish this, I'm going to attempt to migrate all of the
remaining user-facing usages of `LegacyColor` in one PR, being careful
to keep a clean commit history.
- Fixes #12056.
## Solution
I've chosen to use the polymorphic `Color` type as our standard
user-facing API.
- [x] Migrate `bevy_gizmos`.
- [x] Take `impl Into<Color>` in all `bevy_gizmos` APIs
- [x] Migrate sprites
- [x] Migrate UI
- [x] Migrate `ColorMaterial`
- [x] Migrate `MaterialMesh2D`
- [x] Migrate fog
- [x] Migrate lights
- [x] Migrate StandardMaterial
- [x] Migrate wireframes
- [x] Migrate clear color
- [x] Migrate text
- [x] Migrate gltf loader
- [x] Register color types for reflection
- [x] Remove `LegacyColor`
- [x] Make sure CI passes
Incidental improvements to ease migration:
- added `Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgba_from_array` and friends
- added `set_alpha`, `is_fully_transparent` and `is_fully_opaque` to the
`Alpha` trait
- add and immediately deprecate (lol) `Color::rgb` and friends in favor
of more explicit and consistent `Color::srgb`
- standardized on white and black for most example text colors
- added vector field traits to `LinearRgba`: ~~`Add`, `Sub`,
`AddAssign`, `SubAssign`,~~ `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32>`. Multiplications
and divisions do not scale alpha. `Add` and `Sub` have been cut from
this PR.
- added `LinearRgba` and `Srgba` `RED/GREEN/BLUE`
- added `LinearRgba_to_f32_array` and `LinearRgba::to_u32`
## Migration Guide
Bevy's color types have changed! Wherever you used a
`bevy::render::Color`, a `bevy::color::Color` is used instead.
These are quite similar! Both are enums storing a color in a specific
color space (or to be more precise, using a specific color model).
However, each of the different color models now has its own type.
- `Color::rgba`, `Color::rgb`, `Color::rbga_u8`, `Color::rgb_u8`,
`Color::rgb_from_array` are now `Color::srgba`, `Color::srgb`,
`Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgb_u8` and `Color::srgb_from_array`.
- `Color::set_a` and `Color::a` is now `Color::set_alpha` and
`Color::alpha`. These are part of the `Alpha` trait in `bevy_color`.
- `Color::is_fully_transparent` is now part of the `Alpha` trait in
- `Color::r`, `Color::set_r`, `Color::with_r` and the equivalents for
`g`, `b` `h`, `s` and `l` have been removed due to causing silent
relatively expensive conversions. Convert your `Color` into the desired
color space, perform your operations there, and then convert it back
into a polymorphic `Color` enum.
- `Color::hex` is now `Srgba::hex`. Call `.into` or construct a
`Color::Srgba` variant manually to convert it.
- `WireframeMaterial`, `ExtractedUiNode`, `ExtractedDirectionalLight`,
`ExtractedPointLight`, `ExtractedSpotLight` and `ExtractedSprite` now
store a `LinearRgba`, rather than a polymorphic `Color`
- `Color::rgb_linear` and `Color::rgba_linear` are now
`Color::linear_rgb` and `Color::linear_rgba`
- The various CSS color constants are no longer stored directly on
`Color`. Instead, they're defined in the `Srgba` color space, and
accessed via `bevy::color::palettes::css`. Call `.into()` on them to
convert them into a `Color` for quick debugging use, and consider using
the much prettier `tailwind` palette for prototyping.
- The `LIME_GREEN` color has been renamed to `LIMEGREEN` to comply with
the standard naming.
- Vector field arithmetic operations on `Color` (add, subtract, multiply
and divide by a f32) have been removed. Instead, convert your colors
into `LinearRgba` space, and perform your operations explicitly there.
This is particularly relevant when working with emissive or HDR colors,
whose color channel values are routinely outside of the ordinary 0 to 1
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_f32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_f32_array` instead, converting if needed.
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_u32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_u32` instead, converting if needed.
- Several other color conversion methods to transform LCH or HSL colors
into float arrays or `Vec` types have been removed. Please reimplement
these externally or open a PR to re-add them if you found them
particularly useful.
- Various methods on `Color` such as `rgb` or `hsl` to convert the color
into a specific color space have been removed. Convert into
`LinearRgba`, then to the color space of your choice.
- Various implicitly-converting color value methods on `Color` such as
`r`, `g`, `b` or `h` have been removed. Please convert it into the color
space of your choice, then check these properties.
- `Color` no longer implements `AsBindGroup`. Store a `LinearRgba`
internally instead to avoid conversion costs.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecil@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Afonso Lage <lage.afonso@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <robparrett@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <zac@harrold.com.au>
2024-02-29 14:35:12 -05:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
bloom::Bloom, core_3d::ScreenSpaceTransmissionQuality, prepass::DepthPrepass,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
2024-09-17 01:28:12 +02:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
pbr::{NotShadowCaster, PointLightShadowMap, TransmittedShadowReceiver},
Migrate from `LegacyColor` to `bevy_color::Color` (#12163)
# Objective
- As part of the migration process we need to a) see the end effect of
the migration on user ergonomics b) check for serious perf regressions
c) actually migrate the code
- To accomplish this, I'm going to attempt to migrate all of the
remaining user-facing usages of `LegacyColor` in one PR, being careful
to keep a clean commit history.
- Fixes #12056.
## Solution
I've chosen to use the polymorphic `Color` type as our standard
user-facing API.
- [x] Migrate `bevy_gizmos`.
- [x] Take `impl Into<Color>` in all `bevy_gizmos` APIs
- [x] Migrate sprites
- [x] Migrate UI
- [x] Migrate `ColorMaterial`
- [x] Migrate `MaterialMesh2D`
- [x] Migrate fog
- [x] Migrate lights
- [x] Migrate StandardMaterial
- [x] Migrate wireframes
- [x] Migrate clear color
- [x] Migrate text
- [x] Migrate gltf loader
- [x] Register color types for reflection
- [x] Remove `LegacyColor`
- [x] Make sure CI passes
Incidental improvements to ease migration:
- added `Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgba_from_array` and friends
- added `set_alpha`, `is_fully_transparent` and `is_fully_opaque` to the
`Alpha` trait
- add and immediately deprecate (lol) `Color::rgb` and friends in favor
of more explicit and consistent `Color::srgb`
- standardized on white and black for most example text colors
- added vector field traits to `LinearRgba`: ~~`Add`, `Sub`,
`AddAssign`, `SubAssign`,~~ `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32>`. Multiplications
and divisions do not scale alpha. `Add` and `Sub` have been cut from
this PR.
- added `LinearRgba` and `Srgba` `RED/GREEN/BLUE`
- added `LinearRgba_to_f32_array` and `LinearRgba::to_u32`
## Migration Guide
Bevy's color types have changed! Wherever you used a
`bevy::render::Color`, a `bevy::color::Color` is used instead.
These are quite similar! Both are enums storing a color in a specific
color space (or to be more precise, using a specific color model).
However, each of the different color models now has its own type.
- `Color::rgba`, `Color::rgb`, `Color::rbga_u8`, `Color::rgb_u8`,
`Color::rgb_from_array` are now `Color::srgba`, `Color::srgb`,
`Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgb_u8` and `Color::srgb_from_array`.
- `Color::set_a` and `Color::a` is now `Color::set_alpha` and
`Color::alpha`. These are part of the `Alpha` trait in `bevy_color`.
- `Color::is_fully_transparent` is now part of the `Alpha` trait in
- `Color::r`, `Color::set_r`, `Color::with_r` and the equivalents for
`g`, `b` `h`, `s` and `l` have been removed due to causing silent
relatively expensive conversions. Convert your `Color` into the desired
color space, perform your operations there, and then convert it back
into a polymorphic `Color` enum.
- `Color::hex` is now `Srgba::hex`. Call `.into` or construct a
`Color::Srgba` variant manually to convert it.
- `WireframeMaterial`, `ExtractedUiNode`, `ExtractedDirectionalLight`,
`ExtractedPointLight`, `ExtractedSpotLight` and `ExtractedSprite` now
store a `LinearRgba`, rather than a polymorphic `Color`
- `Color::rgb_linear` and `Color::rgba_linear` are now
`Color::linear_rgb` and `Color::linear_rgba`
- The various CSS color constants are no longer stored directly on
`Color`. Instead, they're defined in the `Srgba` color space, and
accessed via `bevy::color::palettes::css`. Call `.into()` on them to
convert them into a `Color` for quick debugging use, and consider using
the much prettier `tailwind` palette for prototyping.
- The `LIME_GREEN` color has been renamed to `LIMEGREEN` to comply with
the standard naming.
- Vector field arithmetic operations on `Color` (add, subtract, multiply
and divide by a f32) have been removed. Instead, convert your colors
into `LinearRgba` space, and perform your operations explicitly there.
This is particularly relevant when working with emissive or HDR colors,
whose color channel values are routinely outside of the ordinary 0 to 1
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_f32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_f32_array` instead, converting if needed.
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_u32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_u32` instead, converting if needed.
- Several other color conversion methods to transform LCH or HSL colors
into float arrays or `Vec` types have been removed. Please reimplement
these externally or open a PR to re-add them if you found them
particularly useful.
- Various methods on `Color` such as `rgb` or `hsl` to convert the color
into a specific color space have been removed. Convert into
`LinearRgba`, then to the color space of your choice.
- Various implicitly-converting color value methods on `Color` such as
`r`, `g`, `b` or `h` have been removed. Please convert it into the color
space of your choice, then check these properties.
- `Color` no longer implements `AsBindGroup`. Store a `LinearRgba`
internally instead to avoid conversion costs.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecil@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Afonso Lage <lage.afonso@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <robparrett@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <zac@harrold.com.au>
2024-02-29 14:35:12 -05:00
camera::{Exposure, TemporalJitter},
Implement filmic color grading. (#13121)
This commit expands Bevy's existing tonemapping feature to a complete
set of filmic color grading tools, matching those of engines like Unity,
Unreal, and Godot. The following features are supported:
* White point adjustment. This is inspired by Unity's implementation of
the feature, but simplified and optimized. *Temperature* and *tint*
control the adjustments to the *x* and *y* chromaticity values of [CIE
1931]. Following Unity, the adjustments are made relative to the [D65
standard illuminant] in the [LMS color space].
* Hue rotation. This simply converts the RGB value to [HSV], alters the
hue, and converts back.
* Color correction. This allows the *gamma*, *gain*, and *lift* values
to be adjusted according to the standard [ASC CDL combined function].
* Separate color correction for shadows, midtones, and highlights.
Blender's source code was used as a reference for the implementation of
this. The midtone ranges can be adjusted by the user. To avoid abrupt
color changes, a small crossfade is used between the different sections
of the image, again following Blender's formulas.
A new example, `color_grading`, has been added, offering a GUI to change
all the color grading settings. It uses the same test scene as the
existing `tonemapping` example, which has been factored out into a
shared glTF scene.
[CIE 1931]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIE_1931_color_space
[D65 standard illuminant]:
[LMS color space]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LMS_color_space
[HSV]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV
[ASC CDL combined function]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Many new filmic color grading options have been added to the
`ColorGrading` component.
## Migration Guide
* `ColorGrading::gamma` and `ColorGrading::pre_saturation` are now set
separately for the `shadows`, `midtones`, and `highlights` sections. You
can migrate code with the `ColorGrading::all_sections` and
`ColorGrading::all_sections_mut` functions, which access and/or update
all sections at once.
* `ColorGrading::post_saturation` and `ColorGrading::exposure` are now
fields of `ColorGrading::global`.
## Screenshots

2024-05-02 07:18:59 -05:00
view::{ColorGrading, ColorGradingGlobal},
Migrate from `LegacyColor` to `bevy_color::Color` (#12163)
# Objective
- As part of the migration process we need to a) see the end effect of
the migration on user ergonomics b) check for serious perf regressions
c) actually migrate the code
- To accomplish this, I'm going to attempt to migrate all of the
remaining user-facing usages of `LegacyColor` in one PR, being careful
to keep a clean commit history.
- Fixes #12056.
## Solution
I've chosen to use the polymorphic `Color` type as our standard
user-facing API.
- [x] Migrate `bevy_gizmos`.
- [x] Take `impl Into<Color>` in all `bevy_gizmos` APIs
- [x] Migrate sprites
- [x] Migrate UI
- [x] Migrate `ColorMaterial`
- [x] Migrate `MaterialMesh2D`
- [x] Migrate fog
- [x] Migrate lights
- [x] Migrate StandardMaterial
- [x] Migrate wireframes
- [x] Migrate clear color
- [x] Migrate text
- [x] Migrate gltf loader
- [x] Register color types for reflection
- [x] Remove `LegacyColor`
- [x] Make sure CI passes
Incidental improvements to ease migration:
- added `Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgba_from_array` and friends
- added `set_alpha`, `is_fully_transparent` and `is_fully_opaque` to the
`Alpha` trait
- add and immediately deprecate (lol) `Color::rgb` and friends in favor
of more explicit and consistent `Color::srgb`
- standardized on white and black for most example text colors
- added vector field traits to `LinearRgba`: ~~`Add`, `Sub`,
`AddAssign`, `SubAssign`,~~ `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32>`. Multiplications
and divisions do not scale alpha. `Add` and `Sub` have been cut from
this PR.
- added `LinearRgba` and `Srgba` `RED/GREEN/BLUE`
- added `LinearRgba_to_f32_array` and `LinearRgba::to_u32`
## Migration Guide
Bevy's color types have changed! Wherever you used a
`bevy::render::Color`, a `bevy::color::Color` is used instead.
These are quite similar! Both are enums storing a color in a specific
color space (or to be more precise, using a specific color model).
However, each of the different color models now has its own type.
- `Color::rgba`, `Color::rgb`, `Color::rbga_u8`, `Color::rgb_u8`,
`Color::rgb_from_array` are now `Color::srgba`, `Color::srgb`,
`Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgb_u8` and `Color::srgb_from_array`.
- `Color::set_a` and `Color::a` is now `Color::set_alpha` and
`Color::alpha`. These are part of the `Alpha` trait in `bevy_color`.
- `Color::is_fully_transparent` is now part of the `Alpha` trait in
- `Color::r`, `Color::set_r`, `Color::with_r` and the equivalents for
`g`, `b` `h`, `s` and `l` have been removed due to causing silent
relatively expensive conversions. Convert your `Color` into the desired
color space, perform your operations there, and then convert it back
into a polymorphic `Color` enum.
- `Color::hex` is now `Srgba::hex`. Call `.into` or construct a
`Color::Srgba` variant manually to convert it.
- `WireframeMaterial`, `ExtractedUiNode`, `ExtractedDirectionalLight`,
`ExtractedPointLight`, `ExtractedSpotLight` and `ExtractedSprite` now
store a `LinearRgba`, rather than a polymorphic `Color`
- `Color::rgb_linear` and `Color::rgba_linear` are now
`Color::linear_rgb` and `Color::linear_rgba`
- The various CSS color constants are no longer stored directly on
`Color`. Instead, they're defined in the `Srgba` color space, and
accessed via `bevy::color::palettes::css`. Call `.into()` on them to
convert them into a `Color` for quick debugging use, and consider using
the much prettier `tailwind` palette for prototyping.
- The `LIME_GREEN` color has been renamed to `LIMEGREEN` to comply with
the standard naming.
- Vector field arithmetic operations on `Color` (add, subtract, multiply
and divide by a f32) have been removed. Instead, convert your colors
into `LinearRgba` space, and perform your operations explicitly there.
This is particularly relevant when working with emissive or HDR colors,
whose color channel values are routinely outside of the ordinary 0 to 1
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_f32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_f32_array` instead, converting if needed.
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_u32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_u32` instead, converting if needed.
- Several other color conversion methods to transform LCH or HSL colors
into float arrays or `Vec` types have been removed. Please reimplement
these externally or open a PR to re-add them if you found them
particularly useful.
- Various methods on `Color` such as `rgb` or `hsl` to convert the color
into a specific color space have been removed. Convert into
`LinearRgba`, then to the color space of your choice.
- Various implicitly-converting color value methods on `Color` such as
`r`, `g`, `b` or `h` have been removed. Please convert it into the color
space of your choice, then check these properties.
- `Color` no longer implements `AsBindGroup`. Store a `LinearRgba`
internally instead to avoid conversion costs.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecil@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Afonso Lage <lage.afonso@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <robparrett@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <zac@harrold.com.au>
2024-02-29 14:35:12 -05:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "webgl2", target_arch = "wasm32")))]
Migrate motion blur, TAA, SSAO, and SSR to required components (#15572)
# Objective
Again, a step forward in the migration to required components: a bunch
of camera rendering cormponents!
Note that this does not include the camera components themselves yet,
because the naming and API for `Camera` hasn't been fully decided yet.
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MotionBlurBundle` in favor of the `MotionBlur` component
- Deprecate `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` in favor of the
`TemporalAntiAliasing` component
- Deprecate `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionBundle` in favor of the
`ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion` component
- Deprecate `ScreenSpaceReflectionsBundle` in favor of the
`ScreenSpaceReflections` component
## Migration Guide
`MotionBlurBundle`, `TemporalAntiAliasBundle`,
`ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionBundle`, and `ScreenSpaceReflectionsBundle`
have been deprecated in favor of the `MotionBlur`,
`TemporalAntiAliasing`, `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`, and
`ScreenSpaceReflections` components instead. Inserting them will now
also insert the other components required by them automatically.
2024-10-02 01:45:31 +03:00
use bevy::core_pipeline::experimental::taa::{TemporalAntiAliasPlugin, TemporalAntiAliasing};
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
use rand::random;
fn main() {
let mut app = App::new();
Migrate from `LegacyColor` to `bevy_color::Color` (#12163)
# Objective
- As part of the migration process we need to a) see the end effect of
the migration on user ergonomics b) check for serious perf regressions
c) actually migrate the code
- To accomplish this, I'm going to attempt to migrate all of the
remaining user-facing usages of `LegacyColor` in one PR, being careful
to keep a clean commit history.
- Fixes #12056.
## Solution
I've chosen to use the polymorphic `Color` type as our standard
user-facing API.
- [x] Migrate `bevy_gizmos`.
- [x] Take `impl Into<Color>` in all `bevy_gizmos` APIs
- [x] Migrate sprites
- [x] Migrate UI
- [x] Migrate `ColorMaterial`
- [x] Migrate `MaterialMesh2D`
- [x] Migrate fog
- [x] Migrate lights
- [x] Migrate StandardMaterial
- [x] Migrate wireframes
- [x] Migrate clear color
- [x] Migrate text
- [x] Migrate gltf loader
- [x] Register color types for reflection
- [x] Remove `LegacyColor`
- [x] Make sure CI passes
Incidental improvements to ease migration:
- added `Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgba_from_array` and friends
- added `set_alpha`, `is_fully_transparent` and `is_fully_opaque` to the
`Alpha` trait
- add and immediately deprecate (lol) `Color::rgb` and friends in favor
of more explicit and consistent `Color::srgb`
- standardized on white and black for most example text colors
- added vector field traits to `LinearRgba`: ~~`Add`, `Sub`,
`AddAssign`, `SubAssign`,~~ `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32>`. Multiplications
and divisions do not scale alpha. `Add` and `Sub` have been cut from
this PR.
- added `LinearRgba` and `Srgba` `RED/GREEN/BLUE`
- added `LinearRgba_to_f32_array` and `LinearRgba::to_u32`
## Migration Guide
Bevy's color types have changed! Wherever you used a
`bevy::render::Color`, a `bevy::color::Color` is used instead.
These are quite similar! Both are enums storing a color in a specific
color space (or to be more precise, using a specific color model).
However, each of the different color models now has its own type.
- `Color::rgba`, `Color::rgb`, `Color::rbga_u8`, `Color::rgb_u8`,
`Color::rgb_from_array` are now `Color::srgba`, `Color::srgb`,
`Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgb_u8` and `Color::srgb_from_array`.
- `Color::set_a` and `Color::a` is now `Color::set_alpha` and
`Color::alpha`. These are part of the `Alpha` trait in `bevy_color`.
- `Color::is_fully_transparent` is now part of the `Alpha` trait in
- `Color::r`, `Color::set_r`, `Color::with_r` and the equivalents for
`g`, `b` `h`, `s` and `l` have been removed due to causing silent
relatively expensive conversions. Convert your `Color` into the desired
color space, perform your operations there, and then convert it back
into a polymorphic `Color` enum.
- `Color::hex` is now `Srgba::hex`. Call `.into` or construct a
`Color::Srgba` variant manually to convert it.
- `WireframeMaterial`, `ExtractedUiNode`, `ExtractedDirectionalLight`,
`ExtractedPointLight`, `ExtractedSpotLight` and `ExtractedSprite` now
store a `LinearRgba`, rather than a polymorphic `Color`
- `Color::rgb_linear` and `Color::rgba_linear` are now
`Color::linear_rgb` and `Color::linear_rgba`
- The various CSS color constants are no longer stored directly on
`Color`. Instead, they're defined in the `Srgba` color space, and
accessed via `bevy::color::palettes::css`. Call `.into()` on them to
convert them into a `Color` for quick debugging use, and consider using
the much prettier `tailwind` palette for prototyping.
- The `LIME_GREEN` color has been renamed to `LIMEGREEN` to comply with
the standard naming.
- Vector field arithmetic operations on `Color` (add, subtract, multiply
and divide by a f32) have been removed. Instead, convert your colors
into `LinearRgba` space, and perform your operations explicitly there.
This is particularly relevant when working with emissive or HDR colors,
whose color channel values are routinely outside of the ordinary 0 to 1
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_f32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_f32_array` instead, converting if needed.
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_u32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_u32` instead, converting if needed.
- Several other color conversion methods to transform LCH or HSL colors
into float arrays or `Vec` types have been removed. Please reimplement
these externally or open a PR to re-add them if you found them
particularly useful.
- Various methods on `Color` such as `rgb` or `hsl` to convert the color
into a specific color space have been removed. Convert into
`LinearRgba`, then to the color space of your choice.
- Various implicitly-converting color value methods on `Color` such as
`r`, `g`, `b` or `h` have been removed. Please convert it into the color
space of your choice, then check these properties.
- `Color` no longer implements `AsBindGroup`. Store a `LinearRgba`
internally instead to avoid conversion costs.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecil@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Afonso Lage <lage.afonso@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <robparrett@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <zac@harrold.com.au>
2024-02-29 14:35:12 -05:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
.insert_resource(PointLightShadowMap { size: 2048 })
.insert_resource(AmbientLight {
brightness: 0.0,
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
.add_systems(Update, (example_control_system, flicker_system));
// *Note:* TAA is not _required_ for specular transmission, but
// it _greatly enhances_ the look of the resulting blur effects.
// Sadly, it's not available under WebGL.
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "webgl2", target_arch = "wasm32")))]
2024-07-22 11:28:23 -07:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
/// set up a simple 3D scene
fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
) {
2024-02-08 20:01:34 +02:00
let icosphere_mesh = meshes.add(Sphere::new(0.9).mesh().ico(7).unwrap());
let cube_mesh = meshes.add(Cuboid::new(0.7, 0.7, 0.7));
let plane_mesh = meshes.add(Plane3d::default().mesh().size(2.0, 2.0));
let cylinder_mesh = meshes.add(Cylinder::new(0.5, 2.0).mesh().resolution(50));
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
// Cube #1
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
Transform::from_xyz(0.25, 0.5, -2.0).with_rotation(Quat::from_euler(
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
ExampleControls {
color: true,
specular_transmission: false,
diffuse_transmission: false,
// Cube #2
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
Transform::from_xyz(-0.75, 0.7, -2.0).with_rotation(Quat::from_euler(
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
ExampleControls {
color: true,
specular_transmission: false,
diffuse_transmission: false,
// Candle
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
MeshMaterial3d(materials.add(StandardMaterial {
base_color: Color::srgb(0.9, 0.2, 0.3),
diffuse_transmission: 0.7,
perceptual_roughness: 0.32,
thickness: 0.2,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
Transform::from_xyz(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
ExampleControls {
color: true,
specular_transmission: false,
diffuse_transmission: true,
// Candle Flame
2024-05-17 15:49:53 +02:00
let scaled_white = LinearRgba::from(ANTIQUE_WHITE) * 20.;
let scaled_orange = LinearRgba::from(ORANGE_RED) * 4.;
Migrate from `LegacyColor` to `bevy_color::Color` (#12163)
# Objective
- As part of the migration process we need to a) see the end effect of
the migration on user ergonomics b) check for serious perf regressions
c) actually migrate the code
- To accomplish this, I'm going to attempt to migrate all of the
remaining user-facing usages of `LegacyColor` in one PR, being careful
to keep a clean commit history.
- Fixes #12056.
## Solution
I've chosen to use the polymorphic `Color` type as our standard
user-facing API.
- [x] Migrate `bevy_gizmos`.
- [x] Take `impl Into<Color>` in all `bevy_gizmos` APIs
- [x] Migrate sprites
- [x] Migrate UI
- [x] Migrate `ColorMaterial`
- [x] Migrate `MaterialMesh2D`
- [x] Migrate fog
- [x] Migrate lights
- [x] Migrate StandardMaterial
- [x] Migrate wireframes
- [x] Migrate clear color
- [x] Migrate text
- [x] Migrate gltf loader
- [x] Register color types for reflection
- [x] Remove `LegacyColor`
- [x] Make sure CI passes
Incidental improvements to ease migration:
- added `Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgba_from_array` and friends
- added `set_alpha`, `is_fully_transparent` and `is_fully_opaque` to the
`Alpha` trait
- add and immediately deprecate (lol) `Color::rgb` and friends in favor
of more explicit and consistent `Color::srgb`
- standardized on white and black for most example text colors
- added vector field traits to `LinearRgba`: ~~`Add`, `Sub`,
`AddAssign`, `SubAssign`,~~ `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32>`. Multiplications
and divisions do not scale alpha. `Add` and `Sub` have been cut from
this PR.
- added `LinearRgba` and `Srgba` `RED/GREEN/BLUE`
- added `LinearRgba_to_f32_array` and `LinearRgba::to_u32`
## Migration Guide
Bevy's color types have changed! Wherever you used a
`bevy::render::Color`, a `bevy::color::Color` is used instead.
These are quite similar! Both are enums storing a color in a specific
color space (or to be more precise, using a specific color model).
However, each of the different color models now has its own type.
- `Color::rgba`, `Color::rgb`, `Color::rbga_u8`, `Color::rgb_u8`,
`Color::rgb_from_array` are now `Color::srgba`, `Color::srgb`,
`Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgb_u8` and `Color::srgb_from_array`.
- `Color::set_a` and `Color::a` is now `Color::set_alpha` and
`Color::alpha`. These are part of the `Alpha` trait in `bevy_color`.
- `Color::is_fully_transparent` is now part of the `Alpha` trait in
- `Color::r`, `Color::set_r`, `Color::with_r` and the equivalents for
`g`, `b` `h`, `s` and `l` have been removed due to causing silent
relatively expensive conversions. Convert your `Color` into the desired
color space, perform your operations there, and then convert it back
into a polymorphic `Color` enum.
- `Color::hex` is now `Srgba::hex`. Call `.into` or construct a
`Color::Srgba` variant manually to convert it.
- `WireframeMaterial`, `ExtractedUiNode`, `ExtractedDirectionalLight`,
`ExtractedPointLight`, `ExtractedSpotLight` and `ExtractedSprite` now
store a `LinearRgba`, rather than a polymorphic `Color`
- `Color::rgb_linear` and `Color::rgba_linear` are now
`Color::linear_rgb` and `Color::linear_rgba`
- The various CSS color constants are no longer stored directly on
`Color`. Instead, they're defined in the `Srgba` color space, and
accessed via `bevy::color::palettes::css`. Call `.into()` on them to
convert them into a `Color` for quick debugging use, and consider using
the much prettier `tailwind` palette for prototyping.
- The `LIME_GREEN` color has been renamed to `LIMEGREEN` to comply with
the standard naming.
- Vector field arithmetic operations on `Color` (add, subtract, multiply
and divide by a f32) have been removed. Instead, convert your colors
into `LinearRgba` space, and perform your operations explicitly there.
This is particularly relevant when working with emissive or HDR colors,
whose color channel values are routinely outside of the ordinary 0 to 1
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_f32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_f32_array` instead, converting if needed.
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_u32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_u32` instead, converting if needed.
- Several other color conversion methods to transform LCH or HSL colors
into float arrays or `Vec` types have been removed. Please reimplement
these externally or open a PR to re-add them if you found them
particularly useful.
- Various methods on `Color` such as `rgb` or `hsl` to convert the color
into a specific color space have been removed. Convert into
`LinearRgba`, then to the color space of your choice.
- Various implicitly-converting color value methods on `Color` such as
`r`, `g`, `b` or `h` have been removed. Please convert it into the color
space of your choice, then check these properties.
- `Color` no longer implements `AsBindGroup`. Store a `LinearRgba`
internally instead to avoid conversion costs.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecil@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Afonso Lage <lage.afonso@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <robparrett@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <zac@harrold.com.au>
2024-02-29 14:35:12 -05:00
let emissive = LinearRgba {
red: scaled_white.red + scaled_orange.red,
green: scaled_white.green + scaled_orange.green,
blue: scaled_white.blue + scaled_orange.blue,
alpha: 1.0,
2024-05-24 19:23:35 +02:00
Migrate from `LegacyColor` to `bevy_color::Color` (#12163)
# Objective
- As part of the migration process we need to a) see the end effect of
the migration on user ergonomics b) check for serious perf regressions
c) actually migrate the code
- To accomplish this, I'm going to attempt to migrate all of the
remaining user-facing usages of `LegacyColor` in one PR, being careful
to keep a clean commit history.
- Fixes #12056.
## Solution
I've chosen to use the polymorphic `Color` type as our standard
user-facing API.
- [x] Migrate `bevy_gizmos`.
- [x] Take `impl Into<Color>` in all `bevy_gizmos` APIs
- [x] Migrate sprites
- [x] Migrate UI
- [x] Migrate `ColorMaterial`
- [x] Migrate `MaterialMesh2D`
- [x] Migrate fog
- [x] Migrate lights
- [x] Migrate StandardMaterial
- [x] Migrate wireframes
- [x] Migrate clear color
- [x] Migrate text
- [x] Migrate gltf loader
- [x] Register color types for reflection
- [x] Remove `LegacyColor`
- [x] Make sure CI passes
Incidental improvements to ease migration:
- added `Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgba_from_array` and friends
- added `set_alpha`, `is_fully_transparent` and `is_fully_opaque` to the
`Alpha` trait
- add and immediately deprecate (lol) `Color::rgb` and friends in favor
of more explicit and consistent `Color::srgb`
- standardized on white and black for most example text colors
- added vector field traits to `LinearRgba`: ~~`Add`, `Sub`,
`AddAssign`, `SubAssign`,~~ `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32>`. Multiplications
and divisions do not scale alpha. `Add` and `Sub` have been cut from
this PR.
- added `LinearRgba` and `Srgba` `RED/GREEN/BLUE`
- added `LinearRgba_to_f32_array` and `LinearRgba::to_u32`
## Migration Guide
Bevy's color types have changed! Wherever you used a
`bevy::render::Color`, a `bevy::color::Color` is used instead.
These are quite similar! Both are enums storing a color in a specific
color space (or to be more precise, using a specific color model).
However, each of the different color models now has its own type.
- `Color::rgba`, `Color::rgb`, `Color::rbga_u8`, `Color::rgb_u8`,
`Color::rgb_from_array` are now `Color::srgba`, `Color::srgb`,
`Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgb_u8` and `Color::srgb_from_array`.
- `Color::set_a` and `Color::a` is now `Color::set_alpha` and
`Color::alpha`. These are part of the `Alpha` trait in `bevy_color`.
- `Color::is_fully_transparent` is now part of the `Alpha` trait in
- `Color::r`, `Color::set_r`, `Color::with_r` and the equivalents for
`g`, `b` `h`, `s` and `l` have been removed due to causing silent
relatively expensive conversions. Convert your `Color` into the desired
color space, perform your operations there, and then convert it back
into a polymorphic `Color` enum.
- `Color::hex` is now `Srgba::hex`. Call `.into` or construct a
`Color::Srgba` variant manually to convert it.
- `WireframeMaterial`, `ExtractedUiNode`, `ExtractedDirectionalLight`,
`ExtractedPointLight`, `ExtractedSpotLight` and `ExtractedSprite` now
store a `LinearRgba`, rather than a polymorphic `Color`
- `Color::rgb_linear` and `Color::rgba_linear` are now
`Color::linear_rgb` and `Color::linear_rgba`
- The various CSS color constants are no longer stored directly on
`Color`. Instead, they're defined in the `Srgba` color space, and
accessed via `bevy::color::palettes::css`. Call `.into()` on them to
convert them into a `Color` for quick debugging use, and consider using
the much prettier `tailwind` palette for prototyping.
- The `LIME_GREEN` color has been renamed to `LIMEGREEN` to comply with
the standard naming.
- Vector field arithmetic operations on `Color` (add, subtract, multiply
and divide by a f32) have been removed. Instead, convert your colors
into `LinearRgba` space, and perform your operations explicitly there.
This is particularly relevant when working with emissive or HDR colors,
whose color channel values are routinely outside of the ordinary 0 to 1
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_f32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_f32_array` instead, converting if needed.
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_u32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_u32` instead, converting if needed.
- Several other color conversion methods to transform LCH or HSL colors
into float arrays or `Vec` types have been removed. Please reimplement
these externally or open a PR to re-add them if you found them
particularly useful.
- Various methods on `Color` such as `rgb` or `hsl` to convert the color
into a specific color space have been removed. Convert into
`LinearRgba`, then to the color space of your choice.
- Various implicitly-converting color value methods on `Color` such as
`r`, `g`, `b` or `h` have been removed. Please convert it into the color
space of your choice, then check these properties.
- `Color` no longer implements `AsBindGroup`. Store a `LinearRgba`
internally instead to avoid conversion costs.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecil@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Afonso Lage <lage.afonso@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <robparrett@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <zac@harrold.com.au>
2024-02-29 14:35:12 -05:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
MeshMaterial3d(materials.add(StandardMaterial {
diffuse_transmission: 1.0,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
Transform::from_xyz(-1.0, 1.15, 0.0).with_scale(Vec3::new(0.1, 0.2, 0.1)),
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
// Glass Sphere
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
MeshMaterial3d(materials.add(StandardMaterial {
base_color: Color::WHITE,
specular_transmission: 0.9,
diffuse_transmission: 1.0,
thickness: 1.8,
ior: 1.5,
perceptual_roughness: 0.12,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
Transform::from_xyz(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
ExampleControls {
color: true,
specular_transmission: true,
diffuse_transmission: false,
// R Sphere
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
MeshMaterial3d(materials.add(StandardMaterial {
base_color: RED.into(),
specular_transmission: 0.9,
diffuse_transmission: 1.0,
thickness: 1.8,
ior: 1.5,
perceptual_roughness: 0.12,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
Transform::from_xyz(1.0, -0.5, 2.0).with_scale(Vec3::splat(0.5)),
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
ExampleControls {
color: true,
specular_transmission: true,
diffuse_transmission: false,
// G Sphere
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
MeshMaterial3d(materials.add(StandardMaterial {
base_color: LIME.into(),
specular_transmission: 0.9,
diffuse_transmission: 1.0,
thickness: 1.8,
ior: 1.5,
perceptual_roughness: 0.12,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
Transform::from_xyz(0.0, -0.5, 2.0).with_scale(Vec3::splat(0.5)),
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
ExampleControls {
color: true,
specular_transmission: true,
diffuse_transmission: false,
// B Sphere
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
MeshMaterial3d(materials.add(StandardMaterial {
base_color: BLUE.into(),
specular_transmission: 0.9,
diffuse_transmission: 1.0,
thickness: 1.8,
ior: 1.5,
perceptual_roughness: 0.12,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
Transform::from_xyz(-1.0, -0.5, 2.0).with_scale(Vec3::splat(0.5)),
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
ExampleControls {
color: true,
specular_transmission: true,
diffuse_transmission: false,
// Chessboard Plane
let black_material = materials.add(StandardMaterial {
Migrate from `LegacyColor` to `bevy_color::Color` (#12163)
# Objective
- As part of the migration process we need to a) see the end effect of
the migration on user ergonomics b) check for serious perf regressions
c) actually migrate the code
- To accomplish this, I'm going to attempt to migrate all of the
remaining user-facing usages of `LegacyColor` in one PR, being careful
to keep a clean commit history.
- Fixes #12056.
## Solution
I've chosen to use the polymorphic `Color` type as our standard
user-facing API.
- [x] Migrate `bevy_gizmos`.
- [x] Take `impl Into<Color>` in all `bevy_gizmos` APIs
- [x] Migrate sprites
- [x] Migrate UI
- [x] Migrate `ColorMaterial`
- [x] Migrate `MaterialMesh2D`
- [x] Migrate fog
- [x] Migrate lights
- [x] Migrate StandardMaterial
- [x] Migrate wireframes
- [x] Migrate clear color
- [x] Migrate text
- [x] Migrate gltf loader
- [x] Register color types for reflection
- [x] Remove `LegacyColor`
- [x] Make sure CI passes
Incidental improvements to ease migration:
- added `Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgba_from_array` and friends
- added `set_alpha`, `is_fully_transparent` and `is_fully_opaque` to the
`Alpha` trait
- add and immediately deprecate (lol) `Color::rgb` and friends in favor
of more explicit and consistent `Color::srgb`
- standardized on white and black for most example text colors
- added vector field traits to `LinearRgba`: ~~`Add`, `Sub`,
`AddAssign`, `SubAssign`,~~ `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32>`. Multiplications
and divisions do not scale alpha. `Add` and `Sub` have been cut from
this PR.
- added `LinearRgba` and `Srgba` `RED/GREEN/BLUE`
- added `LinearRgba_to_f32_array` and `LinearRgba::to_u32`
## Migration Guide
Bevy's color types have changed! Wherever you used a
`bevy::render::Color`, a `bevy::color::Color` is used instead.
These are quite similar! Both are enums storing a color in a specific
color space (or to be more precise, using a specific color model).
However, each of the different color models now has its own type.
- `Color::rgba`, `Color::rgb`, `Color::rbga_u8`, `Color::rgb_u8`,
`Color::rgb_from_array` are now `Color::srgba`, `Color::srgb`,
`Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgb_u8` and `Color::srgb_from_array`.
- `Color::set_a` and `Color::a` is now `Color::set_alpha` and
`Color::alpha`. These are part of the `Alpha` trait in `bevy_color`.
- `Color::is_fully_transparent` is now part of the `Alpha` trait in
- `Color::r`, `Color::set_r`, `Color::with_r` and the equivalents for
`g`, `b` `h`, `s` and `l` have been removed due to causing silent
relatively expensive conversions. Convert your `Color` into the desired
color space, perform your operations there, and then convert it back
into a polymorphic `Color` enum.
- `Color::hex` is now `Srgba::hex`. Call `.into` or construct a
`Color::Srgba` variant manually to convert it.
- `WireframeMaterial`, `ExtractedUiNode`, `ExtractedDirectionalLight`,
`ExtractedPointLight`, `ExtractedSpotLight` and `ExtractedSprite` now
store a `LinearRgba`, rather than a polymorphic `Color`
- `Color::rgb_linear` and `Color::rgba_linear` are now
`Color::linear_rgb` and `Color::linear_rgba`
- The various CSS color constants are no longer stored directly on
`Color`. Instead, they're defined in the `Srgba` color space, and
accessed via `bevy::color::palettes::css`. Call `.into()` on them to
convert them into a `Color` for quick debugging use, and consider using
the much prettier `tailwind` palette for prototyping.
- The `LIME_GREEN` color has been renamed to `LIMEGREEN` to comply with
the standard naming.
- Vector field arithmetic operations on `Color` (add, subtract, multiply
and divide by a f32) have been removed. Instead, convert your colors
into `LinearRgba` space, and perform your operations explicitly there.
This is particularly relevant when working with emissive or HDR colors,
whose color channel values are routinely outside of the ordinary 0 to 1
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_f32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_f32_array` instead, converting if needed.
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_u32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_u32` instead, converting if needed.
- Several other color conversion methods to transform LCH or HSL colors
into float arrays or `Vec` types have been removed. Please reimplement
these externally or open a PR to re-add them if you found them
particularly useful.
- Various methods on `Color` such as `rgb` or `hsl` to convert the color
into a specific color space have been removed. Convert into
`LinearRgba`, then to the color space of your choice.
- Various implicitly-converting color value methods on `Color` such as
`r`, `g`, `b` or `h` have been removed. Please convert it into the color
space of your choice, then check these properties.
- `Color` no longer implements `AsBindGroup`. Store a `LinearRgba`
internally instead to avoid conversion costs.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecil@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Afonso Lage <lage.afonso@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <robparrett@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <zac@harrold.com.au>
2024-02-29 14:35:12 -05:00
base_color: Color::BLACK,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
reflectance: 0.3,
perceptual_roughness: 0.8,
let white_material = materials.add(StandardMaterial {
Migrate from `LegacyColor` to `bevy_color::Color` (#12163)
# Objective
- As part of the migration process we need to a) see the end effect of
the migration on user ergonomics b) check for serious perf regressions
c) actually migrate the code
- To accomplish this, I'm going to attempt to migrate all of the
remaining user-facing usages of `LegacyColor` in one PR, being careful
to keep a clean commit history.
- Fixes #12056.
## Solution
I've chosen to use the polymorphic `Color` type as our standard
user-facing API.
- [x] Migrate `bevy_gizmos`.
- [x] Take `impl Into<Color>` in all `bevy_gizmos` APIs
- [x] Migrate sprites
- [x] Migrate UI
- [x] Migrate `ColorMaterial`
- [x] Migrate `MaterialMesh2D`
- [x] Migrate fog
- [x] Migrate lights
- [x] Migrate StandardMaterial
- [x] Migrate wireframes
- [x] Migrate clear color
- [x] Migrate text
- [x] Migrate gltf loader
- [x] Register color types for reflection
- [x] Remove `LegacyColor`
- [x] Make sure CI passes
Incidental improvements to ease migration:
- added `Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgba_from_array` and friends
- added `set_alpha`, `is_fully_transparent` and `is_fully_opaque` to the
`Alpha` trait
- add and immediately deprecate (lol) `Color::rgb` and friends in favor
of more explicit and consistent `Color::srgb`
- standardized on white and black for most example text colors
- added vector field traits to `LinearRgba`: ~~`Add`, `Sub`,
`AddAssign`, `SubAssign`,~~ `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32>`. Multiplications
and divisions do not scale alpha. `Add` and `Sub` have been cut from
this PR.
- added `LinearRgba` and `Srgba` `RED/GREEN/BLUE`
- added `LinearRgba_to_f32_array` and `LinearRgba::to_u32`
## Migration Guide
Bevy's color types have changed! Wherever you used a
`bevy::render::Color`, a `bevy::color::Color` is used instead.
These are quite similar! Both are enums storing a color in a specific
color space (or to be more precise, using a specific color model).
However, each of the different color models now has its own type.
- `Color::rgba`, `Color::rgb`, `Color::rbga_u8`, `Color::rgb_u8`,
`Color::rgb_from_array` are now `Color::srgba`, `Color::srgb`,
`Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgb_u8` and `Color::srgb_from_array`.
- `Color::set_a` and `Color::a` is now `Color::set_alpha` and
`Color::alpha`. These are part of the `Alpha` trait in `bevy_color`.
- `Color::is_fully_transparent` is now part of the `Alpha` trait in
- `Color::r`, `Color::set_r`, `Color::with_r` and the equivalents for
`g`, `b` `h`, `s` and `l` have been removed due to causing silent
relatively expensive conversions. Convert your `Color` into the desired
color space, perform your operations there, and then convert it back
into a polymorphic `Color` enum.
- `Color::hex` is now `Srgba::hex`. Call `.into` or construct a
`Color::Srgba` variant manually to convert it.
- `WireframeMaterial`, `ExtractedUiNode`, `ExtractedDirectionalLight`,
`ExtractedPointLight`, `ExtractedSpotLight` and `ExtractedSprite` now
store a `LinearRgba`, rather than a polymorphic `Color`
- `Color::rgb_linear` and `Color::rgba_linear` are now
`Color::linear_rgb` and `Color::linear_rgba`
- The various CSS color constants are no longer stored directly on
`Color`. Instead, they're defined in the `Srgba` color space, and
accessed via `bevy::color::palettes::css`. Call `.into()` on them to
convert them into a `Color` for quick debugging use, and consider using
the much prettier `tailwind` palette for prototyping.
- The `LIME_GREEN` color has been renamed to `LIMEGREEN` to comply with
the standard naming.
- Vector field arithmetic operations on `Color` (add, subtract, multiply
and divide by a f32) have been removed. Instead, convert your colors
into `LinearRgba` space, and perform your operations explicitly there.
This is particularly relevant when working with emissive or HDR colors,
whose color channel values are routinely outside of the ordinary 0 to 1
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_f32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_f32_array` instead, converting if needed.
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_u32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_u32` instead, converting if needed.
- Several other color conversion methods to transform LCH or HSL colors
into float arrays or `Vec` types have been removed. Please reimplement
these externally or open a PR to re-add them if you found them
particularly useful.
- Various methods on `Color` such as `rgb` or `hsl` to convert the color
into a specific color space have been removed. Convert into
`LinearRgba`, then to the color space of your choice.
- Various implicitly-converting color value methods on `Color` such as
`r`, `g`, `b` or `h` have been removed. Please convert it into the color
space of your choice, then check these properties.
- `Color` no longer implements `AsBindGroup`. Store a `LinearRgba`
internally instead to avoid conversion costs.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecil@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Afonso Lage <lage.afonso@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <robparrett@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <zac@harrold.com.au>
2024-02-29 14:35:12 -05:00
base_color: Color::WHITE,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
reflectance: 0.3,
perceptual_roughness: 0.8,
for x in -3..4 {
for z in -3..4 {
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
MeshMaterial3d(if (x + z) % 2 == 0 {
} else {
Transform::from_xyz(x as f32 * 2.0, -1.0, z as f32 * 2.0),
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
ExampleControls {
color: true,
specular_transmission: false,
diffuse_transmission: false,
// Paper
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
MeshMaterial3d(materials.add(StandardMaterial {
base_color: Color::WHITE,
diffuse_transmission: 0.6,
perceptual_roughness: 0.8,
reflectance: 1.0,
double_sided: true,
cull_mode: None,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.5, -3.0)
.with_scale(Vec3::new(2.0, 1.0, 1.0))
.with_rotation(Quat::from_euler(EulerRot::XYZ, PI / 2.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
ExampleControls {
specular_transmission: false,
color: false,
diffuse_transmission: true,
// Candle Light
2024-10-01 06:20:43 +03:00
Transform::from_xyz(-1.0, 1.7, 0.0),
PointLight {
color: Color::from(
LinearRgba::from(ANTIQUE_WHITE).mix(&LinearRgba::from(ORANGE_RED), 0.2),
intensity: 4_000.0,
radius: 0.2,
range: 5.0,
shadows_enabled: true,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
// Camera
2024-10-05 04:59:52 +03:00
Camera {
hdr: true,
Transform::from_xyz(1.0, 1.8, 7.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y),
ColorGrading {
global: ColorGradingGlobal {
post_saturation: 1.2,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
2024-10-05 04:59:52 +03:00
Exposure { ev100: 6.0 },
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "webgl2", target_arch = "wasm32")))]
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "webgl2", target_arch = "wasm32")))]
Migrate motion blur, TAA, SSAO, and SSR to required components (#15572)
# Objective
Again, a step forward in the migration to required components: a bunch
of camera rendering cormponents!
Note that this does not include the camera components themselves yet,
because the naming and API for `Camera` hasn't been fully decided yet.
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MotionBlurBundle` in favor of the `MotionBlur` component
- Deprecate `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` in favor of the
`TemporalAntiAliasing` component
- Deprecate `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionBundle` in favor of the
`ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion` component
- Deprecate `ScreenSpaceReflectionsBundle` in favor of the
`ScreenSpaceReflections` component
## Migration Guide
`MotionBlurBundle`, `TemporalAntiAliasBundle`,
`ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionBundle`, and `ScreenSpaceReflectionsBundle`
have been deprecated in favor of the `MotionBlur`,
`TemporalAntiAliasing`, `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`, and
`ScreenSpaceReflections` components instead. Inserting them will now
also insert the other components required by them automatically.
2024-10-02 01:45:31 +03:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
EnvironmentMapLight {
2024-01-16 06:53:21 -08:00
intensity: 25.0,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
diffuse_map: asset_server.load("environment_maps/pisa_diffuse_rgb9e5_zstd.ktx2"),
specular_map: asset_server.load("environment_maps/pisa_specular_rgb9e5_zstd.ktx2"),
2024-07-19 23:00:50 +08:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
// Controls Text
Text rework (#15591)
**Ready for review. Examples migration progress: 100%.**
# Objective
- Implement https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/discussions/15014
## Solution
This implements [cart's
faithfully except for one change. I separated `TextSpan` from
`TextSpan2d` because `TextSpan` needs to require the `GhostNode`
component, which is a `bevy_ui` component only usable by UI.
Extra changes:
- Added `EntityCommands::commands_mut` that returns a mutable reference.
This is a blocker for extension methods that return something other than
`self`. Note that `sickle_ui`'s `UiBuilder::commands` returns a mutable
reference for this reason.
## Testing
- [x] Text examples all work.
## Showcase
TODO: showcase-worthy
## Migration Guide
TODO: very breaking
### Accessing text spans by index
Text sections are now text sections on different entities in a
hierarchy, Use the new `TextReader` and `TextWriter` system parameters
to access spans by index.
fn refresh_text(mut query: Query<&mut Text, With<TimeText>>, time: Res<Time>) {
let text = query.single_mut();
text.sections[1].value = format_time(time.elapsed());
fn refresh_text(
query: Query<Entity, With<TimeText>>,
mut writer: UiTextWriter,
time: Res<Time>
) {
let entity = query.single();
*writer.text(entity, 1) = format_time(time.elapsed());
### Iterating text spans
Text spans are now entities in a hierarchy, so the new `UiTextReader`
and `UiTextWriter` system parameters provide ways to iterate that
hierarchy. The `UiTextReader::iter` method will give you a normal
iterator over spans, and `UiTextWriter::for_each` lets you visit each of
the spans.
Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <david.curthoys@googlemail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-09 13:35:36 -05:00
Merge Style properties into Node. Use ComputedNode for computed properties. (#15975)
# Objective
Continue improving the user experience of our UI Node API in the
direction specified by [Bevy's Next Generation Scene / UI
## Solution
As specified in the document above, merge `Style` fields into `Node`,
and move "computed Node fields" into `ComputedNode` (I chose this name
over something like `ComputedNodeLayout` because it currently contains
more than just layout info. If we want to break this up / rename these
concepts, lets do that in a separate PR). `Style` has been removed.
This accomplishes a number of goals:
## Ergonomics wins
Specifying both `Node` and `Style` is now no longer required for
non-default styles
Style {
width: Val::Px(100.),
commands.spawn(Node {
width: Val::Px(100.),
## Conceptual clarity
`Style` was never a comprehensive "style sheet". It only defined "core"
style properties that all `Nodes` shared. Any "styled property" that
couldn't fit that mold had to be in a separate component. A "real" style
system would style properties _across_ components (`Node`, `Button`,
etc). We have plans to build a true style system (see the doc linked
By moving the `Style` fields to `Node`, we fully embrace `Node` as the
driving concept and remove the "style system" confusion.
## Next Steps
* Consider identifying and splitting out "style properties that aren't
core to Node". This should not happen for Bevy 0.15.
## Migration Guide
Move any fields set on `Style` into `Node` and replace all `Style`
component usage with `Node`.
Style {
width: Val::Px(100.),
commands.spawn(Node {
width: Val::Px(100.),
For any usage of the "computed node properties" that used to live on
`Node`, use `ComputedNode` instead:
fn system(nodes: Query<&Node>) {
for node in &nodes {
let computed_size = node.size();
fn system(computed_nodes: Query<&ComputedNode>) {
for computed_node in &computed_nodes {
let computed_size = computed_node.size();
2024-10-18 17:25:33 -05:00
Node {
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
2024-05-30 16:11:23 -07:00
top: Val::Px(12.0),
left: Val::Px(12.0),
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Text rework (#15591)
**Ready for review. Examples migration progress: 100%.**
# Objective
- Implement https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/discussions/15014
## Solution
This implements [cart's
faithfully except for one change. I separated `TextSpan` from
`TextSpan2d` because `TextSpan` needs to require the `GhostNode`
component, which is a `bevy_ui` component only usable by UI.
Extra changes:
- Added `EntityCommands::commands_mut` that returns a mutable reference.
This is a blocker for extension methods that return something other than
`self`. Note that `sickle_ui`'s `UiBuilder::commands` returns a mutable
reference for this reason.
## Testing
- [x] Text examples all work.
## Showcase
TODO: showcase-worthy
## Migration Guide
TODO: very breaking
### Accessing text spans by index
Text sections are now text sections on different entities in a
hierarchy, Use the new `TextReader` and `TextWriter` system parameters
to access spans by index.
fn refresh_text(mut query: Query<&mut Text, With<TimeText>>, time: Res<Time>) {
let text = query.single_mut();
text.sections[1].value = format_time(time.elapsed());
fn refresh_text(
query: Query<Entity, With<TimeText>>,
mut writer: UiTextWriter,
time: Res<Time>
) {
let entity = query.single();
*writer.text(entity, 1) = format_time(time.elapsed());
### Iterating text spans
Text spans are now entities in a hierarchy, so the new `UiTextReader`
and `UiTextWriter` system parameters provide ways to iterate that
hierarchy. The `UiTextReader::iter` method will give you a normal
iterator over spans, and `UiTextWriter::for_each` lets you visit each of
the spans.
Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <david.curthoys@googlemail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-09 13:35:36 -05:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
struct Flicker;
struct ExampleControls {
diffuse_transmission: bool,
specular_transmission: bool,
color: bool,
struct ExampleState {
diffuse_transmission: f32,
specular_transmission: f32,
thickness: f32,
ior: f32,
perceptual_roughness: f32,
reflectance: f32,
auto_camera: bool,
struct ExampleDisplay;
impl Default for ExampleState {
fn default() -> Self {
ExampleState {
diffuse_transmission: 0.5,
specular_transmission: 0.9,
thickness: 1.8,
ior: 1.5,
perceptual_roughness: 0.12,
reflectance: 0.5,
auto_camera: true,
fn example_control_system(
mut commands: Commands,
mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
Migrate meshes and materials to required components (#15524)
# Objective
A big step in the migration to required components: meshes and
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
- Add `Mesh2d` and `Mesh3d` components, which wrap a `Handle<Mesh>`.
- Add `MeshMaterial2d<M: Material2d>` and `MeshMaterial3d<M: Material>`,
which wrap a `Handle<M>`.
- Meshes *without* a mesh material should be rendered with a default
material. The existence of a material is determined by
`HasMaterial2d`/`HasMaterial3d`, which is required by
`MeshMaterial2d`/`MeshMaterial3d`. This gets around problems with the
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, previously nothing was rendered. Now,
it renders a white default `ColorMaterial` in 2D and a
`StandardMaterial` in 3D (this can be overridden). Below, only every
other entity has a material:

Why white? This is still open for discussion, but I think white makes
sense for a *default* material, while *invalid* asset handles pointing
to nothing should have something like a pink material to indicate that
something is broken (I don't handle that in this PR yet). This is kind
of a mix of Godot and Unity: Godot just renders a white material for
non-existent materials, while Unity renders nothing when no materials
exist, but renders pink for invalid materials. I can also change the
default material to pink if that is preferable though.
## Testing
I ran some 2D and 3D examples to test if anything changed visually. I
have not tested all examples or features yet however. If anyone wants to
test more extensively, it would be appreciated!
## Implementation Notes
- The relationship between `bevy_render` and `bevy_pbr` is weird here.
`bevy_render` needs `Mesh3d` for its own systems, but `bevy_pbr` has all
of the material logic, and `bevy_render` doesn't depend on it. I feel
like the two crates should be refactored in some way, but I think that's
out of scope for this PR.
- I didn't migrate meshlets to required components yet. That can
probably be done in a follow-up, as this is already a huge PR.
- It is becoming increasingly clear to me that we really, *really* want
to disallow raw asset handles as components. They caused me a *ton* of
headache here already, and it took me a long time to find every place
that queried for them or inserted them directly on entities, since there
were no compiler errors for it. If we don't remove the `Component`
derive, I expect raw asset handles to be a *huge* footgun for users as
we transition to wrapper components, especially as handles as components
have been the norm so far. I personally consider this to be a blocker
for 0.15: we need to migrate to wrapper components for asset handles
everywhere, and remove the `Component` derive. Also see
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for meshes and mesh materials must now be wrapped in the
`Mesh2d` and `MeshMaterial2d` or `Mesh3d` and `MeshMaterial3d`
components for 2D and 3D respectively. Raw handles as components no
longer render meshes.
Additionally, `MaterialMesh2dBundle`, `MaterialMeshBundle`, and
`PbrBundle` have been deprecated. Instead, use the mesh and material
components directly.
commands.spawn(MaterialMesh2dBundle {
mesh: meshes.add(Circle::new(100.0)).into(),
material: materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5)),
transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
MeshMaterial2d(materials.add(Color::srgb(7.5, 0.0, 7.5))),
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(-200., 0., 0.)),
If the mesh material is missing, a white default material is now used.
Previously, nothing was rendered if the material was missing.
The `WithMesh2d` and `WithMesh3d` query filter type aliases have also
been removed. Simply use `With<Mesh2d>` or `With<Mesh3d>`.
Co-authored-by: Tim Blackbird <justthecooldude@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-10-02 00:33:17 +03:00
controllable: Query<(&MeshMaterial3d<StandardMaterial>, &ExampleControls)>,
2024-10-13 17:32:06 -03:00
camera: Single<
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
&mut Camera,
&mut Camera3d,
&mut Transform,
2024-10-13 17:32:06 -03:00
mut display: Single<&mut Text, With<ExampleDisplay>>,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
mut state: Local<ExampleState>,
time: Res<Time>,
2023-12-06 21:32:34 +01:00
input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
) {
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.pressed(KeyCode::Digit2) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.diffuse_transmission = (state.diffuse_transmission + time.delta_secs()).min(1.0);
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
} else if input.pressed(KeyCode::Digit1) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.diffuse_transmission = (state.diffuse_transmission - time.delta_secs()).max(0.0);
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyW) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.specular_transmission = (state.specular_transmission + time.delta_secs()).min(1.0);
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
} else if input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyQ) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.specular_transmission = (state.specular_transmission - time.delta_secs()).max(0.0);
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyS) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.thickness = (state.thickness + time.delta_secs()).min(5.0);
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
} else if input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyA) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.thickness = (state.thickness - time.delta_secs()).max(0.0);
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyX) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.ior = (state.ior + time.delta_secs()).min(3.0);
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
} else if input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyZ) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.ior = (state.ior - time.delta_secs()).max(1.0);
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyI) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.reflectance = (state.reflectance + time.delta_secs()).min(1.0);
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
} else if input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyU) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.reflectance = (state.reflectance - time.delta_secs()).max(0.0);
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyR) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.perceptual_roughness = (state.perceptual_roughness + time.delta_secs()).min(1.0);
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
} else if input.pressed(KeyCode::KeyE) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
state.perceptual_roughness = (state.perceptual_roughness - time.delta_secs()).max(0.0);
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
let randomize_colors = input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyC);
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
for (material_handle, controls) in &controllable {
let material = materials.get_mut(material_handle).unwrap();
if controls.specular_transmission {
material.specular_transmission = state.specular_transmission;
material.thickness = state.thickness;
material.ior = state.ior;
material.perceptual_roughness = state.perceptual_roughness;
material.reflectance = state.reflectance;
if controls.diffuse_transmission {
material.diffuse_transmission = state.diffuse_transmission;
if controls.color && randomize_colors {
Migrate from `LegacyColor` to `bevy_color::Color` (#12163)
# Objective
- As part of the migration process we need to a) see the end effect of
the migration on user ergonomics b) check for serious perf regressions
c) actually migrate the code
- To accomplish this, I'm going to attempt to migrate all of the
remaining user-facing usages of `LegacyColor` in one PR, being careful
to keep a clean commit history.
- Fixes #12056.
## Solution
I've chosen to use the polymorphic `Color` type as our standard
user-facing API.
- [x] Migrate `bevy_gizmos`.
- [x] Take `impl Into<Color>` in all `bevy_gizmos` APIs
- [x] Migrate sprites
- [x] Migrate UI
- [x] Migrate `ColorMaterial`
- [x] Migrate `MaterialMesh2D`
- [x] Migrate fog
- [x] Migrate lights
- [x] Migrate StandardMaterial
- [x] Migrate wireframes
- [x] Migrate clear color
- [x] Migrate text
- [x] Migrate gltf loader
- [x] Register color types for reflection
- [x] Remove `LegacyColor`
- [x] Make sure CI passes
Incidental improvements to ease migration:
- added `Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgba_from_array` and friends
- added `set_alpha`, `is_fully_transparent` and `is_fully_opaque` to the
`Alpha` trait
- add and immediately deprecate (lol) `Color::rgb` and friends in favor
of more explicit and consistent `Color::srgb`
- standardized on white and black for most example text colors
- added vector field traits to `LinearRgba`: ~~`Add`, `Sub`,
`AddAssign`, `SubAssign`,~~ `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32>`. Multiplications
and divisions do not scale alpha. `Add` and `Sub` have been cut from
this PR.
- added `LinearRgba` and `Srgba` `RED/GREEN/BLUE`
- added `LinearRgba_to_f32_array` and `LinearRgba::to_u32`
## Migration Guide
Bevy's color types have changed! Wherever you used a
`bevy::render::Color`, a `bevy::color::Color` is used instead.
These are quite similar! Both are enums storing a color in a specific
color space (or to be more precise, using a specific color model).
However, each of the different color models now has its own type.
- `Color::rgba`, `Color::rgb`, `Color::rbga_u8`, `Color::rgb_u8`,
`Color::rgb_from_array` are now `Color::srgba`, `Color::srgb`,
`Color::srgba_u8`, `Color::srgb_u8` and `Color::srgb_from_array`.
- `Color::set_a` and `Color::a` is now `Color::set_alpha` and
`Color::alpha`. These are part of the `Alpha` trait in `bevy_color`.
- `Color::is_fully_transparent` is now part of the `Alpha` trait in
- `Color::r`, `Color::set_r`, `Color::with_r` and the equivalents for
`g`, `b` `h`, `s` and `l` have been removed due to causing silent
relatively expensive conversions. Convert your `Color` into the desired
color space, perform your operations there, and then convert it back
into a polymorphic `Color` enum.
- `Color::hex` is now `Srgba::hex`. Call `.into` or construct a
`Color::Srgba` variant manually to convert it.
- `WireframeMaterial`, `ExtractedUiNode`, `ExtractedDirectionalLight`,
`ExtractedPointLight`, `ExtractedSpotLight` and `ExtractedSprite` now
store a `LinearRgba`, rather than a polymorphic `Color`
- `Color::rgb_linear` and `Color::rgba_linear` are now
`Color::linear_rgb` and `Color::linear_rgba`
- The various CSS color constants are no longer stored directly on
`Color`. Instead, they're defined in the `Srgba` color space, and
accessed via `bevy::color::palettes::css`. Call `.into()` on them to
convert them into a `Color` for quick debugging use, and consider using
the much prettier `tailwind` palette for prototyping.
- The `LIME_GREEN` color has been renamed to `LIMEGREEN` to comply with
the standard naming.
- Vector field arithmetic operations on `Color` (add, subtract, multiply
and divide by a f32) have been removed. Instead, convert your colors
into `LinearRgba` space, and perform your operations explicitly there.
This is particularly relevant when working with emissive or HDR colors,
whose color channel values are routinely outside of the ordinary 0 to 1
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_f32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_f32_array` instead, converting if needed.
- `Color::as_linear_rgba_u32` has been removed. Call
`LinearRgba::to_u32` instead, converting if needed.
- Several other color conversion methods to transform LCH or HSL colors
into float arrays or `Vec` types have been removed. Please reimplement
these externally or open a PR to re-add them if you found them
particularly useful.
- Various methods on `Color` such as `rgb` or `hsl` to convert the color
into a specific color space have been removed. Convert into
`LinearRgba`, then to the color space of your choice.
- Various implicitly-converting color value methods on `Color` such as
`r`, `g`, `b` or `h` have been removed. Please convert it into the color
space of your choice, then check these properties.
- `Color` no longer implements `AsBindGroup`. Store a `LinearRgba`
internally instead to avoid conversion costs.
Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <alice.i.cecil@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Afonso Lage <lage.afonso@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Rob Parrett <robparrett@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zachary Harrold <zac@harrold.com.au>
2024-02-29 14:35:12 -05:00
material.base_color =
Color::srgba(random(), random(), random(), material.base_color.alpha());
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
let (
mut camera,
mut camera_3d,
mut camera_transform,
2024-10-13 17:32:06 -03:00
) = camera.into_inner();
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyH) {
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
camera.hdr = !camera.hdr;
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "webgl2", target_arch = "wasm32")))]
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyD) {
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
if depth_prepass.is_none() {
} else {
#[cfg(not(all(feature = "webgl2", target_arch = "wasm32")))]
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyT) {
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
if temporal_jitter.is_none() {
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
.insert((TemporalJitter::default(), TemporalAntiAliasing::default()));
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
} else {
Rename rendering components for improved consistency and clarity (#15035)
# Objective
The names of numerous rendering components in Bevy are inconsistent and
a bit confusing. Relevant names include:
- `AutoExposureSettings`
- `AutoExposureSettingsUniform`
- `BloomSettings`
- `BloomUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `BloomPrefilterSettings`
- `ChromaticAberration` (no `Settings`)
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform` (no `Settings`)
- `FogSettings`
- `SmaaSettings`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` (really
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings`
- `VolumetricFogSettings`
Firstly, there's a lot of inconsistency between `Foo`/`FooSettings` and
`FooUniform`/`FooSettingsUniform` and whether names are abbreviated or
Secondly, the `Settings` post-fix seems unnecessary and a bit confusing
semantically, since it makes it seem like the component is mostly just
auxiliary configuration instead of the core *thing* that actually
enables the feature. This will be an even bigger problem once bundles
like `TemporalAntiAliasBundle` are deprecated in favor of required
components, as users will expect a component named `TemporalAntiAlias`
(or similar), not `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
## Solution
Drop the `Settings` post-fix from the component names, and change some
names to be more consistent.
- `AutoExposure`
- `AutoExposureUniform`
- `Bloom`
- `BloomUniform`
- `BloomPrefilter`
- `ChromaticAberration`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfField`
- `DepthOfFieldUniform`
- `DistanceFog`
- `Smaa`, `Fxaa`, `TemporalAntiAliasing` (note: we might want to change
to `Taa`, see "Discussion")
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFog`
I kept the old names as deprecated type aliases to make migration a bit
less painful for users. We should remove them after the next release.
(And let me know if I should just... not add them at all)
I also added some very basic docs for a few types where they were
missing, like on `Fxaa` and `DepthOfField`.
## Discussion
- `TemporalAntiAliasing` is still inconsistent with `Smaa` and `Fxaa`.
Consensus [on
seemed to be that renaming to `Taa` would probably be fine, but I think
it's a bit more controversial, and it would've required renaming a lot
of related types like `TemporalAntiAliasNode`,
`TemporalAntiAliasBundle`, and `TemporalAntiAliasPlugin`, so I think
it's better to leave to a follow-up.
- I think `Fog` should probably have a more specific name like
`DistanceFog` considering it seems to be distinct from `VolumetricFog`.
~~This should probably be done in a follow-up though, so I just removed
the `Settings` post-fix for now.~~ (done)
## Migration Guide
Many rendering components have been renamed for improved consistency and
- `AutoExposureSettings` → `AutoExposure`
- `BloomSettings` → `Bloom`
- `BloomPrefilterSettings` → `BloomPrefilter`
- `ContrastAdaptiveSharpeningSettings` → `ContrastAdaptiveSharpening`
- `DepthOfFieldSettings` → `DepthOfField`
- `FogSettings` → `DistanceFog`
- `SmaaSettings` → `Smaa`
- `TemporalAntiAliasSettings` → `TemporalAntiAliasing`
- `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionSettings` → `ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion`
- `ScreenSpaceReflectionsSettings` → `ScreenSpaceReflections`
- `VolumetricFogSettings` → `VolumetricFog`
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <mcanders1@gmail.com>
2024-09-10 04:11:46 +03:00
.remove::<(TemporalJitter, TemporalAntiAliasing)>();
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyO) && camera_3d.screen_space_specular_transmission_steps > 0 {
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
camera_3d.screen_space_specular_transmission_steps -= 1;
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyP) && camera_3d.screen_space_specular_transmission_steps < 4 {
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
camera_3d.screen_space_specular_transmission_steps += 1;
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyJ) {
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
camera_3d.screen_space_specular_transmission_quality = ScreenSpaceTransmissionQuality::Low;
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyK) {
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
camera_3d.screen_space_specular_transmission_quality =
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyL) {
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
camera_3d.screen_space_specular_transmission_quality = ScreenSpaceTransmissionQuality::High;
if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::Semicolon) {
camera_3d.screen_space_specular_transmission_quality =
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
let rotation = if input.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowRight) {
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
state.auto_camera = false;
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
} else if input.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowLeft) {
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
state.auto_camera = false;
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
} else if state.auto_camera {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
time.delta_secs() * 0.25
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
} else {
let distance_change =
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
if input.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowDown) && camera_transform.translation.length() < 25.0 {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
Update winit dependency to 0.29 (#10702)
# Objective
- Update winit dependency to 0.29
## Changelog
### KeyCode changes
- Removed `ScanCode`, as it was [replaced by
- `ReceivedCharacter.char` is now a `SmolStr`, [relevant
- Changed most `KeyCode` values, and added more.
KeyCode has changed meaning. With this PR, it refers to physical
position on keyboard rather than the printed letter on keyboard keys.
In practice this means:
- On QWERTY keyboard layouts, nothing changes
- On any other keyboard layout, `KeyCode` no longer reflects the label
on key.
- This is "good". In bevy 0.12, when you used WASD for movement, users
with non-QWERTY keyboards couldn't play your game! This was especially
bad for non-latin keyboards. Now, WASD represents the physical keys. A
French player will press the ZQSD keys, which are near each other,
Kyrgyz players will use "Цфыв".
- This is "bad" as well. You can't know in advance what the label of the
key for input is. Your UI says "press WASD to move", even if in reality,
they should be pressing "ZQSD" or "Цфыв". You also no longer can use
`KeyCode` for text inputs. In any case, it was a pretty bad API for text
input. You should use `ReceivedCharacter` now instead.
### Other changes
- Use `web-time` rather than `instant` crate.
- winit did split `run_return` in `run_onDemand` and `pump_events`, I
did the same change in bevy_winit and used `pump_events`.
- Removed `return_from_run` from `WinitSettings` as `winit::run` now
returns on supported platforms.
- I left the example "return_after_run" as I think it's still useful.
- This winit change is done partly to allow to create a new window after
quitting all windows: https://github.com/emilk/egui/issues/1918 ; this
PR doesn't address.
- added `width` and `height` properties in the `canvas` from wasm
## Known regressions (important follow ups?)
- Provide an API for reacting when a specific key from current layout
was released.
- possible solutions: use winit::Key from winit::KeyEvent ; mapping
between KeyCode and Key ; or .
- We don't receive characters through alt+numpad (e.g. alt + 151 = "ù")
anymore ; reproduced on winit example "ime". maybe related to
- (windows) Window content doesn't refresh at all when resizing. By
reading https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/2900 ; I suspect
we should just fire a `window.request_redraw();` from `AboutToWait`, and
handle actual redrawing within `RedrawRequested`. I'm not sure how to
move all that code so I'd appreciate it to be a follow up.
- (windows) unreleased winit fix for using set_control_flow in
AboutToWait https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/3215 ; ⚠️ I'm
not sure what the implications are, but that feels bad 🤔
## Follow up
I'd like to avoid bloating this PR, here are a few follow up tasks
worthy of a separate PR, or new issue to track them once this PR is
closed, as they would either complicate reviews, or at risk of being
- remove CanvasParentResizePlugin
- avoid mentionning explicitly winit in docs from bevy_window ?
- NamedKey integration on bevy_input:
https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3143 introduced a new
NamedKey variant. I implemented it only on the converters but we'd
benefit making the same changes to bevy_input.
- Add more info in KeyboardInput
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/9905 added a workaround on a
bug allegedly fixed by winit 0.29. We should check if it's still
- update to raw_window_handle 0.6
- blocked by wgpu
- Rename `KeyCode` to `PhysicalKeyCode`
- remove `instant` dependency, [replaced
by](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/2836) `web_time`), we'd
need to update to :
- fastrand >= 2.0
- [`async-executor`](https://github.com/smol-rs/async-executor) >= 1.7
- [`futures-lite`](https://github.com/smol-rs/futures-lite) >= 2.0
- Verify license, see
- we might be missing a short notice or description of changes made
- Consider using https://github.com/rust-windowing/cursor-icon directly
rather than vendoring it in bevy.
- investigate [this
- Use more good things about winit's update
- https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/pull/10689#issuecomment-1823560428
## Migration Guide
This PR should have one.
2023-12-21 08:40:47 +01:00
} else if input.pressed(KeyCode::ArrowUp) && camera_transform.translation.length() > 2.0 {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
} else {
2024-09-17 01:28:12 +02:00
camera_transform.translation *= ops::exp(distance_change);
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
Quat::from_euler(EulerRot::XYZ, 0.0, rotation, 0.0),
2024-10-13 17:32:06 -03:00
display.0 = format!(
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
" J / K / L / ; Screen Space Specular Transmissive Quality: {:?}\n",
" O / P Screen Space Specular Transmissive Steps: {}\n",
" 1 / 2 Diffuse Transmission: {:.2}\n",
" Q / W Specular Transmission: {:.2}\n",
" A / S Thickness: {:.2}\n",
" Z / X IOR: {:.2}\n",
" E / R Perceptual Roughness: {:.2}\n",
" U / I Reflectance: {:.2}\n",
" Arrow Keys Control Camera\n",
" C Randomize Colors\n",
" H HDR + Bloom: {}\n",
" D Depth Prepass: {}\n",
" T TAA: {}\n",
if camera.hdr { "ON " } else { "OFF" },
if cfg!(any(not(feature = "webgl2"), not(target_arch = "wasm32"))) {
if depth_prepass.is_some() {
"ON "
} else {
} else {
"N/A (WebGL)"
if cfg!(any(not(feature = "webgl2"), not(target_arch = "wasm32"))) {
if temporal_jitter.is_some() {
if depth_prepass.is_some() {
"ON "
} else {
"N/A (Needs Depth Prepass)"
} else {
} else {
"N/A (WebGL)"
fn flicker_system(
2024-10-13 17:32:06 -03:00
mut flame: Single<&mut Transform, (With<Flicker>, With<Mesh3d>)>,
light: Single<(&mut PointLight, &mut Transform), (With<Flicker>, Without<Mesh3d>)>,
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
time: Res<Time>,
) {
2024-10-16 23:09:32 +02:00
let s = time.elapsed_secs();
2024-09-17 01:28:12 +02:00
let a = ops::cos(s * 6.0) * 0.0125 + ops::cos(s * 4.0) * 0.025;
let b = ops::cos(s * 5.0) * 0.0125 + ops::cos(s * 3.0) * 0.025;
let c = ops::cos(s * 7.0) * 0.0125 + ops::cos(s * 2.0) * 0.025;
2024-10-13 17:32:06 -03:00
let (mut light, mut light_transform) = light.into_inner();
2024-02-14 22:43:10 +02:00
light.intensity = 4_000.0 + 3000.0 * (a + b + c);
2024-10-13 17:32:06 -03:00
flame.translation = Vec3::new(-1.0, 1.23, 0.0);
flame.look_at(Vec3::new(-1.0 - c, 1.7 - b, 0.0 - a), Vec3::X);
flame.rotate(Quat::from_euler(EulerRot::XYZ, 0.0, 0.0, PI / 2.0));
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00
light_transform.translation = Vec3::new(-1.0 - c, 1.7, 0.0 - a);
2024-10-13 17:32:06 -03:00
flame.translation = Vec3::new(-1.0 - c, 1.23, 0.0 - a);
`StandardMaterial` Light Transmission (#8015)
# Objective
<img width="1920" alt="Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 01 07 34"
This PR adds both diffuse and specular light transmission capabilities
to the `StandardMaterial`, with support for screen space refractions.
This enables realistically representing a wide range of real-world
materials, such as:
- Glass; (Including frosted glass)
- Transparent and translucent plastics;
- Various liquids and gels;
- Gemstones;
- Marble;
- Wax;
- Paper;
- Leaves;
- Porcelain.
Unlike existing support for transparency, light transmission does not
rely on fixed function alpha blending, and therefore works with both
`AlphaMode::Opaque` and `AlphaMode::Mask` materials.
## Solution
- Introduces a number of transmission related fields in the
- For specular transmission:
- Adds logic to take a view main texture snapshot after the opaque
phase; (in order to perform screen space refractions)
- Introduces a new `Transmissive3d` phase to the renderer, to which all
meshes with `transmission > 0.0` materials are sent.
- Calculates a light exit point (of the approximate mesh volume) using
`ior` and `thickness` properties
- Samples the snapshot texture with an adaptive number of taps across a
`roughness`-controlled radius enabling “blurry” refractions
- For diffuse transmission:
- Approximates transmitted diffuse light by using a second, flipped +
displaced, diffuse-only Lambertian lobe for each light source.
## To Do
- [x] Figure out where `fresnel_mix()` is taking place, if at all, and
where `dielectric_specular` is being calculated, if at all, and update
them to use the `ior` value (Not a blocker, just a nice-to-have for more
correct BSDF)
- To the _best of my knowledge, this is now taking place, after
964340cdd. The fresnel mix is actually "split" into two parts in our
implementation, one `(1 - fresnel(...))` in the transmission, and
`fresnel()` in the light implementations. A surface with more
reflectance now will produce slightly dimmer transmission towards the
grazing angle, as more of the light gets reflected.
- [x] Add `transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `diffuse_transmission_texture`
- [x] Add `thickness_texture`
- [x] Add `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color`
- [x] Connect values to glTF loader
- [x] `transmission` and `transmission_texture`
- [x] `thickness` and `thickness_texture`
- [x] `ior`
- [ ] `diffuse_transmission` and `diffuse_transmission_texture` (needs
upstream support in `gltf` crate, not a blocker)
- [x] Add support for multiple screen space refraction “steps”
- [x] Conditionally create no transmission snapshot texture at all if
`steps == 0`
- [x] Conditionally enable/disable screen space refraction transmission
- [x] Read from depth pre-pass to prevent refracting pixels in front of
the light exit point
- [x] Use `interleaved_gradient_noise()` function for sampling blur in a
way that benefits from TAA
- [x] Drill down a TAA `#define`, tweak some aspects of the effect
conditionally based on it
- [x] Remove const array that's crashing under HLSL (unless a new `naga`
release with https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/pull/2496 comes out before
we merge this)
- [ ] Look into alternatives to the `switch` hack for dynamically
indexing the const array (might not be needed, compilers seem to be
decent at expanding it)
- [ ] Add pipeline keys for gating transmission (do we really want/need
- [x] Tweak some material field/function names?
## A Note on Texture Packing
_This was originally added as a comment to the
`specular_transmission_texture`, `thickness_texture` and
`diffuse_transmission_texture` documentation, I removed it since it was
more confusing than helpful, and will likely be made redundant/will need
to be updated once we have a better infrastructure for preprocessing
Due to how channels are mapped, you can more efficiently use a single
shared texture image
for configuring the following:
- R - `specular_transmission_texture`
- G - `thickness_texture`
- B - _unused_
- A - `diffuse_transmission_texture`
The `KHR_materials_diffuse_transmission` glTF extension also defines a
that _we don't currently support_. One might choose to pack the
intensity and color textures together,
using RGB for the color and A for the intensity, in which case this
packing advice doesn't really apply.
## Changelog
- Added a new `Transmissive3d` render phase for rendering specular
transmissive materials with screen space refractions
- Added rendering support for transmitted environment map light on the
`StandardMaterial` as a fallback for screen space refractions
- Added `diffuse_transmission`, `specular_transmission`, `thickness`,
`ior`, `attenuation_distance` and `attenuation_color` to the
- Added `diffuse_transmission_texture`, `specular_transmission_texture`,
`thickness_texture` to the `StandardMaterial`, gated behind a new
`pbr_transmission_textures` cargo feature (off by default, for maximum
hardware compatibility)
- Added `Camera3d::screen_space_specular_transmission_steps` for
controlling the number of “layers of transparency” rendered for
transmissive objects
- Added a `TransmittedShadowReceiver` component for enabling shadows in
(diffusely) transmitted light. (disabled by default, as it requires
carefully setting up the `thickness` to avoid self-shadow artifacts)
- Added support for the `KHR_materials_transmission`,
`KHR_materials_ior` and `KHR_materials_volume` glTF extensions
- Renamed items related to temporal jitter for greater consistency
## Migration Guide
- `SsaoPipelineKey::temporal_noise` has been renamed to
- The `TAA` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalAntiAliasSettings` component in the camera) has been replaced
with the `TEMPORAL_JITTER` shader def (controlled by the presence of the
`TemporalJitter` component in the camera)
- `MeshPipelineKey::TAA` has been replaced by
- The `TEMPORAL_NOISE` shader def has been consolidated with
2023-10-31 17:59:02 -03:00