Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
//! Demonstrates percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS).
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use bevy::{
experimental::taa::{TemporalAntiAliasPlugin, TemporalAntiAliasing},
prepass::{DepthPrepass, MotionVectorPrepass},
pbr::{CubemapVisibleEntities, ShadowFilteringMethod, VisibleMeshEntities},
primitives::{CubemapFrusta, Frustum},
use crate::widgets::{RadioButton, RadioButtonText, WidgetClickEvent, WidgetClickSender};
#[path = "../helpers/"]
mod widgets;
/// The size of the light, which affects the size of the penumbras.
const LIGHT_RADIUS: f32 = 10.0;
/// The intensity of the point and spot lights.
const POINT_LIGHT_INTENSITY: f32 = 1_000_000_000.0;
/// The range in meters of the point and spot lights.
const POINT_LIGHT_RANGE: f32 = 110.0;
/// The depth bias for directional and spot lights. This value is set higher
/// than the default to avoid shadow acne.
/// The depth bias for point lights. This value is set higher than the default to
/// avoid shadow acne.
/// Unfortunately, there is a bit of Peter Panning with this value, because of
/// the distance and angle of the light. This can't be helped in this scene
/// without increasing the shadow map size beyond reasonable limits.
const POINT_SHADOW_DEPTH_BIAS: f32 = 0.35;
/// The near Z value for the shadow map, in meters. This is set higher than the
/// default in order to achieve greater resolution in the shadow map for point
/// and spot lights.
const SHADOW_MAP_NEAR_Z: f32 = 50.0;
/// The current application settings (light type, shadow filter, and the status
/// of PCSS).
struct AppStatus {
/// The type of light presently in the scene: either directional or point.
light_type: LightType,
/// The type of shadow filter: Gaussian or temporal.
shadow_filter: ShadowFilter,
/// Whether soft shadows are enabled.
soft_shadows: bool,
impl Default for AppStatus {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
light_type: default(),
shadow_filter: default(),
soft_shadows: true,
/// The type of light presently in the scene: directional, point, or spot.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq)]
enum LightType {
/// A directional light, with a cascaded shadow map.
/// A point light, with a cube shadow map.
/// A spot light, with a cube shadow map.
/// The type of shadow filter.
/// Generally, `Gaussian` is preferred when temporal antialiasing isn't in use,
/// while `Temporal` is preferred when TAA is in use. In this example, this
/// setting also turns TAA on and off.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq)]
enum ShadowFilter {
/// The non-temporal Gaussian filter (Castano '13 for directional lights, an
/// analogous alternative for point and spot lights).
/// The temporal Gaussian filter (Jimenez '14 for directional lights, an
/// analogous alternative for point and spot lights).
/// Each example setting that can be toggled in the UI.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
enum AppSetting {
/// The type of light presently in the scene: directional, point, or spot.
/// The type of shadow filter.
/// Whether PCSS is enabled or disabled.
/// The example application entry point.
fn main() {
.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin {
primary_window: Some(Window {
title: "Bevy Percentage Closer Soft Shadows Example".into(),
.add_systems(Startup, setup)
.add_systems(Update, widgets::handle_ui_interactions::<AppSetting>)
/// Creates all the objects in the scene.
fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, app_status: Res<AppStatus>) {
spawn_camera(&mut commands, &asset_server);
spawn_light(&mut commands, &app_status);
spawn_gltf_scene(&mut commands, &asset_server);
spawn_buttons(&mut commands);
/// Spawns the camera, with the initial shadow filtering method.
fn spawn_camera(commands: &mut Commands, asset_server: &AssetServer) {
2024-10-05 01:59:52 +00:00
Transform::from_xyz(-12.912 * 0.7, 4.466 * 0.7, -10.624 * 0.7).with_rotation(
Quat::from_euler(EulerRot::YXZ, -134.76 / 180.0 * PI, -0.175, 0.0),
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
// `TemporalJitter` is needed for TAA. Note that it does nothing without
// `TemporalAntiAliasSettings`.
// We want MSAA off for TAA to work properly.
// The depth prepass is needed for TAA.
// The motion vector prepass is needed for TAA.
// Add a nice skybox.
.insert(Skybox {
image: asset_server.load("environment_maps/sky_skybox.ktx2"),
brightness: 500.0,
rotation: Quat::IDENTITY,
/// Spawns the initial light.
fn spawn_light(commands: &mut Commands, app_status: &AppStatus) {
// Because this light can become a directional light, point light, or spot
// light depending on the settings, we add the union of the components
// necessary for this light to behave as all three of those.
2024-10-01 03:20:43 +00:00
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
.with_translation(vec3(57.693, 34.334, -6.422)),
2024-10-01 03:20:43 +00:00
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
// These two are needed for point lights.
// These two are needed for spot lights.
/// Loads and spawns the glTF palm tree scene.
fn spawn_gltf_scene(commands: &mut Commands, asset_server: &AssetServer) {
Migrate scenes to required components (#15579)
# Objective
A step in the migration to required components: scenes!
## Solution
As per the [selected
- Deprecate `SceneBundle` and `DynamicSceneBundle`.
- Add `SceneRoot` and `DynamicSceneRoot` components, which wrap a
`Handle<Scene>` and `Handle<DynamicScene>` respectively.
## Migration Guide
Asset handles for scenes and dynamic scenes must now be wrapped in the
`SceneRoot` and `DynamicSceneRoot` components. Raw handles as components
no longer spawn scenes.
Additionally, `SceneBundle` and `DynamicSceneBundle` have been
deprecated. Instead, use the scene components directly.
let model_scene = asset_server.load(GltfAssetLabel::Scene(0).from_asset("model.gltf"));
commands.spawn(SceneBundle {
scene: model_scene,
transform: Transform::from_xyz(-4.0, 0.0, -3.0),
let model_scene = asset_server.load(GltfAssetLabel::Scene(0).from_asset("model.gltf"));
Transform::from_xyz(-4.0, 0.0, -3.0),
2024-10-01 22:42:11 +00:00
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
/// Spawns all the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
fn spawn_buttons(commands: &mut Commands) {
Merge Style properties into Node. Use ComputedNode for computed properties. (#15975)
# Objective
Continue improving the user experience of our UI Node API in the
direction specified by [Bevy's Next Generation Scene / UI
## Solution
As specified in the document above, merge `Style` fields into `Node`,
and move "computed Node fields" into `ComputedNode` (I chose this name
over something like `ComputedNodeLayout` because it currently contains
more than just layout info. If we want to break this up / rename these
concepts, lets do that in a separate PR). `Style` has been removed.
This accomplishes a number of goals:
## Ergonomics wins
Specifying both `Node` and `Style` is now no longer required for
non-default styles
Style {
width: Val::Px(100.),
commands.spawn(Node {
width: Val::Px(100.),
## Conceptual clarity
`Style` was never a comprehensive "style sheet". It only defined "core"
style properties that all `Nodes` shared. Any "styled property" that
couldn't fit that mold had to be in a separate component. A "real" style
system would style properties _across_ components (`Node`, `Button`,
etc). We have plans to build a true style system (see the doc linked
By moving the `Style` fields to `Node`, we fully embrace `Node` as the
driving concept and remove the "style system" confusion.
## Next Steps
* Consider identifying and splitting out "style properties that aren't
core to Node". This should not happen for Bevy 0.15.
## Migration Guide
Move any fields set on `Style` into `Node` and replace all `Style`
component usage with `Node`.
Style {
width: Val::Px(100.),
commands.spawn(Node {
width: Val::Px(100.),
For any usage of the "computed node properties" that used to live on
`Node`, use `ComputedNode` instead:
fn system(nodes: Query<&Node>) {
for node in &nodes {
let computed_size = node.size();
fn system(computed_nodes: Query<&ComputedNode>) {
for computed_node in &computed_nodes {
let computed_size = computed_node.size();
2024-10-18 22:25:33 +00:00
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
.with_children(|parent| {
"Light Type",
(AppSetting::LightType(LightType::Directional), "Directional"),
(AppSetting::LightType(LightType::Point), "Point"),
(AppSetting::LightType(LightType::Spot), "Spot"),
"Shadow Filter",
(AppSetting::ShadowFilter(ShadowFilter::Temporal), "Temporal"),
"Soft Shadows",
(AppSetting::SoftShadows(true), "On"),
(AppSetting::SoftShadows(false), "Off"),
/// Updates the style of the radio buttons that enable and disable soft shadows
/// to reflect whether PCSS is enabled.
fn update_radio_buttons(
mut widgets: Query<
Text rework (#15591)
**Ready for review. Examples migration progress: 100%.**
# Objective
- Implement
## Solution
This implements [cart's
faithfully except for one change. I separated `TextSpan` from
`TextSpan2d` because `TextSpan` needs to require the `GhostNode`
component, which is a `bevy_ui` component only usable by UI.
Extra changes:
- Added `EntityCommands::commands_mut` that returns a mutable reference.
This is a blocker for extension methods that return something other than
`self`. Note that `sickle_ui`'s `UiBuilder::commands` returns a mutable
reference for this reason.
## Testing
- [x] Text examples all work.
## Showcase
TODO: showcase-worthy
## Migration Guide
TODO: very breaking
### Accessing text spans by index
Text sections are now text sections on different entities in a
hierarchy, Use the new `TextReader` and `TextWriter` system parameters
to access spans by index.
fn refresh_text(mut query: Query<&mut Text, With<TimeText>>, time: Res<Time>) {
let text = query.single_mut();
text.sections[1].value = format_time(time.elapsed());
fn refresh_text(
query: Query<Entity, With<TimeText>>,
mut writer: UiTextWriter,
time: Res<Time>
) {
let entity = query.single();
*writer.text(entity, 1) = format_time(time.elapsed());
### Iterating text spans
Text spans are now entities in a hierarchy, so the new `UiTextReader`
and `UiTextWriter` system parameters provide ways to iterate that
hierarchy. The `UiTextReader::iter` method will give you a normal
iterator over spans, and `UiTextWriter::for_each` lets you visit each of
the spans.
Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-10-09 18:35:36 +00:00
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
Option<&mut BackgroundColor>,
Text rework (#15591)
**Ready for review. Examples migration progress: 100%.**
# Objective
- Implement
## Solution
This implements [cart's
faithfully except for one change. I separated `TextSpan` from
`TextSpan2d` because `TextSpan` needs to require the `GhostNode`
component, which is a `bevy_ui` component only usable by UI.
Extra changes:
- Added `EntityCommands::commands_mut` that returns a mutable reference.
This is a blocker for extension methods that return something other than
`self`. Note that `sickle_ui`'s `UiBuilder::commands` returns a mutable
reference for this reason.
## Testing
- [x] Text examples all work.
## Showcase
TODO: showcase-worthy
## Migration Guide
TODO: very breaking
### Accessing text spans by index
Text sections are now text sections on different entities in a
hierarchy, Use the new `TextReader` and `TextWriter` system parameters
to access spans by index.
fn refresh_text(mut query: Query<&mut Text, With<TimeText>>, time: Res<Time>) {
let text = query.single_mut();
text.sections[1].value = format_time(time.elapsed());
fn refresh_text(
query: Query<Entity, With<TimeText>>,
mut writer: UiTextWriter,
time: Res<Time>
) {
let entity = query.single();
*writer.text(entity, 1) = format_time(time.elapsed());
### Iterating text spans
Text spans are now entities in a hierarchy, so the new `UiTextReader`
and `UiTextWriter` system parameters provide ways to iterate that
hierarchy. The `UiTextReader::iter` method will give you a normal
iterator over spans, and `UiTextWriter::for_each` lets you visit each of
the spans.
Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-10-09 18:35:36 +00:00
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
Or<(With<RadioButton>, With<RadioButtonText>)>,
app_status: Res<AppStatus>,
2024-10-15 02:32:34 +00:00
mut writer: TextUiWriter,
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
) {
Text rework (#15591)
**Ready for review. Examples migration progress: 100%.**
# Objective
- Implement
## Solution
This implements [cart's
faithfully except for one change. I separated `TextSpan` from
`TextSpan2d` because `TextSpan` needs to require the `GhostNode`
component, which is a `bevy_ui` component only usable by UI.
Extra changes:
- Added `EntityCommands::commands_mut` that returns a mutable reference.
This is a blocker for extension methods that return something other than
`self`. Note that `sickle_ui`'s `UiBuilder::commands` returns a mutable
reference for this reason.
## Testing
- [x] Text examples all work.
## Showcase
TODO: showcase-worthy
## Migration Guide
TODO: very breaking
### Accessing text spans by index
Text sections are now text sections on different entities in a
hierarchy, Use the new `TextReader` and `TextWriter` system parameters
to access spans by index.
fn refresh_text(mut query: Query<&mut Text, With<TimeText>>, time: Res<Time>) {
let text = query.single_mut();
text.sections[1].value = format_time(time.elapsed());
fn refresh_text(
query: Query<Entity, With<TimeText>>,
mut writer: UiTextWriter,
time: Res<Time>
) {
let entity = query.single();
*writer.text(entity, 1) = format_time(time.elapsed());
### Iterating text spans
Text spans are now entities in a hierarchy, so the new `UiTextReader`
and `UiTextWriter` system parameters provide ways to iterate that
hierarchy. The `UiTextReader::iter` method will give you a normal
iterator over spans, and `UiTextWriter::for_each` lets you visit each of
the spans.
Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-10-09 18:35:36 +00:00
for (entity, image, has_text, sender) in widgets.iter_mut() {
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
let selected = match **sender {
AppSetting::LightType(light_type) => light_type == app_status.light_type,
AppSetting::ShadowFilter(shadow_filter) => shadow_filter == app_status.shadow_filter,
AppSetting::SoftShadows(soft_shadows) => soft_shadows == app_status.soft_shadows,
if let Some(mut bg_color) = image {
widgets::update_ui_radio_button(&mut bg_color, selected);
Text rework (#15591)
**Ready for review. Examples migration progress: 100%.**
# Objective
- Implement
## Solution
This implements [cart's
faithfully except for one change. I separated `TextSpan` from
`TextSpan2d` because `TextSpan` needs to require the `GhostNode`
component, which is a `bevy_ui` component only usable by UI.
Extra changes:
- Added `EntityCommands::commands_mut` that returns a mutable reference.
This is a blocker for extension methods that return something other than
`self`. Note that `sickle_ui`'s `UiBuilder::commands` returns a mutable
reference for this reason.
## Testing
- [x] Text examples all work.
## Showcase
TODO: showcase-worthy
## Migration Guide
TODO: very breaking
### Accessing text spans by index
Text sections are now text sections on different entities in a
hierarchy, Use the new `TextReader` and `TextWriter` system parameters
to access spans by index.
fn refresh_text(mut query: Query<&mut Text, With<TimeText>>, time: Res<Time>) {
let text = query.single_mut();
text.sections[1].value = format_time(time.elapsed());
fn refresh_text(
query: Query<Entity, With<TimeText>>,
mut writer: UiTextWriter,
time: Res<Time>
) {
let entity = query.single();
*writer.text(entity, 1) = format_time(time.elapsed());
### Iterating text spans
Text spans are now entities in a hierarchy, so the new `UiTextReader`
and `UiTextWriter` system parameters provide ways to iterate that
hierarchy. The `UiTextReader::iter` method will give you a normal
iterator over spans, and `UiTextWriter::for_each` lets you visit each of
the spans.
Co-authored-by: ickshonpe <>
Co-authored-by: Carter Anderson <>
2024-10-09 18:35:36 +00:00
if has_text {
widgets::update_ui_radio_button_text(entity, &mut writer, selected);
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
/// Handles requests from the user to change the type of light.
fn handle_light_type_change(
mut commands: Commands,
mut lights: Query<Entity, Or<(With<DirectionalLight>, With<PointLight>, With<SpotLight>)>>,
mut events: EventReader<WidgetClickEvent<AppSetting>>,
mut app_status: ResMut<AppStatus>,
) {
for event in {
let AppSetting::LightType(light_type) = **event else {
app_status.light_type = light_type;
for light in lights.iter_mut() {
2024-10-02 12:47:26 +00:00
let mut light_commands = commands.entity(light);
Implement percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS). (#13497)
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*] are a technique from 2004 that allow
shadows to become blurrier farther from the objects that cast them. It
works by introducing a *blocker search* step that runs before the normal
shadow map sampling. The blocker search step detects the difference
between the depth of the fragment being rasterized and the depth of the
nearby samples in the depth buffer. Larger depth differences result in a
larger penumbra and therefore a blurrier shadow.
To enable PCSS, fill in the `soft_shadow_size` value in
`DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as appropriate. This
shadow size value represents the size of the light and should be tuned
as appropriate for your scene. Higher values result in a wider penumbra
(i.e. blurrier shadows).
When using PCSS, temporal shadow maps
(`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal`) are recommended. If you don't use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal` and instead use
`ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian`, Bevy will use the same technique as
`Temporal`, but the result won't vary over time. This produces a rather
noisy result. Doing better would likely require downsampling the shadow
map, which would be complex and slower (and would require PR #13003 to
land first).
In addition to PCSS, this commit makes the near Z plane for the shadow
map configurable on a per-light basis. Previously, it had been hardcoded
to 0.1 meters. This change was necessary to make the point light shadow
map in the example look reasonable, as otherwise the shadows appeared
far too aliased.
A new example, `pcss`, has been added. It demonstrates the
percentage-closer soft shadow technique with directional lights, point
lights, spot lights, non-temporal operation, and temporal operation. The
assets are my original work.
Both temporal and non-temporal shadows are rather noisy in the example,
and, as mentioned before, this is unavoidable without downsampling the
depth buffer, which we can't do yet. Note also that the shadows don't
look particularly great for point lights; the example simply isn't an
ideal scene for them. Nevertheless, I felt that the benefits of the
ability to do a side-by-side comparison of directional and point lights
outweighed the unsightliness of the point light shadows in that example,
so I kept the point light feature in.
Fixes #3631.
[*Percentage-closer soft shadows*]:
## Changelog
### Added
* Percentage-closer soft shadows (PCSS) are now supported, allowing
shadows to become blurrier as they stretch away from objects. To use
them, set the `soft_shadow_size` field in `DirectionalLight`,
`PointLight`, or `SpotLight`, as applicable.
* The near Z value for shadow maps is now customizable via the
`shadow_map_near_z` field in `DirectionalLight`, `PointLight`, and
## Screenshots
PCSS off:

PCSS on:

Co-authored-by: Alice Cecile <>
Co-authored-by: Torstein Grindvik <>
2024-09-18 18:07:17 +00:00
match light_type {
LightType::Point => {
LightType::Spot => {
LightType::Directional => {
/// Handles requests from the user to change the shadow filter method.
/// This system is also responsible for enabling and disabling TAA as
/// appropriate.
fn handle_shadow_filter_change(
mut commands: Commands,
mut cameras: Query<(Entity, &mut ShadowFilteringMethod)>,
mut events: EventReader<WidgetClickEvent<AppSetting>>,
mut app_status: ResMut<AppStatus>,
) {
for event in {
let AppSetting::ShadowFilter(shadow_filter) = **event else {
app_status.shadow_filter = shadow_filter;
for (camera, mut shadow_filtering_method) in cameras.iter_mut() {
match shadow_filter {
ShadowFilter::NonTemporal => {
*shadow_filtering_method = ShadowFilteringMethod::Gaussian;
ShadowFilter::Temporal => {
*shadow_filtering_method = ShadowFilteringMethod::Temporal;
/// Handles requests from the user to toggle soft shadows on and off.
fn handle_pcss_toggle(
mut lights: Query<AnyOf<(&mut DirectionalLight, &mut PointLight, &mut SpotLight)>>,
mut events: EventReader<WidgetClickEvent<AppSetting>>,
mut app_status: ResMut<AppStatus>,
) {
for event in {
let AppSetting::SoftShadows(value) = **event else {
app_status.soft_shadows = value;
// Recreating the lights is the simplest way to toggle soft shadows.
for (directional_light, point_light, spot_light) in lights.iter_mut() {
if let Some(mut directional_light) = directional_light {
*directional_light = create_directional_light(&app_status);
if let Some(mut point_light) = point_light {
*point_light = create_point_light(&app_status);
if let Some(mut spot_light) = spot_light {
*spot_light = create_spot_light(&app_status);
/// Creates the [`DirectionalLight`] component with the appropriate settings.
fn create_directional_light(app_status: &AppStatus) -> DirectionalLight {
DirectionalLight {
shadows_enabled: true,
soft_shadow_size: if app_status.soft_shadows {
} else {
/// Creates the [`PointLight`] component with the appropriate settings.
fn create_point_light(app_status: &AppStatus) -> PointLight {
PointLight {
shadows_enabled: true,
soft_shadows_enabled: app_status.soft_shadows,
shadow_depth_bias: POINT_SHADOW_DEPTH_BIAS,
shadow_map_near_z: SHADOW_MAP_NEAR_Z,
/// Creates the [`SpotLight`] component with the appropriate settings.
fn create_spot_light(app_status: &AppStatus) -> SpotLight {
SpotLight {
shadows_enabled: true,
soft_shadows_enabled: app_status.soft_shadows,
shadow_map_near_z: SHADOW_MAP_NEAR_Z,