use directories::ProjectDirs; use errors::*; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use syntect::dumps::{dump_to_file, from_binary, from_reader}; use syntect::highlighting::{Theme, ThemeSet}; use syntect::parsing::{SyntaxDefinition, SyntaxSet}; #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::fs::FileTypeExt; lazy_static! { static ref PROJECT_DIRS: ProjectDirs = ProjectDirs::from("", "", crate_name!()); } pub struct HighlightingAssets { pub syntax_set: SyntaxSet, pub theme_set: ThemeSet, } impl HighlightingAssets { pub fn new() -> Self { Self::from_cache().unwrap_or_else(|_| Self::from_binary()) } pub fn from_files(dir: Option<&Path>) -> Result { let source_dir = dir.unwrap_or_else(|| PROJECT_DIRS.config_dir()); let theme_dir = source_dir.join("themes"); let theme_set = ThemeSet::load_from_folder(&theme_dir).chain_err(|| { format!( "Could not load themes from '{}'", theme_dir.to_string_lossy() ) })?; let mut syntax_set = SyntaxSet::new(); let syntax_dir = source_dir.join("syntaxes"); if !syntax_dir.exists() { return Err(format!( "Could not load syntaxes from '{}'", syntax_dir.to_string_lossy() ).into()); } syntax_set.load_syntaxes(syntax_dir, true)?; syntax_set.load_plain_text_syntax(); Ok(HighlightingAssets { syntax_set, theme_set, }) } fn from_cache() -> Result { let theme_set_path = theme_set_path(); let syntax_set_file = File::open(&syntax_set_path()).chain_err(|| { format!( "Could not load cached syntax set '{}'", syntax_set_path().to_string_lossy() ) })?; let mut syntax_set: SyntaxSet = from_reader(syntax_set_file).chain_err(|| "Could not parse cached syntax set")?; syntax_set.link_syntaxes(); let theme_set_file = File::open(&theme_set_path).chain_err(|| { format!( "Could not load cached theme set '{}'", theme_set_path.to_string_lossy() ) })?; let theme_set: ThemeSet = from_reader(theme_set_file).chain_err(|| "Could not parse cached theme set")?; Ok(HighlightingAssets { syntax_set, theme_set, }) } fn from_binary() -> Self { let mut syntax_set: SyntaxSet = from_binary(include_bytes!("../assets/syntaxes.bin")); syntax_set.link_syntaxes(); let theme_set: ThemeSet = from_binary(include_bytes!("../assets/themes.bin")); HighlightingAssets { syntax_set, theme_set, } } pub fn save(&self, dir: Option<&Path>) -> Result<()> { let target_dir = dir.unwrap_or_else(|| PROJECT_DIRS.cache_dir()); let _ = fs::create_dir(target_dir); let theme_set_path = target_dir.join("themes.bin"); let syntax_set_path = target_dir.join("syntaxes.bin"); print!( "Writing theme set to {} ... ", theme_set_path.to_string_lossy() ); dump_to_file(&self.theme_set, &theme_set_path).chain_err(|| { format!( "Could not save theme set to {}", theme_set_path.to_string_lossy() ) })?; println!("okay"); print!( "Writing syntax set to {} ... ", syntax_set_path.to_string_lossy() ); dump_to_file(&self.syntax_set, &syntax_set_path).chain_err(|| { format!( "Could not save syntax set to {}", syntax_set_path.to_string_lossy() ) })?; println!("okay"); Ok(()) } pub fn get_theme(&self, theme: &str) -> &Theme { match self.theme_set.themes.get(theme) { Some(theme) => theme, None => { use ansi_term::Colour::Yellow; eprintln!( "{}: Unknown theme '{}', using default.", Yellow.paint("[bat warning]"), theme ); &self.theme_set.themes["Default"] } } } pub fn get_syntax(&self, language: Option<&str>, filename: Option<&str>) -> &SyntaxDefinition { let syntax = match (language, filename) { (Some(language), _) => self.syntax_set.find_syntax_by_token(language), (None, Some(filename)) => { #[cfg(not(unix))] let may_read_from_file = true; // Do not peek at the file (to determine the syntax) if it is a FIFO because they can // only be read once. #[cfg(unix)] let may_read_from_file = !fs::metadata(filename) .map(|m| m.file_type().is_fifo()) .unwrap_or(false); if may_read_from_file { self.syntax_set .find_syntax_for_file(filename) .unwrap_or(None) } else { None } } (None, None) => None, }; syntax.unwrap_or_else(|| self.syntax_set.find_syntax_plain_text()) } } fn theme_set_path() -> PathBuf { PROJECT_DIRS.cache_dir().join("themes.bin") } fn syntax_set_path() -> PathBuf { PROJECT_DIRS.cache_dir().join("syntaxes.bin") } pub fn config_dir() -> Cow<'static, str> { PROJECT_DIRS.config_dir().to_string_lossy() } pub fn clear_assets() { print!("Clearing theme set cache ... "); fs::remove_file(theme_set_path()).ok(); println!("okay"); print!("Clearing syntax set cache ... "); fs::remove_file(syntax_set_path()).ok(); println!("okay"); }