= This is the document title
Author McAuthorson <author@author.org>

== Table of Content


== Paragraphs

This text will be styled as a lead paragraph with a larger font.

This is a normal paragraph.

 This is a literal paragraph that is offset by one space, 
 it will be rendered in a fixed-width font.

NOTE: This is an admonition paragraph

TIP: This is another admonition paragraph

== Formatted text

*bold text*

_italic text_

*_bold italic text_*

`monospace text`

`*bold monospace*`

`_italic monospace_`

`*_bold and italic monospace_*`

The following word is #highlighted#

The following words are [.small]#small print#

The following word is [.underline]#underlined#

The following word is [.line-through]#line-through#

The following word is [.big]#big#

The following word is printed in ^superscript^

The following word is printed in ~sub-script~

== Include


== Breaks
Here we have a +
line break.

Below is a horizontal rule.


And below here is a page break.


== Lists

* This is
* an unordered
* list
** with nested
*** elements


- This is also an
- unordered
- list


. And this is
. an ordered
. list
.. with nested
... elements


//* [*] checked
* [x] also checked
* [ ] not checked
*     normal list item


What is this?::
  This is a Q&A
And what is this?:: Also a Q&A

== Links
The following link will be created automatically: https://asciidoctor.org

.An image caption
image::not_existing.jpg[alt text]

.A video caption
video::not_existing.mp4[alt text]

== Source Code
The following word is `monospace`.

This is a literal block
where linebreaks are rendered

public class Example { // <1>
    private static boolean isExample = true; // <2>
<1> This is a callout
<2> This is another callout

== Misc

.A sidebar
This will be rendered like a sidebar

This is a random blockquote

[quote, Albert Einstein, 'Scientist']
This is not actually something Einstein said

// here we have a single line comment

and this is a
multiline comment

.A Table
|Header Column 1 |Header Column 2 |And the last header column
|Cell in col1
|Cell in col2
|Cell in col3

|Cell in col1, row2
|Cell in col2, row2
|Cell in col3, row2

.A Table from CSV
[%header, format=csv]
header col1, header col2, header col3
This,is the first, row
This, is the second, row