added tutorial to the documentation

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Nikolas Schmidt-Voigt 2021-11-04 22:41:54 +01:00
parent 73f76d9637
commit 6105810a8a

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@ -1,6 +1,109 @@
# Bartib
Bartib is a time tracker for the command line. It safes a journal of all tracked activities in a plaintext file.
Bartib is an easy to use time tracking tool for the command line. It safes a journal of all tracked activities in a plaintext file and allows you to create flexible reports.
## Tutorial
Alice is not chasing white rabbits any more. She has a real job now with real clients and project managers. Therefore, she has to keep track of how she uses the hours of her working day. See how she uses Bartib and learn how you can use too.
At 8:00 in the morning, Alices arives at the office. She got an email from her project manager who asks her to start working right away on _Urgent Task X_ on _Important Project A_. So Alice types on the command line:
~ $ bartib start -d "Urgent Task X" -p "Important Project"
And Bartib confirms:
Started activity: "Urgent Task X" (Important Project) at 2021-10-29 08:00
At 8:42 one of her colleagues drops by and they decide to have a coffee. As she cannot bill this time to her customers, Alice stops the running activity in Bartib:
~ $ bartib stop
Stopped activity: "Urgent Task X" (Important Project) started at 2021-10-29 08:43 (43m)
Almost 20 minutes later she is back at her desks and continues work:
~ $ bartib continue
Started activity: "Urgent Task X" (Important Project) at 2021-10-29 09:01
At 10:13 another email arrives: _Urgent Task X_ has to wait! Now _More Urgent Task Y_ from _Just Another Project B_ has to be carried out immediately.
Alices types:
~ $ bartib start -d "More Urgent Task Y" -p "Just Another Project B"
Stopped activity: "Urgent Task X" (Important Project) started at 2021-10-29 09:01 (1h 12m)
Started activity: "More Urgent Task Y" (Just Another Project B) at 2021-10-29 10:13
See how Bartib just stops the running activity when another one starts? No need to stop it manually.
It was a productive morning. After _More Urgent Task Y_ Alice worked on other projects and other taks, but now it is time for lunch and Alice lets Bartib list all the activities she tracked today until now:
~ $ bartib list --today
Started Stopped Description        Project                Duration
08:00   08:43   Urgent Task X      Important Project      43m     
09:01   10:13   Urgent Task X      Important Project      1h 12m     
10:13   10:35   More Urgent Task Y Just Another Project B 22m     
10:35  10:53   Urgent Task X      Important Project      18m     
10:53   11:45   Simple Task Z      Less Important Project 52m      
11:45   12:34   Boring Task XY     Internal Project C     49m    
After her lunch brake Alice wants to continue work on _More Urgent Task Y_. Instead of typing the task description and the project name again, she asks Bartib for a list of all the tasks she has recently worked on:
~ $ bartib last
#  Description        Project               
[3] More Urgent Task Y Just Another Project B
[2] Urgent Task X      Important Project     
[1] Simple Task Z      Less Important Project
[0] Boring Task XY     Internal Project C 
And she instructs Bartib to continue task #3:
~ $ bartib continue 3
Started activity: "More Urgent Task Y" (Just Another Project B) at 2021-10-29 12:52
A long working day continues. A quarter past seven it is finally time to go home. Alice stops her last activity and asks Bartib for a report:
~ $ bartib report --today
Important Project................................. 2h 43m
Another Task xyz.............................. 15m
Important Call with the Client................ 35m
Urgent Task X................................. 1h 53m
Internal Project C................................ 4h 30m
Another Meeting............................... 45m
Boring Task XY................................ 1h 15m
Long Meeting with Everyone from the Department 2h 30m
Just Another Project B............................ 45m
More Urgent Task Y............................ 45m
Less Important Project............................ 2h 27m
Simple Task No. 5............................. 1h 35m
Simple Task Z................................. 52m
Total............................................. 9h 25m
Another exciting day at the company for Alice! And thanks to Bartib tracking her time was breeze.
## Build