- I have read and understood the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/master/contributing.md) and the [instructions for creating a list](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/master/create-list.md).
- Include a short description about the project/theme of the list. **It should not describe the list itself.**<br>Example: `- [Fish](…) - User-friendly shell.`, not `- [Fish](…) - Resources for Fish.`.
- Be added at the bottom of the appropriate category.
- The list I'm submitting complies with these requirements:
- **Has been around for at least 30 days.**<br>That means 30 days from either the first real commit or when it was open-sourced. Whatever is most recent.
- It's the result of hard work and the best I could possibly produce.
- **Includes a succinct description of the project/theme at the top of the readme.** [(Example)](https://github.com/willempienaar/awesome-quantified-self)
- The repo should have `awesome-list`&`awesome` as [GitHub topics](https://help.github.com/articles/about-topics). I encourage you to add more relevant topics.